271 resultados para crucian carp (Carassius auratus)


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Standard protocols are given for assessing metabolic stability in rainbow trout using the liver S9 fraction. These protocols describe the isolation of S9 fractions from trout livers, evaluation of metabolic stability using a substrate depletion approach, and expression of the result as in vivo intrinsic clearance. Additional guidance is provided on the care and handling of test animals, design and interpretation of preliminary studies, and development of analytical methods. Although initially developed to predict metabolism impacts on chemical accumulation by fish, these procedures can be used to support a broad range of scientific and risk assessment activities including evaluation of emerging chemical contaminants and improved interpretation of toxicity testing results. These protocols have been designed for rainbow trout and can be adapted to other species as long as species-specific considerations are modified accordingly (e.g., fish maintenance and incubation mixture temperature). Rainbow trout is a cold-water species. Protocols for other species (e.g., carp, a warm-water species) can be developed based on these procedures as long as the specific considerations are taken into account.


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OBJECTIVES: We evaluated ankyrin repeat domain 1 (ANKRD1), the gene encoding cardiac ankyrin repeat protein (CARP), as a novel candidate gene for dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) through mutation analysis of a cohort of familial or idiopathic DCM patients, based on the hypothesis that inherited dysfunction of mechanical stretch-based signaling is present in a subset of DCM patients. BACKGROUND: CARP, a transcription coinhibitor, is a member of the titin-N2A mechanosensory complex and translocates to the nucleus in response to stretch. It is up-regulated in cardiac failure and hypertrophy and represses expression of sarcomeric proteins. Its overexpression results in contractile dysfunction. METHODS: In all, 208 DCM patients were screened for mutations/variants in the coding region of ANKRD1 using polymerase chain reaction, denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography, and direct deoxyribonucleic acid sequencing. In vitro functional analyses of the mutation were performed using yeast 2-hybrid assays and investigating the effect on stretch-mediated gene expression in myoblastoid cell lines using quantitative real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Three missense heterozygous ANKRD1 mutations (P105S, V107L, and M184I) were identified in 4 DCM patients. The M184I mutation results in loss of CARP binding with Talin 1 and FHL2, and the P105S mutation in loss of Talin 1 binding. Intracellular localization of mutant CARP proteins is not altered. The mutations result in differential stretch-induced gene expression compared with wild-type CARP. CONCLUSIONS: ANKRD1 is a novel DCM gene, with mutations present in 1.9% of DCM patients. The ANKRD1 mutations may cause DCM as a result of disruption of the normal cardiac stretch-based signaling.


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The pineal gland is known to be light sensitive and to be involved in the seasonal reproduction of male golden hamster Mesocricetus auratus. In general, the pineal gland has been demonstrated to be inhibitory to the reproductive system of the male golden hamster. Melatonin is a pineal hormone which can mimic the action of the pineal gland upon the reproductive system. However, the actual site(s) of melatonin action in the hamster has not been demonstrated. In this study a direct effect of melatonin on the release of FSH and LH from superfused hamster pituitary glands was investigated.^ The superfused pituitary glands showed a stable in vitro basal release of FSH and LH for up to 10 hours. The superfused pituitaries demonstrated reproducible responses to repeated pulses of 10('-8) M LHRH, and a dose-dependent response to stimulation with different concentrations of LHRH.^ Melatonin inhibited the basal release of FSH and LH from superfused hamster pituitary glands. This effect of melatonin was specific and not a general indolamine or catecholamine effect.^ The superfused pituitaries had a diurnal differential responsiveness to physiological concentrations of melatonin with respect to FSH and LH release which were related to the light cycle used to maintain the experimental animals. A LD 14:10 photoperiod cycle was used with light on from 5 a.m. till 7 p.m.. With pituitary glands obtained at 8:30 a.m., the basal release of FSH exhibited an initial inhibition, a gradual rebound at approximately two hours after the beginning of melatonin superfusion, and a significant overshoot of FSH release after the cessation of infusion with melatonin (Morning Response). If the pituitary glands were obtained from hamsters which were sacrificed at 3:30 p.m., the release rate of FSH exhibited an inhibition during the entire period of melatonin infusion with a rebound effect appearing only after melatonin infusion was discontinued (Afternoon Response). There was no significant difference in the responsiveness of the pituitary gland to infusion with melatonin at either 8:30 a.m. or 3:30 p.m. with respect to LH release. Also, melatonin could not inhibit the gonadotropins response to continuous superfusion with 10('-9) M LHRH in pituitaries obtained at either 8:30 a.m. or 3:30 p.m., nor inhibit the stimulatory effect of pulsatile 10('-9) M LHRH. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI^


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We studied the effects of changed quality of inflow water of aquaculture ponds on three aquatic communities, phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos, during two seasons of rearing common carp (Cyprinus carpio). The new water source coming from a deep tube well was markedly different in water chemistry from the surface water sources previously used to maintain the investigated fish ponds. Ponds supplied by the tube well water were characterized by lower oxygen and water hardness, and higher total ammonia and conductivity reaching subsaline conditions. Multivariate analysis (co-inertia) revealed that all investigated groups, except Mollusca (zoobenthos), decreased in species richness, abundance and biomass due to changed water chemistry, but differed in the level of susceptibility to stressors. Assemblages of Rotifera and Cladocera were the most affected showing a sharp decline in density and number of species since 29 out of 44 species disappeared from the ponds. The abundance of Copepoda (Cyclopoida) was relatively high although significantly lower in new environmental conditions (P<0.05), with adults being more tolerant to changed inflow water than larvae. Phytoplankton, except Bacillariophyta, had a highest potential to replace previous species with newcomers more adapted to changed inflow water, providing 36 immigrant species while 49 became extinct. Although mainly influenced by fish predation, Chironomidae (zoobenthos) were undoubtedly affected by changed water chemistry, decreasing from 11 to only 3 species. These results suggest that this pattern was a result of the shift from freshwater to subsaline conditions.


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This paper presents a new fossil pollen record from Tso Moriri (32°54'N, 78°19'E, 4512 m a.s.l.) and seeks to reconstruct changes in mean annual precipitation (MAP) during the last 12,000 years. This high-alpine lake occupies an area of 140 km**2 in a glacial-tectonic valley in the northwestern Himalaya. The region has a cold climate, with a MAP <300 mm, and open vegetation. The hydrology is controlled by the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM), but winter westerly-associated precipitation also affects the regional water balance. Results indicate that precipitation levels varied significantly during the Holocene. After a rapid increase in MAP, a phase of maximum humidity was reached between ca. 11 to 9.6 cal ka BP, followed by a gradual decline in MAP. This trend parallels the reduction in the Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. Comparison of different palaeoclimate proxy records reveal evidence for a stronger Holocene decrease in precipitation in the northern versus the southern parts of the ISM domain. The long-term trend of ISM weakening is overlaid with several short periods of greater dryness, which are broadly synchronous with the North Atlantic cold spells, suggesting reduced amounts of westerly-associated winter precipitation. Compared to the mid and late Holocene, it appears that westerlies had a greater influence on the western parts of the ISM domain during the early Holocene. During this period, the westerly-associated summer precipitation belt was positioned at Mediterranean latitudes and amplified the ISM-derived precipitation. The Tso Moriri pollen record and moisture reconstructions also suggest that changes in climatic conditions affected the ancient Harappan Civilisation, which flourished in the greater Indus Valley from approximately 5.2 to 3 cal ka BP. The prolonged Holocene trend towards aridity, punctuated by an interval of increased dryness (between ca. 4.5 to 4.3 cal ka BP), may have pushed the Mature Harappan urban settlements (between ca. 4.5 to 3.9 cal ka BP) to develop more efficient agricultural practices to deal with the increasingly acute water shortages. The amplified aridity associated with North Atlantic cooling between ca. 4 to 3.6 and around 3.2 cal ka BP further hindered local agriculture, possibly causing the deurbanisation that occurred from ca. 3.9 cal ka BP and eventual collapse of the Harappan Civilisation between ca. 3.5 to 3 cal ka BP.


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La acuicultura, el cultivo y cría de animales y plantas acuáticas, representa en la actualidad una fuente esencial de proteína animal y vegetal altamente saludable y nutritiva, proporcionando un sistema de vida y de ingresos en todo el mundo. La acuicultura además de ser un motor para el desarrollo social y económico de las áreas costeras marinas y fluviales mundiales, supone en muchas regiones subdesarrolladas una garantía de alimento de alta calidad y es clave en la seguridad alimentaria de sus poblaciones. El desarrollo de la acuicultura se ha realizado fundamentalmente en los últimos 50 años, y ha sido sobre todo en la década de los años 80, cuando la acuicultura ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento con tasas anuales que superan el 6%. Con el estancamiento de la producción pesquera y el incremento de la población mundial, la acuicultura se presenta como la única fuente posible de suministro de proteínas (vegetales y animales) de alta calidad, ricas en aceites omega 3 (EPA y DHA) de origen acuático. En la actualidad la producción procedente de la acuicultura supera los 95 millones de toneladas anuales, siendo ligeramente superior a los 94 millones de toneladas anuales provenientes de la pesca extractiva. De este total mundial acuícola, la producción asiática representa el 89%, mientras que la europea el 4,2% Aunque el 46% de la producción mundial acuícola se concentra únicamente en solo 10 especies, una de las principales características de la acuicultura es la gran diversidad de especies cultivadas, más de 500, realizándose su cría bajo diferentes tecnologías y sistemas productivos. El ámbito de esta tesis, es únicamente la acuicultura marina que se desarrolla en las aguas del mar mediterráneo, indistintamente de los sistemas y tecnología de producción utilizados. Los principales grupos de cultivo que se realizan en las aguas del Mediterráneo son los moluscos y los peces, siendo muy escasos los cultivos de otros grupos como crustáceos y macroalgas. La piscicultura marina mediterránea está dominada por el cultivo en jaulas flotantes de dos especies, la dorada (Sparus auratus) y la lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax). Estas dos especies y tras 30 años de experiencia de cultivo, mantienen todavía una ineficiencia productiva alta (reducida selección genética, lento crecimiento hasta talla comercial, alto factor de conversón del pienso…) y además ocupan un estrecho nicho de mercado, ya que prácticamente toda la comercialización de la dorada y lubina se realiza en fresco y sin elaborar ni transformar, a una talla media de 500 g. Para dar respuesta desde la acuicultura mediterránea al alto consumo y a la creciente demanda que en la Unión Europea existe de los productos acuícolas, y en especial los productos elaborados y transformados, es necesario de manera urgente, un aumento de la producción de las especies ya cultivadas (dorada y lubina) mediante la mejora de su eficiencia productiva, al mismo tiempo que se debe iniciar la producción industrial de nuevas especies piscícolas, mediante la diversificación de los cultivos. Para llevar a cabo esta diversificación, se hace necesario el establecimiento de una metodología clara, que asegure una selección de especies apropiadas y rentables para la industria acuícola mediterránea, cuyo cultivo sostenible debiera cumplir con los desafíos que el sector tiene. Nuevas especies que complementen y cubran las demandas actuales y futuras del mercado Europeo e Internacional de productos acuícolas. Nuevas especies con parámetros productivos eficientes, que garanticen unos costes productivos competitivos. Nuevas especies que puedan ser cultivadas utilizando como base la tecnología de producción ya existente en el sector. El objetivo de esta tesis es la definición y desarrollo de una metodología sencilla para la selección de nuevas especies piscícolas marinas para su cultivo eficiente y sostenible Y bajo la aplicación de esta metodología, la selección de un grupo de especies piscícolas para su cultivo rentable a corto y medio plazo (6-8 años) en el Mediterráneo. Para ello se ha definido y aplicado una metodología con la que se han evaluado diez especies candidatas, previamente escogidas de una serie de listas previas originadas en los distintos estudios y trabajos de diversificación realizados con anterioridad por otros equipos de investigación. Estas especies candidatas han sido: Seriola dumerili. (Seriola) , Argyrosomus regius (Corvina), Polyprion americanus (Cherna), Ephinephelus marginatus (Mero), Dentex dentex (Dentón), Pagrus pagrus (Pargo), Solea senegalensis (Lenguado del Senegal), Thunnus thynnus (Atún rojo), Mugil cephalus (Lisa), Coryphaena hippurus (Lampuga). El conjunto de estas especies ocupa un amplio y variado espectro dentro de las distintas áreas de mercado, productiva, tecnológica, y medioambiental . Y en todas ellas existe una experiencia mínima en sus diferentes fases de cultivo. En el desarrollo de la metodología de selección, en esta tesis se han definido diversos parámetros de evaluación, considerados como los más significativos y sencillos de aplicar. Los parámetros se han agrupado en tres bloques, el comercial, el productivo y el medioambiental. El Bloque de Mercado, comprende aquellos criterios que están relacionados con la comercialización de la especie. Calidad de la carne del pescado. Competencia con otras especies en el mercado. Potencial de Transformado. Precio de venta del pescado. El bloque Medioambiental incluye criterios del grado de idoneidad de la especie en la región y del grado de impacto ambiental de su cultivo. Rango de temperaturas del agua óptimo para el cultivo. Potencial impacto ambiental de su cultivo. Eslabón trófico de la especie.. El bloque Productivo, engloba los criterios y parámetros relacionados con el nivel de conocimiento y control que sobre su cultivo existen ( larvario, engorde, tecnología) Grado de control de la fase larvaria. Disponibilidad de alevines en el sector Crecimiento. Factor de conversión Aprovechamiento de la capacidad productiva instalada, Coste de inversión. Previa a la evaluación se han descrito las principales características de las especies candidatas en función del estado y experiencia actual sus cultivos. En la aplicación de estos criterios se han establecido matrices de evaluación y a cada criterio se le ha asignado un valor diferente en función de sus características y propiedades selectivas. Los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de la metodología de evaluación propuesta, han señalado la seriola y la corvina como especies más recomendadas para su puesta en cultivo en el Mediterráneo a corto y medio plazo. Las otras dos especies seleccionadas han sido la lisa y la lampuga. Como conclusión final podemos señalar que el cultivo de nuevas especies es fundamentalmente para el desarrollo sostenible de la acuicultura mediterránea. Esta diversificación debe basarse en la aplicación de una metodología sencilla y práctica, que garantice una selección de especies cuyo cultivo sea rentable y abarquen nuevos segmentos de mercado. ABSTRACT Aquaculture, the cultivation and breeding of aquatic animals and plants, currently represents an essential source of highly nutritious and healthy protein that provides a way of life and income all over the world. Apart from being a social and economic driver in coastal and marine areas, it also entails a guaranteed high quality nourishment in many undeveloped areas being key to the alimentary safety of their population. Aquaculture has developed mainly in the last 50 years and experienced a high growth especially during the Eighties when the annual rates were above 6%. With fishing production stagnating and the global population increasing, aquaculture emerges as the only possible animal and vegetable protein source of aquatic origin, high in quality and omega 3 oils (EPA and DHA). Here and now, aquaculture production is over 95 million tons per year, which is slightly higher than the 94 million tons per year that come from extractive fisheries. From this aquaculture total, Asiatic production represents 89% while Europe´s is only 4.2%. Even though 46% of the global aquaculture production focuses just on 10 species, one of the main characteristics of aquaculture is the wide diversity of cultivated species –over 500– using different technologies and production systems. This PhD’s scope is only marine aquaculture in Mediterranean water, regardless of the technology or systems used. The main crop groups in the Mediterranean sea are molluscs and finfish, while crustacean and macroalgae cultivations are very limited. Mediterranean fish culture is dominated by the cultivation in floating cages of two species: Bream (Sparus auratus) and Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). After 30 years of farming, these two species still keep a high productive inefficiency –reduced genetic selection, slow growth to marketable size, high feed conversion rate– and fill a narrow niche market as practically all bream and bass is sold fresh and whole, unprocessed and untransformed, with an average size of 500 grams. To meet the high consumption and growing demand of aquaculture products, in the European Union (especially those prepared and transformed), Mediterranean aquaculture needs to urgently increase the production of the species already under cultivation (Bass and Bream) by means of improving its productive efficiency and at the same time begin initiating industrial production of new species by diversifying the cultivation. To carry out this diversification it is necessary to establish a clear methodology that ensures the selection of adapted and profitable species for the Mediterranean aquaculture industry. The sustainable farming of these new species needs to meet the challenges this sector faces: New species that complement and meet the current and future needs of the European and International markets for aquaculture products. New species with efficient production parameters that ensure competitive production costs. New species that can be cultivated using already existing production technologies. The aim of this PhD is to define and develop a simple methodology for the selection of new marine fish species for their efficient and sustainable cultivation. And by applying this methodology, to select a group of fish species for its profitable crop in the short and medium term (6-8 years) in the Mediterranean. For this, a methodology has been defined and applied evaluating ten candidate species selected from a series of lists originated from different studies and from diversification works previously conducted by other research teams. These candidate species are: Seriola dumerili. (Greater amberjack), Argyrosomus regius (Meagre), Polyprion americanus (Wreckfish), Ephinephelus marginatus (Dusky grouper), Dentex dentex (Common dentex), Pagrus pagrus (Red porgy), Solea senegalensis (Senegal sole), Thunnus thynnus (Bluefin tuna), Mugil cephalus (Grey mullet), Coryphaena hippurus (Dolphinfish). All these species occupy a broad and varied spectrum within different productive, technological and environmental market areas. There is minimal experience in their different stages of cultivation for all of them. While developing the selection methodology several evaluation parameters have been defined in this PhD, considered the most significant and simple to apply. The parameters are grouped in three blocks: commercial, productivity and environmental. Market block comprises criteria related to the marketing of the species. Quality of the fish meatCompetition with other species in the marketTransformation potentialFish selling price Environment block includes criteria related to the degree of suitability of the species in the region and the degree of environmental impact of their cultivation. Optimal water temperature range for cultivationPotential environmental impact of their cultivationTrophic chain level. Productivity block includes criteria and parameters related to the level of knowledge and control over their cultivation (larval, ongrowing, technology) Degree of control of the larval stageAvailability of alevin in the sector GrowthFeed conversion rate. Exploitation of installed capacityInvestment cost Prior to the evaluation, the main characteristics of the candidate species have been described based on the current status and experience of their cultivations. When applying these criteria evaluation matrices have been established assigning to each criteria a different value depending on their characteristics and selective properties. The results obtained by applying the proposed assessment methodology have identified the Greater Amberjack and Meagre as the most recommended species for farming in the Mediterranean in the short and medium term. The other two selected species were the Grey Mullet and the Dolphinfish. In conclusion, the cultivation of new species is crucial for the sustainable development of Mediterranean aquaculture. This diversification has to be based on the application of a simple and practical methodology that guarantees a selection of species whose cultivation is profitable and covers new market segments.


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Ambient light conditions affect the morphology of synaptic elements within the cone pedicle and modulate the spatial properties of the horizontal cell receptive field. We describe here that the effects of retinoic acid on these properties are similar to those of light adaptation. Intraorbital injection of retinoic acid into eyes of dark-adapted carp that subsequently were kept in complete darkness results in the formation of numerous spinules at the terminal dendrites of horizontal cells, a typical feature of light-adapted retinae. The formation of these spinules during light adaptation is impaired in the presence of citral, a competitive inhibitor of the dehydrogenase responsible for the generation of retinoic acid in vivo. Intracellularly recorded responses of horizontal cells from dark-adapted eyecup preparations superfused with retinoic acid reveal typical light-adapted spatial properties. Retinoic acid thus appears to act as a light-signaling modulator. Its activity appears not to be at the transcriptional level because its action was not blocked by actinomycin.


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Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have impaired ability to use context, which may manifest as alterations of relatedness within the semantic network. However, impairment in context use may be more difficult to detect in high-functioning adults with ASD. To test context use in this population, we examined the influence of context on memory by using the “false memory” test. In the false memory task, lists of words were presented to high-functioning subjects with ASD and matched controls. Each list consists of words highly related to an index word not on the list. Subjects are then given a recognition test. Positive responses to the index words represent false memories. We found that individuals with ASD are able to discriminate false memory items from true items significantly better than are control subjects. Memory in patients with ASD may be more accurate than in normal individuals under certain conditions. These results also suggest that semantic representations comprise a less distributed network in high-functioning adults with ASD. Furthermore, these results may be related to the unusually high memory capacities found in some individuals with ASD. Research directed at defining the range of tasks performed superiorly by high-functioning individuals with ASD will be important for optimal vocational rehabilitation.


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The matrix (M) protein of vesicular stomatitis virus inhibits both nuclear import and export. Here, we demonstrate that this inhibitory property is conserved between the M proteins from two other vesiculoviruses, chandipura virus and spring viremia carp virus. All three M proteins completely block nuclear transport of spliced mRNA, small nuclear RNAs, and small nuclear ribonucleoproteins and slow the nuclear transport of many other cargoes. In all cases where transport was merely slowed by the M proteins, the chandipura virus M protein had the strongest inhibitory activity. When expressed in transfected HeLa cells, active M proteins displayed prominent association with the nuclear rim. Moreover, mutation of a conserved methionine abolished both the inhibitory activity and efficient targeting of the M proteins to the nuclear rim. We propose that all of the vesiculoviral M proteins associate with the same nuclear target, which is likely to be a component of the nuclear pore complex.


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The localization, trafficking, and fluorescence of Aequorea green fluorescent protein (GFP) in cultured vertebrate cells transiently transfected with GFP cDNA were studied. Fluorescence of GFP in UV light was found to be strongest when cells were incubated at 30 degrees C but was barely visible at an incubation temperature of 37 degrees C. COS-1 cells, primary chicken embryonic retina cells, and carp epithelial cells were fluorescently labeled under these conditions. GFP was distributed uniformly throughout the cytoplasm and nucleus independent of cell type examined. When GFP was fused to PML protooncogene product, fluorescence was detected in a unique nuclear organelle pattern indistinguishable from that of PML protein, showing the potential use of GFP as a fluorescent tag. To analyze both function and intracellular trafficking of proteins fused to GFP, a GFP-human glucocorticoid receptor fusion construct was prepared. The GFP-human glucocorticoid receptor efficiently transactivated the mouse mammary tumor virus promoter in response to dexamethasone at 30 degrees C but not at 37 degrees C, indicating that temperature is important, even for function of the GFP fusion protein. The dexamethasone-induced translocation of GFP-human glucocorticoid receptor from cytoplasm to nucleus was complete within 15 min; the translocation could be monitored in a single living cell in real time.


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Purpose: To compare the manifest refractive cylinder (MRC) predictability of myopic astigmatism laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) between eyes with low and high ocular residual astigmatism (ORA). Setting: London Vision Clinic, London, United Kingdom. Design: Retrospective case study. Methods: The ORA was considered the vector difference between the MRC and the corneal astigmatism. The index of success (IoS), difference vector ÷ MRC, was analyzed for different groups as follows: stage 1, low ORA (ORA ÷ MRC <1), high ORA (ORA ÷ MRC ≥1); stage 2, low ORA group reduced to match the high ORA group for MRC; stage 3, grouped by ORA magnitude with low ORA (<0.50 diopters [D]), mid ORA (0.50 to 1.24 D), and high ORA (≥1.25 D); stage 4, high ORA group subdivided into low (<0.75 D) and high (≥0.75 D) corneal astigmatism. Results: For stage 1, the mean preoperative MRC and mean IoS were −1.32 D ± 0.65 (SD) (range −0.55 to −3.77 D) and 0.27, respectively, for low ORA and −0.79 ± 0.20 D (range −0.56 to −2.05 D) and 0.37, respectively, for high ORA. For stage 2, the mean IoS increased to 0.32 for low ORA. For stage 3, the mean IoS was 0.28, 0.29, and 0.31 for low ORA, mid ORA, and high ORA, respectively. For stage 4, the mean IoS was 0.20 for high ORA/low corneal astigmatism and 0.35 for high ORA/high corneal astigmatism. Conclusions: The MRC predictability was slightly worse in eyes with high ORA when grouped by the ORA ÷ MRC. Matching for the MRC and grouping by ORA magnitude resulted in similar predictability; however, eyes with high ORA and high corneal astigmatism were less predictable.


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With the European Parliament’s July report on the revision of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) calling on the Commission to ‘go back to basics’, this article argues that such a move would be counter-productive and that instead, the ENP needs to move towards the future and break away with the historical elusiveness of this overarching policy. The Riga Summit serves as an illustration of what will not suffice if the EU is to strengthen or even maintain its role in its neighbourhoods. The revision of the ENP is described as 3Dimensional process which needs to yield a concrete and forward-looking new ENP. The recommendations put forth herein map out what a truly revised ENP would entail.


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In vertebrate species, the innate immune system down-regulates protein translation in response to viral infection through the action of the double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-activated protein kinase (PKR). In some teleost species another protein kinase, Z-DNA-dependent protein kinase (PKZ), plays a similar role but instead of dsRNA binding domains, PKZ has Zα domains. These domains recognize the left-handed conformer of dsDNA and dsRNA known as Z-DNA/Z-RNA. Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 infects common and koi carp, which have PKZ, and encodes the ORF112 protein that itself bears a Zα domain, a putative competitive inhibitor of PKZ. Here we present the crystal structure of ORF112-Zα in complex with an 18-bp CpG DNA repeat, at 1.5 Å. We demonstrate that the bound DNA is in the left-handed conformation and identify key interactions for the specificity of ORF112. Localization of ORF112 protein in stress granules induced in Cyprinid herpesvirus 3-infected fish cells suggests a functional behavior similar to that of Zα domains of the interferon-regulated, nucleic acid surveillance proteins ADAR1 and DAI.