923 resultados para energy efficiency measurement place


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The relevance of the building sector in the global energy use as well as in the global carbon emissions, both in the developed and developing countries, makes the improvement of the overall energy performance of existing buildings an important part of the actions to mitigate climate changes. Regardless of this potential for energy and emissions saving, large scale building renovation has been found hard to trigger, mainly because present standards are mainly focused on new buildings, not responding effectively to the numerous technical, functional and economic constraints of the existing ones. One of the common problems in the assessment of building renovation scenarios is that only energy savings and costs are normally considered, despite the fact that it has been long recognized that investment on energy efficiency and low carbon technologies yield several benefits beyond the value of saved energy which can be as important as the energy cost savings process. Based on the analysis of significant literature and several case studies, the relevance of co-benefits achieved in the renovation process is highlighted. These benefits can be felt at the building level by the owner or user (like increased user comfort, fewer problems with building physics, improved aesthetics) and should therefore be considered in the definition of the renovation measures, but also at the level of the society as a whole (like health effects, job creation, energy security, impact on climate change), and from this perspective, policy makers must be aware of the possible crossed impacts among different areas of the society for the development of public policies.


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Building sector has become an important target for carbon emissions reduction, energy consumption and resources depletion. Due to low rates of replacement of the existing buildings, their low energy performances are a major concern. Most of the current regulations are focused on new buildings and do not account with the several technical, functional and economic constraints that have to be faced in the renovation of existing buildings. Thus, a new methodology is proposed to be used in the decision making process for energy related building renovation, allowing finding a cost-effective balance between energy consumption, carbon emissions and overall added value.


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Climate change is a crisis that is going to affect all of our lives in the future. Ireland is expected to have increased storms and rain throughout the country. This will affect our lives greatly unless we do something to change it. In an attempt to try and reduce the impacts of climate change, countries across the world met to address the problem. The meeting became known as the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto protocol set out objectives for each developed country to achieve with regards to carbon emissions to the same levels as 1990 levels. Due to the economy in Ireland being at a low point in 1990, Ireland was given a target of 13% carbon emissions above 1990 levels. In order to meet targets Ireland produced two energy papers, the green paper and the white paper. The green paper identified drivers for energy management and control; they were security of energy supply, economic competitiveness and environmental protection. The white paper produced targets in which we should aim to achieve to try and address the green papers drivers. Within the targets was the plan to reduce energy consumption in the public sector by 33% by 2020 through energy conservation measures. Schools are part of the public sector that has targets to reduce its energy consumption. To help to achieve targets in schools initiatives have been developed by the government for schools. Energy audits should be performed in order to identify areas where the schools can improve their current trends and show where they can invest in the future to save money and reduce the schools overall environmental footprint. Grants are available for the schools for insulation through the energy efficiency scheme and for renewable energy technologies through the ReHeat scheme. The promotion of energy efficient programs in schools can have a positive effect for students to have an understanding. The Display Energy Certificate is a legal document that can be used to understand how each school is performing from an energy perspective. It can help schools to understand why they need to change their current energy management structure. By improving the energy management of the schools they then improve the performance on the Display Energy Certificate. Schools should use these tools wisely and take advantage of the grants available which can in the short to long term help them to save money and reduce their carbon footprint.


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Rebound is the extent to which improvements in energy efficiency fail to translate fully into reductions in energy use because of the implicit fall in the price of energy, when measured in efficiency units. This paper discusses aspects of the rebound effect that are introduced once energy is considered as a domestically produced commodity. A partial equilibrium approach is adopted in order to incorporate both energy use and production in a conceptually tractable way. The paper explores analytically two interesting results revealed in previous numerical simulations. The first is the possibility that energy use could fall by more than the implied improvement in efficiency. This corresponds to negative rebound. The second is the finding that the short-run rebound value can be greater than the corresponding long-run value.


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Encara falta per fer possible una transformació estratègica d'Europa del sistema d'energia, però el que és de la mateixa importància com a objectius a llarg termini de la FER i Reduccions de GEH són vinculants i forts objectius d'eficiència energètica, no només per 2020, però també per al 2030, 2040 i 2050, com aquesta força ajudaria a fixar l'augment de les energies renovables en el total d'energia consum i per reduir el total Emissions de GEH d'Europa en general, i les del sector de l'energia en particular, encara sent un dels majors emissors de gasos d'efecte hivernacle de tots els sectors. La refosa Directiva, prevista per 2011/12 ha de ser un bones finestres d'oportunitat per finalment establir objectius vinculants d'eficiència energètica, l'únic pilar que encara falta en la força energia interdependents i estratègia sobre el clima de la UE, basat en la reducció de gasos d'efecte hivernacle i i l'eficiència energètica.


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Tämän insinöörityön tarkoituksena oli luoda Insinööritoimisto Olof Granlund Oy:lle malliprojekti ilmanvaihtokoneen ohjauksen mahdollisesta sähköenergian säästöpotentiaalista. Insinöörityötä voidaan myöhemmin käyttää referenssinä tarjottaessa yrityksen palvelua asiakkaille energiakatselmointityössä kiinteistöihin, joissa on suuria ilmanvaihtokone-yksiköitä. Ensin työssä esitellään käytössä olevat, tutkittavat ilmanvaihtokoneet ja niiden toiminta. Sitten selvitetään ilmanvaihtolaitteiden ja niiden ohjauksen eri osien toiminta, sekä ohjausinformaatio, joka välittyy eri laitteiden välillä. Seuraavaksi työssä tutkitaan rakennusautomaation osuutta, sen hyötyä ja rakennetta kiinteistössä. Tämän jälkeen selvitetään hankkeen viranomaismääräykset. Sitten selvitetään, mistä koostuvat kustannukset ilmanvaihtokoneen ohjauksen uusimisessa. Lopuksi vielä tutkitaan, kuinka pitkä on tehtävän investoinnin takaisinmaksuaika, sekä mitkä ovat saneerauksen hiilidioksidi-päästövaikutukset. insinöörityön Lopputuloksena syntyi yrityksen sisäinen kansio. Kansion esimerkkilaskelmia ja laskentamenetelmiä on tarkoitus käyttää jatkossa referenssinä kiinteistönpito-osastolla sähkö- ja lvi-ryhmissä, niiden henkilöiden käytössä, jotka ovat tekemisissä energiakatselmointien kanssa.


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Iowa’s first annual Energy Independence Plan kicks off a new era of state leadership in energy transformation. Supported by Governor Chet Culver, Lieutenant Governor Patty Judge, and the General Assembly, the Office of Energy Independence was established in 2007 to coordinate state activities for energy independence. The commitment of the state to lead by example creates opportunities for state government to move boldly to achieve its goals, track its progress, measure the results, and report the findings. In moving to energy independence, the active engagement of every Iowan will be sought as the state works in partnership with others in achieving the goals. While leading ongoing efforts within the state, Iowa can also show the nation how to effectively address the critical, complex challenges of shifting to a secure energy future of affordable energy, cost-effective efficiency, reliance on sustainable energy, and enhanced natural resources and environment. In accordance with House File 918, “the plan shall provide cost effective options and strategies for reducing the state’s consumption of energy, dependence on foreign sources of energy, use of fossil fuels, and greenhouse gas emissions. The options and strategies developed in the plan shall provide for achieving energy independence from foreign sources of energy by the year 2025.” Energy independence is a term which means different things to different people. We use the term to mean that we are charting our own course in the emerging energy economy. Iowa can chart its own course by taking advantage of its resources: a well-educated population and an abundance of natural resources, including rich soil, abundant surface and underground water, and consistent wind patterns. Charting our own course also includes further developing our in-state industry, capturing renewable energy, and working toward improved energy efficiency. Charting our own course will allow Iowa to manage its economic destiny while protecting our environment, while creating new, “green collar” industries in every corner of Iowa. Today Iowa is in a remarkable position to capitalize on the current situation globally and at home. Energy drives the economy and has impacts on the environment, undeniable links that are integral for energy security and independence. With the resources available within the state, the combination of significant global changes in energy and research leading to new technologies that continue to drive down the costs of sustainable energy, Iowa can take bold strides toward the goal of energy independence by 2025. The Office of Energy Independence, with able assistance from hundreds of individuals, organizations, agencies, and advisors, presents its plan for Iowa’s Energy Independence.


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Through the City Energy Management Program, energy managers will directly work with up to 20 municipalities in Iowa to help identify opportunities to reduce energy costs in city-owned buildings, exterior lighting, and water/wastewater facilities. This assistance will be provided to the selected municipalities who will provide an in-kind match to achieve energy efficiency within their community.


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Through the City Energy Management Program, energy managers will directly work with up to 20 municipalities in Iowa to help identify opportunities to reduce energy costs in city-owned buildings, exterior lighting, and water/wastewater facilities. This assistance will be provided to the selected municipalities who will provide an in-kind match to achieve energy efficiency within their community. Power Point of theses resources.


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The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) Energy Office sets energy policy direction for Iowa and receives designated funding from the State Energy Program Formula from the Department of Energy to carry out designated energy activities. These activities include promoting energy efficiency, biofuels and renewable energy.


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The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) Energy Office sets energy policy direction for Iowa and receives designated funding from the State Energy Program Formula from the Department of Energy to carry out designated energy activities. These activities include promoting energy efficiency, bio-fuels and renewable energy.


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Hyötysuhde on tärkeätekijä moottorimarkkinoilla, sillä moottorin ostajan kannalta moottorin hyvä hyötysuhde merkitsee taloudellisuutta pitkällä aikavälillä. Tästä johtuen hyötysuhde on merkittävä kriteeri moottorisuunnittelussa. Moottorin hyötysuhteen määrittämisen mittausmenetelmät on määritelty IEC- ja IEEE-standardeissa. Diplomityössäkäydään läpi eri standardimenetelmillä tehtäviä mittauksia ja vertaillaan niitäkeskenään, koska hyötysuhteen määrityksen tarkkuus riippuu käytettävästä mittausmenetelmästä. Työssä keskitytään sinimuotoisella jännitteellä syötetyn induktiomoottoriin hyötysuhteen määritysmenetelmiin perehtyen erityisesti IEEE 112-standardin B-menetelmään, ja mitataan erään induktiomoottorin hyötysuhde B-menetelmällä. Työssä tehdään selkoa sinisyötölle tarkoitettujen hyötysuhdemittausmenetelmien soveltamisesta epäsinimuotoiseen taajuusmuuttajasyöttöön sekä tutkitaan taajuusmuuttajalla syötetyn moottorin sähköisten suureiden mittaamiseen liittyvää mittausepävarmuutta. Lisäksi selvitetään kokeellisesti taajuusmuuttajasyötöllä tehdyistä mittauksista saatujen tulosten riippuvuutta käytetystä virranmittaustavasta.


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Tämä diplomityö on tehty UPM-Kymmene Oy:n Tervasaaren tehtaalle. Työn tavoitteena oli määrittää soodakattilan energiatase. Määritellyn taseen avulla voitiin tutkia kattilan energiatehokkuutta. Soodakattilan savukaasupuolen ja vesihöyrypiirin energiataseet mallinnettiin taulukkolaskentaohjelmaan. Lähtöarvojen selvittämiseksi suoritettiin yksi mittausjakso. Laskettujen savukaasupuolen ja vesihöyrypiirin tasetulosten ero oli vain 0,4 % hyödyksi saatavien lämpöenergioiden suhteen. Savukaasupuolen energiataseessa käytettiin polttoaineiden tehollisia lämpöarvoja. Lisäksi lipeän määritettyä tehollista lämpöarvoa korjattiin erillisellä kertoimella. Kattilan energiatehokkuuden tarkasteluun valittiin muuttujiksi poltettavan lipeän laatu ja lipeän kuiva-aine sekä nuohoushöyrymäärä ja ilmakerroin. Lasketuista tuloksista voitiin havaita, että siirryttäessä nykyisestä polttolipeän poltosta pelkään sulfaattipohjaisen lipeän polttoon, saavutetaan säästöjä 2,33…3,10 milj.€/a. Myös nuohoushöyrymäärän ja ilmakertoimen muutoksilla todettiin saavutettavan säästöjä.


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As the world’s energy demand is increasing, a durable solution to control it is to improve the energy efficiency of the processes. It has been estimated that pumping applications have a significant potential for energy savings trough equipment or control system changes. For many pumping application the use of a variable speed drive as a process control element is the most energy efficient solution. The main target of this study is to examine the energy efficiency of a drive system that moves the pump. In a larger scale the purpose of this study is to examine how the different manufacturers’ variable speed drives are functioning as a control device of a pumping process. The idea is to compare the drives from a normal pump user’s point of view. The things that are mattering for the pump user are the efficiency gained in the process and the easiness of the use of the VSD. So some thought is given also on valuating the user-friendliness of the VSDs. The VSDs are compared to each other also on the basis of their life cycle energy costs in different kind of pumping cases. The comparison is made between ACS800 from ABB, VLT AQUA Drive from Danfoss, NX-drive from Vacon and Micromaster 430 from Siemens. The efficiencies are measured in power electronics laboratory in the Lappeenranta University of Technology with a system that consists of a variable speed drive, an induction motor with dc-machine, two power analyzers and a torque transducer. The efficiencies are measured as a function of a load at different frequencies. According to measurement results the differences between the measured system efficiencies on the actual working area of pumping are on average few percent units. When examining efficiencies at the whole range of different loads and frequencies, the differences get bigger. At low frequencies and loads the differences between the most efficient and the least efficient systems are at the most about ten percent units. At the most of the tested points ABB’s drive seem to have slightly better efficiencies than the other drives.