557 resultados para excision
A pitiose é causada por microorganismo aquático, fungo-símile, o Pythium insidiosum, patógeno de homens e animais. Observou-se um paciente com úlcera fagedênica no membro inferior, com exame anatomopatológico sugestivo de zigomicose, pouco sensível à terapêutica antifúngica, obtendo-se cura por meio de ampla exérese. A comprovação etiológica resultou de métodos moleculares, com amplificação e seqüenciamento de DNA de organismo isolado em ágar Sabouraud, observando-se 100% de analogia com seqüências de P. insidiosum depositadas no GenBank.
The genome of all organisms is subject to injuries that can be caused by endogenous and environmental factors. If these lesions are not corrected, it can be fixed generating a mutation which can be lethal to the organisms. In order to prevent this, there are different DNA repair mechanisms. These mechanisms are well known in bacteria, yeast, human, but not in plants. Two plant models Oriza sativa and Arabidopsis thaliana had the genome sequenced and due to this some DNA repair genes have been characterized. The aim of this work is to characterized two sugarcane cDNAs that had homology to AP endonuclease: scARP1 and scARP3. In silico has been done with these two sequences and other from plants. It has been observed domain conservation on these sequences, but the cystein at 65 position that is a characteristic from the redox domain in APE1 protein was not so conservated in plants. Phylogenetic relationship showed two branches, one branch with dicots and monocots sequence and the other branch with only monocots sequences. Another approach in order to characterized these two cDNAs was to construct overexpression cassettes (sense and antisense orientation) using the 35S promoter. After that, these cassettes were transferred to the binary vector pPZP211. Furthermore, previously in the laboratory was obtained a plant from nicotiana tabacum containing the overexpression cassette in anti-sense orientation. It has been observed that this plant had a slow development and problems in setting seeds. After some manual crossing, some seeds were obtained (T2) and it was analyzed the T2 segregation. The third approach used in this work was to clone the promoter region from these two cDNAs by PCR walking. The sequences obtained were analyzed using the program PLANTCARE. It was observed in these sequences some motives that may be related to oxidative stress response
FUNDAMENTOS: O carcinoma basocelular (CBC) palpebral é o tumor maligno mais freqüente das pálpebras, sendo possível observar casos em que existe recidiva após a exérese tumoral. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi procurar reconhecer fatores relacionados com a recidiva do CBC palpebral. MÉTODOS: No período de 1998 a 2001 foram detectados, na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu/Unesp, 23 pacientes que apresentaram recidiva clínica de CBC palpebral. Foi realizada análise retrospectiva dos pacientes, analisando-se idade, sexo, história de exposição solar, localização do tumor na pálpebra, diagnóstico clínico, diagnóstico histológico, acometimento de bordas cirúrgicas e tempo de seguimento. RESULTADOS: em meio aos 23 pacientes analisados, não houve predominância de sexo, e a média de idade foi de 72,9 anos. Dos tumores localizados exclusivamente na pálpebra inferior, sobretudo no canto interno (74,0%), 34,7% eram do tipo sólido ulcerado, e a maioria (66,6%) apresentava margens cirúrgicas livres, quando da ressecção tumoral. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria das recidivas de CBC palpebral foi de tumores do tipo sólido e localizados no canto interno. Margens cirúrgicas livres não representam garantia de que a lesão não vá recidivar ou surgir de novo.
OBJETIVO: Existem controvérsias a respeito da influência do papilomavirus (HPV) no desenvolvimento do pterígio. Assim, este estudo foi elaborado com o objetivo de verificar se o papilomavirus está presente na lesão. MÉTODOS: Trinta e seis portadores de pterígio unilateral foram operados, preparando-se o tecido removido e uma amostra de conjuntiva normal para exame de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para detecção de DNA. RESULTADOS: em todas as amostras do pterígio e da conjuntiva normal a pesquisa do DNA-papilomavirus por PCR resultou negativa. CONCLUSÃO: Segundo nossos resultados, o papilomavirus não é importante para o desenvolvimento do pterígio.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a segurança e a efetividade do uso do 5-fluoruracila (5-FU) como tratamento adjuvante do pterígio, aplicado sob a forma de infiltração subconjuntival, no período intraoperatório. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados prospectivamente 125 indivíduos (125 olhos) portadores de pterígio. Os indivíduos foram operados segundo a técnica de retalho de deslizamento e receberam, ao final do procedimento, injeção subconjuntival de 0,2 mL de 5-FU (25 mg/mL). Foram anotados os dados do paciente como idade, sexo, profissão, características da lesão (primário ou recidivado, tamanho, carnoso ou involutivo) e feito seguimento pós-operatório, aos 7, 21, 60 e 180 dias. Os dados foram submetidos à avaliação estatística. RESULTADOS: Não foram observados casos de complicação decorrente do uso do 5-FU em injeção no intraoperatório do pterígio. A taxa de recidiva geral observada aos 180 dias de pós-operatório foi de 35,8%, sendo de 35,7% para os pterígios primários e de 36,4% para os recidivados. CONCLUSÃO: A aplicação do 5-FU no período intraoperatório sob a forma de infiltração subconjuntival é segura. Entretanto, ainda resulta em altas taxas de recidiva e novos estudos devem ser realizados a fim de conhecer a concentração/dose ideal que permitirá menores chances de recidiva da lesão.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
CONTEXTO: A recorrência local única do carcinoma renal de células claras em seu leito renal após nefrectomia radical é um evento raro. Estima-se que essa situação ocorra em 0,8% a 3,6% do total de procedimentos. Comumente, seu diagnóstico é realizado através de tomografia computadorizada de abdômen ou ultra-som renal usados no acompanhamento desses pacientes. É polêmico qual o melhor tratamento dessa rara condição entre urologistas e oncologistas devido aos poucos relatos em literatura. RELATO DE CASO: Relatamos um caso de recidiva neoplásica única no leito renal após quatro anos e meio da nefrectomia radical por adenocarcinoma de células claras, sem evidência de metástases a distância em outros órgãos. O diagnóstico foi realizado por meio de tomografia abdominal em acompanhamento ambulatorial, observando-se massa retroperitoneal em topografia renal. A massa foi retirada por meio de uma incisão subcostal ampliada, em cirurgia sem intercorrências. O paciente evoluiu bem no pós-operatório. Após um ano e meio do procedimento, foi evidenciada uma metástase no pulmão esquerdo, e seis meses após, outra recorrência metastática na nona costela anterior à direita, mesmo com paciente totalmente assintomático. O tratamento cirúrgico agressivo em recorrência local única é um bom método para controlar essa rara doença. Tomografia computadorizada de abdômen deve ser feita em acompanhamento de carcinoma renal por longos períodos após a nefrectomia radical para o diagnóstico de recorrências tardias e o tratamento deve ser feito como o de uma metástase recorrente única.
Late renal cell carcinoma recurrence in the renal fossa is a rare event. This condition occurs in 1 to 2% of radical nephrectomies. We reported a late recurrence at the renal fossa about four and half years after radical nephrectomy due to a renal cell carcinoma (RCC) without metastasis elsewhere. Diagnosis in an outpatient follow-up was made during an abdominal computed tomography and we observed a retroperitoneal mass in the renal fossa. The excision at the recurrence area was made through a subcostal transversal incision without any difficulty. After 6 months from this second procedure, there was no evidence of recurrence. The surgical aggressive treatment for late retroperitoneal RCC recurrence is a good method in this rare situation. Abdominal computed tomography must be done during long periods of follow-up for patients with radical nephrectomy for RCC to search for late retroperitoneal recurrences.
Canine papillomatosis is an infectious viral disease characterized by oral, cutaneous or ocular papillomas, usually benign. The treatment is indicated in animals, with multiple tumors that produce pharyngeal obstruction, and problems, of eating or for aesthetic reasons. Different treatment protocols have been proposed, including surgical excision, cryosurgery, electro surgery, autogenous or recombinant vaccines, imunomodulators drugs, systemic and intralesional chemotherapy. In this study were reviewed the more important aspects of canine oral papillomatosis. In the 12 studied animals, the papillomas were observed predominantly in mouth, gum and palate regions, in puppies until 12 months, presenting combined infection with ehrlichiosis. The treatment using Propionibacterium acnes and/or autogenous vaccine showed efficacy in eight dogs (66.7%).
Background: Solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a rare, benign, and very uncommon lesion in the orbit. Because of its complex and variable clinical and histological appearance the SIFT is often misdiagnosed.Cases: Two new cases of orbital SIFT are reported, one in a man and the other in a woman, both unilateral and in the superomedial orbit.Observations: Clinical and tomographical evaluations were conducted and the lesions were excised. The histological evaluation showed the tumors were composed of spindle-shaped cells within colla.-en bundles and vascular channels. Immunohistochemical staining was positive for CD 34 and negative for S-100 protein.Conclusion: Immunohistochemical study is an important adjuvant in determining the SIFT diagnosis. Long-term follow-up is necessary because of the possibility of SFT recurrence after excision. (C) 2003 Japanese Ophthalmological Society.
A common finding in patients with edentulous maxilla and partially dentate mandible is mainly the presence of flabbiness in the anterior edentulous alveolar ridge that can compromise the retention and stability of a denture. Thus, this case report presents the correction of a flabby ridge, using an auxiliary technique combining surgical excision and autogenous connective tissue grafting. The technique improved the quality of the osteomucosal support of the alveolar ridge and increased the vestibule deepness, whose result increased the success rate of the new conventional total prosthesis.
Odontogenic myxomas (OMs) are nonencapsulated rare benign tumors that can occur in gnathic bones. They are locally invasive and have a high recurrence rate. Radiologically, OMs show a multilocular (in the majority of cases) or unilocular radiolucency, with either distinct or poorly defined margins. Histopathologically, OMs are characterized by spindle-, wedge-, or stellate-shaped cells loosely arranged in an abundant mucoid background. Myxomas are mainly asymptomatic. Radical surgery, excision, and enucleation followed by curettage of the surrounding bony tissue have all been advocated as treatment options. This study presents a successful case of conservative treatment of OMs with a 5-year follow-up.
Ameloblastoma is a true neoplasm of odontogenic epithelial origin. It is a slow-growing benign tumor of the jaw, and patients usually present late after the tumor achieves considerable size to cause facial disfigurement. Diagnosis mainly from tissue biopsy and radiograph findings does assist in differentiating between types of ameloblastoma. Unicystic ameloblastoma is a tumor with a strong propensity for recurrence. There is a difference in biological behavior between mural unicystic ameloblastoma and those which are simply cystic or show intraluminal proliferation. The challenges in the management of this tumor are to provide complete excision in addition to reconstructing the bony defect, to provide the patient with reasonable cosmetic and functional outcome. The authors report a case of a mural unicystic ameloblastoma in a 23-year-old man who was treated by partial resection of the mandible. Biomedical prototypes were used because they provide acceptable precision and are useful for treatment planning.
Lymphangioma is a rare, congenital benign tumor involving vascular malformation, with a great potential for recurrence. It appears during the early years of life and therefore is highly common among children. We report here a five-year-old patient with a simple lymphangioma. The mother of the child reported she had noted the lesion in the palate after an injury in the area with a pen. The recommended treatment was surgical excision since this was a small and well-delimited lesion. Periodic clinical controls for 18 months showed that the mucosa presented normal characteristics, with no signs of recurrence.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)