760 resultados para fatty streaks


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The product of catalytic activity of the enzyme phospholipase A2, which resembles the core unit of animal toxins, on phospholipids is a 1:1 mixture of lysolipid and fatty acid. This mixture was studied by time-resolved simultaneous small- and wide angle x-ray diffraction over the temperature range from 23 to 53.5ºC. An unusually large lamellar structure was observed, with d = 11 nm, contradicting the complex functional dimer model between lysolipid and fatty acid. It can be explained by formation of a "double-bilayer", a new phase consisting of two different bilayers, one formed by lysophospholipid and other by fatty acid, bound together by head group interactions. Its strucutre was confirmed by simulations of the X-ray scattering pattern.


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The carrot leaf dehydration conditions in air circulation oven were optimized through response surface methodology (RSM) for minimizing the degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic (LNA, 18:3n-3). The optimized leaf drying time and temperature were 43 h and 70 ºC, respectively. The fatty acids (FA) were investigated using gas chromatography equipped with a flame ionization detector and fused silica capillary column; FA were identified with standards and based on equivalent-chain-length. LNA and other FA were quantified against C21:0 internal standard. After dehydration, the amount of LNA, quantified in mg/100 g dry matter of dehydrated carrot leaves, were 984 mg.


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Different methods to determine total fat (TF) and fatty acids (FA), including trans fatty acids (TFA), in diverse foodstuffs were evaluated, incorporating gravimetric methods and gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC/FID), in accordance with a modified AOAC 996.06 method. Concentrations of TF and FA obtained through these different procedures diverged (p< 0.05) and TFA concentrations varied beyond 20 % of the reference values. The modified AOAC 996.06 method satisfied both accuracy and precision, was fast and employed small amounts of low toxicity solvents. Therefore, the results showed that this methodology is viable to be adopted in Brazil for nutritional labeling purposes.


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Ru-Sn/Al2O3 catalysts with different Sn loadings were prepared by the coimpregnation method. Several characterization techniques such as TPR, pyridine TPD and catalytic tests for dehydrogenation and hydrogenolysis were used to evaluate and compare such catalysts. TPR results indicate that Sn is deposited both onto the support and as species strongly interacting with Ru. Such non selective deposition modifies the acid and metallic functions of the catalysts. Both total acidity and acid strength distribution are affected: total acidity decreases and new sites of lower acid strength are created. Both dehydrogenating and hydrogenolytic activities are strongly diminished by the addition of Sn. Results of catalytic tests for methyl oleate hydrogenation indicate that methyl stearate is the main product, with only minute amounts of oleyl alcohol produced, and that the addition of Sn diminishes the hydrogenation activity.


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In the current study, an alternative method has been proposed for simultaneous analysis of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) using indirect detection. The background electrolyte (BGE) used for the analysis of these fatty acids (FAs) consisted of 15.0 mmol L−1 NaH2PO4/Na2HPO4 at pH 6.86, 4.0 mmol L−1 SDBS, 8.3 mmol L−1 Brij 35, 45% v/v acetonitrile (can), and 2.1% n-octanol. The FAs quantification of FAs was performed using a response factor approach, which provided a high analytical throughput for the real sample. The CZE method, which was applied successfully for the analysis of pequi pulp, has advantages such as short analysis time, absence of lipid fraction extraction and derivatization steps, and no significant difference in the 95% confidence intervals for FA quantification results, compared to the gas chromatography official method (AOCS Ce 1h-05).


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The prevalence of inflammatory based diseases has increased in industrialized countries over the last decades. For allergic diseases, two primary hypotheses have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, namely the hygiene and dietary evolution based hypothesis. Particularly, the reduced early exposure to microbes and an increase in the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (especially n-6 PUFA) in the diet have been discussed. Often, these two factors have been studied independently, even though both factors have been shown to possess potential health benefits and their mode of action to share similar mechanisms. The hypothesis of the present study was that demonstrate that PUFA and probiotics are not separate entities as such but do interact with each other. In the present study, we investigated whether maternal diet and atopic status influence the PUFA composition of breast milk and serum fatty acids of infants, and whether the fatty acid absorption and utilization of infant formula fatty acids is affected by supplementation of infant formula with probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12). Moreover, we investigated the mechanisms by which different PUFA influence the physicochemical and functional properties of probiotics as well as functionality of epithelial cells in vitro. We demonstrated a carry-over effect of dietary fatty acids from maternal diet via breast milk into infants’ serum lipid fatty acids. Our data confirmed the previously shown allergy –related PUFA level imbalances, though it did not fully support the impaired desaturation and elongation capacity hypothesis. We also showed that PUFA incorporation into phospholipids of infants was influenced by probiotics in infant formula in a strain dependent manner. Especially,Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 in infant formula promoted the utilization of n-3 PUFA. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that probiotics (Lactobacillus GG, Lactobacillus casei Shirota and Lactobacillus bulgaricus) did incorporate and interconvert exogenous free PUFA in the growth medium into bacterial fatty acids strain and PUFA dependently. In general, high concentrations of free PUFA inhibited the growth and mucus adhesion of probiotics, whereas low concentrations of specific long chain PUFA were found to promote the growth and mucus adhesion of Lactobacillus casei Shirota. These effects were paralleled with only minor alterations in hydrophobicity and electron donor – electron acceptor properties of lactobacilli. Furthermore, free PUFA were also demonstrated to alter the adhesion capacity of the intestinal epithelial cells; n-6 PUFA tended to inhibit the Caco-2 adhesion of probiotics, whereas n-3 PUFA had either no or minor effects or even promote the bacterial adhesion (especially Lactobacillus casei Shirota) to PUFA treated Caco-2 cells. The results of this study demonstrate the close and bilateral interactions between dietary PUFA and probiotics. Probiotics were shown to influence the absorption and utilization of dietary PUFA, whereas PUFA were shown to alter the functional properties of both probiotics and mucosal epithelia. These findings suggest that a more thorough understanding of interactions between PUFA and intestinal microbiota is a prerequisite, when the beneficial effects of new functional foods containing probiotics are designed and planned for human intervention studies.


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Växtoljor som utgör en förnybar naturresurs används som sådana eller i modifierade former i många industriella processer, som är av stor betydelse för vårt vardagliga liv. Växtoljor används i livsmedel, i kemiska och farmaceutiska produkter, i textilindustrin, för framställning av färgämnen och beläggningsmaterial samt som miljövänliga bränslekomponenter. Fetter och oljor hör till de äldsta kemiska komponenterna som utnyttjas av människan. De består huvudsakligen av glycerolestrar och fettsyror. Fetter och oljor har typiskt en kolkedja med kol-koldubbelbindningar samt karboxyl- och estergrupper, som kan genom hydrering eller dekarboxylering konverteras till nyttiga och miljövänliga produkter med hjälp av ädelmetallkatalysatorer. Aktivt kol (C) används som bärare på katalysatorerna. Väteaddition, d.v.s. hydrering av växtoljor har varit föremål för omfattande forskning i över hundra års tid. Hydreringen är en viktig process, för den tillämpas på produktion av fetter och margarin. Omättade fettsyror hydreras traditionellt på nickelbaserade heterogena katalysatorer. Samtidigt med en partiell hydrering av fettsyrorna och fettsyraestrarna som har två dubbelbindningar pågår också isomeringsreaktioner, vilka ger cis- och transisomerer av reaktantmolekylerna. Den största nackdelen med nickelkatalysatorerna är deras giftighet samt bildning av ohälsosamma transisomerer i reaktionsprodukterna. Dessutom deaktiveras nickelkatalysatorn snabbt p.g.a. att nickeltvålar bildas i reaktionsblandningen. Platinabaserade katalysatorer lider däremot inte av dessa begränsningar. Metaller i platinagruppen i det periodiska systemet studerades i detalj för att avslöja kinetiska effekter i hydreringen av cis-metyloleat. Palladium, rutenium, rhodium, platina och iridium användes som katalytiska metaller. Metallhalten på aktivkolbärare var 1 vikt-%. De olika platinametallerna undersöktes för att kartlägga konkurrerande hydrerings- och isomeringsrutter på metallerna. Det visade sig att metallerna i andra raden av det periodiska systemet (Ru, Rh, Pd) är aktivare i isomeringsprocesserna, medan metallerna i tredje raden (Ir, Pt) har en lägre aktivitet. Pd/C valdes bland platinametallerna, för att den är attraktiv ur ekonomisk synvinkel och den är mycket aktiv och selektiv, speciellt jämfört med nickel. Tyngdpunkten i arbetet var utvecklingen av en alternativ, palladiumbaserad hydreringsteknologi som skulle ersätta den traditionella teknologin som är baserad på användningen av nickelkatalysatorer. Palladiumbaserade katalysatorer kan återcirkuleras, de är aktivare och mera resistenta mot syror och de bildar mindre mängder av skadliga transisomerer. För att denna teknologi skall bli ekonomiskt hållbar och konkurrenskraftig, måste den basera sig på de bästa möjliga katalysatorerna, vilket innebär att en optimal kombination av hög aktivitet och selektivitet samt en lång livstid för katalysatorn krävs. Därför inkluderades teknologiska aspekter kraftigt i forskningen. Mycket arbete satsades på design av palladium på en mesoporös kolbärare och undersökning av korrelationerna mellan katalysatorns egenskaper och dess aktivitet i isomeriseringsreaktionerna och i hydreringen av kol-koldubbelbindningarna i reaktantmolekylen. Katalysatorerna karakteriserades med många fysikaliska och kemiska metoder (transmissionselektronmikroskopi (TEM), röntgendiffraktion (XRD), röntgenfotoelektronspektroskopi (XPS), temperaturprogrammerad reduktion (TPR), temperaturprogrammerad desorption (TPD) av kolmonoxid, kemisorption av kolmonoxid, fysisorption av kväve). Temperaturens, vätetryckets och katalysatorkoncentrationens inverkan på fettsyra- och isomersammansättningen hos de hydrerade oljorna bestämdes under kinetiska betingelser, i frånvaro av massöverföringseffekter. Syreavspjälkning genom fullständig dekarboxylering av karboxylgruppen i fettsyramolekylen är det hittills bästa sättet att framställa miljövänlig dieselolja, eftersom linjära paraffiner fås som reaktionsprodukter och en tillsats av dyr vätgas undviks. Deoxygeneringen undersöktes systematiskt på en Pd/C-katalysator (Sibunit) genom att använda mättade fettsyror C16-C20 och C22 som råvara. Produktmolekylen blev en dieselliknande kolvätemolekyl, med en kolatom färre än i utgångsmolekylen. Lika stora dekarboxyleringshastigheter observerades för rena, mättade fettsyror. En jämförelse av deoxygenereringshastigheterna för stearin-, olein- och linolsyra som råvara vid 300oC i närvaro av 1-volymprocent väte på mesoporös Pd/C (Sibunit) avslöjade att katalysatorns aktivitet och selektivitet ökade med en ökande mättningsgrad av reaktantmolekylen. Då stearinsyra användes som utgångsmolekyl, bestod huvudprodukterna av önskade C17-kolväten, medan mängden av aromatiska C17-komponenter ökade, då olein- och linolsyra användes som utgångsmolekyler. Katalysatordeaktiveringen var relativt påfallande vid deoxygeneringen av linolsyra så att endast 3% av fettsyrorna omsattes till produkter i 330 min. Deaktiveringen orsakades av aromatiska C17-komponenter samt av fettsyradimerer, som bildades via en Diels-Alderreaktion. Hydreringen av omättade fettsyror kan därför rekommenderas som ett primärt kemiskt steg i framställningen av miljövänliga dieselprodukter. Målet var också att öka förståelsen av palladiummetallernas roll i nanoskala, speciellt effekten av metallpartiklarna i katalytisk hydrering och deoxygenering. Pd/C-katalysatorer med lika stora halter av Pd syntetiserades och metallens dispersion på bärarmaterialet varierades systematiskt genom en kontrollerad uppväxt av palladiumnanopartiklar på aktiv kolbärare. Metalldispersionens effekt på hydrerings-hastigheten och cis-transförhållandet undersöktes i detalj. En optimal metalldispersion som gav den högsta dekarboxyleringshastigheten hittades. Massöverföringens inverkan på reaktionens hastighet studerades experimentellt och temperaturprogrammerad desorption av kolmonoxid från katalysatorytan undersöktes ingående. Hydrering av växtoljor genomfördes under satsvisa och kontinuerliga betingelser. Både finfördelat Pd/C och katalysatorgranulat användes i experimenten. Ett av målen med arbetet var uppskalningen av hydreringsprocesserna. Med tanke på stora produktionsvolymer var det logiskt att undersöka kontinuerliga hydrerings- och dekarboxyleringsteknologier. En kontinuerlig packad bäddreaktor studerades i laboratorieskala, vilket gav viktig information om katalysatorns långtidsstabilitet och deaktivering. Effekten av rena fettsyror och triglycerider som råvara samt metallpartikelstorleken och palladiumhalten studerades med hjälp av den kontinuerliga reaktorn. Produktionskapaciteten som erhölls med satsvis och kontinuerlig drift jämfördes. Dekarboxyleringen av stearinsyra undersöktes också i en kontinuerlig packad bädd. Omsättningsgraden blev 15% för en stabil katalysator.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of preoperative supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids on the healing of colonic anastomoses in malnourished rats receiving paclitaxel. METHODS: we studied 160 male Wistar rats, divided in two groups: one subjected to malnutrition by pair feeding (M) for four weeks, and another that received food ad libitum (W). In the fourth week, the groups were further divided into two subgroups that received omega-3 or olive oil by gavage. The animals were submitted to colonic transection and end-to-end anastomosis. After the operation, each of the four groups was divided into two subgroups that received intraperitoneal isovolumetric solutions of saline or paclitaxel. RESULTS: mortality was 26.8% higher in the group of animals that received paclitaxel (p = 0.003). The complete rupture strength was greater in well-nourished-oil Paclitaxel group (WOP) compared with the the malnourished-oil Paclitaxel one (MOP). The collagen maturation index was higher in well-nourished-oil saline group (WOS) in relation to the malnutrition-oil-saline group (MOS), lower in malnourished-oil-saline group (MOS) in relation to malnourished-ômega3-saline one (M3S) and lower in the well-nourished-omega3-saline group (W3S) compared with the malnourished-omega3-saline (M3S). The blood vessel count was higher in the malnourished-oil-saline group (MOS) than in the malnourished-oil-paclitaxel group (MOP) and lower in the malnourished-oil-saline group (MOS) in relation to the malnourished-omega3-paclitaxel group (M3P). CONCLUSION: supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids was associated with a significant increase in the production of mature collagen in malnourished animals, with a reversal of the harmful effects caused by malnutrition associated with the use of paclitaxel on the rupture strength, and with a stimulus to neoangiogenesis in the group receiving paclitaxel.


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Objective: to evaluate liver regeneration in rats after partial hepatectomy of 60% with and without action diet supplemented with fatty acids through the study of the regenerated liver weight, laboratory parameters of liver function and histological study. Methods: thirty-six Wistar rats, males, adults were used, weighing between 195 and 330 g assigned to control and groups. The supplementation group received the diet by gavage and were killed after 24h, 72h and seven days. Evaluation of regeneration occurred through analysis of weight gain liver, serum aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, and mitosis of the liver stained with H&E. Results: the diet supplemented group showed no statistical difference (p>0.05) on the evolution of weights. Administration of fatty acids post-hepatectomy had significant reduction in gamma glutamyltransferase levels and may reflect liver regeneration. Referring to mitotic index, it did not differ between period of times among the groups. Conclusion: supplementation with fatty acids in rats undergoing 60% hepatic resection showed no significant interference related to liver regeneration.


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The seeds of 14 species from the ‘caatinga’, a dry forest ecosystem of the semiarid region of northeast Brazil, were analysed for total protein and total lipid contents, as well as fatty acid distribution. The seeds of Argemone mexicana L., an introduced and naturalized species in Brazil, commonly found in ‘caatingas’ and other vegetation, were also analysed. The protein contents ranged from 123 g.kg-1 to 551 g.kg-1, higher contents being found in species of Leguminosae, but also in Jatropha mollissima (Pohl) Baill. (Euphorbiaceae, 409 g.kg-1). Oil contents ranged from 10 g.kg-1 to 400 g.kg-1. The contents of protein and oil were found to be inversely proportional in the seeds of most species, the figures for proteins being generally higher than those of oils. Most species presented either oleic or linoleic as predominant fatty acids. Cardiospermum cf. corindum L. presented eicosenoic acid as the predominant fatty acid.


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The decreasing fossil fuel resources combined with an increasing world energy demand has raised an interest in renewable energy sources. The alternatives can be solar, wind and geothermal energies, but only biomass can be a substitute for the carbon–based feedstock, which is suitable for the production of transportation fuels and chemicals. However, a high oxygen content of the biomass creates challenges for the future chemical industry, forcing the development of new processes which allow a complete or selective oxygen removal without any significant carbon loss. Therefore, understanding and optimization of biomass deoxygenation processes are crucial for the future bio–based chemical industry. In this work, deoxygenation of fatty acids and their derivatives was studied over Pd/C and TiO2 supported noble metal catalysts (Pt, Pt–Re, Re and Ru) to obtain future fuel components. The 5 % Pd/C catalyst was investigated in semibatch and fixed bed reactors at 300 °C and 1.7–2 MPa of inert and hydrogen–containing atmospheres. Based on extensive kinetic studies, plausible reaction mechanisms and pathways were proposed. The influence of the unsaturation in the deoxygenation of model compounds and industrial feedstock – tall oil fatty acids – over a Pd/C catalyst was demonstrated. The optimization of the reaction conditions suppressed the formation of by–products, hence high yields and selectivities towards linear hydrocarbons and catalyst stability were achieved. Experiments in a fixed bed reactor filled with a 2 % Pd/C catalyst were performed with stearic acid as a model compound at different hydrogen–containing gas atmospheres to understand the catalyst stability under various conditions. Moreover, prolonged experiments were carried out with concentrated model compounds to reveal the catalyst deactivation. New materials were proposed for the selective deoxygenation process at lower temperatures (~200 °C) with a tunable selectivity to hydrodeoxygenation by using 4 % Pt/TiO2 or decarboxylation/decarbonylation over 4 % Ru/TiO2 catalysts. A new method for selective hydrogenation of fatty acids to fatty alcohols was demonstrated with a 4 % Re/TiO2 catalyst. A reaction pathway and mechanism for TiO2 supported metal catalysts was proposed and an optimization of the process conditions led to an increase in the formation of the desired products.


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1. Fish oils are rich in the long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), eicosapentaenoic (20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic (22:6n-3) acids. Linseed oil and green plant tissues are rich in the precursor fatty acid, a-linolenic acid (18:3n-3). Most vegetable oils are rich in the n-6 PUFA linoleic acid (18:2n-6), the precursor of arachidonic acid (20:4n-6). 2. Arachidonic acid-derived eicosanoids such as prostaglandin E2 are pro-inflammatory and regulate the functions of cells of the immune system. Consumption of fish oils leads to replacement of arachidonic acid in cell membranes by eicosapentaenoic acid. This changes the amount and alters the balance of eicosanoids produced. 3. Consumption of fish oils diminishes lymphocyte proliferation, T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity, natural killer cell activity, macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity, monocyte and neutrophil chemotaxis, major histocompatibility class II expression and antigen presentation, production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (interleukins 1 and 6, tumour necrosis factor) and adhesion molecule expression. 4. Feeding laboratory animals fish oil reduces acute and chronic inflammatory responses, improves survival to endotoxin and in models of autoimmunity and prolongs the survival of grafted organs. 5. Feeding fish oil reduces cell-mediated immune responses. 6. Fish oil supplementation may be clinically useful in acute and chronic inflammatory conditions and following transplantation. 7. n-3 PUFAs may exert their effects by modulating signal transduction and/or gene expression within inflammatory and immune cells.


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The short chain fatty acids (SCFA) are the best nutrients for the colonocytes. Glucose is poorly used as a fuel but may be transformed into SCFA by colonic bacteria. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of SCFA or glucose on experimental colitis. Colitis was induced in 30 Wistar rats by colonic instillation of 4% acetic acid. Five days later they were randomized to receive twice a day colonic lavage containing saline (controls, N = 10), 10% hypertonic glucose (N = 10) or SCFA (N = 10) until day 8 when they were killed. At autopsy, the colon was removed and weighed and the mucosa was evaluated macro- and microscopically and stripped out for DNA assay. Data are reported as mean ± SD or median [range] as appropriate. All animals lost weight but there was no difference between groups. Colon weight was significantly lower in the SCFA group (3.8 ± 0.5 g) than in the control (5.3 ± 2.1 g) and glucose (5.2 ± 1.3 g) groups (P<0.05). Macroscopically, the severity of inflammation was less in SCFA (grade 2 [1-5]) than in control (grade 9 [4-10]) and glucose-treated (grade 9 [2-10]) animals (P<0.01). Microscopically, ulceration of the mucosa was more severe in the glucose and control groups than in the SCFA group. The DNA content of the mucosa of SCFA-treated animals (8.2 [5.0-20.2] mg/g of tissue) was higher than in glucose-treated (5.1 [4.2-8.5] mg/g of tissue; P<0.01) and control (6.2 [4.5-8.9] mg/g of tissue; P<0.05) animals. We conclude that SCFA may enhance mucosal re-epithelialization in experimental colitis, whereas hypertonic glucose is of no benefit.


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Fatty acids have various effects on immune and inflammatory responses, acting as intracellular and intercellular mediators. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) of the omega-3 family have overall suppressive effects, inhibiting lymphocyte proliferation, antibody and cytokine production, adhesion molecule expression, natural killer cell activity and triggering cell death. The omega-6 PUFAs have both inhibitory and stimulatory effects. The most studied of these is arachidonic acid that can be oxidized to eicosanoids, such as prostaglandins, leukotrienes and thromboxanes, all of which are potent mediators of inflammation. Nevertheless, it has been found that many of the effects of PUFA on immune and inflammatory responses are not dependent on eicosanoid generation. Fatty acids have also been found to modulate phagocytosis, reactive oxygen species production, cytokine production and leukocyte migration, also interfering with antigen presentation by macrophages. The importance of fatty acids in immune function has been corroborated by many clinical trials in which patients show improvement when submitted to fatty acid supplementation. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain fatty acid modulation of immune response, such as changes in membrane fluidity and signal transduction pathways, regulation of gene transcription, protein acylation, and calcium release. In this review, evidence is presented to support the proposition that changes in cell metabolism also play an important role in the effect of fatty acids on leukocyte functioning, as fatty acids regulate glucose and glutamine metabolism and mitochondrial depolarization.


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The correlation between dietary trans fatty acids and neoplasia was examined in the present study. Walker 256 tumor-bearing and control rats were fed a trans monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)-rich diet for 8 weeks and the incorporation of trans fatty acids by tumor tissue was examined. Also, the effect of tumor growth on trans fatty acid composition of plasma and liver, and the content of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) was determined. Walker 256 tumor cells presented both trans and cis MUFAs given in the diet. The equivalent diet proportions were 0.66 for trans and 1.14 for cis. Taking into consideration the proportion of trans MUFAs in plasma (11.47%), the tumor incorporated these fatty acids in a more efficient manner (18.27%) than the liver (9.34%). Therefore, the dietary trans fatty acids present in the diet are actively incorporated by the tumor. Tumor growth itself caused marked changes in the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the plasma and liver but provoked only slight modifications in both trans and cis MUFAs. Tumor growth also reduced the unsaturation index in both plasma and liver, from 97.79 to 86.83 and from 77.51 to 69.64, respectively. This effect was partially related to an increase in the occurrence of the lipid oxidation/peroxidation process of TBARS content which was increased in both plasma (from 0.428 to 0.505) and liver (from 9.425 to 127.792) due to tumor growth.