1000 resultados para maksullinen sisältö
Stockholm : C. von Scheéle 1829
Aboae : [Johan Larsson Wall] 1683
Helsinki : G.W. Edlund 1892, J.C. Frenckellin ja pojan kirjapaino
Turusa : prändätty Petar Hannuxen pojalta 1666
Manuale Lapponicum. Tat lie: Praude-kiete-kirieg, joite mij adnestop, nabmatom: / [Johannes Tornæus]
Stockholmis : Heinrich Keyser ludni / Tan Jägen, 1648
Helsinki : Minerva 1904, F. Tilgmann
Firefighters work contains numerous hazards. In rescue missions there are always hazards, which are unavoidable. Risk assessments and near-miss –situation investigation increases firefighters risk awareness and decreases accidents. This thesis concerns occupational risk management in fire department. This thesis introduces methods for identifying occupational hazards and risk assessment. In this thesis is introduced risk assessment method developed whit fire departments. This thesis also concerns a model of fire departments safety management system. In addition thesis contains a short introduction of how occupational health care cold be used and what kind of information system would support fire departments daily occupational safety activities.