999 resultados para mesh: Software


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A customer reported problem (or Trouble Ticket) in software maintenance is typically solved by one or more maintenance engineers. The decision of allocating the ticket to one or more engineers is generally taken by the lead, based on customer delivery deadlines and a guided complexity assessment from each maintenance engineer. The key challenge in such a scenario is two folds, un-truthful (hiked up) elicitation of ticket complexity by each engineer to the lead and the decision of allocating the ticket to a group of engineers who will solve the ticket with in customer deadline. The decision of allocation should ensure Individual and Coalitional Rationality along with Coalitional Stability. In this paper we use game theory to examine the issue of truthful elicitation of ticket complexities by engineers for solving ticket as a group given a specific customer delivery deadline. We formulate this problem as strategic form game and propose two mechanisms, (1) Division of Labor (DOL) and (2) Extended Second Price (ESP). In the proposed mechanisms we show that truth telling by each engineer constitutes a Dominant Strategy Nash Equilibrium of the underlying game. Also we analyze the existence of Individual Rationality (IR) and Coalitional Rationality (CR) properties to motivate voluntary and group participation. We use Core, solution concept from co-operative game theory to analyze the stability of the proposed group based on the allocation and payments.


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Today 80 % of the content on the Web is in English, which is spoken by only 8% of the World population and 5% of Indian population. There is wealth of useful content in the various languages of the world other than English, which can be made available on the Internet. But, to date, for various reasons most of it is not yet available on the Internet. India itself has 18 officially recognized languages and scores of dialects. Although the medium of instruction for most of the higher education and research in India is English, substantial amount of literature by way of novels, textbooks, scholarly information are being generated in the other languages in the country. Many of the e-governance initiatives are in the respective state languages. In the past, support for different languages by the operating systems and the software packages were not very encouraging. However, with the advent of Unicode technology, operating systems and software packages are supporting almost all the major languages of the world that have scripts. In the work reported in this paper, we have explained the configuration changes that are needed for Eprints.org software to store multilingual content and to create a multilingual user interface.


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Software transactional memory (STM) has been proposed as a promising programming paradigm for shared memory multi-threaded programs as an alternative to conventional lock based synchronization primitives. Typical STM implementations employ a conflict detection scheme, which works with uniform access granularity, tracking shared data accesses either at word/cache line or at object level. It is well known that a single fixed access tracking granularity cannot meet the conflicting goals of reducing false conflicts without impacting concurrency adversely. A fine grained granularity while improving concurrency can have an adverse impact on performance due to lock aliasing, lock validation overheads, and additional cache pressure. On the other hand, a coarse grained granularity can impact performance due to reduced concurrency. Thus, in general, a fixed or uniform granularity access tracking (UGAT) scheme is application-unaware and rarely matches the access patterns of individual application or parts of an application, leading to sub-optimal performance for different parts of the application(s). In order to mitigate the disadvantages associated with UGAT scheme, we propose a Variable Granularity Access Tracking (VGAT) scheme in this paper. We propose a compiler based approach wherein the compiler uses inter-procedural whole program static analysis to select the access tracking granularity for different shared data structures of the application based on the application's data access pattern. We describe our prototype VGAT scheme, using TL2 as our STM implementation. Our experimental results reveal that VGAT-STM scheme can improve the application performance of STAMP benchmarks from 1.87% to up to 21.2%.


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Precision, sophistication and economic factors in many areas of scientific research that demand very high magnitude of compute power is the order of the day. Thus advance research in the area of high performance computing is getting inevitable. The basic principle of sharing and collaborative work by geographically separated computers is known by several names such as metacomputing, scalable computing, cluster computing, internet computing and this has today metamorphosed into a new term known as grid computing. This paper gives an overview of grid computing and compares various grid architectures. We show the role that patterns can play in architecting complex systems, and provide a very pragmatic reference to a set of well-engineered patterns that the practicing developer can apply to crafting his or her own specific applications. We are not aware of pattern-oriented approach being applied to develop and deploy a grid. There are many grid frameworks that are built or are in the process of being functional. All these grids differ in some functionality or the other, though the basic principle over which the grids are built is the same. Despite this there are no standard requirements listed for building a grid. The grid being a very complex system, it is mandatory to have a standard Software Architecture Specification (SAS). We attempt to develop the same for use by any grid user or developer. Specifically, we analyze the grid using an object oriented approach and presenting the architecture using UML. This paper will propose the usage of patterns at all levels (analysis. design and architectural) of the grid development.


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Three dimensional digital model of a representative human kidney is needed for a surgical simulator that is capable of simulating a laparoscopic surgery involving kidney. Buying a three dimensional computer model of a representative human kidney, or reconstructing a human kidney from an image sequence using commercial software, both involve (sometimes significant amount of) money. In this paper, author has shown that one can obtain a three dimensional surface model of human kidney by making use of images from the Visible Human Data Set and a few free software packages (ImageJ, ITK-SNAP, and MeshLab in particular). Images from the Visible Human Data Set, and the software packages used here, both do not cost anything. Hence, the practice of extracting the geometry of a representative human kidney for free, as illustrated in the present work, could be a free alternative to the use of expensive commercial software or to the purchase of a digital model.


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The diffusion equation-based modeling of near infrared light propagation in tissue is achieved by using finite-element mesh for imaging real-tissue types, such as breast and brain. The finite-element mesh size (number of nodes) dictates the parameter space in the optical tomographic imaging. Most commonly used finite-element meshing algorithms do not provide the flexibility of distinct nodal spacing in different regions of imaging domain to take the sensitivity of the problem into consideration. This study aims to present a computationally efficient mesh simplification method that can be used as a preprocessing step to iterative image reconstruction, where the finite-element mesh is simplified by using an edge collapsing algorithm to reduce the parameter space at regions where the sensitivity of the problem is relatively low. It is shown, using simulations and experimental phantom data for simple meshes/domains, that a significant reduction in parameter space could be achieved without compromising on the reconstructed image quality. The maximum errors observed by using the simplified meshes were less than 0.27% in the forward problem and 5% for inverse problem.


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CAELinux is a Linux distribution which is bundled with free software packages related to Computer Aided Engineering (CAE). The free software packages include software that can build a three dimensional solid model, programs that can mesh a geometry, software for carrying out Finite Element Analysis (FEA), programs that can carry out image processing etc. Present work has two goals: 1) To give a brief description of CAELinux 2) To demonstrate that CAELinux could be useful for Computer Aided Engineering, using an example of the three dimensional reconstruction of a pig liver from a stack of CT-scan images. One can note that instead of using CAELinux, using commercial software for reconstructing the liver would cost a lot of money. One can also note that CAELinux is a free and open source operating system and all software packages that are included in the operating system are also free. Hence one can conclude that CAELinux could be a very useful tool in application areas like surgical simulation which require three dimensional reconstructions of biological organs. Also, one can see that CAELinux could be a very useful tool for Computer Aided Engineering, in general.


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In this study, the authors have investigated the likely future changes in the summer monsoon over the Western Ghats (WG) orographic region of India in response to global warming, using time-slice simulations of an ultra high-resolution global climate model and climate datasets of recent past. The model with approximately 20-km mesh horizontal resolution resolves orographic features on finer spatial scales leading to a quasi-realistic simulation of the spatial distribution of the present-day summer monsoon rainfall over India and trends in monsoon rainfall over the west coast of India. As a result, a higher degree of confidence appears to emerge in many aspects of the 20-km model simulation, and therefore, we can have better confidence in the validity of the model prediction of future changes in the climate over WG mountains. Our analysis suggests that the summer mean rainfall and the vertical velocities over the orographic regions of Western Ghats have significantly weakened during the recent past and the model simulates these features realistically in the present-day climate simulation. Under future climate scenario, by the end of the twenty-first century, the model projects reduced orographic precipitation over the narrow Western Ghats south of 16A degrees N that is found to be associated with drastic reduction in the southwesterly winds and moisture transport into the region, weakening of the summer mean meridional circulation and diminished vertical velocities. We show that this is due to larger upper tropospheric warming relative to the surface and lower levels, which decreases the lapse rate causing an increase in vertical moist static stability (which in turn inhibits vertical ascent) in response to global warming. Increased stability that weakens vertical velocities leads to reduction in large-scale precipitation which is found to be the major contributor to summer mean rainfall over WG orographic region. This is further corroborated by a significant decrease in the frequency of moderate-to-heavy rainfall days over WG which is a typical manifestation of the decrease in large-scale precipitation over this region. Thus, the drastic reduction of vertical ascent and weakening of circulation due to `upper tropospheric warming effect' predominates over the `moisture build-up effect' in reducing the rainfall over this narrow orographic region. This analysis illustrates that monsoon rainfall over mountainous regions is strongly controlled by processes and parameterized physics which need to be resolved with adequately high resolution for accurate assessment of local and regional-scale climate change.