787 resultados para desenvolvimento regional
Partindo de 17 variáveis caracterizadoras do parque habitacional, provenientes das recolhas censitárias de 1991, 2001 e 2011, procedeu-se à classificação das 84 freguesias da região do Algarve. A aplicação da análise de clusters conduziu à obtenção de cinco agrupamentos de freguesias, nos três momentos de análise (1991, 2001 e 2011): Litoral Intensivo; Litoral Moderado; Rural Intermédio; Rural Profundo; e Centros Urbanos. A heterogeneidade entre os clusters é mais acentuada em termos da pressão sobre a ocupação do território e da forma de ocupação, nomeadamente o uso sazonal. Note-se que as tendências entre as duas décadas (1991-2001 e 2001-2011) são distintas. Entre 1991 e 2001 observou-se um aumento das freguesias que revelam sinais depressivos (Rural Profundo passou de 10 para 23 freguesias) enquanto as cidades se tornaram territórios com maiores dissemelhanças em relação aos demais, nomeadamente freguesias limítrofes (veja-se que o cluster Centros Urbanos passou a ser constituído, quase exclusivamente, por freguesias que integram cidades). Entre 2001 e 2011 parece haver uma reconfiguração do espaço, com o aumento de freguesias com indícios expansivos (Litoral Moderado passou de 11 para 30 freguesias) ao mesmo tempo que a ruralidade mais intensa se começa a dissipar (note-se que o Rural Profundo passou a constituir-se, essencialmente, por freguesias pertencentes ao barrocal e à serra algarvias). O conhecimento destas realidades constitui um pré-requisito para a identificação de soluções para freguesias com características comuns e um auxílio na difícil tarefa que é o planeamento e ordenamento do território da região do Algarve como um todo.
Every can of tuna purchased by the consumer has taken a long journey before reaching the supermarket shelves. For each can bought there is a lengthy process from sea to shelf. A large proportion of the tuna cans purchased in the European Union come all the way from West Africa; a developing region with a high dependency on fisheries. Amidst an ever-increasing demand for tuna products the global tuna fisheries are set to continue expanding, apparently one of the last natural resource based industries fit to do so in West Africa. Tuna is the biggest fisheries export and dominates the fisheries sector in Ghana, a country situated in West Africa. This thesis aims to understand how this globally important industrial fisheries functions in terms of procedures, practices, Governance and finance. Socioeconomic influences, in the setting of a developing country, were also examined. For these purposes a Value Chain Analysis was employed. A Value Chain Analysis is a tool commonly used to understand how different companies and organizations participate in a domestic policy environment, which directs conclusion in the global economy. This analysis has the potential to allow researchers to fully understand a commodity chain and hence identify realistic opportunities for consequential improvements. Interviews and questionnaires were employed in-field Ghana along with secondary data collection techniques. It was found that the fisheries functions at the production level under influences from large multinational companies and tends to operate with a certain degree of lawlessness. Governance over the value chain is well defined, however implementation is poor or non-existent. The processors, whom are also dominated by multinationals, exert some control over the producers and their sales, however the high value links which are highlighted occur at the retail stage. Socioeconomic dynamics acting in the chain included the lack of communication between the public and private sector, power imbalances amongst players at production, the role of local businesswomen as actors in the chain and the general characteristics of the workers in the industry. Value addition and upgrading are needed the most in Governance over the chain, especially within Monitoring, Control and Surveillance. The results of the study provide a wealth of material about the components of a cost-heavy fishing industry in a developing country; an industry on which many eyes have recently turned due to illegal fishing activities. It highlights clearly where funding and future focus are needed. This value chain can be used as a guide for those that need to comprehend the financial complexities and real life dynamics of the Ghanaian tuna fishing industry today.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Economia Regional e Desenvolvimento Local, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2005
Dissertação de mestrado, Economia do Turismo e Desenvolvimento Regional, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de Mestrado, Economia do Turismo e Desenvolvimento Regional, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de Mestrado, Economia do Turismo e Desenvolvimento Regional, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de Mestrado, Finanças Empresariais, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de mestrado, Economia do Turismo e Desenvolvimento Regional, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Bioquímica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Tecnologia Farmacêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2015
Letter to the editor
In the past few years the interest in coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) has significantly increased in human medicine. CoNS are common commensal colonisers of the human skin, although now also recognised as major nosocomial pathogens. Over the last decades, several studies have been carried out in order to understand the pathogenicity mechanisms of CoNS. The well known determinants in the pathogenesis of CoNS infections are their ability to form biofilms and an exceptional resistance to several antibiotics. Nevertheless, there is a lack of studies regarding the commensal lifestyle of these microorganisms. Additionally, it is now hypothesised that commensal bacteria might be a reservoir of pathogenic determinants. Therefore, the work described throughout this thesis was aimed to perform a phenotypic and genotypic characterisation of different CoNS species isolated from healthy Portuguese individuals. A total of 61 CoNS isolates, comprising 7 different species, were obtained and characterised at the level of biofilm formation and antibiotic susceptibility profiles. According to the results, biofilm formation ability and presence of biofilm-associated genes were commonly found features, highlighting their pivotal role in the colonising lifestyle of CoNS. This study also addressed the correlation between phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of biofilm formation, corroborating and raising questions about the importance of some genes in this process. Moreover, it was observed a great proportion of isolates with decreased susceptibility and multiple resistances to some important antibiotics. A significant association between antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation was also demonstrated, and some hypotheses about the nature of such association were provided. Lastly, the expression patterns of two biofilm-associated genes at two distinct biofilm developmental stages were determined, confirming their importance in the accumulative stage of biofilm formation. Overall, the results presented in this thesis indicate that staphylococcal skin flora might be an important reservoir of potentially pathogenic bacteria and, simultaneously, bring to light new perceptions about the molecular basis of staphylococcal biofilm formation, and the nature of the association between antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation.
O crescimento da concorrência internacional pela captação de lnvestimento Directo externo (IDE) deixa transparecer o interesse dos países e regiões por um instrumento que pode canalizar recursos externos importantes para o seu crescimento económico. Na atracção deste investimento, atribui-se tradicionalmente grande relevância à dotação do país/região de acolhimento em factores produtivos básicos e ao regime público de incentivos praticado, desvalorizando-se, amiúde, o processo de tomada de decisão por parte do investidor. Sabe-se, entretanto, que nesse processo, de natureza interactiva, as redes (sociais, intra-empresariais, inter-empresariais e institucionais) desempenham um papel estratégico de mediação na recolha, selecção e processamento da informação sobre os países/regiões de acolhimento. Os mecanismos de formação e actuação destas redes no processo de atracção de IDE são analisados neste artigo.
Local Tourist Systems (LTS) can be analyzed according to an investigation structure that derives from industrial economics on industrial districts, local productive systems or learning regions. LTS concept is a useful analytical tool that can seize the resorts diversity and organization. Resorts can be conceived both as clusters or industrial districts, either with a perfect agreement between productive sphere and local community or a mere industrial juxtaposition without any economic or social connection. On the other hand tourist clusters analysis has cross referred almost exclusively to socio-economic criteria. Environmental issues were almost disregarded. Approaches swing from the “greening” of products and practices to initiatives focused on an integrated approach, linking environment and tourist development. This paper tries to discuss how to favor – inside a tourist destination - the creation of clusters grounded on sustainable tourism. The case studies (the 5 Alentejo Natural Reserves: Estuário do Sado; Lagoas de Santo André e da Sancha; Vale do Guadiana; Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina; Serra de S. Mamede) are analyzed under the light of how microstructures groups can allow a territorial sustainable tourist development. The issues of “resources and competences” and “governance” ar