518 resultados para macrofauna
As densidades (ind/m2) e biomassas (mg/m2) de grupos selecionados da macrofauna da liteira (isópodos, diplópodos e cupins) foram estudadas sob diferentes sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) implantados em áreas degradadas e abandonadas na Amazônia central.
Sibelco Australia Limited (SAL), a mineral sand mining operation on North Stradbroke Island, undertakes progressive rehabilitation of mined areas. Initial investigations have found that some areas at SAL’s Yarraman Mine have failed to redevelop towards approved criteria. This study, undertaken in 2010, examined ground cover rehabilitation of different aged plots at the Yarraman Mine to determine if there was a relationship between key soil and vegetation attributes. Vegetation and soil data were collected from five plots rehabilitated in 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2010, and one unmined plot. Cluster (PATN) analysis revealed that vegetation species composition, species richness and ground cover differed between plots. Principal component analysis (PCA) extracted ten soil attributes that were then correlated with vegetation data. The attributes extracted by PCA, in order of most common variance, were: water content, pH, terrolas depth, elevation, slope angle, leaf litter depth, total organic carbon, and counts of macrofauna, fungi and bacteria. All extracted attributes differed between plots, and all except bacteria correlated with at least one vegetation attribute. Water content and pH correlated most strongly with vegetation cover suggesting an increase in soil moisture and a reduction in pH are required in order to improve vegetation rehabilitation at Yarraman Mine. Further study is recommended to confirm these results using controlled experiments and to test potential solutions, such as organic amendments.
During recent decades, thermal and radioactive discharges from nuclear power plants into the aquatic environment have become the subject of lively debate as an ecological concern. The target of this thesis was to summarize the large quantity of results obtained in extensive monitoring programmes and studies carried out in recipient sea areas off the Finnish nuclear power plants at Loviisa and Olkiluoto during more than four decades. The Loviisa NPP is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland and Olkiluoto NPP on that of the Bothnian Sea. The state of the Gulf of Finland is clearly more eutrophic; the nutrient concentrations in the surface water are about 1½ 2 times higher at Loviisa than at Olkiluoto, and the total phosphorus concentrations still increased in both areas (even doubled at Loviisa) between the early 1970s and 2000. Thus, it is a challenge to distinguish the local effects of thermal discharges from the general eutrophication process of the Gulf of Finland. The salinity is generally low in the brackish-water conditions of the northern Baltic Sea, being however about 1 higher at Olkiluoto than at Loviisa (the salinity of surface water varying at the latter from near to 0 in early spring to 4 6 in late autumn). Thus, many marine and fresh-water organisms live in the Loviisa area close to their limit of existence, which makes the biota sensitive to any additional stress. The characteristics of the discharge areas of the two sites differ from each other in many respects: the discharge area at Loviisa is a semi-enclosed bay in the inner archipelago, where the exchange of water is limited, while the discharge area at Olkiluoto is more open, and the exchange of water with the open Bothnian Sea is more effective. The effects of the cooling water discharged from the power plants on the temperatures in the sea were most obvious in winter. The formation of a permanent ice cover in the discharge areas has been delayed in early winter, and the break-up of the ice occurs earlier in spring. The prolonging of the growing season and the disturbance of the overwintering time, in conditions where the biota has adjusted to a distinct rest period in winter, have been the most significant biological effects of the thermal pollution. The soft-bottom macrofauna at Loviisa has deteriorated to the point of almost total extinction at many sampling stations during the past 40 years. A similar decline has been reported for the whole eastern Gulf of Finland. However, the local eutrophication process seems to have contributed into the decline of the zoobenthos in the discharge area at Loviisa. Thermal discharges have increased the production of organic matter, which again has led to more organic bottom deposits. These have in turn increased the tendency of the isolated deeps to a depletion of oxygen, and this has further caused strong remobilization of phosphorus from the bottom sediments. Phytoplankton primary production and primary production capacity doubled in the whole area between the late 1960s and the late 1990s, but started to decrease a little at the beginning of this century. The focus of the production shifted from spring to mid- and late summer. The general rise in the level of primary production was mainly due to the increase in nutrient concentrations over the whole Gulf of Finland, but the thermal discharge contributed to a stronger increase of production in the discharge area compared to that in the intake area. The eutrophication of littoral vegetation in the discharge area has been the most obvious, unambiguous and significant biological effect of the heated water. Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton perfoliatus and Potamogeton pectinatus, and vigorous growths of numerous filamentous algae as their epiphytes have strongly increased in the vicinity of the cooling water outlet, where they have formed dense populations in the littoral zone in late summer. However, the strongest increase of phytobenthos has extended only to a distance of about 1 km from the outlet, i.e., the changes in vegetation have been largest in those areas that remain ice-free in winter. Similar trends were also discernible at Olkiluoto, but to a clearly smaller extent, which was due to the definitely weaker level of background eutrophy and nutrient concentrations in the Bothnian Sea, and the differing local hydrographical and biological factors prevailing in the Olkiluoto area. The level of primary production has also increased at Olkiluoto, but has remained at a clearly lower level than at Loviisa. In spite of the analogous changes observed in the macrozoobenthos, the benthic fauna has remained strong and diversified in the Olkiluoto area. Small amounts of local discharge nuclides were regularly detected in environmental samples taken from the discharge areas: tritium in seawater samples, and activation products, such as 60Co, 58Co, 54Mn, 110mAg, 51Cr, in suspended particulate matter, bottom sediments and in several indicator organisms (e.g., periphyton and Fucus vesiculosus) that effectively accumulate radioactive substances from the medium. The tritium discharges and the consequent detection frequency and concentrations of tritium in seawater were higher at Loviisa, but the concentrations of the activation products were higher at Olkiluoto, where traces of local discharge nuclides were also observed over a clearly wider area, due to the better exchange of water than at Loviisa, where local discharge nuclides were only detected outside Hästholmsfjärden Bay quite rarely and in smaller amounts. At the farthest, an insignificant trace amount (0.2 Bq kg-1 d.w.) of 60Co originating from Olkiluoto was detected in Fucus at a distance of 137 km from the power plant. Discharge nuclides from the local nuclear power plants were almost exclusively detected at the lower trophic levels of the ecosystems. Traces of local discharge nuclides were very seldom detected in fish, and even then only in very low quantities. As a consequence of the reduced discharges, the concentrations of local discharge nuclides in the environment have decreased noticeably in recent years at both Loviisa and Olkiluoto. Although the concentrations in environmental samples, and above all, the discharge data, are presented as seemingly large numbers, the radiation doses caused by them to the population and to the biota are very low, practically insignificant. The effects of the thermal discharges have been more significant, at least to the wildlife in the discharge areas of the cooling water, although the area of impact has been relatively small. The results show that the nutrient level and the exchange of water in the discharge area of a nuclear power plant are of crucial importance.
Benthic-pelagic coupling describes processes that operate across and between the seafloor and open-water ecosystems. In soft-sediment communities, bioturbation by sediment-dwelling and epibenthic organisms may strongly shape habitat characteristics and influence processes, e.g. biogeochemical cycling, which supplies bioavailable nutrients to pelagic primary producers. In addition, benthic fauna may mediate benthic-pelagic coupling by affecting the survival and hatching of zooplankton dormant eggs in the sediment. In the shallow waters and seasonally fluctuating environment of the Baltic Sea, emergence from the seafloor essentially contributes to the dynamics of zooplankton pelagic populations. In this thesis, I examine how benthic organisms with different functional traits affect the link between the benthic and pelagic systems in the northern Baltic Sea. By means of experimental laboratory studies, the effects of sediment-dwelling (Monoporeia affinis, Macoma balthica and Marenzelleria spp.) and nectobenthic (Mysis spp.) taxa on the survival and hatching of zooplankton benthic eggs and on benthic nutrient fluxes and sediment structure were investigated. In the predation studies, the nectobenthic mysids Mysis spp. preyed upon benthic eggs of the cladoceran Bosmina longispina maritima (syn. B. coregoni maritima), both in pelagic and benthic environments. Of the sediment-dwelling species, the amphipod M. affinis and the bivalve M. balthica reduced the number of cladoceran eggs in the sediment, whereas the polychaetes Marenzelleria spp. had no effects on cladoceran eggs. Both M. balthica and M. affinis also increased the mortality rates of benthic eggs of copepods and rotifers. It was estimated that zooplankton eggs provide an additional carbon source for food-limited benthic communities. The results indicate that predation pressure on zooplankton benthic eggs may be strong, but varies widely depending on the season and the functional characteristics of the macrofauna. Macoma balthica buried cladoceran eggs and a fluorescent tracer from the sediment surface to a depth of 3 4 cm, indicating efficient sediment mixing. In contrast, the other taxa had fewer effects on particle distributions. In addition to organic matter mineralization, particle mixing is crucial to the success of benthic recruitment of zooplankton, since only eggs close to the sediment surface may hatch. Macoma balthica and M. affinis altered the patterns of zooplankton emergence from the sediment. In general, the highest emergence rates were observed in the absence of macroscopic fauna, and M. balthica exerted a stronger suppressive effect than M. affinis. Moreover, copepods were less severely affected than cladocerans, while only one species (Temora longicornis) clearly benefited from the presence of the macrofauna. These differences probably result from species-specific differences in the resistance of eggs to disturbances. The results show that benthic fauna may considerably alter the patterns of zooplankton emergence from the seafloor, thereby shaping zooplankton pelagic populations. The semi-motile M. balthica and Marenzelleria spp. increased the fluxes of phosphate and ammonium from the sediment to the water, whereas the motile M. affinis and Mysis mixta had a contrasting effect. In the eutrophied Baltic Sea, efficient internal cycling of bioavailable nutrients forms a strong feedback inhibiting the recovery of the ecosystem. Based on the results, a change in species dominance from the two motile taxa, susceptible to oxygen deficiency, to the more tolerant semi-motile taxa provides additional feedback, strengthening internal nutrient cycling and accelerating eutrophication, with deteriorating near-bottom oxygen conditions and changes in the benthic communities. In shallow-water ecosystems, benthic nutrient regeneration plays a key role in determining the overall productivity of the ecosystem. In addition, the results of this study show that the communities in the benthos may essentially contribute to the structure of those in the plankton.
En la microcuenca El Coyote localizada en el municipio de Condega, Estelí, se evaluó la calidad del agua superficial de sde febrero del 2010 a febrero del 2011. El propósito fue la identificación de indicadores que faciliten la vigilancia y monitoreo de la calidad del agua . Se integró un sistema multimétrico utilizando las características físicoquímicas y bacteriológicas, macro invertebrados acuáticos, la caracterización morfométrica de la microcuenca y la información resultante a nivel de comunidad (cambios en el uso del suelo). En la determinación de la relación de la calidad del agua con la estructura de la macrofauna acuática (macroinvertebrados) se usó el método Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP/Col ) . La microcuenca tiene 144 afluentes con una forma oval - oblonga - alargada, y su curva hipsométrica refleja un estado de equilibrio relativo de juvenil a madurez. El uso del suelo es inadecuado y su entorno natural fue valorado como subóptimo. Aunque los parámetros fisico químicos indicaron que las aguas son alcalinas, con un nivel aceptable de oxigeno disuelto, categorizadas según el Diagrama de Riverside como aguas aptas par a riego (C2 - S1), y aceptables según valores determinados para DBO 5 y DQO; sin embargo, requieren de un tratamiento de descontaminación previo a su uso doméstico y agropecuario. Además, debido a la presencia de coliformes fecales estas aguas no están aptas para consumo humano . Los macroinvertebrados varían, según la estacionalidad, en riqueza, abundancia y distribución, presentando una disminución en el número de individuos en la época lluviosa (t= 5.21, p<2.18E - 07). E l 6 8 . 91 % de los macroinvertebrados bioin dicadores se distribuyeron en cinco familias : Leptohyphidae , Baetidae , Hydropsychidae , Chironomidae y Physidae , siendo el cariotipo piedra el que present ó mayor diversidad y abundancia . El promedio del BMWP /Col fue de 60.06, indicando una calidad del agua entre dudosa y aceptable , y el índice ASPT de 6.71 señala una contaminación moderada ; estos resultados coincide n con los obtenidos utilizando la batería de indicadores fisicoquímicos y bacteriológicos .
El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la influencia de tres sistemas de manejo en café sobre la fertilidad física, química y biológica del suelo y el rendimiento en café oro en el municipio de Masatepe, departamento de Masaya, Nicaragua en el período de julio del 2009 a enero del 2010. El tratamiento uno (orgánico intensivo) estuvo conformado por dos especies leguminosas como sombra, Inga laurina (Sw.) Willd (guaba) y Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merrill (genízaro), más aplicaciones por planta de 2.27 kg de pulpa de café (9 080 kg ha-1) e igual cantidad de gallinaza. El tratamiento dos (orgánico extensivo) involucra 2.27 kg de pulpa de café bajo las mismas especies arbóreas y un tercer tratamiento a plena exposición solar (convencional extensivo) con aplicaciones por planta de 17 gramos (68 kg ha-1) de fertilizante 27-9-18 en junio, 35 gramos (140 kgha-1) de 12-30-10 en septiembre y 20 gramos (80 kg ha-1) de urea más 5 gramos (20 kg ha-1) de KCl en octubre. Se utilizó un arreglo unifactorial en diseño de bloques completo al azar, evaluándose las variables materia orgánica, nitrógeno total, capacidad de intercambio catiónico, porosidad, retención de humedad, y diversidad de la macrofauna del suelo. Se efectuaron un muestreo de suelo en el mes de julio de 2009 y otro en enero de 2010. Los resultados fueron analizados por diferencias mínimas significativas y en el caso de la macrofauna a través del índice de Shannon-Wiener. Los programas estadísticos utilizados fueron InfoStat profesional y Past versión 1.29, éste último para el análisis de la biodiversidad del suelo. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticas en los componentes de la fertilidad física y química del suelo, pero se observa una tendencia a disminuir en el sistema manejado convencionalmente. La mayor diversidad de macrofauna se presentó en los sistemas manejados orgánicamente. El rendimiento de café oro se comport ó de forma variada, siendo mejor estadísticamente el sistema convencional extensivo en el primer ciclo agrícola (2002-2003), con un rendimiento de 305kg ha-1. Posteriormente en el resto de los ciclos no se presentan diferencias significativas pero se observa un comportamiento alterno de mayor rendimiento entre el sistema orgánico intensivo y el convencional extensivo.
El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la influencia de tres sistemas de manejo en café sobre la fertilidad física, química y biológica del suelo y el rendimiento en café oro en el municipio de Masatepe, departamento de Masaya, Nicaragua en el período de julio del 2009 a enero del 2010. El tratamiento orgánico intensivo (OI) estuvo conformado por dos especies leguminosas como sombra, Inga laurina (Sw.) Willd (guaba) y Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merrill (genízaro), más aplicaciones por planta de 2.27 kg de pulpa de café (9 080 kg ha -1 ) e igual cantidad de gallinaza. El tratamiento orgánico extensivo (OE) involucra 2.27 kg de pulpa de café bajo las mismas especies arbóreas y un tercer tratamiento a plena exposición solar denominado convencional extensivo (CE) con aplicaciones por planta de 17 gramos (68 kg ha -1 ) de fertilizante 27- 9-18 en junio, 35 gramos (140 kg ha -1 ) de 12-30-10 en septiembre y 20 gramos (80 kg ha -1 ) de urea más 5 gramos (20 kg ha -1 ) de KCl en octubre. Se utilizó un arreglo unifactorial en diseño de bloques completo al azar, evaluándose las variables materia orgánica, nitrógeno total, capacidad de intercambio catiónico, porosidad, retención de humedad, y diversidad de la macrofauna del suelo. Se efectuaron un muestreo de suelo en el mes de julio de 2009 y otro en enero de 2010. Los resultados fueron analizados por diferencias mínimas significativas y en el caso de la macrofauna a través del índice de Shannon-Wiener. Los programas estadísticos utilizados fueron InfoStat profesional y Past versión 1.29, éste último para el análisis de la biodiversidad del suelo. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticas en los componentes de la fertilidad física y química del suelo, pero se observa una tendencia a disminuir en el sistema manejado convencionalmente. La mayor diversidad de macrofauna se presentó en los sistemas manejados orgánicamente. El rendimiento de café oro se comportó de forma variada, siendo mejor estadísticamente el sistema convencional extensivo en el primer ciclo agrícola (2002-2003), con un rendimiento de 305 kg ha -1 . Posteriormente en el resto de los ciclos no se presentan diferencias significativas pero se observa un comportamiento alterno de mayor rendimiento entre el sistema orgánico intensivo y el convencional extensivo.
La implementación de prácticas agroecológicas en plantaciones de café (Coffea arabica L.), es vital para el mantenimiento y aumento de la fertilidad de los suelos y el manejo sostenible del sistema. Este estudio se realizó de junio de 2009 a enero de 2010 en el Jardín Botánico y en el Centro Experimental Campos Azules, en Masatepe, Nicaragua, ubicados entre los 11°54” de latitud norte y 86° 09” de longitud oeste. El propósito fue evaluar dos prácticas agroecológicas y un manejo convencional en el cultivo de café sobre la fertilidad física, química y biológica del suelo. Se utilizó un arreglo unifactorial en diseño bloques completo al azar (BCA)con tres repeticiones. El tratamiento agroecológico uno consistió en la aplicación de 2.27 kg de pulpa de café más 1.82 kg de gallinaza por planta y aspersiones mensuales de dos litros de biofermentado con manejo mecánico y selectivo de los árboles de sombra y arvenses. En el segundo tratamiento agroecológico, se aplicó 2.27 kilogramos de pulpa de café por planta con igual manejo de árboles de sombra y arvenses que el agroecológico uno. En ambos tratamientos agroecologicos, las especies arbóreas fueron guaba [Inga laurina(Sw.) Willd] y genízaro [Samanea saman (Jacq) Merr., J. Wash]. El manejo convencional consistió en la aplicación de 318 kg ha-1de fertilizante sintético, aplicando 25% en forma de urea al 46% y el restante 75% a través de la fórmula 12-30-10 y 27-09-18 en tres aplicaciones durante la época lluviosa, así como dos aplicaciones foliares de microelementos y, herbicidas para el manejo de arvenses. Las variables fueron densidad aparente, porosidad, retención de agua, materia orgánica, nitrógeno total, carbono orgánico, pH, capacidad de intercambio catiónico, diversidad de macrofauna del suelo, cuantificación de bacterias y hongos. No existen diferencias entre los componentes de la fertilidad física y química del suelo, sin embargo, los sistemas con prácticas agroecológicas registran mayor porosidad y retención de humedad, y menor densidad aparente; así como valores más altos de materia orgánica, capacidad de intercambio catiónico, carbono orgánico, nitrógeno total, pH e índices de diversidad de macrofauna. No se registra diferencia en las poblaciones de bacterias, pero sí de hongos en el período lluvioso. El rendimiento acumulado de café no difier e pero existe una tendencia en el sistema agroecológico uno al incremento e incluso a superar al manejo convencional. Los resultados sugieren que la implementación de prácticas agroecológicas contribuye de manera sustancial con la fertilidad global del suelo.
Species composition, biomass, density, and diversity of benthic invertebrates from six bard-bottom areas were evaluated. Seasonal collections using a dredge, trawl, and suction and grab samplers yielded 432, 525, and 845 taxa, respectively. Based on collections wltb the different gear types, species composition of invertebrates was found to change bathymetrically. Inner- and mlddle-shelf sites were more similar to each other in terms of invertebrate species composition than they were to outer-shelf sites, regardless of season. Sites on the inner and outer shelf were grouped according to latitude; however, results suggest that depth is apparently a more important determinant of invertebrate species composition than either season or latitude. Sponges generally dominated dredge and trawl collections in terms of biomass. Generally, cnidarians, bryozoans, and sponges dominated at sites In terms of number of taxa collected. The most abundant smaller macrofauna collected in suction and grab samples were polychaetes, amphipods, and mollusks. Densities of the numerically dominant species changed botb seasonally and bathymetrically, with very few of these species restricted to a specific bathymetrlc zone. The high diversity of invertebrates from hard-bottom sites is attributed to the large number of rare species. No consistent seasonal changes in diversity or number of species were noted for individual stations or depth zones. In addition, H and its components showed no definite patterns related to depth or latitude. However, more species were collected at middle-shelf sites than at inner- or outer-shelf sites, which may be related to more stable bottom temperature or greater habitat complexity in that area. (PDF file contains 110 pages.)
Under the name of Campañas Oceanográficas Mar del Plata I-V, five oceanographic surveys were done together with the Servicio de Hidrografía Naval, in the area between Faro Querandí and Mar del Sur. (Argentina, Province of Buenos Aires). A total of 82 oceanographic stations were covered and physical-chemical (temperature, oxygen, salinity determinations), sedimental and biological samplings (plankton and bottom organisms) were obtained. Bottom organisms collections were made with a conventional type of dredge 1 meter wide and 46 cm high grame with a net of thin mesh 2,60 m. Macrofauna components were only considered. This data allowed us to attempt a bionomic and litological chart of the studied area.As the sediments seem to have great heterogeneity over the hole studied area, in many cases the bottom fauna collections belonged to defferent associations which made difficult the limitations of areas covered by each one. Anyway we can draw that we are very near the minimun limits.
This paper presents the results of a comparative study of three series of samples collected in the area near the Bassam channel before, six and twenty months after its opening in September 1987. Observed effects are the decrease in the abundance and the modification of the benthic macrofauna composition. These effects appeared to be definitive, without recovery of the most abundant species Corbula trigona. Most differences noted in the population structure are due to the increase of the salinity and at a least degree to the modification of the nature of the sediment.
Abundance and species variations of the macrofauna associated with the roots of Pistia stratiotes of Ayamé II lake and Comoé river were studied during one year. Samples of plants were collected by hand once a month within a sampler of 1 m2 of surface.
As extensas pradarias submersas formadas pelas gramas marinhas são importantes habitats da costa, onde ocorrem interações ecológicas entre diversas espécies da vegetação subaquática, invertebrados bentônicos e peixes. As gramas marinhas e algas de deriva são conhecidas como macrófitas marinhas e, por ocuparem o mesmo tipo de substrato, são normalmente encontradas juntas, proporcionando oxigênio, alimento, proteção, abrigo além de sítios de reprodução e pastagem para os animais associados a essas pradarias. Amostras de algas de deriva e de H. wrightii foram coletadas, ao longo de transectos fixos de 50 m paralelos à Ilha do Japonês, a fim de analisar a existência de relações positivas entre as espécies de macrófitas marinhas e sua macrofauna associada, comparar as duas comunidades e avaliar a estruturação da comunidade macrofaunal bêntica do local. Os transectos foram alocados de acordo com a posição do banco de grama marinha. Observou-se que a densidade de eixos e a biomassa de H. wrightii não explicam a variação da biomassa, riqueza de espécies e diversidade (Índice de Simpson) das algas de deriva. A grande movimentação das algas de deriva ao longo do banco de grama marinha faz com que elas se homogeneízem e ocupem diferentes lugares ao acaso na pradaria, muitos desses locais com baixa biomassa de H. wrightii devido à grande variabilidade na distribuição dessa espécie no local de estudo. Os descritores ecológicos da grama marinha também não tiveram relações positivas com sua macrofauna bêntica associada. A comunidade macrofaunal associada às gramas marinhas foi mais densa, rica e diversa do que a comunidade macrofaunal associada às algas de deriva. Os moluscos Anomalocardia flexuosa, Cerithium atratum, Ostrea sp, Tellina lineata e Divalinga quadrissulcata dominaram o ambiente de gramas marinhas. A maior complexidade estrutural das algas de deriva forneceu um habitat protegido mais atrativo para os crustáceos como, Pagurus criniticornis, Cymadusa filosa e Batea catharinensis. A malacofauna associada às algas não foi abundante, mas um novo registro foi a ocorrência do bivalve invasor Lithopaga aristatus, perfurando uma concha de Ostrea sp. As relações entre os descritores da biomassa algal foram comprovadas para a maioria dos descritores de sua fauna associada. As relações das macrófitas marinhas com a macrofauna total associada seguiram o mesmo padrão das relações das algas de deriva. As análises de agrupamento e ordenação mostraram que as comunidades macrofaunais bênticas do local são estruturadas de acordo com os táxons dos organismos associados mais dominantes influenciados pelo tipo de vegetação basibionte (algas de deriva ou grama marinha). Destaca-se com o presente estudo a importância de medidas de maior proteção no local para a preservação e manutenção do ecossistema da Ilha do Japonês, RJ, Brasil
The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) accident in the northern Gulf of Mexico occurred on April 20, 2010 at a water depth of 1525 meters, and a deep-sea plume was detected within one month. Oil contacted and persisted in parts of the bottom of the deep-sea in the Gulf of Mexico. As part of the response to the accident, monitoring cruises were deployed in fall 2010 to measure potential impacts on the two main soft-bottom benthic invertebrate groups: macrofauna and meiofauna. Sediment was collected using a multicorer so that samples for chemical, physical and biological analyses could be taken simultaneously and analyzed using multivariate methods. The footprint of the oil spill was identified by creating a new variable with principal components analysis where the first factor was indicative of the oil spill impacts and this new variable mapped in a geographic information system to identify the area of the oil spill footprint. The most severe relative reduction of faunal abundance and diversity extended to 3 km from the wellhead in all directions covering an area about 24 km2. Moderate impacts were observed up to 17 km towards the southwest and 8.5 km towards the northeast of the wellhead, covering an area 148 km2. Benthic effects were correlated to total petroleum hydrocarbon, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and barium concentrations, and distance to the wellhead; but not distance to hydrocarbon seeps. Thus, benthic effects are more likely due to the oil spill, and not natural hydrocarbon seepage. Recovery rates in the deep sea are likely to be slow, on the order of decades or longer.
In this study, in order to assess the ecological health status and zoning of soft bottom of Gorgan Bay, the spatial and temporal distribution of macrofauna and their relationship with environmental stress were investigated. Sediment samples were collected using a Van Veen grab at 22 sampling points, seasonally during 2012-2013. The averages (±SD) of the percentages of sand, silt, clay and TOM (Total Organic Matter) in the sediment samples were determined (44.4± 15, 53.4 ± 14, and 2.2 ±2.2 and 7.2% ± 1.6, respectively). Our results showed that mean (range) of Al, As, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn in the sediment samples were 1.2 % (0.4-2.1), 4.8 (2.5- 10.3) ppm, 10.5 (4.4-16.9) ppm, 1 (0.4 – 1.6) % , 13.6 (6.2-21.5) ppm, 9.1 (4.7-12.9) ppm and 23.9 (3.1-39.4) ppm, respectively. In spring, both Al and Ni were higher than the guideline level. In the event that arsenic was exceeds the guidelines in summer. In this study, 14 species of macrofauna from 12 families were identified. Polychaeta with 3 species was the most dominant group in terms of abundance. The four most abundant taxa making up 85% of all specimens (Streblospio gynobranchiata, Tubificidae, Hediste versicolor and Abra segmentum). The western area were characterized by the higher species diversity (H', 1.94). So Gorgan Bay presents transitional macrobenthic assemblages that are spatially distributed along substrate gradients .The mean of Shannon index, BENTIX, BO2A, AMBI and M-AMBI in the bay was 1.3, 2.2, 0.4, 3.2 and 0.65 respectively. According to the results of these indices, ecological status of the western part of the bay assessed better than the other parts. According to the results of the nmMDS (non-metric Multidimensional Scaling), PCA (Principal Components Analysis), the map of distribution of heavy metals and the map of the ecological status , it seems Gorgan Bay is divided into two separate zones (the eastern and the western parts).M-AMBI finaly introduced reliable index for assessing the ecological status of the Bay.