453 resultados para lavage articulaire


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La neumonía asociada a ventilador (NAV) es una entidad de incidencia creciente en cuidado intensivo con grandes dificultades en la estandarización de pruebas diagnósticas, generando altos costos en su manejo. Realizar un abordaje diagnóstico apropiado para cada institución y conocer la flora causante permite un mejor desenlace clínico y ahorro significativo para el sistema. Métodos diagnósticos sencillos como la tinción gram de muestras respiratorias son ampliamente usados para NAV, pero se observa variabilidad con el cultivo, prueba microbiológica definitiva. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el grado de acuerdo entre la tinción de gram inicial de una muestra de lavado broncoalveolar, con el resultado del cultivo. Se realizó muestreo consecutivo secuencial incluyendo los pacientes con diagnostico clínico de neumonía asociada a ventilador y que por protocolo institucional se llevaron a fibrobroncoscopia y lavado del cual se tomaron muestras para tinción de gram y cultivo de gérmenes comunes. Se realizó análisis de concordancia por índice kappa para determinar el acuerdo entre los resultados de la tinción de gram y el informe del cultivo. Adicionalmente se analizaron otras variables descriptivas de importancia. El indica kappa de 16,8% muestra mala concordancia entre el gram y el cultivo del lavado broncoalveolar, sin embargo, esto puede tener relación con el uso de antibióticos previo ocurrido en un 69%. Los diagnósticos mas frecuentes son sepsis y enfermedad neurológica, predominó la baja probabilidad clínica de neumonía; hay mayor trastorno de oxigenación el día de diagnostico de NAV. La mortalidad en UCI fue 27.5% y 29% al día 28.


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Introducción: la contaminación atmosférica no solo tiene efectos sobre el sistema respiratorio sino también sobre el cardiovascular. El objetivo de este estudio es generar evidencia que permita establecer una asociación entre el infarto agudo del miocardio y la concentración de PM10 en el ambiente como un estudio preliminar para un grupo de pacientes en Bogotá. Metodología: la asociación entre la concentración del material particulado (en este caso PM10 medido en la estación más cercana del lugar reportado por el paciente) y el infarto agudo del miocardio se estableció utilizando el diseño case crossover. Se utilizó información de las historias clínicas de los pacientes con infarto agudo del miocardio que ingresaron al Servicio de Urgencias de la FSFB, y las concentraciones de PM10 medido en la estación más cercana al lugar de inicio de los síntomas de síndrome coronario agudo, reportado por el paciente. Resultados: se encontró que la asociación entre la concentración de PM10 y el diagnóstico de infarto agudo del miocardio es estadísticamente significativa teniendo en cuenta tres momentos de control: 2 horas antes del evento, 24 horas antes del evento y 48 horas antes del evento. Discusión: este estudio sugiere que las altas concentraciones de material particulado en el ambiente son un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de infarto agudo del miocardio especialmente en personas con enfermedad coronaria subyacente. Con esta investigación se demuestra la importancia de generar acciones que disminuyan la contaminación de la ciudad y de esta forma proteger la salud de las personas.


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Objetivo Realizar una revisión sistemática de la neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) con el propósito de compactar y sintetizar los conocimientos fragmentados, así como el de informar el estado actual de este tema como riesgo laboral. Metodología La neumonía lipoidea es una condición poco común que resulta de la presencia de lípidos en el interior del espacio alveolar, se desconoce su actual incidencia. La neumonía lipoidea exógena se produce por aspiración o inhalación de sustancias oleosas, es una patología rara en pacientes sin enfermedades de base que predispongan a la broncoaspiración y cuando se presenta en individuos sanos se debe sospechar un origen ocupacional. Se realizó una revisión de literatura según la metodología estandarizada, incluyendo en la búsqueda: reporte de casos, descripciones de la enfermedad y el uso de técnicas diagnósticas. Las bases de datos fueron OVID además de GOOGLE ACADÉMICO; buscadores específicos: MEDLINE, CHEST, PUB MED, REDALYC, SCIELO, Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) y ELSEVIER. La búsqueda estuvo además, orientada por una serie de preguntas orientadoras sobre la neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) como riesgo laboral. Los artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, se clasificaron de acuerdo con tipo de estudio, la calidad del artículo y finalmente se evaluaron con base en una lista de chequeo ajustada para este fin. Resultados Se seleccionó un total de 71 estudios incluyendo reporte de casos, descripciones de la enfermedad y técnicas diagnósticas; publicaciones provenientes de 21 países. Un total de 63 casos, 31 en mujeres (49,20%) y 32 en hombres (50,8%) fueron reportados; el 7,93% de los casos fueron atribuidos a la exposición de agentes en el ambiente laboral: combustibles, parafina/pintura/ pulverizaciones oleosas y diésel, ambientes propios de trabajadores de almacenes de pinturas y conductores de vehículos. Los síntomas de la neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) descritos fueron muy variables, puede cursar asintomática o con presencia de fiebre, disnea y tos irritativa; dolor torácico, en algunos casos hemoptisis, cianosis y pérdida de peso; El examen físico generalmente es normal, aunque puede revelar sibilancias o roncus. En pruebas de función respiratoria tales como la espirometría, se presenta un patrón restrictivo, además puede hallarse un descenso en la capacidad de difusión para el monóxido de carbono. En el hemograma puede detectarse leucocitosis con predominio de neutrófilos y aumento de la velocidad de sedimentación globular, hallazgos que también pueden ser producidos por una infección concomitante. Conclusiones Se destaca el hallazgo en la literatura de los diferentes agentes causales presentes en el ambiente laboral que pueden incidir en la aparición de la enfermedad: combustibles, parafina/pintura/ pulverizaciones oleosas y diésel, ambientes propios de trabajadores de almacenes de pinturas y conductores de vehículos. Se presentó neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) de tipo agudo después de 30 minutos a 24 horas de exposición masiva a aceites y sustancias oleosas, luego de de ocho meses a 9,5 años de inhalación continua secundaria. Los métodos más para de la diagnóstico enfermedad incluyen el lavado broncoalveolar (BAL), la biopsia de pulmón y la con radiografía torácica. Finalmente, es posible que en pacientes con neumonía lipoidea exógena, puedan presentarse complicaciones asociadas tales como: sobreinfección, fibrosis, retracción de las lesiones, cáncer de pulmón, bronconeumonías recurrentes e hipercalcemia.


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Aquest estudi insisteix en la importància de l’educació sanitària dirigida als pares per tal d’assegurar l’eficàcia del tractament a administrar i consolidar els coneixements i habilitats del progenitors per tal de que aquests puguin dur a terme les tècniques requerides de forma adequada. Destacar la necessitat de conscienciar a tots els professionals de la salut, sobretot els que passen més temps amb els familiars, de la importància que té la seva competència com educador en l’àmbit de la salut. Evidenciar la importància de fer una avaluació continuada dels coneixements i les habilitats adquirides pels cuidadors principals, sobre com dur a terme les tècniques del rentat de nas i administració de la medicació inhalada amb cambra i mascareta, per detectar-ne els possibles errors i poder posar-hi mesures correctores per pal·liar-los. Constatar la utilitat de preguntar i esbrinar “in situ” què saben els progenitors sobre les tècniques a avaluar (rentat de nas i administració de la medicació inhalada amb cambra i mascareta), abans de donar qualsevol explicació o iniciar l’educació sanitària per detectar les necessitats específiques de cada pare o mare i poder individualitzar el procés educatiu


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Trypsin and mast cell tryptase can signal to epithelial cells, myocytes, and nerve fibers of the respiratory tract by cleaving proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR2). Since tryptase inhibitors are under development to treat asthma, a precise understanding of the contribution of PAR2 to airway inflammation is required. We examined the role of PAR2 in allergic inflammation of the airway by comparing OVA-sensitized and -challenged mice lacking or overexpressing PAR2. In wild-type mice, immunoreactive PAR2 was detected in airway epithelial cells and myocytes, and intranasal administration of a PAR2 agonist stimulated macrophage infiltration into bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. OVA challenge of immunized wild-type mice stimulated infiltration of leukocytes into bronchoalveolar lavage and induced airway hyperreactivity to inhaled methacholine. Compared with wild-type animals, eosinophil infiltration was inhibited by 73% in mice lacking PAR2 and increased by 88% in mice overexpressing PAR2. Similarly, compared with wild-type animals, airway hyperreactivity to inhaled methacholine (40 micro g/ml) was diminished 38% in mice lacking PAR2 and increased by 52% in mice overexpressing PAR2. PAR2 deletion also reduced IgE levels to OVA sensitization by 4-fold compared with those of wild-type animals. Thus, PAR2 contributes to the development of immunity and to allergic inflammation of the airway. Our results support the proposal that tryptase inhibitors and PAR2 antagonists may be useful therapies for inflammatory airway disease.


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Introduction: Endodontic chelators may extrude to apical tissues during instrumentation activating cellular events on periapical tissues. This study assessed in vitro the expression of nitric oxide (NO) concentrations by murine peritoneal macrophages after contact with MTAD (Dentsply/Tulsa, Tulsa, OK), Tetraclean (Ogna Laboratori Farmaceutici, Muggio, Italy), Smear Clear (Sybron Endo, Orange, CA), and EDTA (Biodinamica, Ibipora, PR, Brazil). Methods: Macrophage cells were obtained from Swiss mice after peritoneal lavage. Chelators were diluted in distilled water obtaining 12 concentrations, and MTT assay identified the concentrations, per group, displaying the highest cell viability (analysis of variance, p < 0.01). Selected concentrations were tested for NO expression using Griess reaction. Culture medium and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were used as controls. Results: Analysis of variance and Tukey tests showed that all chelators displayed elevated NO concentrations compared with the negative control (p < 0.01). MTAD induced the lowest NO expression, followed by Tetraclean, EDTA, and Smear Clear. No difference was observed between MTAD and Tetraclean (p > 0.01), Tetraclean and EDTA (p > 0.01), and EDTA and Smear Clear (p > 0.01). LPS ranked similar to both EDTA and Smear Clear (p > 0.01). Conclusion: The tested endodontic chelators displayed severe proinflammatory effects on murine-cultured macrophages. Citric acid-based solutions induce lower No release than EDTA-based irrigants. (J Endod 2009;35:824-828)


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Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are metabolic by products of anerobic bacteria fermentation. These fatty acids, despite being an important fuel for colonocytes, are also modulators of leukocyte function. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of SCFAs (acetate, propionate, and butyrate) on function of neutrophils, and the possible mechanisms involved. Neutrophils obtained from rats by intraperitoneal lavage 4 h after injection of oyster glycogen solution (1%) were treated with non toxic concentrations of the fatty acids. After that, the following measurements were performed: phagocytosis and destruction of Candida albicans, production of ROS (O(2)(center dot-), H(2)O(2), and HOCl) and degranulation. Gene expression (p47(phox) and p22(phox)) and protein phosphorylation (p47(phox)) were analyzed by real time reverse transcriptase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blotting, respectively. Butyrate inhibited phagocytosis and killing of C. albicans. This SCFA also had an inhibitory effect on production of O(2)(center dot-), H(2)O(2), and HOCI by neutrophils stimulated with PMA or fMLP. This effect of butyrate was not caused by modulation of expression of NADPH oxidase subunits (p47(phox) and p22(phox)) but it was in part due to reduced levels of p47(phox) phosphorylation and an increase in the concentration of cyclic AMP. Acetate increased the production of O(2)(center dot-) and H(2)O(2), in the absence of stimuli but had no effect on phagocytosis and killing of C. albicans. Propionate had no effect on the parameters studied. These results suggest that butyrate can modulate neutrophil function, and thus could be important in inflammatory neutrophil-associated diseases. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Magnetic nanoparticles surface-functionalized with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (MNPs-DMSA) constitute an innovative and promising approach for tissue- and cell-targeted delivery of therapeutic drugs in the lung. Transendothelial migration of leukocytes in the lung is a side effect of endovenous administration of MNPs-DMSA. Using cytologic and phenotypic analysis of murine bronchoalveolar lavage cells, we identified monocytes/macrophages as the main subpopulation of leukocytes involved in this process. Moreover, ultrastructural analysis revealed the presence of nanoparticles inside of numerous macrophages from bronchoalveolar lavage. MNPs-DMSA at concentrations as high as 1 X 10(15) nanoparticles/mL had no toxic effects on macrophages, as evidenced by 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazolyi-2)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Notably, MNPs-DMSA up-regulated the mRNA expression of E, L- and P-selectin and macrophage-1 antigen in the murine lung. Upregulation of these cell adhesion molecules was associated with an increased concentration of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in lung. Finally, the critical relevance of the beta(2) integrin-dependent pathway in leukocyte transmigration elicited by MNPs-DMSA was demonstrated by use of knockout mice. Our results characterize mechanisms of the pro-inflammatory effects of MNPs-DMSA in the lung, and identify beta(2) integrin-targeted interventions as promising strategies to reduce pulmonary side effects of MNPs-DMSA during biomedical applications. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We studied the expression pattern of cell adhesion molecules associated to transendothelial migration of leukocytes in different lung`s vascular compartments after administration of a magnetic fluid sample containing maghemite nanoparticles surface-coated with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid. The analyses were conducted in mice 4 and 12 h after endovenous administration of the magnetic fluid in control mice. Firstly, the migratory activity of leukocytes after magnetic fluid surface-coated with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid administration was confirmed using broncho-alveolar lavage and light microscopy. Then, the expression of cell adhesion molecules in the lung`s vascular compartments was investigated by immunofluorescence microscopy of frozen sections, using antibodies against L-selectin, P-selectin, E-selectin, macrophage antigen-1, and leukocyte function associated antigen-1. L- and P-selectin showed similar pattern of expression in the pulmonary vasculature in animals treated with magnetic fluid and in the control group. In contrast, macrophage antigen-1 and leukocyte function associated antigen-1 were found in capillary only in animals treated with magnetic fluid surface-coated with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid administration. In addition, after magnetic fluid administration E-selectin was found in post-capillary sites. Our findings demonstrated that magnetic fluid surface-coated with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid administration exhibits modulation effects on expression patterns of E-selectin, macrophage antigen-1, and leukocyte function associated antigen-1 in the lung`s vascular compartments. These findings are very important in a strategy to reduce the potential toxicity of magnetic fluid surface-coated with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid administration for medical applications.


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Hydroquinone (HQ) is an environmental contaminant which causes immune toxicity. In this study, the effects of exposure to low doses of HQ on neutrophil mobilization into the LPS-inflamed lung were investigated. Male Swiss mice were exposed to aerosolized vehicle (control) or 12.5, 25 or 50 ppm HQ (1 h/day for 5 days). One hour later, oxidative burst, cell cycle. DNA fragmentation and adhesion molecules expressions in circulating neutrophils were determined by flow cytometry, and plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were measured by HPLC. Also, 1 h later the last exposures, inflammation was induced by LPS inhalation (0.1 mg/ml/10 min) and 3 h later, the numbers of leukocytes in peripheral blood and in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) were determined using a Neubauer chamber and stained smears; adhesion molecules expressed on lung microvessel endothelial cells were quantified by immunohistochemistry; myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity was measured in the lung tissue by colorimetric assay; and cytokines in the BALF were determined by ELISA. In vivo HQ exposure augmented plasma MDA levels and oxidative activity of neutrophils, but did not cause alterations in cell cycle and DNA fragmentation. Under these conditions, the number of circulating leukocytes was not altered, but HQ exposure reduced LPS-induced neutrophil migration into the alveolar space, as these cells remained in the lung tissue. The impaired neutrophil migration into BALF may not be dependent on reduced cytokines secretions in the BALF and lung endothelial adhesion molecules expressions. However, HQ exposure increased the expression of beta(2) and beta(3) integrins and platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) in neutrophils, which were not further enhanced by fMLP in vitro stimulation, indicating that HQ exposure activates circulating neutrophils, impairing further stimulatory responses. Therefore, it has been shown, for the first time, that neutrophils are target of lower levels of in vivo HQ exposure, which may be considered in host defense in infectious diseases. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effects of single or repeated amphetamine (AMPH) treatment and those of AMPH withdrawals on immune-mediated lung inflammatory response were studied in rats. Two experiments were done. In the first, rats egg-albumin (OVA) sensitized were singularly or repeatedly (21 days, once daily) treated with AMPH (1.0 mg/kg) or with a similar number and volume of 0.9% NaCl. The OVA aerosol challenge was performed 12 h after the single or last repeated AMPH treatment and also 72 and 120 h after AMPH withdrawal. In the second experiment, the effects of reserpine (1.0 mg/kg/day for 5 consecutive days) on single AMPH actions on lung allergic response of rats were analyzed. Single and repeated AMPH treatment induced opposite actions on Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) cellularity of allergic rats: single treatment decreased and repeated treatment increased the total number of cells as well as those of macrophages, neutrophils and eosinophils. Our data also showed that single but not repeated AMPH treatment decreased the number of neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, and increased the total number of bone marrow cells in rats sensitized and challenged with OVA. Furthermore, it was shown that reserpine treatment precluded the effects of single AMPH treatment on cellular migration to the lung of OVA-sensitized and challenged rats. It was concluded that AMPH effects on lung inflammatory response and cell recruitment to the lung in allergic rats rely at least partially on corticosterone serum levels. The possible involvement of vesicular monoamine transporter type 2 (VMAT2) with these observed effects was discussed. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The systemic inflammatory response syndrome ( SIRS) is triggered by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Gram-negative bacteria. Insulin was shown to have a protective role in SIRS related to sepsis. Lungs are particularly affected in this condition and provide a second wave of mediators/cytokines which amplifies SIRS. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of insulin on the signaling pathways elicited by LPS in alveolar macrophages (AMs) and its consequence in cellular response to LPS measured as production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF). To this purpose, resident AMs from male Wistar rats were obtained by lung lavage and stimulated by LPS ( 100 ng/mL). Insulin ( 1 mU/mL) was added 10 min before LPS. Activation ( phosphorylation) of signaling molecules by LPS was analyzed by western blot, 30 min after LPS stimulation. TNF was measured in the AMs culture supernatants by bioassay using L-929 tumor cells. Relative to controls, LPS induced a significant increase in the activation of ERK (3.6-fold), p38 (4.4-fold), Tyr-326 Akt (4.7-fold), Ser-473 Akt (6.9-fold), PKCa (4.7-fold) and PKCd (2.3-fold). Treatment of AMs with insulin before LPS stimulation, significantly reduced the activation of ERK (54%), p38 (48%), Tyr-326 Akt (64%), Ser-473 Akt (41%), PKCa (62%) and PKCd (39%). LPS induced TNF production in AMs which was also inhibited by insulin (60%). These results show that insulin down-regulates MAPK, PI3K and PKCs and inhibits a downstream effect of LPS, TNF production, in rat AMs stimulated with LPS and suggest that the protective effect of insulin in sepsis could be through modulation of signal transduction pathways elicited by LPS in lung macrophages. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Ischemia and reperfusion injury (IRI) are mainly caused by leukocyte activation, endothelial dysfunction and production of reactive oxygen species. Moreover, IRI can lead to a systemic response affecting distant organs, such as the lungs. The objective was to study the pulmonary inflammatory systemic response after renal IRI. Male C57Bl/6 mice were subjected to 45 min of bilateral renal ischemia, followed by 4, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h of reperfusion. Blood was collected to measure serum creatinine and cytokine concentrations. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was collected to determine the number of cells and PGE(2) concentration. Expressions of iNOS and COX-2 in lung were determined by Western blot. Gene analyses were quantified by real time PCR. Serum creatinine increased in the IRI group compared to sham mainly at 24 h after IRI (2.57 +/- A 0.16 vs. 0.43 +/- A 0.07, p < 0.01). The total number of cells in BAL fluid was higher in the IRI group in comparison with sham, 12 h (100 x 10(4) +/- A 15.63 vs. 18.1x10(4) +/- A 10.5, p < 0.05) 24 h (124 x 10(4) +/- A 8.94 vs. 23.2x10(4) +/- A 3.5, p < 0.05) and 48 h (79 x 10(4) +/- A 15.72 vs. 22.2 x 10(4) +/- A 4.2, p < 0.05), mainly by mononuclear cells and neutrophils. Pulmonary COX-2 and iNOS were up-regulated in the IRI group. TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, MCP-1, KC and IL-6 mRNA expression were up-regulated in kidney and lungs 24 h after renal IRI. ICAM-1 mRNA was up-regulated in lungs 24 h after renal IRI. Serum TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta and MCP-1 and BALF PGE(2) concentrations were increased 24 h after renal IRI. Renal IRI induces an increase of cellular infiltration, up-regulation of COX-2, iNOS and ICAM-1, enhanced chemokine expression and a Th1 cytokine profile in lung demonstrating that the inflammatory response is indeed systemic, possibly leading to an amplification of renal injury.


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It has been well-documented that leukotrienes (LTs) are released in allergic lung inflammation and that they participate in the physiopathology of asthma. A role for LTs in innate immunity has recently emerged: Cys-LTs were shown to enhance Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis by alveolar macrophages (AMs). Thus, using a rat model of asthma, we evaluated Fc gamma R-mediated phagocytosis and killing of Klebsiella pneumoniae by AMs. The effect of treatment with a cys-LT antagonist (montelukast) on macrophage function was also investigated. Male Wistar rats were immunized twice with OVA/alumen intraperitoneally and challenged with OVA aerosol. After 24 h, the animals were killed, and the AMs were obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage. Macrophages were cultured with IgG-opsonized red blood cells (50: 1) or IgG-opsonized K. pneumoniae (30: 1), and phagocytosis or killing was evaluated. Leukotriene C(4) and nitric oxide were quantified by the EIA and Griess methods, respectively. The results showed that AMs from sensitized and challenged rats presented a markedly increased phagocytic capacity via Fc gamma R (10X compared to controls) and enhanced killing of K. pneumoniae (4X higher than controls). The increased phagocytosis was inhibited 15X and killing 3X by treatment of the rats with montelukast, as compared to the non-treated group. cys-LT addition increased phagocytosis in control AMs but had no effect on macrophages from allergic lungs. Montelukast reduced nitric oxide (39%) and LTC(4) (73%). These results suggest that LTs produced during allergic lung inflammation potentiate the capacity of AMs to phagocytose and kill K. pneumonia via Fc gamma R. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel


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Background: Allergic lung inflammation is impaired in diabetic rats and is restored by insulin treatment. In the present study we investigated the effect of insulin on the signaling pathways triggered by allergic inflammation in the lung and the release of selected mediators. Methods: Diabetic male Wistar rats (alloxan, 42 mg/kg, i.v., 10 days) and matching controls were sensitized by s.c. injections of ovalbumin (OA) in aluminium hydroxide, 14 days before OA (1 mg/0.4 ml) or saline intratracheal challenge. A group of diabetic rats were treated with neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin (NPH, 4 IU, s.c.), 2 h before the OA challenge. Six hours after the challenge, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed for mediator release and lung tissue was homogenized for Western blotting analysis of signaling pathways. Results: Relative to non-diabetic rats, the diabetic rats exhibited a significant reduction in OA-induced phosphorylation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK, 59%), p38 (53%), protein kinase B (Akt, 46%), protein kinase C (PKC)-alpha (63%) and PKC-delta (38%) in lung homogenates following the antigen challenge. Activation of the NF-kappa B p65 subunit and phosphorylation of I kappa B alpha were almost suppressed in diabetic rats. Reduced expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS, 32%) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2, 46%) in the lung homogenates was also observed. The BAL concentration of prostaglandin (PG)-E(2), nitric oxide (NO) and interleukin (IL)-6 was reduced in diabetic rats (74%, 44% and 65%, respectively), whereas the cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC)-2 concentration was not different from the control animals. Treatment of diabetic rats with insulin completely or partially restored all of these parameters. This protocol of insulin treatment only partially reduced the blood glucose levels. Conclusion: The data presented show that insulin regulates MAPK, PI3K, PKC and NF-kappa B pathways, the expression of the inducible enzymes iNOS and COX-2, and the levels of NO, PGE(2) and IL-6 in the early phase of allergic lung inflammation in diabetic rats. It is suggested that insulin is required for optimal transduction of the intracellular signals that follow allergic stimulation. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel