988 resultados para documenting automation


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Despite the frequent use of stepping motors in robotics, automation, and a variety of precision instruments, they can hardly be found in rotational viscometers. This paper proposes the use of a stepping motor to drive a conventional constant-shear-rate laboratory rotational viscometer to avoid the use of velocity sensor and gearbox and, thus, simplify the instrument design. To investigate this driving technique, a commercial rotating viscometer has been adapted to be driven by a bipolar stepping motor, which is controlled via a personal computer. Special circuitry has been added to microstep the stepping motor at selectable step sizes and to condition the torque signal. Tests have been carried out using the prototype to produce flow curves for two standard Newtonian fluids (920 and 12 560 mPa (.) s, both at 25 degrees C). The flow curves have been obtained by employing several distinct microstep sizes within the shear rate range of 50-500 s(-1). The results indicate the feasibility of the proposed driving technique.


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One of the most important recent improvements in cardiology is the use of ventricular assist devices (VADs) to help patients with severe heart diseases, especially when they are indicated to heart transplantation. The Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology has been developing an implantable centrifugal blood pump that will be able to help a sick human heart to keep blood flow and pressure at physiological levels. This device will be used as a totally or partially implantable VAD. Therefore, an improvement on device performance is important for the betterment of the level of interaction with patient`s behavior or conditions. But some failures may occur if the device`s pumping control does not follow the changes in patient`s behavior or conditions. The VAD control system must consider tolerance to faults and have a dynamic adaptation according to patient`s cardiovascular system changes, and also must attend to changes in patient conditions, behavior, or comportments. This work proposes an application of the mechatronic approach to this class of devices based on advanced techniques for control, instrumentation, and automation to define a method for developing a hierarchical supervisory control system that is able to perform VAD control dynamically, automatically, and securely. For this methodology, we used concepts based on Bayesian network for patients` diagnoses, Petri nets to generate a VAD control algorithm, and Safety Instrumented Systems to ensure VAD system security. Applying these concepts, a VAD control system is being built for method effectiveness confirmation.


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The paper presents the development of a mechanical actuator using a shape memory alloy with a cooling system based on the thermoelectric effect (Seebeck-Peltier effect). Such a method has the advantage of reduced weight and requires a simpler control strategy as compared to other forced cooling systems. A complete mathematical model of the actuator was derived, and an experimental prototype was implemented. Several experiments are used to validate the model and to identify all parameters. A robust and nonlinear controller, based on sliding-mode theory, was derived and implemented. Experiments were used to evaluate the actuator closed-loop performance, stability, and robustness properties. The results showed that the proposed cooling system and controller are able to improve the dynamic response of the actuator. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, a stable MPC that maximizes the domain of attraction of the closed-loop system is proposed. The proposed approach is suitable to real applications in the sense that it accounts for the case of output tracking, it is offset free if the output target is reachable and minimizes the offset if some of the constraints are active at steady state. The new approach is based on the definition of a Minkowski functional related to the input and terminal constraints of the stable infinite horizon MPC. It is also shown that the domain of attraction is defined by the system model and the constraints, and it does not depend on the controller tuning parameters. The proposed controller is illustrated with small order examples of the control literature. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The main scope of this work is the implementation of an MPC that integrates the control and the economic optimization of the system. The two problems are solved simultaneously through the modification of the control cost function that includes an additional term related to the economic objective. The optimizing MPC is based on a quadratic program (QP) as the conventional MPC and can be solved with the available QP solvers. The method was implemented in an industrial distillation system, and the results show that the approach is efficient and can be used, in several practical cases. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A model predictive controller (MPC) is proposed, which is robustly stable for some classes of model uncertainty and to unknown disturbances. It is considered as the case of open-loop stable systems, where only the inputs and controlled outputs are measured. It is assumed that the controller will work in a scenario where target tracking is also required. Here, it is extended to the nominal infinite horizon MPC with output feedback. The method considers an extended cost function that can be made globally convergent for any finite input horizon considered for the uncertain system. The method is based on the explicit inclusion of cost contracting constraints in the control problem. The controller considers the output feedback case through a non-minimal state-space model that is built using past output measurements and past input increments. The application of the robust output feedback MPC is illustrated through the simulation of a low-order multivariable system.


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This paper deals with the problem of tracking target sets using a model predictive control (MPC) law. Some MPC applications require a control strategy in which some system outputs are controlled within specified ranges or zones (zone control), while some other variables - possibly including input variables - are steered to fixed target or set-point. In real applications, this problem is often overcome by including and excluding an appropriate penalization for the output errors in the control cost function. In this way, throughout the continuous operation of the process, the control system keeps switching from one controller to another, and even if a stabilizing control law is developed for each of the control configurations, switching among stable controllers not necessarily produces a stable closed loop system. From a theoretical point of view, the control objective of this kind of problem can be seen as a target set (in the output space) instead of a target point, since inside the zones there are no preferences between one point or another. In this work, a stable MPC formulation for constrained linear systems, with several practical properties is developed for this scenario. The concept of distance from a point to a set is exploited to propose an additional cost term, which ensures both, recursive feasibility and local optimality. The performance of the proposed strategy is illustrated by simulation of an ill-conditioned distillation column. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work presents an alternative way to formulate the stable Model Predictive Control (MPC) optimization problem that allows the enlargement of the domain of attraction, while preserving the controller performance. Based on the dual MPC that uses the null local controller, it proposed the inclusion of an appropriate set of slacked terminal constraints into the control problem. As a result, the domain of attraction is unlimited for the stable modes of the system, and the largest possible for the non-stable modes. Although this controller does not achieve local optimality, simulations show that the input and output performances may be comparable to the ones obtained with the dual MPC that uses the LQR as a local controller. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the MPC literature, stability is usually assured under the assumption that the state is measured. Since the closed-loop system may be nonlinear because of the constraints, it is not possible to apply the separation principle to prove global stability for the Output feedback case. It is well known that, a nonlinear closed-loop system with the state estimated via an exponentially converging observer combined with a state feedback controller can be unstable even when the controller is stable. One alternative to overcome the state estimation problem is to adopt a non-minimal state space model, in which the states are represented by measured past inputs and outputs [P.C. Young, M.A. Behzadi, C.L. Wang, A. Chotai, Direct digital and adaptative control by input-output, state variable feedback pole assignment, International journal of Control 46 (1987) 1867-1881; C. Wang, P.C. Young, Direct digital control by input-output, state variable feedback: theoretical background, International journal of Control 47 (1988) 97-109]. In this case, no observer is needed since the state variables can be directly measured. However, an important disadvantage of this approach is that the realigned model is not of minimal order, which makes the infinite horizon approach to obtain nominal stability difficult to apply. Here, we propose a method to properly formulate an infinite horizon MPC based on the output-realigned model, which avoids the use of an observer and guarantees the closed loop stability. The simulation results show that, besides providing closed-loop stability for systems with integrating and stable modes, the proposed controller may have a better performance than those MPC controllers that make use of an observer to estimate the current states. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Model predictive control (MPC) is usually implemented as a control strategy where the system outputs are controlled within specified zones, instead of fixed set points. One strategy to implement the zone control is by means of the selection of different weights for the output error in the control cost function. A disadvantage of this approach is that closed-loop stability cannot be guaranteed, as a different linear controller may be activated at each time step. A way to implement a stable zone control is by means of the use of an infinite horizon cost in which the set point is an additional variable of the control problem. In this case, the set point is restricted to remain inside the output zone and an appropriate output slack variable is included in the optimisation problem to assure the recursive feasibility of the control optimisation problem. Following this approach, a robust MPC is developed for the case of multi-model uncertainty of open-loop stable systems. The controller is devoted to maintain the outputs within their corresponding feasible zone, while reaching the desired optimal input target. Simulation of a process of the oil re. ning industry illustrates the performance of the proposed strategy.


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Several MPC applications implement a control strategy in which some of the system outputs are controlled within specified ranges or zones, rather than at fixed set points [J.M. Maciejowski, Predictive Control with Constraints, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2002]. This means that these outputs will be treated as controlled variables only when the predicted future values lie outside the boundary of their corresponding zones. The zone control is usually implemented by selecting an appropriate weighting matrix for the output error in the control cost function. When an output prediction is inside its zone, the corresponding weight is zeroed, so that the controller ignores this output. When the output prediction lies outside the zone, the error weight is made equal to a specified value and the distance between the output prediction and the boundary of the zone is minimized. The main problem of this approach, as long as stability of the closed loop is concerned, is that each time an output is switched from the status of non-controlled to the status of controlled, or vice versa, a different linear controller is activated. Thus, throughout the continuous operation of the process, the control system keeps switching from one controller to another. Even if a stabilizing control law is developed for each of the control configurations, switching among stable controllers not necessarily produces a stable closed loop system. Here, a stable M PC is developed for the zone control of open-loop stable systems. Focusing on the practical application of the proposed controller, it is assumed that in the control structure of the process system there is an upper optimization layer that defines optimal targets to the system inputs. The performance of the proposed strategy is illustrated by simulation of a subsystem of an industrial FCC system. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, three single-control charts are proposed to monitor individual observations of a bivariate Poisson process. The specified false-alarm risk, their control limits, and ARLs were determined to compare their performances for different types and sizes of shifts. In most of the cases, the single charts presented better performance rather than two separate control charts ( one for each quality characteristic). A numerical example illustrates the proposed control charts.


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Modern Integrated Circuit (IC) design is characterized by a strong trend of Intellectual Property (IP) core integration into complex system-on-chip (SOC) architectures. These cores require thorough verification of their functionality to avoid erroneous behavior in the final device. Formal verification methods are capable of detecting any design bug. However, due to state explosion, their use remains limited to small circuits. Alternatively, simulation-based verification can explore hardware descriptions of any size, although the corresponding stimulus generation, as well as functional coverage definition, must be carefully planned to guarantee its efficacy. In general, static input space optimization methodologies have shown better efficiency and results than, for instance, Coverage Directed Verification (CDV) techniques, although they act on different facets of the monitored system and are not exclusive. This work presents a constrained-random simulation-based functional verification methodology where, on the basis of the Parameter Domains (PD) formalism, irrelevant and invalid test case scenarios are removed from the input space. To this purpose, a tool to automatically generate PD-based stimuli sources was developed. Additionally, we have developed a second tool to generate functional coverage models that fit exactly to the PD-based input space. Both the input stimuli and coverage model enhancements, resulted in a notable testbench efficiency increase, if compared to testbenches with traditional stimulation and coverage scenarios: 22% simulation time reduction when generating stimuli with our PD-based stimuli sources (still with a conventional coverage model), and 56% simulation time reduction when combining our stimuli sources with their corresponding, automatically generated, coverage models.


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Among several process variability sources, valve friction and inadequate controller tuning are supposed to be two of the most prevalent. Friction quantification methods can be applied to the development of model-based compensators or to diagnose valves that need repair, whereas accurate process models can be used in controller retuning. This paper extends existing methods that jointly estimate the friction and process parameters, so that a nonlinear structure is adopted to represent the process model. The developed estimation algorithm is tested with three different data sources: a simulated first order plus dead time process, a hybrid setup (composed of a real valve and a simulated pH neutralization process) and from three industrial datasets corresponding to real control loops. The results demonstrate that the friction is accurately quantified, as well as ""good"" process models are estimated in several situations. Furthermore, when a nonlinear process model is considered, the proposed extension presents significant advantages: (i) greater accuracy for friction quantification and (ii) reasonable estimates of the nonlinear steady-state characteristics of the process. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we devise a separation principle for the finite horizon quadratic optimal control problem of continuous-time Markovian jump linear systems driven by a Wiener process and with partial observations. We assume that the output variable and the jump parameters are available to the controller. It is desired to design a dynamic Markovian jump controller such that the closed loop system minimizes the quadratic functional cost of the system over a finite horizon period of time. As in the case with no jumps, we show that an optimal controller can be obtained from two coupled Riccati differential equations, one associated to the optimal control problem when the state variable is available, and the other one associated to the optimal filtering problem. This is a separation principle for the finite horizon quadratic optimal control problem for continuous-time Markovian jump linear systems. For the case in which the matrices are all time-invariant we analyze the asymptotic behavior of the solution of the derived interconnected Riccati differential equations to the solution of the associated set of coupled algebraic Riccati equations as well as the mean square stabilizing property of this limiting solution. When there is only one mode of operation our results coincide with the traditional ones for the LQG control of continuous-time linear systems.