721 resultados para process of teaching and learning


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L'estudi de les formes d'organització de l'activitat conjunta en l'ensenyament de la col·laboració tàctica en els esports col·lectius en l'àmbit escolar mostra com a punts de referència teòrica, per un costat aportacions provinents de la psicologia de la instrucció, i per un altre costat aportacions provinents de la didàctica de l' ensenyament de l' educació física i l' esport. Pel que fa al camp de la psicologia, cal situar l'estudi de l'activitat conjunta en una perspectiva constructivista dels processos d'ensenyament i aprenentatge. Aquesta pren com a referents Piaget, Ausubel, ... i molt especialment les aportacions fetes des de la teoria sociohistòrica i cultural per Vigotsky i també per Bruner. Així, conceptes com "mediació semiòtica", "internalització", "intersubjectivitat" i "zona de desenvolupament pròxim" tenen un paper molt rellevant. El que ens interessa en aquest treball és saber com s'ho fan el professor i els alumnes per aconseguir que aquests últims construeixin el seu propi coneixement al voltant del contingut proposat. En aquest sentit les idees de Vigotsky, així com la metàfora de "la bastida" de Bruner, són d'una gran importància. Des del camp de l'ensenyament dels esports col·lectius han pres com a referència bàsica el model d'ensenyament a partir de la tàctica provinent dels treballs de Bunker i Thorpe sobre l'ensenyament "per a la comprensió dels esports col·lectius". Així mateix ens hem guiat per aportacions d'autors com Bayer, Castejón, Riera o DevÍs. Pel que fa al camp de la didàctica, les recerques de Pieron han tingut una influència considerable. Es proposa l'estudi del procés d'ensenyament i aprenentatge esportiu des de l'anàlisi de la "interacció educativa" i de la "influència pedagògica", i molt especialment des de la "interactivitat". En aquest marc destaquen els "mecanismes d'influència educativa", que operen en l'àmbit de la interactivitat i que permeten comprendre com el professor ajusta l'ajuda per afavorir la construcció de coneixement dels alumnes. El nostre treball estudia un dels dos mecanismes descrits pels treballs de Coll i els seus col·laboradors de la Universitat de Barcelona i també corroborats pels treballs dirigits per Vila (Universitat de Girona). En concret, el treball se centra en l'anàlisi del procés de cessió i traspàs de la responsabilitat i del control de l' aprenentatge del professor envers els alumnes. Per això s'empren els nivells i les unitats d'anàlisi proposades per aquests treballs: la seqüència didàctica, la sessió, els segments d'interactivitat i les configuracions de segments d'interactivitat. Així mateix, s'incorpora l'anàlisi de les característiques del contingut, tant pel que fa a la tipologia de les tasques com pel que fa als criteris d' organització i seqüenciació. Es manté la idea que l'organització de l'activitat conjunta entre el professor i els alumnes esta fortament influenciada per les característiques del contingut. Per dur a terme el treball s'ha realitzat una seqüència didàctica de 4 sessions amb 10 alumnes de segon cicle d'ensenyament primari de l' escola "Annexa-Joan Puigbert" de la ciutat de Girona. S'ha enregistrat amb vídeo i amb micròfons sense fils tot el que deien i feien tant el professor com els alumnes durant la seqüència d'ensenyament. Posteriorment s'han transcrit les dades a un "full de transcripció" . Hem analitzat les característiques de la seqüència, de les sessions i del contingut: número de tasques, tipus de tasques, elements que intervenen en les tasques, etc., així com la millora en el comportament tàctic dels alumnes. Igualment s'ha analitzat l'activitat conjunta mitjançant segments d'interactivitat i configuracions de segments d'interactivitat. S'ha estudiat l'evolució dels diferents segments, tant en quantitat com en temps emprat durant la seqüència. I també l'evolució de l'activitat conjunta en diferents tipus de tasques: tasques repetides, tasques-base i les respectives modificacions, etc. Això ens ha permès veure el paper del contingut en l'organització de l' activitat conjunta. Les dades obtingudes permeten corroborar les hipòtesis plantejades en el treball i que tenen a veure amb que: 1. És possible obtenir indicadors sobre el procés de cessió i traspàs del control i de la responsabilitat en una situació d'ensenyament i aprenentatge de la col·laboració tàctica en atac en la iniciació als esports col·lectius. Aquest procés és temporal, gradual i discontinu i no es produeix ni de forma absoluta ni definitiva. 2. És necessari considerar aquest mecanisme en relació amb un segon mecanisme descrit: la construcció d'un sistema cada vegada més ampli i més ric de significats compartits entre el professor i els alumnes al voltant del contingut. Ambdós mecanismes estan interrelacionats i són irreductibles tot i que és possible estudiar-los focalitzant l'atenció en un d'ells. 3. Es constata el paper fonamental del contingut, tant la tipologia com els criteris d'organització i seqüenciació, en l'organització de l'activitat conjunta. Dels resultats obtinguts se'n desprenen algunes conclusions finals que van referides, d'una banda a aspectes d'interès per a futures recerques en aquest camp, i d'altra banda, a aspectes d'interès per a les pràctiques educatives.


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RESUMO : Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da produção textual em relação a competência comunicativa escrita do aluno, identificando as características e verificando se as propostas teóricas sobre produção textual foram implementadas em sala de aula, de forma a possibilitar o aprendizado da escrita de maneira motivadora, preparando-o para realizar tarefas sobre distintos componentes da competência comunicativa em nível de palavra, frase e texto. Foi realizado um estudo quantitativo-qualitativo e para a coleta de dados, aplicamos um questionário, e logo em seguida damos início as atividades de produção textual com temas indicados tanto pela professora-investigadora como pelos próprios alunos os quais serviram de base para a análise temática. Esta análise foi feita levando em consideração as condições de produção propostas por Geraldi, a perspectiva interacionista da linguagem Bakhtiniana e a teoria sociointeracionista de Vigotsky. Seguimos também os caminhos da Análise do Discurso de Orlandi. A sequência de textos foi de gêneros diferenciados, porém aplicada a todas as turmas. ABSTRACT: This study aimed to analyze the process of teaching and learning of text production in relation to communicative competence student writing, identifying the characteristics and verifying the theoretical proposals on textual production have been implemented in the classroom, to enable the learning of written in a way motivating, and thus prepare them to perform tasks on different components of communicative competence of a word, phrase or text. We conducted a quantitative and qualitative study and exploratory. To collect data, a questionnaire was administered, and then the activities of writing (narration, description and essay) with themes identified by both the teacher-researcher as the students themselves, which served as the basis for thematic analysis.The analysis was made taking into consideration the production conditions proposed by Geraldi. We adopt the interactionist perspective of language Bakhtiniana and the theory of Vygotsky sociointeractionist. The following texts were of different genres, but applied to all classes.


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O interesse e a escolha do tema satisfação dos profissionais docentes acontece porque a satisfação profissional influencia por um lado o trabalhador ao nível da saúde e bem-estar, e por outro a organização, uma vez que associados à satisfação estão aspectos tão importantes como eficácia, produtividade, clima e abandono. No caso dos professores, o mal-estar vai afectar não só os docentes como também os alunos, influenciando assim negativamente o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O objectivo deste estudo consiste em identificar quais os factores que contribuem para a satisfação e insatisfação dos professores da Escola Conde de Oeiras, analisando também a influencia de variáveis sócio-demográficas como os anos de experiencia e o ciclo de ensino leccionado. Para tal foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: - o Questionário de Satisfação Profissional dos Professores (TJSQ); - e o Questionário de Satisfação Geral no Trabalho. Através dos resultados obtidos é possível concluir que, de uma forma geral os professores desta escola se encontram satisfeitos face à sua actividade profissional e que não a desejam abandonar, no entanto na dimensão recompensas pessoais existe algum mal-estar, confirmando assim a teoria de Herzeberg que afirma, que a insatisfação dos professores decorre de motivos sócio-políticos.


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Analisou-se a ação intervencionista do supervisor escolar no sistema municipal e estadual de educação do município de Caxias no Estado do Maranhão/Brasil para compreender o lugar que este profissional ocupa através de suas práticas intervencionistas nesse espaço escolar para perceber porque o supervisor escolar, sendo um profissional importante no processo de ensino e aprendizagem frequentemente é colocado à margem dos processos formativos que se estabelecem nesse sistema. A abordagem foi qualitativa com análise bibliográfica e documental do funcionamento do sistema estudado e revisão de literatura sobre as noções de supervisão, supervisão escolar, processos formativos e sistema educacional com base em autores como Ferreira (1999); Meneses (1977); Giancaterino (2010); Grinspun (2008), Lück (2008). Os dados coletados por meio da análise bibliográfica foram completados pela reflexão sobre a prática e questionários com educadores que atuam nas escolas observadas e entrevistas supervisores escolares no referido sistema. A pesquisa aponta que os supervisores têm ocupado lugares diferentes nos processos formativos que se desenvolvem no sistema municipal e estadual de educação dependendo das políticas educacionais na administração de cada momento permitindo inferir que no sistema estudado as políticas desenvolvidas se caracterizam mais como políticas de governo que políticas de estado.


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A preocupação central desta pesquisa foi compreendermos quais os saberes docentes que o professor de EJA mobiliza na organização do seu trabalho em sala de aula e a relevância desses saberes no cotidiano do aluno de Escolas Estaduais da cidade de Garanhuns, Pernambuco, Brasil. A pesquisa foi conduzida com 100 discentes da EJA que estudam em quatro escolas da referida cidade e com oito docentes que lecionam nas referidas Instituições. Procedeu-se à aplicação de um questionário validado e adaptado aos discentes e uma entrevista semi-estruturada aos docentes dessa modalidade. A análise dos dados quantitativos foi realizada por meio do programa SPSS; enquanto a análise dos dados qualitativos foi orientada pela análise de discurso. Os resultados evidenciaram a falta de formação profissional específica dos docentes para trabalhar com a EJA, bem como a necessidade de uma política educacional voltada para essa modalidade de ensino, visto que, apesar de a maioria dos professores recorrerem aos diferentes saberes adquiridos em sua trajetória, a educação de jovens e adultos ainda expressa um reflexo de exclusão e ideologia apresentando bastante dificuldade. Assim, sugere-se que muito se tem a evoluir para que toda a potencialidade utilizada a favor do ensino de jovens e adultos obtenha sucesso, tanto para construção das práticas pedagógicas de seus docentes quanto para a facilitação do processo de ensino-aprendizagem com os alunos.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar o papel das tecnologias de informação e comunicação nas estratégias pedagógicas do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, segundo a percepção dos agentes, docente e discente, em curso superior de tecnologia da área de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas ofertado nas modalidades presencial e a distância. Para alcançar o objetivo foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, operacionalizada por meio de um estudo de caso. As pesquisas teóricas foram em temáticas que conduzissem o pesquisador ao entendimento do assunto e assim subsidiar a ida ao campo. Destacam-se na pesquisa teórica: a educação; os cursos superiores de tecnologia, a partir das suas regulamentações e abrangência; o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, investigando as principais teorias e estratégias presentes nos cursos; e as tecnologias de informação e comunicação, com enfoque especial às voltadas para a educação. A pesquisa empírica ocorreu por meio de um estudo de caso em um curso de uma instituição de ensino superior da região metropolitana de São Paulo que oferece cursos de tecnologia na área de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, dentre outros: Marketing, Logística, Recursos Humanos e Processos Gerenciais. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas, com roteiro semi-estruturado, e as estratégias utilizadas para análise foram a Narrativa e a Análise de Conteúdo. Para uma compreensão do assunto foram entrevistados docentes e discentes, do mesmo curso, das duas modalidades: presencial e a distância. As entrevistas foram feitas face a face e pela mesma pessoa, o pesquisador do presente estudo, na região metropolitana de São Paulo e foram posteriormente transcritas para análise. Foram realizadas 28 entrevistas. O resultado possibilitou inferir que há uma convergência de ações implementadas na educação a distância para a educação presencial como a intensificação do uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, as quais têm importante papel desde a estratégia para elaboração de uma aula até a devolutiva ao discente.


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A ansiedade é um dos conceitos mais importantes dentro da Psicologia. Uma grande quantidade de trabalhos experimentais tratando sobre os efeitos da ansiedade-de-teste, tem sido conduzida. A discussão sobre ansiedade-de-teste e sua relação com o desempenho acadêmico deve ser precedida por uma elucidação do conceito de ansiedade. Este conceito tem sido interpretado de diferentes formas pelas várias escolas de pensamento na Psicologia e Filosofia. Os dois primeiros capítulos deste trabalho são dedicados à uma apresentação dos vários conceitos de ansiedade e de teorias que consideramos importantes que abordam o assunto. A seguir, passamos a descrever a análise experimental que foi realizada com o objetivo de detectar os efeitos da ansiedade-de-teste no desempenho e verificar os resultados da manipulação da variável tempo limitado e da magnitude do "stress", na relação estudada. Grande parte da literatura sobre ansiedade tem sublinhado que a influência desta sobre o comportamento é bastante complexa. A pesquisa aqui reportada se baseia nas investigações de Spielberger que focalizam a relação entre o desempenho do estudante e seu nível de ansiedade. Como Spielberger, julgamos ser necessário controlar as variáveis dificuldade da tarefa e inteligência dos sujeitos. Com base nos resultados encontrados, concluímos que uma série de outros aspectos devem ser considerados, tais como elaboração da prova, matéria envolvida, experiências anteriores dos alunos, imagem do professor etc. Busca-se conhecer a natureza da ansiedade-de-teste e encontrar formas efetivas para controlar este tipo específico de ansiedade, de maneira a aparelhar melhor os alunos para lidarem com ele. É necessário também que os educadores tomem conhecimento das características e implicações da ansiedade-de-teste, de forma que sejam capazes de tirar partido dela e consigam minimizar seus efeitos negativos no processo ensino-aprendizagem.


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This thesis talks about the use of guided educational tools in play and playful in public schools in the Metropolitan Region of Natal (MRN), contributing to the teaching and students learning of basic education in the contents of portuguese and mathematics. We assume that the play is an activity / human need and therefore implies the proper development of children in physical, psychological, biological, cultural, social and historical aspects. We consider the mediation exercised by the teacher in the classroom, and the affection existing between teacher and student, sine qua non terms, so that the truth and fact of the process of teaching and learning occur. Thus, theoretically collaborated Paulo Freire, with his dialogical vision; Lev S. Vygotsky says that we learn and why we develop; Lev S. Vygotsky that states that we learn and for that we develop ourselves; Pierre Bourdieu and the concept of habitus, as something embedded and therefore procedural, and the cultural capital that needs to be fed and (re)meaning at school; Luiz Pereira, Bernard Lahire, Gilles Brougère and others brought their theoretical contributions. The empirical field of research was composed by the Municipal School Professor Ulysses de Góis, located in the neighborhood of Nova Descoberta in Natal, and the Municipal School José Horacio de Góis, located in the community of Guanduba, in São Gonçalo do Amarante, municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Natal (MRN). We used as methodology the collaborative-action-research as a possible of effective participation of the research subjects, imputing them a voice and performance in the process, and not considering them just observers. The results indicate the effectiveness of the pedagogical tools in play and playful to the learning of students, but that alone is not able to solve all the problems of the school, other referrals need to be secured, as the planning of the actions to be developed in the school and in the classroom, systematized pedagogical orienttion for faculty, family participation/involvement in the school life of students, among other actions that need to be weighted so that education fulfills its role and promote the emancipation of the subject, because in the freireana liberating perspective, "the reading of the world preced the lecture of the word"


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This collaborative research is a qualitative approach, from historical and cultural perspective, made about a teacher of third grade of basic education in the area of history, in the municipality of Caicó / RN. It has as objective to investigate, in a collaborative action, if the design process of teaching and learning the discipline of history based on the relationship before / after allows the development of critical reflective thinking of the teacher in school practices. The theoretical and methodological approaches are supported in the postulates of Vygotsky (1998), Rubinstein (1973) and Linblinskaia (1979), among others, whose understanding has led us to reflect if the teacher develops the reflective critical-thinking in history discipline classes. The complexity of the study led us to an analysis exercise, using different methodological procedures, such as: bibliographic review of the literature, considering also the literature of the history area, interviews, observation in the classroom, video recordings and reflective sessions, enabling clarify the construction and reconstruction of thought that the teacher had been developing during the process of teaching and learning. The test results point to a dichotomy between theory and practice, and also to a certain fragility in the position of professor in teaching and learning the discipline of history, at the third grade of basic education. The teacher recognizes that she requires a theoretical deepening with more intensity, as a process of continuous training to improve the practice of teaching in history school, though, stating in her speech that her teaching practice is based on critical reflection. However, she presents serious limitations in classroom practices. We conclude that, although she has shown willing to work on a critical perspective of reality, showed also poor change at school practices, starting to reflect about her own actions, pointing her limits and the changes needed that didn t become reality yet. It s necessary a formative process for her. The study therefore showed that even with the sessions and reflective of deepening theoretical studies, the teacher does not change its profile, while maintaining its traditional vision in any pedagogical action. This research recommends the formation of school groups for further studies and discussion on the practices of education in history area from a reflective-critical thought perspective as a mean of personal and professional development


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This work makes a documental analise about the relationship between families of Down syndrome students and professionals of who teach them, in order to improve the process of developing teaching-learning, in an inclusive perspective. For this, we use a qualitative approach, because we believe that the object of research is not a passive and neutral knowledge, since it has meanings and relationships whose can be better interpreted and understood by the researcher in a real and active situation. For the development of this research, a bibliographical review was made about the subject, and a case studied in two regular education schools, both of them at the city of Natal/RN, one public and another one particular. We work on these educational institutions with professionals and parents of Down syndrome students. As an instrument of building information we used a semi-structured interview and to analise the results a qualitative method. Crossing the stages, we noticed: the pedagogical coordinators who made up both analyzed schools showed interest about doing an effective work with parents, regardless of Educational Policy Project of each school, predict or not the participation on educational undertaken process; On teachers discourses, reporting the relationship with the family, we realize that one of those teachers try to keep a good relationship with parents, permeated by learning exchanges, guidance and knowledge, in relation to another one, even existing an apparent openness to dialogue, when parents have any suggestions or criticism, that attitude is not always well coming. From the parents interviews, we can emphasize, first of all, that both of them recognize the benefits of inclusion, with regard to socialization - in general from the coexistence with pairs and the process of teaching and learning, as shown in a consistent way. Regarding school meetings with teachers, the studied parents agree about importance of such appointments and try to attend them, besides the other events organized by the school, beyond keeping individual touch with the teacher, when necessary. They are always present, looking for get envolved in everything that happens at school, in order to know better what is being done, listening and may suggest alternatives to improving the educational process. We perceive, from the study undertaken, that although the school inclusion is not an easy process to be built, is something that could be achieved. For this, is necessary that professionals of education and families recognize their functions in the educational process and act jointly on this direction


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This dissertation investigated the insert and use of the education technologies in the on-line social net Orkut, as an extension of the classroom, especially for debates. With that experience accomplished in a discipline of a Brazilian public institution of higher education, it was tried to go beyond the use of the atmosphere for entertainment and to look Orkut as a tool of assistance to the process of teaching and learning. The research was based in the Paulo Freire´s communication concept and in the Célestin Freinet´s school cooperation concept. In this dissertation, in methodological terms, was adopted the category of the qualitative research. The adopted method was a combination of case´s study with research-action. The technique was the application of questionnaires, the collect of data was personal and the types of data were primary. Finally, introduces, then, prognostics about the future of the on-line social nets and finally suggest the formation of academicals on-line social networks


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The thesis investigated how social networks online that allows anonymous postings can be used by teachers and students to promote the meeting between the sexual education and the needs and expectations of young people face a crosscutting theme, remarkably a taboo. It needs teaching strategies more efficient than those traditionally defended. With this experience, found in a short course about sexuality and health, we sought to go beyond the use of social networks for social entertainment, showing they can be an field that favors the process of teaching and learning. The research was based on the convergence of the communication concepts from Paulo Frere and another from Jürgen Habermas, as well as the philosophical concepts of utopia, ideology and dialectic are interrelated not only among themselves, but also inside an education field. Methodologically in this thesis, we adopted the category of qualitative research; the method is a combination of case study with action research. The technique was the use of questionnaires, data collection was in attendance and the types of data were primary. Finally, we present, then, the idea the communication is not in the middle, but in the trusty relationship established between the interlocutors. In this way, we can think when a student has met their need to be able answer his questions about sex with their teacher through an online social network that allows anonymity and through which the student knows who responds is their teacher, but the teacher can not distinguish the identity of his students, this dialogic relationship serves to get claims of the validity that are characterized as potential communicative action


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Since the enactment of LDBEN 9.9394/96, Physical Education began to be understood as a curricular component in school. Thus, we see the need for systematization of content. We observed that the physical education classes at the public schools in Natal/RN from the game content, teachers did not use the existing proposals for systematization. And it was on this reality that the study occurred, aiming to present and discuss a proposal to systematization the game content in physical education classes in elementary and secondary education. Accordingly, we departed of following question: What possibilities of systematization of the game content in school physical education classes?. The methodology used was the action research, which allowed us to structure the intervention plan for the game content, directed to a reflective didactic process. The dialogue with action research provided an opportunity to understand of the proposal of systematization, the knowledge of game content, the planning and process of teaching and learning in physical education lessons developed. We use the proposed systematization the book Educação Física Escolar e Organização Curricular , to direct and organize the lesson plans. As research technique, we use the participant observation, filming, photographic records and field diary, guiding us in the debates and discussions about the field of research. The applications of the lesson plans were carried out in three schools, all located in Natal / RN: Escola Municipal Professora Ivonete Maciel, Escola Municipal Professor Ulisses de Góis e Professor Escola Estadual Josino Macedo. The members of this study were students PIBID-EF-UFRN, teachers, supervisors and school. They made the bridge between research and action, theoretical foundation and pedagogical practice, university and school. The results were advanced for beyond the propositions submitted by the above-mentioned book. For the Elementary School 1, the proposed systematization broadened experiences and learning of knowledge of the game and of playful and body manifestations. Provided an opportunity to know and learn about game of make account, rules, popular games, cooperative games, among others. For Elementary Schools 2 and Middle education, systematized lessons allowed the practical, the incorporation of knowledge of the game and its features: such as rules, origin, meaning of the name, different denominations, among others. The students experienced and learned, popular games, pre-sport games, cooperative games, with recycled material, among others. The treatment from three dimensions of contents: procedural, conceptual and attitudinal, occurred parallel to approach the game content, and in conjunction with our interventions, not being done separately during practice, but an ongoing process during class. This new perspective of work the game, in a systematized way, with applying, description and discussion the activities, allowed elaborate a summary framework of thematizations for game content, by year of teaching


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Furthered mainly by new technologies, the expansion of distance education has created a demand for tools and methodologies to enhance teaching techniques based on proven pedagogical theories. Such methodologies must also be applied in the so-called Virtual Learning Environments. The aim of this work is to present a planning methodology based on known pedagogical theories which contributes to the incorporation of assessment in the process of teaching and learning. With this in mind, the pertinent literature was reviewed in order to identify the key pedagogical concepts needed to the definition of this methodology and a descriptive approach was used to establish current relations between this conceptual framework and distance education. As a result of this procedure, the Contents Map and the Dependence Map were specified and implemented, two teaching tools that promote the planning of a course by taking into account assessment still in this early stage. Inserted on Moodle, the developed tools were tested in a course of distance learning for practical observation of the involved concepts. It could be verified that the methodology proposed by the above-mentioned tools is in fact helpful in course planning and in strengthening educational assessment, placing the student as central element in the process of teaching and learning


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The Federal Government through its Plans and Programs invests in various policies intended to achieve the main goal of the millennium, provide basic education for all. Among them, we highlight in this paper The National Textbook Program, with emphasis on Complementary Works. These works are presented through different genres, such as poems, poetry, short stories, parables, novels, literature, educational materials etc.. providing a range of possible teaching work. However, little is known about the levels of education of teachers as intended. Based on the discussions and studies in this direction, sparked concerns us in the process of teaching and learning in math classes. This made us pay attention to a possibility of study where reading could be included in this process. In this sense, the present study aims at investigating the potential of conceptual and didactic use of Complementary Works on developing the skills of reading and writing mathematics of the first three years of elementary school, and from there, propose a courseware with guidelines for use of these works by teachers of 1st to 3rd year of elementary school. For this, we outline the issues of reading and understanding of mathematical interests as those of our study. In this sense, the proposal was built from the bibliographic works that address the contributions of reading for learning mathematical content, like Machado (2001), Nacarato (2009); Dantas (2011), Smole and Diniz ( 2001). As a result, we created the Guidance for the use of Complementary Works for Teachers to Teach Mathematics with a view to support the practice of teachers and future teachers who teach mathematics. Supported the use of Complementary Works, especially those distributed in public schools by the National Textbook - PNLD and have mathematical content, this guide is intended to present some of the possible use of this feature in math classes. (Education Observatory - Capes / INEP. Ed. 038-2010. TELL Research Group - UFRN - PPGED / PPGEL / PPGECNM - PROPESQ)