855 resultados para early design stages
[EN] Red porgy is one of the most interested new species for Spanish and other Mediterranean countries. Although no industrial procedures for fry production has been yet developed. The aim of this work was to develop an industrial scale larval rearing protocols testing the viability of two different rearing techniques (semi-intensive vs intensive) in pilot scale facilities. The second objective was to obtain information about the contribution of rearing system to the apparition of morphological abnormalities such as lordosis, opercular deformities and upper/lower jaws shortening which are considered as quality descriptors in commercial marine fish fry production and seem to be related with larval culture conditions in early larval stages. For that purpose, two different larval rearing systems semi-intensive and intensive were compared using the same live feed enrichments. Biochemical composition of larvae, preys and commercial products was analysed. At 50 days post hatching six hundred fish per treatment was individually studied under stereoscope and abnormalities frequency recorded. At 95 days post hatching fry were soft X ray monitored as well. Survival and abnormalities frequency were similar between treatments although a better growth in terms of total length was obtained in the semi-intensive system.
[EN] Main deformities such as lordosis, opercular deformities and upper/lower jaws shortening are considered as quality descriptors in commercial marine fish fry production and seem to be related at least with larval culture conditions in early larval stages. The aim of this work was to obtain information about the contribution of the diet and rearing system to the apparition of these abnormalities in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) larvae in semi-industrial scale facilities. For that purpose, two different larval rearing systems semi-intensive and intensive were compared by duplicate and with the same live feed enrichments; besides, two different rotifer enrichments were tested in an intensive system. Biochemical composition of larvae, preys and commercial products was analysed. At 50 days post hatching six hundred fish per treatment were individually studied under stereoscope and abnormalities frequency recorded. At 95 days post hatching fry were soft X ray monitored as well. Survival and malformation frequency were significantly different between treatments, the effect of diet and system are discussed. A significantly lower percentage of deformity rates together with better survival and growth were obtained in the semi-intensive system, whereas the rotifer enrichment significantly affected larval survival.
Survival during the early life stages of marine species, including nearshore temperate reef fishes, is typically very low, and small changes in mortality rates, due to physiological and environmental conditions, can have marked effects on survival of a cohort and, on a larger scale, on the success of a recruitment season. Moreover, trade offs between larval growth and accumulation of energetic resources prior to settlement are likely to influence growth and survival until this critical period and afterwards. Rockfish recruitment rates are notoriously variable between years and across geographic locations. Monitoring of rates of onshore delivery of pelagic juveniles (defined here as settlement) of two species of nearshore rockfishes, Sebastes caurinus and Sebastes carnatus, was done between 2003-2009 years using artificial collectors placed at San Miguel and Santa Cruz Island, off Southern California coast. I investigated spatiotemporal variation in settlement rate, lipid content, pelagic larval duration and larval growth of the newly settled fishes; I assessed relationships between birth date, larval growth, early life-history characteristics and lipid content at settlement, considering also interspecific differences; finally, I attempt to relate interannual patterns of settlement and of early life history traits to easily accessible, local and regional indices of ocean conditions including in situ ocean temperature and regional upwelling, sea surface temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration. Spatial variations appeared to be of low relevance, while significant interannual differences were detected in settlement rate, pelagic larval duration and larval growth. The amount of lipid content of the newly settled fishes was highly variable in space and time, but did not differ between the two species and did not show any relationships with early life history traits, indicating that no trade off involved these physiological processes or they were masked by high individual variability in different periods of larval life. Significant interspecific differences were found in the timing of parturition and settlement and in larval growth rates, with S. carnatus growing faster and breeding and settling later than S. caurinus. The two species exhibited also different patterns of correlations between larval growth rates and larval duration. S. carnatus larval duration was longer when the growth in the first two weeks post-hatch was faster, while S. caurinus had a shorter larval duration when grew fast in the middle and in the end of larval life, suggesting different larval strategies. Fishes with longer larval durations were longer in size at settlement and exhibited longer planktonic phase in periods of favourable environmental conditions. Ocean conditions had a low explanatory power for interannual variation in early life history traits, but a very high explanatory power for settlement fluctuations, with regional upwelling strength being the principal indicator. Nonetheless, interannual variability in larval duration and growth were related to great phenological changes in upwelling happened during the period of this study and that caused negative consequences at all trophic levels along the California coast. Despite the low explanatory power of the environmental variables used in this study on the variation of larval biological traits, environmental processes were differently related with early life history characteristics analyzed to species, indicating possible species-specific susceptibility to ocean conditions and local environmental adaptation, which should be further investigated. These results have implications for understanding the processes influencing larval and juvenile survival, and consequently recruitment variability, which may be dependent on biological characteristics and environmental conditions.
Ein eindimensionales numerisches Modell der maritimenGrenzschicht (MBL) wurde erweitert, um chemische Reaktionenin der Gasphase, von Aerosolpartikeln und Wolkentropfen zu beschreiben. Ein Schwerpunkt war dabei die Betrachtung derReaktionszyklen von Halogenen. Soweit Ergebnisse vonMesskampagnen zur Verfuegung standen, wurden diese zurValidierung des Modells benutzt. Die Ergebnisse von frueheren Boxmodellstudien konntenbestaetigt werden. Diese zeigten die saeurekatalysierteAktivierung von Brom aus Seesalzaerosolen, die Bedeutung vonHalogenradikalen fuer die Zerstoerung von O3, diepotentielle Rolle von BrO bei der Oxidation von DMS und dievon HOBr und HOCl in der Oxidation von S(IV). Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Beruecksichtigung derVertikalprofile von meteorologischen und chemischen Groessenvon grosser Bedeutung ist. Dies spiegelt sich darin wider,dass Maxima des Saeuregehaltes von Seesalzaerosolen und vonreaktiven Halogenen am Oberrand der MBL gefunden wurden.Darueber hinaus wurde die Bedeutung von Sulfataerosolen beidem aktiven Recyceln von weniger aktiven zu photolysierbarenBromspezies gezeigt. Wolken haben grosse Auswirkungen auf die Evolution und denTagesgang der Halogene. Dies ist nicht auf Wolkenschichtenbeschraenkt. Der Tagesgang der meisten Halogene ist aufgrundeiner erhoehten Aufnahme der chemischen Substanzen in die Fluessigphase veraendert. Diese Ergebnisse betonen dieWichtigkeit der genauen Dokumentation der meteorologischenBedingungen bei Messkampagnen (besonders Wolkenbedeckungsgrad und Fluessigwassergehalt), um dieErgebnisse richtig interpretieren und mit Modellresultatenvergleichen zu koennen. Dieses eindimensionale Modell wurde zusammen mit einemBoxmodell der MBL verwendet, um die Auswirkungen vonSchiffemissionen auf die MBL abzuschaetzen, wobei dieVerduennung der Abgasfahne parameterisiert wurde. DieAuswirkungen der Emissionen sind am staerksten, wenn sie insauberen Gebieten stattfinden, die Hoehe der MBL gering istund das Einmischen von Hintergrundluft schwach ist.Chemische Reaktionen auf Hintergrundaerosolen spielen nureine geringe Rolle. In Ozeangebieten mit schwachemSchiffsverkehr sind die Auswirkungen auf die Chemie der MBL beschraenkt. In staerker befahrenen Gebieten ueberlappensich die Abgasfahnen mehrerer Schiffe und sorgen fuerdeutliche Auswirkungen. Diese Abschaetzung wurde mitSimulationen verglichen, bei denen die Emissionen alskontinuierliche Quellen behandelt wurden, wie das inglobalen Chemiemodellen der Fall ist. Wenn die Entwicklungder Abgasfahne beruecksichtigt wird, sind die Auswirkungendeutlich geringer da die Lebenszeit der Abgase in der erstenPhase nach Emission deutlich reduziert ist.
Auf einer drei Anbauperioden umfassenden Ground Truth Datenbasis wird der Informationsgehalt multitemporaler ERS-1/-2 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Daten zur Erfassung der Arteninventare und des Zustandes landwirtschaftlich genutzter Böden und Vegetation in Agrarregionen Bayerns evaluiert.Dazu wird ein für Radardaten angepaßtes, multitemporales, auf landwirtschaftlichen Schlägen beruhendes Klassifizierungsverfahren ausgearbeitet, das auf bildstatistischen Parametern der ERS-Zeitreihen beruht. Als überwachte Klassifizierungsverfahren wird vergleichend der Maximum-Likelihood-Klassifikator und ein Neuronales-Backpropagation-Netz eingesetzt. Die auf Radarbildkanälen beruhenden Gesamtgenauigkeiten variieren zwischen 75 und 85%. Darüber hinaus wird gezeigt, daß die interferometrische Kohärenz und die Kombination mit Bildkanälen optischer Sensoren (Landsat-TM, SPOT-PAN und IRS-1C-PAN) zur Verbesserung der Klassifizierung beitragen. Gleichermaßen können die Klassifizierungsergebnisse durch eine vorgeschaltete Grobsegmentierung des Untersuchungsgebietes in naturräumlich homogene Raumeinheiten verbessert werden. Über die Landnutzungsklassifizierung hinaus, werden weitere bio- und bodenphysikalische Parameter aus den SAR-Daten anhand von Regressionsmodellen abgeleitet. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Paramter oberflächennahen Bodenfeuchte vegetationsfreier/-armer Flächen sowie die Biomasse landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß mit ERS-1/-2 SAR-Daten eine Messung der Bodenfeuchte möglich ist, wenn Informationen zur Bodenrauhigkeit vorliegen. Hinsichtlich der biophysikalischen Parameter sind signifikante Zusammenhänge zwischen der Frisch- bzw. Trockenmasse des Vegetationsbestandes verschiedener Getreide und dem Radarsignal nachweisbar. Die Biomasse-Informationen können zur Korrektur von Wachstumsmodellen genutzt werden und dazu beitragen, die Genauigkeit von Ertragsschätzungen zu steigern.
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die molekulare Evolution von Globinen in Amphibien und Teleostiern untersucht und Analysen zur Genexpression ausgewählter Globine durchgeführt. Die bisher besonders für die neueren Mitglieder der Superfamilie der Globine – Neuroglobin und Cytoglobin – schwerpunktmäßig in Mammaliern erbrachten Daten sollten durch die Analyse in Amphibien und Teleostiern auf ihre generelle Gültigkeit für Vertebraten überprüft werden. Die Analysen zur Genexpression wurden sowohl in silico, basierend auf genomischen wie EST-Daten, als auch experimentell durch qualitative und quantitative RT-PCR-Nachweise durchgeführt. Die mRNA-Lokalisation wurde durch in situ-Hybridisierungen an Gewebeschnitten beziehungsweise durch Whole mount in situ-Hybridisierung an ganzen Embryonen detektiert. In einem ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde das Globin-Repertoire von Xenopus tropicalis umfassend analysiert. Die Expressionsanalyse der gefundenen Globine umfasste nicht nur adulte Tiere, sonder erstmals auch detailliert die Entwicklungsstadien eines Vertebraten. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass die vorwiegend neuronale Expression des streng konservierten Neuroglobins ein generelles Charakteristikum aller Tetrapoden ist und bereits in der frühembryonalen Entwicklung auftritt. Auch für das als Einzelkopie im Amphibiengenom vertretene Cytoglobin konnte eine strenge Sequenzkonservierung gezeigt werden. Das Expressionsmuster des Amphibien-Cytoglobins stimmte mit dem aus Mammaliern bekannten überein und zeigte konservierte Charakteristika dieses Globins bei Tetrapoden auf. Die Analyse des Xenopus-Genoms ergab zudem, dass Krallenfrösche nicht über Myoglobin verfügen. Genomische Vergleiche syntäner Genregionen ließen auf Rearrangements in diesem Genombereich im Verlauf der Evolution schließen, in deren Folge das Myoglobingen in den Krallenfröschen deletiert wurde. Die Hämoglobine wurden in Xenopus tropicalis erstmals in einem Amphibium umfassend analysiert. Die Gene zeigten demnach eine geclusterte Anordnung: der tropische Krallenfrosch verfügte über je ein funktionelles α- bzw. β-adultes und sieben bzw. vier α- bzw. β-larvale Hämoglobine, die während der Entwicklung bzw. in adulten Tieren charakteristisch exprimiert wurden. Die Analyse der Hämoglobine hinsichtlich ihrer Lage in einem Cluster, ihrer phylogenetischen Relation zueinander und nicht zuletzt ihres Expressionsmusters ließen Rückschlüsse auf ihre Evolution zu. Zusätzlich zu diesen bereits bekannten Globinen konnte im Rahmen dieser Dissertation das Globingen-Repertoirs von Xenopus um zwei weitere, bisher unbekannte Globine erweitert werden. Diese wurden entsprechend ihrer bisher unbekannten Funktion als GlobinX und GlobinY bezeichnet. Während GlobinY bisher ausschließlich in Amphibien nachgewiesen werden konnte, wurde GlobinX zudem in Teleostiern detektiert und repräsentiert damit ein auf Anamnia beschränktes Globin. Die rekombinante Proteinexpression von Neuroglobin, Cytoglobin, GlobinX und GlobinY des tropischen Krallenfrosches zeigte ein hexakoordiniertes Bindungsschema dieser Globine in ihrem Deoxy-Zustand. In einem zweiten Teil dieser Dissertation wurden Neuroglobin und Cytoglobin in Teleostiern untersucht und die Analyse für diese zwei Gene somit über die Tetrapoden hinaus auf den gesamten Stammbaum der Vertebraten ausgedehnt. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass die vorwiegend neuronale Expression des seit 420 Millionen Jahren streng konservierten Neuroglobins ein generelles Merkmal dieses Globins in allen Vertebraten ist. Der in Amphibien und Teleostiern erbrachte und mit Ergebnissen in Mammaliern übereinstimmende Nachweis von Neuroglobin in neuronalen Geweben mit einem hohen Stoffwechsel lässt derzeit eine Funktion dieses Globins im Sauerstoffmetabolimus als wahrscheinlich erscheinen. Ob Neuroglobin dabei als kurzzeitiger Sauerstoffspeicher, O2-Transoprter oder aber in der Detoxifikation reaktiver Sauerstoff- bzw. Stickstoffspezies agiert, bleibt zu untersuchen. Für Cytoglobin konnte eine offenbar alle Teleostier betreffende Genduplikation nachgewiesen werden. Phylogenetische Analysen zeigen die Monophylie der Vertebraten-Cytoglobine. Der Vergleich der paralogen Cytoglobine der Teleostier mit dem syntänen Genombereich des humanen Cytoglobins zeigte die wahrscheinliche Entstehung der Fisch-Cytoglobine durch eine Genomduplikation in einem Vorfahren aller Teleostier vor etwa 300-450 Millionen Jahren. Die paralogen Cytoglobine zeigten in Danio rerio und Tetraodon nigroviridis differierende, charakteristische Expressionsmuster, die mit der Theorie der Subfunktionalisierung von Genen in Folge eines Duplikationsereignisses kompatibel sind. Die Analyse zeigte, dass Cygb-1 prädominant in Gehirn und Herz exprimiert wurde, Cygb-2 hingegen bevorzugt in Gehirn und Auge. Dies bestätigte indirekt die Hypothese, nach der das Cytoglobin der Mammalier zwei unterschiedliche Funktionen in differenten Geweben wahrnimmt. Die rekombinante Expression von Cygb-1 des Zebrabärblings zeigte zudem, das auch dieses Globin in seiner Deoxy-Form über ein hexakoordiniertes Bindungsschema verfügt.
Rett's Syndrome (RTT) is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by cognitive disability that appears in the first months/years of life. Recently, mutations in the X-linked cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 (CDKL5) gene have been detected in RTT patients characterized by early-onset seizures. CDKL5 is highly expressed in the brain starting from early postnatal stages to adulthood, suggesting the importance of this kinase for proper brain maturation and function. However, the role/s of CDKL5 in brain development and the molecular mechanisms whereby CDKL5 exerts its effects are still largely unknown. In order to characterize the role of CDKL5 on brain development, we created a mice carrying a targeted conditional knockout allele of Cdkl5. A first behavioral characterization shows that Cdkl5 knockout mice recapitulate several features that mimic the clinical features described in CDKL5 patients and are a useful tool to investigate phenotypic and functional aspects of Cdkl5 loss. We used the Cdkl5 knockout mouse model to dissect the role of CDKL5 on hippocampal development and to establish the mechanism/s underlying its actions. We found that Cdkl5 knockout mice showed increased precursor cell proliferation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Interestingly, this region was also characterized by an increased rate of apoptotic cell death that caused a reduction in the final neuron number in spite of the proliferation increase. Moreover, loss of Cdkl5 led to decreased dendritic development of new generated granule cells. Finally, we identified the Akt/GSK3-beta signaling as a target of Cdkl5 in the regulation of neuronal precursor proliferation, survival and maturation. Overall our findings highlight a critical role of CDKL5/AKT/GSK3-beta signaling in the control of neuron proliferation, survival and differentiation and suggest that CDKL5-related alterations of these processes during brain development underlie the neurological symptoms of the CDKL5 variant of RTT.
Coordinated patterns of electrical activity are important for the early development of sensory systems. The spatiotemporal dynamics of these early activity patterns and the role of the peripheral sensory input for their generation are essentially unknown. There are two projects in this thesis. In project1, we performed extracellular multielectrode recordings in the somatosensory cortex of postnatal day 0 to 7 rats in vivo and observed three distinct patterns of synchronized oscillatory activity. (1) Spontaneous and periphery-driven spindle bursts of 1–2 s in duration and ~10 Hz in frequency occurred approximately every 10 s. (2) Spontaneous and sensory-driven gamma oscillations of 150–300 ms duration and 30–40 Hz in frequency occurred every 10–30 s. (3) Long oscillations appeared only every ~20 min and revealed the largest amplitude (250–750 µV) and longest duration (>40 s). These three distinct patterns of early oscillatory activity differently synchronized the neonatal cortical network. Whereas spindle bursts and gamma oscillations did not propagate and synchronized a local neuronal network of 200–400 µm in diameter, long oscillations propagated with 25–30 µm/s and synchronized 600-800 µm large ensembles. All three activity patterns were triggered by sensory activation. Single electrical stimulation of the whisker pad or tactile whisker activation elicited neocortical spindle bursts and gamma activity. Long oscillations could be only evoked by repetitive sensory stimulation. The neonatal oscillatory patterns in vivo depended on NMDAreceptor-mediated synaptic transmission and gap junctional coupling. Whereas spindle bursts and gamma oscillations may represent an early functional columnar-like pattern, long oscillations may serve as a propagating activation signal consolidating these immature neuronal networks. In project2, Using voltage-sensitive dye imaging and simultaneous multi-channel extracellular recordings in the barrel cortex and somatosensory thalamus of newborn rats in vivo, we found that spontaneous and whisker stimulation induced activity patterns were restricted to functional cortical columns already at the day of birth. Spontaneous and stimulus evoked cortical activity consisted of gamma oscillations followed by spindle bursts. Spontaneous events were mainly generated in the thalamus or by spontaneous whisker movements. Our findings indicate that during early developmental stages cortical networks self-organize in ontogenetic columns via spontaneous gamma oscillations triggered by the thalamus or sensory periphery.
Plant communities on weathered rock and outcrops are characterized by high values in species richness (Dengler 2006) and often persist on small and fragmented surfaces. Yet very few studies have examined the relationships between heterogeneity and plant diversity at small scales, in particular in poor-nutrient and low productive environment (Shmida and Wilson 1985, Lundholm 2003). In order to assess these relationships both in space and time in relationship, two different approaches were employed in the present study, in two gypsum outcrops of Northern Apennine. Diachronic and synchronic samplings from April 2012 to March 2013 were performed. A 50x50 cm plot was used in both samplings such as the sampling unit base. The diachronic survey aims to investigate seasonal patterning of plant diversity by the use of images analysis techniques integrated with field data and considering also seasonal climatic trend, the substrate quality and its variation in time. The purpose of the further, synchronic sampling was to describe plant diversity pattern as a function of the environmental heterogeneity meaning in substrate typologies, soil depth and topographic features. Results showed that responses of diversity pattern depend both on the resources availability, environmental heterogeneity and the manner in which the different taxonomic group access to them during the year. Species richness and Shannon diversity were positively affected by increasing in substrate heterogeneity. Furthermore a good turnover in seasonal species occurrence was detected. This vegetation may be described by the coexistence of three groups of species which created a gradient from early colonization stages, characterized by greater slope and predominance of bare rock, gradually to situation of more developed soil.
Phyllotaxis, the regular arrangement of leaves and flowers around the stem, is a key feature of plant architecture. Current models propose that the spatiotemporal regulation of organ initiation is controlled by a positive feedback loop between the plant hormone auxin and its efflux carrier PIN-FORMED1 (PIN1). Consequently, pin1 mutants give rise to naked inflorescence stalks with few or no flowers, indicating that PIN1 plays a crucial role in organ initiation. However, pin1 mutants do produce leaves. In order to understand the regulatory mechanisms controlling leaf initiation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) rosettes, we have characterized the vegetative pin1 phenotype in detail. We show that although the timing of leaf initiation in vegetative pin1 mutants is variable and divergence angles clearly deviate from the canonical 137° value, leaves are not positioned at random during early developmental stages. Our data further indicate that other PIN proteins are unlikely to explain the persistence of leaf initiation and positioning during pin1 vegetative development. Thus, phyllotaxis appears to be more complex than suggested by current mechanistic models.
Current treatments for Alzheimer's disease (AD) are only able to slow the progression of mental deterioration, making early and reliable diagnosis an essential part of any promising therapeutic strategy. In the initial stages of AD, the first neuropathological alterations occur in the perforant pathway (PP), a large neuronal fiber tract located at the entrance to the limbic system. However, to date, there is no sensitive diagnostic tool for performing in vivo assessments of this structure. In the present bimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study, we examined 10 elderly controls, 10 subjects suffering from mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and 10 AD patients in order to evaluate the sensitivity of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), a new MRI technique, for detecting changes in the PP. Furthermore, the diagnostic explanatory power of DTI data of the PP should be compared to high-resolution MRI volumetry and intervoxel coherences (COH) of the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex, two limbic regions also involved in the pathophysiology of early AD. DTI revealed a marked decrease in COH values in the PP region of MCI (right side: 26%, left side: 29%, as compared to controls) and AD patients (right side: 37%, left side: 43%, as compared to controls). Reductions in COH values of the PP region were significantly correlated with cognitive impairment. DTI data of the PP zone were the only parameter differing significantly between control subjects and MCI patients, while the volumetric measures and the COH values of the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex did not. DTI of medial temporal brain regions is a promising non-invasive tool for the in vivo diagnosis of the early/preclinical stages of AD.
TIE2 is a vascular endothelial-specific receptor tyrosine kinase essential for the regulation of vascular network formation and remodeling. Previously, we have shown that the 1.2-kb 5' flanking region of the TIE2 promoter is capable of directing beta-galactosidase reporter gene expression specifically into a subset of endothelial cells (ECs) of transgenic mouse embryos. However, transgene activity was restricted to early embryonic stages and not detectable in adult mice. Herein we describe the identification and characterization of an autonomous endothelial-specific enhancer in the first intron of the mouse TIE2 gene. Furthermore, combination of the TIE2 promoter with an intron fragment containing this enhancer allows it to target reporter gene expression specifically and uniformly to virtually all vascular ECs throughout embryogenesis and adulthood. To our knowledge, this is the first time that an in vivo expression system has been assembled by which heterologous genes can be targeted exclusively to the ECs of the entire vasculature. This should be a valuable tool to address the function of genes during physiological and pathological processes of vascular ECs in vivo. Furthermore, we were able to identify a short region critical for enhancer function in vivo that contains putative binding sites for Ets-like transcription factors. This should, therefore, allow us to determine the molecular mechanisms underlying the vascular-EC-specific expression of the TIE2 gene.
BACKGROUND: Meprin (EC, an astacin-like metalloprotease, is expressed in the epithelium of the intestine and kidney tubules and has been related to cancer, but the mechanistic links are unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used MDCK and Caco-2 cells stably transfected with meprin alpha and or meprin beta to establish models of renal and intestinal epithelial cells expressing this protease at physiological levels. In both models E-cadherin was cleaved, producing a cell-associated 97-kDa E-cadherin fragment, which was enhanced upon activation of the meprin zymogen and reduced in the presence of a meprin inhibitor. The cleavage site was localized in the extracellular domain adjacent to the plasma membrane. In vitro assays with purified components showed that the 97-kDa fragment was specifically generated by meprin beta, but not by ADAM-10 or MMP-7. Concomitantly with E-cadherin cleavage and degradation of the E-cadherin cytoplasmic tail, the plaque proteins beta-catenin and plakoglobin were processed by an intracellular protease, whereas alpha-catenin, which does not bind directly to E-cadherin, remained intact. Using confocal microscopy, we observed a partial colocalization of meprin beta and E-cadherin at lateral membranes of incompletely polarized cells at preconfluent or early confluent stages. Meprin beta-expressing cells displayed a reduced strength of cell-cell contacts and a significantly lower tendency to form multicellular aggregates. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: By identifying E-cadherin as a substrate for meprin beta in a cellular context, this study reveals a novel biological role of this protease in epithelial cells. Our results suggest a crucial role for meprin beta in the control of adhesiveness via cleavage of E-cadherin with potential implications in a wide range of biological processes including epithelial barrier function and cancer progression.
Virtual machines emulating hardware devices are generally implemented in low-level languages and using a low-level style for performance reasons. This trend results in largely difficult to understand, difficult to extend and unmaintainable systems. As new general techniques for virtual machines arise, it gets harder to incorporate or test these techniques because of early design and optimization decisions. In this paper we show how such decisions can be postponed to later phases by separating virtual machine implementation issues from the high-level machine-specific model. We construct compact models of whole-system VMs in a high-level language, which exclude all low-level implementation details. We use the pluggable translation toolchain PyPy to translate those models to executables. During the translation process, the toolchain reintroduces the VM implementation and optimization details for specific target platforms. As a case study we implement an executable model of a hardware gaming device. We show that our approach to VM building increases understandability, maintainability and extendability while preserving performance.
Mirror masked words are embedded into a context that makes them appear as senseless patterns or as strings of unfamiliar letters. Thus, mirror masked words can be shown for several hundreds of milliseconds without being recognised as words. We sought to further investigate effects of nonsconscious reading by monitoring event-related brain potentials (ERPs) while participants observed mirror masked letter strings. ERPs were recorded while participants observed mirror masked words and nonwords. Data of 15 participants was segmented into periods of quasi-stable field topography (microstates). Microstates for masked words and nonwords were compared using randomization tests, statistical parametric scalp maps and Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA). ERPs to masked words and nonwords showed significant topographic differences between 136 and 256 ms, indicating that stimuli were nonconsciously discriminated. A LORETA model localised sources of activation discriminating between masked words and nonwords in left operculum, the right superior parietal lobe and right superior temporal gyrus indicating higher current density for nonwords than for words in these areas. ERPs of mirror masked stimuli can indicate unconscious discrimination even in cases where behavioural priming is unreliable. This approach might be useful for investigating differences in early, nonconscious stages of word perception.