940 resultados para medical image segmentation


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Attention is a critical mechanism for visual scene analysis. By means of attention, it is possible to break down the analysis of a complex scene to the analysis of its parts through a selection process. Empirical studies demonstrate that attentional selection is conducted on visual objects as a whole. We present a neurocomputational model of object-based selection in the framework of oscillatory correlation. By segmenting an input scene and integrating the segments with their conspicuity obtained from a saliency map, the model selects salient objects rather than salient locations. The proposed system is composed of three modules: a saliency map providing saliency values of image locations, image segmentation for breaking the input scene into a set of objects, and object selection which allows one of the objects of the scene to be selected at a time. This object selection system has been applied to real gray-level and color images and the simulation results show the effectiveness of the system. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes a novel template-based meshing approach for generating good quality quadrilateral meshes from 2D digital images. This approach builds upon an existing image-based mesh generation technique called Imeshp, which enables us to create a segmented triangle mesh from an image without the need for an image segmentation step. Our approach generates a quadrilateral mesh using an indirect scheme, which converts the segmented triangle mesh created by the initial steps of the Imesh technique into a quadrilateral one. The triangle-to-quadrilateral conversion makes use of template meshes of triangles. To ensure good element quality, the conversion step is followed by a smoothing step, which is based on a new optimization-based procedure. We show several examples of meshes generated by our approach, and present a thorough experimental evaluation of the quality of the meshes given as examples.


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Purpose: We present an iterative framework for CT reconstruction from transmission ultrasound data which accurately and efficiently models the strong refraction effects that occur in our target application: Imaging the female breast. Methods: Our refractive ray tracing framework has its foundation in the fast marching method (FNMM) and it allows an accurate as well as efficient modeling of curved rays. We also describe a novel regularization scheme that yields further significant reconstruction quality improvements. A final contribution is the development of a realistic anthropomorphic digital breast phantom based on the NIH Visible Female data set. Results: Our system is able to resolve very fine details even in the presence of significant noise, and it reconstructs both sound speed and attenuation data. Excellent correspondence with a traditional, but significantly more computationally expensive wave equation solver is achieved. Conclusions: Apart from the accurate modeling of curved rays, decisive factors have also been our regularization scheme and the high-quality interpolation filter we have used. An added benefit of our framework is that it accelerates well on GPUs where we have shown that clinical 3D reconstruction speeds on the order of minutes are possible.


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A presente tese apresenta a concepção de uma rede neural oscilatória e sua realização em arquitetura maciçamente paralela, a qual é adequada à implementação de chips de visão digitais para segmentação de imagens. A rede proposta, em sua versão final, foi denominada ONNIS-GI (Oscillatory Neural Network for Image Segmentation with Global Inhibition) e foi inspirada em uma rede denominada LEGION (Locally Excitatory Globally Inhibitory Oscillator Network), também de concepção recente. Inicialmente, é apresentada uma introdução aos procedimentos de segmentação de imagens, cujo objetivo é o de situar e enfatizar a importância do tema abordado dentro de um contexto abrangente, o qual inclui aplicações de visão artificial em geral. Outro aspecto abordado diz respeito à utilização de redes neurais artificiais em segmentação de imagens, enfatizando as denominadas redes neurais oscilatórias, as quais têm apresentado resultados estimulantes nesta área. A implementação de chips de visão, integrando sensores de imagens e redes maciçamente paralelas de processadores, é também abordada no texto, ressaltando o objetivo prático da nova rede neural proposta. No estudo da rede LEGION, são apresentados resultados de aplicações originais desenvolvidas em segmentação de imagens, nos quais é verificada sua propriedade de separação temporal dos segmentos. A versão contínua da rede, um arranjo paralelo de neurônios baseados em equações diferenciais, apresenta elevada complexidade computacional para implementação em hardware digital e muitos parâmetros, com procedimento de ajuste pouco prático. Por outro lado, sua arquitetura maciçamente paralela apresenta-se particularmente adequada à implementação de chips de visão analógicos com capacidade de segmentação de imagens. Com base nos bons resultados obtidos nas aplicações desenvolvidas, é proposta uma nova rede neural, em duas versões, ONNIS e ONNIS-GI, as quais suplantam a rede LEGION em diversos aspectos relativos à implementação prática. A estrutura dos elementos de processamento das duas versões da rede, sua implementação em arquitetura maciçamente paralela e resultados de simulações e implementações em FPGA são apresentados, demonstrando a viabilidade da proposta. Como resultado final, conclui-se que a rede ONNIS-GI apresenta maior apelo de ordem prática, sendo uma abordagem inovadora e promissora na solução de problemas de segmentação de imagens, possuindo capacidade para separar temporalmente os segmentos encontrados e facilitando a posterior identificação dos mesmos. Sob o ponto de vista prático, a nova rede pode ser utilizada para implementar chips de visão digitais com arquitetura maciçamente paralela, explorando a velocidade de tais topologias e apresentando também flexibilidade para implementação de procedimentos de segmentação de imagens mais sofisticados.


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Este trabalho apresenta um modelo de metadados para descrever e recuperar imagens médicas na Web. As classes pertencentes ao modelo viabilizam a descrição de imagens de várias especialidades médicas, incluindo suas propriedades, seus componentes e as relações existentes entre elas. Uma das propriedades que o modelo incorpora é a classificação internacional de doenças, versão 10 (CID-10). O modelo de metadados proposto, inspirado em classes, favorece a especialização e sua implementação na arquitetura de metadados RDF. O modelo serviu de base para a implementação de um protótipo denominado de Sistema MedISeek (Medical Image Seek) que permite a usuários autorizados: descrever, armazenar e recuperar imagens na Web. Além disto, é sugerida uma estrutura persistente apropriada de banco de dados para armazenamento e recuperação dos metadados propostos.


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Image compress consists in represent by small amount of data, without loss a visual quality. Data compression is important when large images are used, for example satellite image. Full color digital images typically use 24 bits to specify the color of each pixel of the Images with 8 bits for each of the primary components, red, green and blue (RGB). Compress an image with three or more bands (multispectral) is fundamental to reduce the transmission time, process time and record time. Because many applications need images, that compression image data is important: medical image, satellite image, sensor etc. In this work a new compression color images method is proposed. This method is based in measure of information of each band. This technique is called by Self-Adaptive Compression (S.A.C.) and each band of image is compressed with a different threshold, for preserve information with better result. SAC do a large compression in large redundancy bands, that is, lower information and soft compression to bands with bigger amount of information. Two image transforms are used in this technique: Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Primary step is convert data to new bands without relationship, with PCA. Later Apply DCT in each band. Data Loss is doing when a threshold discarding any coefficients. This threshold is calculated with two elements: PCA result and a parameter user. Parameters user define a compression tax. The system produce three different thresholds, one to each band of image, that is proportional of amount information. For image reconstruction is realized DCT and PCA inverse. SAC was compared with JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) standard and YIQ compression and better results are obtain, in MSE (Mean Square Root). Tests shown that SAC has better quality in hard compressions. With two advantages: (a) like is adaptive is sensible to image type, that is, presents good results to divers images kinds (synthetic, landscapes, people etc., and, (b) it need only one parameters user, that is, just letter human intervention is required


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In this work, we propose a multi agent system for digital image steganalysis, based on the poliginic bees model. Such approach aims to solve the problem of automatic steganalysis for digital media, with a case study on digital images. The system architecture was designed not only to detect if a file is suspicious of covering a hidden message, as well to extract the hidden message or information regarding it. Several experiments were performed whose results confirm a substantial enhancement (from 67% to 82% success rate) by using the multi-agent approach, fact not observed in traditional systems. An ongoing application using the technique is the detection of anomalies in digital data produced by sensors that capture brain emissions in little animals. The detection of such anomalies can be used to prove theories and evidences of imagery completion during sleep provided by the brain in visual cortex areas


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A 3D binary image is considered well-composed if, and only if, the union of the faces shared by the foreground and background voxels of the image is a surface in R3. Wellcomposed images have some desirable topological properties, which allow us to simplify and optimize algorithms that are widely used in computer graphics, computer vision and image processing. These advantages have fostered the development of algorithms to repair bi-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) images that are not well-composed. These algorithms are known as repairing algorithms. In this dissertation, we propose two repairing algorithms, one randomized and one deterministic. Both algorithms are capable of making topological repairs in 3D binary images, producing well-composed images similar to the original images. The key idea behind both algorithms is to iteratively change the assigned color of some points in the input image from 0 (background)to 1 (foreground) until the image becomes well-composed. The points whose colors are changed by the algorithms are chosen according to their values in the fuzzy connectivity map resulting from the image segmentation process. The use of the fuzzy connectivity map ensures that a subset of points chosen by the algorithm at any given iteration is the one with the least affinity with the background among all possible choices


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The segmentation of an image aims to subdivide it into constituent regions or objects that have some relevant semantic content. This subdivision can also be applied to videos. However, in these cases, the objects appear in various frames that compose the videos. The task of segmenting an image becomes more complex when they are composed of objects that are defined by textural features, where the color information alone is not a good descriptor of the image. Fuzzy Segmentation is a region-growing segmentation algorithm that uses affinity functions in order to assign to each element in an image a grade of membership for each object (between 0 and 1). This work presents a modification of the Fuzzy Segmentation algorithm, for the purpose of improving the temporal and spatial complexity. The algorithm was adapted to segmenting color videos, treating them as 3D volume. In order to perform segmentation in videos, conventional color model or a hybrid model obtained by a method for choosing the best channels were used. The Fuzzy Segmentation algorithm was also applied to texture segmentation by using adaptive affinity functions defined for each object texture. Two types of affinity functions were used, one defined using the normal (or Gaussian) probability distribution and the other using the Skew Divergence. This latter, a Kullback-Leibler Divergence variation, is a measure of the difference between two probability distributions. Finally, the algorithm was tested in somes videos and also in texture mosaic images composed by images of the Brodatz album


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Image segmentation is the process of subdiving an image into constituent regions or objects that have similar features. In video segmentation, more than subdividing the frames in object that have similar features, there is a consistency requirement among segmentations of successive frames of the video. Fuzzy segmentation is a region growing technique that assigns to each element in an image (which may have been corrupted by noise and/or shading) a grade of membership between 0 and 1 to an object. In this work we present an application that uses a fuzzy segmentation algorithm to identify and select particles in micrographs and an extension of the algorithm to perform video segmentation. Here, we treat a video shot is treated as a three-dimensional volume with different z slices being occupied by different frames of the video shot. The volume is interactively segmented based on selected seed elements, that will determine the affinity functions based on their motion and color properties. The color information can be extracted from a specific color space or from three channels of a set of color models that are selected based on the correlation of the information from all channels. The motion information is provided into the form of dense optical flows maps. Finally, segmentation of real and synthetic videos and their application in a non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) toll are presented


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Image segmentation is the process of labeling pixels on di erent objects, an important step in many image processing systems. This work proposes a clustering method for the segmentation of color digital images with textural features. This is done by reducing the dimensionality of histograms of color images and using the Skew Divergence to calculate the fuzzy a nity functions. This approach is appropriate for segmenting images that have colorful textural features such as geological, dermoscopic and other natural images, as images containing mountains, grass or forests. Furthermore, experimental results of colored texture clustering using images of aquifers' sedimentary porous rocks are presented and analyzed in terms of precision to verify its e ectiveness.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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An approach using straight lines as features to solve the photogrammetric space resection problem is presented. An explicit mathematical model relating straight lines, in both object and image space, is used. Based on this model, Kalman Filtering is applied to solve the space resection problem. The recursive property of the filter is used in an iterative process which uses the sequentially estimated camera location parameters to feedback to the feature extraction process in the image. This feedback process leads to a gradual reduction of the image space for feature searching, and consequently eliminates the bottleneck due to the high computational cost of the image segmentation phase. It also enables feature extraction and the determination of feature correspondence in image and object space in an automatic way, i.e., without operator interference. Results obtained from simulated and real data show that highly accurate space resection parameters are obtained as well as a progressive processing time reduction. The obtained accuracy, the automatic correspondence process, and the short related processing time show that the proposed approach can be used in many real-time machine vision systems, making possible the implementation of applications not feasible until now.


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The edges detection model by a non-linear anisotropic diffusion, consists in a mathematical model of smoothing based in Partial Differential Equation (PDE), alternative to the conventional low-pass filters. The smoothing model consists in a selective process, where homogeneous areas of the image are smoothed intensely in agreement with the temporal evolution applied to the model. The level of smoothing is related with the amount of undesired information contained in the image, i.e., the model is directly related with the optimal level of smoothing, eliminating the undesired information and keeping selectively the interest features for Cartography area. The model is primordial for cartographic applications, its function is to realize the image preprocessing without losing edges and other important details on the image, mainly airports tracks and paved roads. Experiments carried out with digital images showed that the methodology allows to obtain the features, e.g. airports tracks, with efficiency.


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In this paper, we propose new circuits for the implementation of Radial Basis Functions (RBF). These RBFs are obtained by the subtraction of two differential pair output currents in a folded cascode configuration. We also propose a multidimensional version based on the unidimensional circuits. SPICE simulation and experimental results indicate good functionality. These circuits are intended to be applied in the implementation of radial basis function networks. Possible applications of these networks include transducer signal conditioning and processing in onboard telemetry systems for aircraft and spacecraft vehicles. © 2010 IEEE.