755 resultados para need for cognition
Using comprehensive administrative data on France's single largest financialaid program, this paper provides new evidence on the impact of large-scaleneed-based grant programs on the college enrollment decisions, persistenceand graduation rates of low-income students. We exploit sharp discontinuitiesin the grant eligibility formula to identify the impact of aid on student outcomesat different levels of study. We find that eligibility for an annual cashallowance of 1,500 euros increases college enrollment rates by up to 5 percentagepoints. Moreover, we show that need-based grants have positive effectson student persistence and degree completion.
En Suisse, le nombre de filles et de femmes migrantes excisées au cours de leur enfance dans leur pays d'origine ou menacées de mutilations génitales rituelles est estimé à 6-7000. Les professionnels de la santé en tant qu'interlocuteurs privilégiés doivent donc être en mesure de répondre aux questions y relatives, non seulement durant l'adolescence, mais aussi dans toutes les phases de la vie. L'absence d'information ou de transmission par des aînées aussi bien avant l'excision qu'au moment de la maturité sexuelle en fait souvent un événement biographique traumatisant. Arrivées en Suisse, le décalage entre les attentes socioculturelles et familiales et le vécu individuel, influencé par le pays d'accueil, peut s'avérer particulièrement difficile à vivre pour les jeunes filles concernées. In Switzerland, the estimated number of survivors after traditional female genital mutilation in the country of origin or girls and adult women at risk is 6-7000. Health professionals must be able to respond adequately to their questions not only during adolescence but through out the different periods of life. The lack of information or transmission by the seniors as well before the excision as at the time of sexual maturity contributes in a large measure to the frequent biographic trauma. It can be very difficult for the girls to deal with the gap between socio cultural and family expectations and their individual life experience in Switzerland.
PURPOSE: To investigate the rhythm and predictability of the need for retreatment with intravitreal injections of ranibizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD). METHODS: This prospective study enrolled 39 patients with treatment-naïve nAMD. After three loading doses of intravitreal ranibizumab, patients underwent an intensified follow-up for 12 months (initially weekly, then with stepwise increases to every 2 weeks and to monthly after each injection). Patients were retreated on an as-needed basis if any fluid or increased central retinal thickness (CRT) (>50 μm) was found on spectral domain optical coherence tomography (OCT). Statistical analysis included patients who received at least two retreatments (five injections). RESULTS: A mean of 7.5 injections (range 0-12) were given between months 3 and 15. The mean visual acuity increased by 13.1 and 12.6 ETDRS letters at months 12 and 15 respectively. Two or more injection-retreatment intervals were found in 31 patients. The variability of their intra-individual intervals up to 14 weeks was small (SD 0-2.13 weeks), revealing a high regularity of the retreatment rhythm. The SD was correlated with the mean interval duration (r = 0.89, p < 0.001). The first interval was a good predictor of the following intervals (regression coefficient =0.81). One retreatment criterion was stable in 97 % of patients (cysts or subretinal fluid). CONCLUSION: The results of this study demonstrate a high intra-individual predictability of retreatment need with ranibizumab injections for nAMD. These findings may be helpful for developing individualized treatment plans for maintained suppression of disease activity with a minimum of injections and visits.
La necesidad de descodificar los significados inherentes al paisaje, la interactuación sociedadpaisaje (comunicación intra e interpersonal) y, más recientemente, los usos de paisaje a modo de aparador territorial mediático en el ámbito, por ejemplo, de la comunicación publicitaria, del citymarketing o del place branding (comunicación masiva), sirven para plantear el estudio de lo que, de algún modo, representa la persuasión del paisaje, la cual incluye claros tintes emocionales y simbólicos y, por tanto, también comunicacionales. El paisaje en su condición de imagen y/o rostro del territorio acumula la esencia del mensaje implícito en el espacio, posicionándose, de este modo, como la gran metáfora comunicativa de la ciudad. En este sentido, el trabajo de comunicación específico con el intangible paisajístico, unido a la reciente explosión de las denominadas geografías emocionales, plantea una teoría del mensaje territorial basada en la unión de las variables geografía, paisaje, emoción y comunicación. Históricamente, de los estudios de paisaje se han ocupado los geógrafos, arquitectos, historiadores, sociólogos o ambientólogos, entre muchos otros, sin embargo, el paisaje se ha mantenido poco explorado desde la perspectiva de la comunicación. En este sentido, es notoria la proliferación de análisis que ponen el acento en el papel que desarrolla el territorio como mediador de procesos de comunicación o en el estudio de procesos de retroalimentación entre la sociedad y sus espacios (cognición y/o percepción). El actual mercadeo identitario con los lugares se concreta en la creciente producción de marcas territoriales, las cuales acumulan, en los últimos tiempos, un importante protagonismo.
AIMS: The aim of the study was to explore whether the concept of heavy substance use over time can be used as definition of substance use disorder. METHODS: Narrative review. RESULTS: Heavy use over time clearly underlies the neurobiological changes associated with current thinking of substance use disorders. In addition, there is evidence that heavy use over time can explain the majority of social problems and of burden of disease (morbidity and mortality). A definition of substance use disorders via heavy use over time would avoid some of the problems of current conceptualizations, for instance the cultural specificity of concepts such as loss of control. Finally, stressing the continuum of use may avoid the high level of stigmatization currently associated with substance use disorders. CONCLUSION: 'Heavy substance use over time' seems to be a definition of substance use disorders in line with results of basic research and epidemiology. Additionally, it reduces stigmatization. This approach should thus be further explored.
Asked to comment on a collective discussion paper by Jennifer L. Mnookin et al., this Commentary identifies difficulties the authors encountered in defining or agreeing on the subject matter "forensic science" and its perceived deficiencies. They conclude that there is a need for a research culture, whereas this Commentary calls for the development of a forensic science culture through the development of forensic science education fed by research dedicated to forensic science issues. It is a call for a change of emphasis and, perhaps, of paradigm.
The objective of this paper is to discuss whether children have a capacity for deonticreasoning that is irreducible to mentalizing. The results of two experiments point tothe existence of such non-mentalistic understanding and prediction of the behaviourof others. In Study 1, young children (3- and 4-year-olds) were told different versionsof classic false-belief tasks, some of which were modified by the introduction of a ruleor a regularity. When the task (a standard change of location task) included a rule, theperformance of 3-year-olds, who fail traditional false-belief tasks, significantly improved.In Study 2, 3-year-olds proved to be able to infer a rule from a social situation and touse it in order to predict the behaviour of a character involved in a modified versionof the false-belief task. These studies suggest that rules play a central role in the socialcognition of young children and that deontic reasoning might not necessarily involvemind reading.
Iowa agriculture depends on anhydrous ammonia as a low-cost form of nitrogen fertilizer on 61 percent of Iowa’s 12.4 million acres of corn. Now we find a threat to that source of nutrient—the theft of anhydrous ammonia for use in making a powerful, illegal narcotic called methamphetamine. Naturally, the fertilizer industry is outraged by the illegal and illicit use of our products. We want to play a role in preventing abuse in the future. By raising awareness, knowing how to respond and using the Meth Inhibitor, fertilizer dealers can assist law enforcement in combating this illicit use of a product important to Iowa farmers.
The first part of a three year plan to evaluate and recommend improvements to Iowa's Juvenile Courts.
A report of a one year assessment of Iowa's Juvenile Courts handling of Child in Need of Assistance cases and a plan for improvement.
A plan for improvement of Iowa's Juvenile Courts handling of Child in Need of Assistance cases. A brief report focusing on just the plan for improvement pulled from the main report: A Study of Iowa's Court Performance in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases and Plan for Improvement.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Credit Card Offers: What You Need to Know