969 resultados para participatory democracy


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Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)


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This paper advocates strategies, processes and practices that enable: livelihoods approaches rather than resource-based approaches, ‘direct’ institutional and policy development, rather than ‘project demonstrations’, and support for regional, national and local communications. (Pdf contains 12 pages).


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Established in early 2002, STREAM Vietnam has so far attained a number of good experiences and lessons in using participatory approaches for its work. The Country Office has been able to link to a wide range of stakeholders, and is working hard to build close relationships amongst them, so that institutional entities can better support the livelihoods of poor aquatic resources users, and support disadvantaged groups of people to improve their living standards by themselves. Reservoir fisheries and co-management are at early stage in Vietnam, but in certain places and industries co-management has brought about successful results by involving proactive participation of communities. Situated on the same continent and having many similarities, the interaction in agriculture and fisheries sector between Vietnam and Sri Lanka has brought the two countries closer. Being members of the STREAM family, there are great opportunities for exchange of experiences and lessons towards sustainable management of reservoir resources. (PDF has 11 pages.)


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The aims of this paper are twofold. Firstly to characterise rural poverty and to give a broad overview of the agro-ecological, climatic and socio-economic conditions in Sri Lanka which shape poverty. Secondly to present the methodology employed to screen suitable field research areas and the techniques subsequently used to carry out Rapid Rural Appraisal in two upper-watersheds villages. Also presented are details of a concurrent stakeholder analysis that aimed to investigate the capacity of secondary stakeholders to promote sustainable aquatic resource development and to invite their participation in the formulation of a participatory research agenda.[PDF contains 58 pages]


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Este trabalho utilizou modelos de nível misto para estimar as avaliações da democracia a partir de dados do documento Wave 6 do European Social Survey. Foram utilizadas novas medidas de expectativas democráticas acerca de eleições e sistemas partidários, juntamente com o item "satisfação com a democracia”, para testar os efeitos de regras eleitorais sobre a percepção da democracia.


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Managing protected areas implies dealing with complex social-ecological systems where multiple dimensions (social, institutional, economic and ecological) interact over time for the delivery of ecosystem services. Uni-dimensional and top-down management approaches have been unable to capture this complexity. Instead, new integrated approaches that acknowledge the diversity of social actors in the decision making process are required. In this paper we put forward a novel participatory assessment approach which integrates multiple methodologies to reflect different value articulating institutions in the case of a Natura 2000 network site in the Basque Country. It integrates within a social multi-criteria evaluation framework, both the economic values of ecosystem services through a choice experiment model and ecological values by means of a spatial bio-geographic assessment. By capturing confronting social and institutional conflicts in protected areas the participatory integrated assessment approach presented here can help decision makers for better planning and managing Natura 2000 sites.


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In recent years, participatory approaches have been incorporated in decision-making processes as a way to strengthen the bonds between diverse areas of knowledge and social actors in natural resources management and environmental governance. Despite the favourable context, this paradigm shift is still in an early stage within the development of the Natura 2000 in the European Union, the largest network of protected areas in the world. To enhance the full scope of participatory approaches in this context, this article: (i) briefly reviews the role of participatory approaches in environmental governance, (ii) develops a common framework to evaluate such participatory processes in protected area management, (iii) applies this framework to a real case study, and (iv) based on the lessons learned, provides guidance to improve the future governance of Natura 2000 sites.


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After several years of surveys on the Kainji Lake fisheries activities by the Nigerian German Kainji Lake Fish promotion Project (KLFPP) trends regarding catches, yield and other parameter begin to emerge. However, it became obvious that some of the data were not quite as accurate as they were believed to be. Looking at the different editions of the statistical bulletin of Kainji Lake, concerning one given fisheries parameter, sometimes it is possible to reveal inconsistencies and unexplained trends. As compared to the survey method, PRA is primarily for analysis of differences in local phenomenon and processes. Therefore, PRA was used as a complementary tool to enhance the knowledge on issues like fisher women, entrepreneurs, gear ownership structure, mode of operation by owners of large gear number, preference in the use of twine and nylon gill nets, and reasons for misinformation on the number of fishing equipment owned by entrepreneurs, which cannot be done with frame survey. PRA techniques like timeline, mapping, seasonal calendar, transect walk and key informant interviews were utilized in the study process


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This report represents the key output of a training workshop hosted by Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project (LVFRP) for researchers from each of the riparian countries fisheries research institutes. The workshop aimed to train the researchers in participatory research techniques which they could use to undertake a study of community-based institutions and organizations which could potentially be involved in fisheries co-management. A central focus of the workshop was a study to identify the community-based organizations and institutions, which operated at Kiumba beach, and this study is reported here. Separate reports, which include operated at Kiumba beach and this study is reported here. Separate reports, which include details of the training process and the participatory methods used, are available (Sarch 1995, 2000). The report centers on the information generated from the participatory pilot study conducted by the workshop participants and the community at Kiumba Beach over the course of a week in March 2000. Ranges of participatory research techniques were used and the discussion and diagrams, which resulted from them, form the basis of this report. The workshop participants undertook a preliminary analysis of these findings and this has been synthesized at the end of this report. (PDF contains 55 pages)


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Since the beginning of human relations, some of the more ambitious and more capable members of society have by various means found and practiced methods of exploiting the efforts of their fellowmen to their own personal interest. These individuals have been naturally gifted at organization and control and have been able to dominate their slower, less mentally active associates. It is a cumulative process, once having been started the act of further subjugation becoming easier and easier as the clever person gets more and more control over the other.


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In the ashes of political and socio-economic collapse, social movements sometimes rise like a phoenix. Little more than a year has passed since the Tunisian uprisings, the spark that ignited a series of “mobilizations of the indignant” that spread like wildfire around the world. Many observers have reported on these unprecedented global protests. They have portrayed citizens who declare feeling marginalized if not scapegoated, and who reject the increasing inequalities between rich and poor, the declining mobility of most, and the “disclassment” of many. They have shown, as well, massive protests against governments and politicians that are perceived as indifferent at best, duplicitous at worst, and in any event as blatantly closed to popular concerns. Many journalists have indeed asked what took so long for people to protest given this fatal combination. For the social scientist, however, the questions of who, why and how mobilizes are not so simple. There are specific problematics of mediation between structure, culture and individual or collective agency that need to be addressed.


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A retomada do processo de acumulação de capital no pós-crise dos anos 1970 demandou profundas alterações no capitalismo mundial, que se traduziram, fundamentalmente, em uma nova estratégia (autointitulada) de desenvolvimento que disputasse a hegemonia teórica, ideológica, política e econômica com o keynesianismo. Esta nova estratégia, denominada neoliberal (e o receituário de políticas dela resultante) foi amplamente difundida nos países da periferia do capitalismo mundial. O neoliberalismo, por um lado, mostrou-se incapaz de retomar o crescimento/desenvolvimento econômico com distribuição de renda e, por outro lado, aprofundou a dependência dos países periféricos em relação aos centros do capitalismo mundial, pela via da intensificação da superexploração da força de trabalho. Nesse contexto, ao final do século XX, se estabeleceu uma crise do neoliberalismo (ainda que não se trate de uma derrota) que, em grandes linhas, colocou em xeque tais políticas e teve, como consequência, a subida ao poder de vários governos na região latino-americana que foram eleitos a partir do descontentamento social com seus resultados. Na Venezuela, mais especificamente, o projeto de transformações proposto para o país no pós-1999 é manifestação de rechaço ao neoliberalismo. Como o cenário histórico para compreensão dos conflitos, que resultaram na constituição de um projeto de sociedade anti-hegemônico na Venezuela (a hegemonia do povo) nos últimos anos, remonta ao marco da inserção do país no capitalismo dependente e periférico, é possível afirmar que as transformações pós-1999 transitaram da constituição de um projeto antineoliberal para uma proposta anticapitalista (o chamado Socialismo do Século XXI). Esse projeto de transformações não está, entretanto, isento de contradições e limites (internos e externos). Em que pese essa afirmação, o capítulo mais recente da trajetória histórica de constituição da sociedade venezuelana possui inequívocos avanços, capitaneados pelo papel central que assume o Estado. Este, ao retomar o efetivo controle sobre os recursos petroleiros em benefício da maioria da população, promove progressos em direção a consolidação da soberania nacional, da justiça social e também da constituição de uma democracia participativa e protagônica.