990 resultados para convex subgraphs


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A method for reconstruction of an object f(x) x=(x,y,z) from a limited set of cone-beam projection data has been developed. This method uses a modified form of convolution back-projection and projection onto convex sets (POCS) for handling the limited (or incomplete) data problem. In cone-beam tomography, one needs to have a complete geometry to completely reconstruct the original three-dimensional object. While complete geometries do exist, they are of little use in practical implementations. The most common trajectory used in practical scanners is circular, which is incomplete. It is, however, possible to recover some of the information of the original signal f(x) based on a priori knowledge of the nature of f(x). If this knowledge can be posed in a convex set framework, then POCS can be utilized. In this report, we utilize this a priori knowledge as convex set constraints to reconstruct f(x) using POCS. While we demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm for circular trajectories, it is essentially geometry independent and will be useful in any limited-view cone-beam reconstruction.


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We demonstrate ordered array formation of Au nanoparticles by controlled solid-state dewetting of a metal film on stepped alumina substrates. In situ transmission electron microscopy studies reveal that the dewetting process starts with nucleation of ordered dry regions on the substrate. The chemical potential difference between concave and convex surface regions induces anisotropic metal diffusion leading to the formation of nanowires in the valleys. The nanowires fragment due to Rayleigh instability forming arrays of metal nanoparticles on the substrate. The length scale of reconstruction relative to the starting film thickness is an important parameter in controlling the spatial order of the nanoparticles.


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In this paper we develop compilation techniques for the realization of applications described in a High Level Language (HLL) onto a Runtime Reconfigurable Architecture. The compiler determines Hyper Operations (HyperOps) that are subgraphs of a data flow graph (of an application) and comprise elementary operations that have strong producer-consumer relationship. These HyperOps are hosted on computation structures that are provisioned on demand at runtime. We also report compiler optimizations that collectively reduce the overheads of data-driven computations in runtime reconfigurable architectures. On an average, HyperOps offer a 44% reduction in total execution time and a 18% reduction in management overheads as compared to using basic blocks as coarse grained operations. We show that HyperOps formed using our compiler are suitable to support data flow software pipelining.


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Convex potential minimisation is the de facto approach to binary classification. However, Long and Servedio [2008] proved that under symmetric label noise (SLN), minimisation of any convex potential over a linear function class can result in classification performance equivalent to random guessing. This ostensibly shows that convex losses are not SLN-robust. In this paper, we propose a convex, classification-calibrated loss and prove that it is SLN-robust. The loss avoids the Long and Servedio [2008] result by virtue of being negatively unbounded. The loss is a modification of the hinge loss, where one does not clamp at zero; hence, we call it the unhinged loss. We show that the optimal unhinged solution is equivalent to that of a strongly regularised SVM, and is the limiting solution for any convex potential; this implies that strong l2 regularisation makes most standard learners SLN-robust. Experiments confirm the unhinged loss’ SLN-robustness.


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The plastic response of a segment of a simply supported orthotropic spherical shell under a uniform blast loading applied on the convex surface of the shell is presented. The blast is assumed to impart a uniform velocity to the shell surface initially. The material of the shell is orthotropic obeying a modified Tresca yield hypersurface conditions and the associated flow rules. The deformation of the shell is determined during all phases of its motion by considering the motion of plastic hinges in different regimes of flow. Numerical results presented include the permanent deformed configuration of the shell and the total time of shell response for different degrees of orthotropy. Conclusions regarding the plastic behaviour of spherical shells with circumferential and meridional stiffening under uniform blast load are presented.


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The concept of an atomic decomposition was introduced by Coifman and Rochberg (1980) for weighted Bergman spaces on the unit disk. By the Riemann mapping theorem, functions in every simply connected domain in the complex plane have an atomic decomposition. However, a decomposition resulting from a conformal mapping of the unit disk tends to be very implicit and often lacks a clear connection to the geometry of the domain that it has been mapped into. The lattice of points, where the atoms of the decomposition are evaluated, usually follows the geometry of the original domain, but after mapping the domain into another this connection is easily lost and the layout of points becomes seemingly random. In the first article we construct an atomic decomposition directly on a weighted Bergman space on a class of regulated, simply connected domains. The construction uses the geometric properties of the regulated domain, but does not explicitly involve any conformal Riemann map from the unit disk. It is known that the Bergman projection is not bounded on the space L-infinity of bounded measurable functions. Taskinen (2004) introduced the locally convex spaces LV-infinity consisting of measurable and HV-infinity of analytic functions on the unit disk with the latter being a closed subspace of the former. They have the property that the Bergman projection is continuous from LV-infinity onto HV-infinity and, in some sense, the space HV-infinity is the smallest possible substitute to the space H-infinity of analytic functions. In the second article we extend the above result to a smoothly bounded strictly pseudoconvex domain. Here the related reproducing kernels are usually not known explicitly, and thus the proof of continuity of the Bergman projection is based on generalised Forelli-Rudin estimates instead of integral representations. The minimality of the space LV-infinity is shown by using peaking functions first constructed by Bell (1981). Taskinen (2003) showed that on the unit disk the space HV-infinity admits an atomic decomposition. This result is generalised in the third article by constructing an atomic decomposition for the space HV-infinity on a smoothly bounded strictly pseudoconvex domain. In this case every function can be presented as a linear combination of atoms such that the coefficient sequence belongs to a suitable Köthe co-echelon space.


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This paper describes a detailed study of the structure of turbulence in boundary layers along mildly curved convex and concave surfaces. The surface curvature studied corresponds to δ/Rw = ± 0·01, δ being the boundary-layer thickness and Rw the radius of curvature of the wall, taken as positive for convex and negative for concave curvature. Measurements of turbulent energy balance, autocorrelations, auto- and cross-power spectra, amplitude probability distributions and conditional correlations are reported. It is observed that even mild curvature has very strong effects on the various aspects of the turbulent structure. For example, convex curvature suppresses the diffusion of turbulent energy away from the wall, reduces drastically the integral time scales and shifts the spectral distributions of turbulent energy and Reynolds shear stress towards high wavenumbers. Exactly opposite effects, though generally of a smaller magnitude, are produced by concave wall curvature. It is also found that curvature of either sign affects the v fluctuations more strongly than the u fluctuations and that curvature effects are more significant in the outer region of the boundary layer than in the region close to the wall. The data on the conditional correlations are used to study, in detail, the mechanism of turbulent transport in curved boundary layers. (Published Online April 12 2006)


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An experimental investigation of the mean flow characteristics of two-dimensional turbulent boundary layers over surfaces of mild longitudinal curvature is reported. The study covered both convex and concave walls of \d/Rw I « 0.013 (d being the boundary-layer thickness and Rw being the wall radius). It was found that, whereas the region close to the wall was not affected significantly by wall curvature, the outer region was very sensitive to even mild wall curvature. A detailed study of the wake region using present and other available data suggests a systematic effect of b/Rw on the wake structure. The paper also discusses in detail the effect of mild wall curvature on the boundary-layer development with particular emphasis on the difference in behavior of the boundary layer at short and long distances from the leading edge of the curved wall, an aspect which has not received sufficient attention in previous experimental investigations. An attempt has been made to explain this behavior from a consideration of the structure of turbulence in boundary layers over curved surfaces taken into account.


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Motivated by a problem from fluid mechanics, we consider a generalization of the standard curve shortening flow problem for a closed embedded plane curve such that the area enclosed by the curve is forced to decrease at a prescribed rate. Using formal asymptotic and numerical techniques, we derive possible extinction shapes as the curve contracts to a point, dependent on the rate of decreasing area; we find there is a wider class of extinction shapes than for standard curve shortening, for which initially simple closed curves are always asymptotically circular. We also provide numerical evidence that self-intersection is possible for non-convex initial conditions, distinguishing between pinch-off and coalescence of the curve interior.


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Rate-constrained power minimization (PMIN) over a code division multiple-access (CDMA) channel with correlated noise is studied. PMIN is. shown to be an instance of a separable convex optimization problem subject to linear ascending constraints. PMIN is further reduced to a dual problem of sum-rate maximization (RMAX). The results highlight the underlying unity between PMIN, RMAX, and a problem closely related to PMIN but with linear receiver constraints. Subsequently, conceptually simple sequence design algorithms are proposed to explicitly identify an assignment of sequences and powers that solve PMIN. The algorithms yield an upper bound of 2N - 1 on the number of distinct sequences where N is the processing gain. The sequences generated using the proposed algorithms are in general real-valued. If a rate-splitting and multi-dimensional CDMA approach is allowed, the upper bound reduces to N distinct sequences, in which case the sequences can form an orthogonal set and be binary +/- 1-valued.


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Coal seam gas operations produce significant quantities of associated water which often require demineralization. Ion exchange with natural zeolites has been proposed as a possible approach. The interaction of natural zeolites with solutions of sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate in addition to coal seam gas water is not clear. Hence, we investigated ion exchange kinetics, equilibrium, and column behaviour of an Australian natural zeolite. Kinetic tests suggested that the pseudo first order equation best simulated the data. Intraparticle diffusion was part of the rate limiting step and more than one diffusion process controlled the overall rate of sodium ion uptake. Using a constant mass of zeolite and variable concentration of either sodium chloride or sodium bicarbonate resulted in a convex isotherm which was fitted by a Langmuir model. However, using a variable mass of zeolite and constant concentration of sodium ions revealed that the exchange of sodium ions with the zeolite surface sites was in fact unfavourable. Sodium ion exchange from bicarbonate solutions (10.3 g Na/kg zeolite) was preferred relative to exchange from sodium chloride solutions (6.4 g Na/kg zeolite). The formation of calcium carbonate species was proposed to explain the observed behaviour. Column studies of coal seam gas water showed that natural zeolite had limited ability to reduce the concentration of sodium ions (loading 2.1 g Na/kg zeolite) with rapid breakthrough observed. It was concluded that natural zeolites may not be suitable for the removal of cations from coal seam gas water without improvement of their physical properties.


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We study diagonal estimates for the Bergman kernels of certain model domains in C-2 near boundary points that are of infinite type. To do so, we need a mild structural condition on the defining functions of interest that facilitates optimal upper and lower bounds. This is a mild condition; unlike earlier studies of this sort, we are able to make estimates for non-convex pseudoconvex domains as well. Thisn condition quantifies, in some sense, how flat a domain is at an infinite-type boundary point. In this scheme of quantification, the model domains considered below range-roughly speaking-from being mildly infinite-type'' to very flat at the infinite-type points.


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Knowledge of the physical properties of asteroids is crucial in many branches of solar-system research. Knowledge of the spin states and shapes is needed, e.g., for accurate orbit determination and to study the history and evolution of the asteroids. In my thesis, I present new methods for using photometric lightcurves of asteroids in the determination of their spin states and shapes. The convex inversion method makes use of a general polyhedron shape model and provides us at best with an unambiguous spin solution and a convex shape solution that reproduces the main features of the original shape. Deriving information about the non-convex shape features is, in principle, also possible, but usually requires a priori information about the object. Alternatively, a distribution of non-convex solutions, describing the scale of the non-convexities, is also possible to be obtained. Due to insufficient number of absolute observations and inaccurately defined asteroid phase curves, the $c/b$-ratio, i.e., the flatness of the shape model is often somewhat ill-defined. However, especially in the case of elongated objects, the flatness seems to be quite well constrained, even in the case when only relative lightcurves are available. The results prove that it is, contrary to the earlier misbelief, possible to derive shape information from the lightcurve data if a sufficiently wide range of observing geometries is covered by the observations. Along with the more accurate shape models, also the rotational states, i.e., spin vectors and rotation periods, are defined with improved accuracy. The shape solutions obtained so far reveal a population of irregular objects whose most descriptive shape characteristics, however, can be expressed with only a few parameters. Preliminary statistical analyses for the shapes suggests that there are correlations between shape and other physical properties, such as the size, rotation period and taxonomic type of the asteroids. More shape data of, especially, the smallest and largest asteroids, as well as the fast and slow rotators is called for in order to be able to study the statistics more thoroughly.


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Voltage dependent membrane channels are formed by the zervamicins, a group of α-aminoisobutyric acid containing peptides. The role of polar residues like Thr, Gln and Hyp in promoting helical bundle formation is established by dramatically reduced channel lifetimes for a synthetic apolar analog. Crystal structures of Leu1-zervamicin reveal association of bent helices. Polar contacts between convex faces result in an ‘hour glass’ like arrangement of an aqueous channel with a central constriction. The structure suggests that gating mechanisms may involve movement of the Gln11 carboxamide group. Gln3 may play a role in modulating the size of the channel mouth.


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The membrane channel-forming polypeptide, Leu(1)-zervamicin, Ac-Leu-Ile-Gln-Iva-Ile(5)-Thr-Aib-Leu-Aib-Hyp(10) -Gln-Aib-Hyp-Aib-Pro(15)-Phol (Aib: alpha-aminoisobutyric acid; Iva: isovaline; Hyp: 4-hydroxyproline; Phol: phenylalininol) has been analyzed by x-ray diffraction in a third crystal form. Although the bent helix is quite similar to the conformations found in crystals A and B, the amount of bending is more severe with a bending angle approximate to 47 degrees, The water channel formed by the convex polar faces of neighboring helices is larger at the mouth than in crystals A and B, and the water sites have become disordered. The channel is interrupted in the middle by a hydrogen bond between the OH of Hyp(10) and the NH2 of the Gln(11) of a neighboring molecule. The side chain of Gln(11) is wrapped around the helix backbone in an unusual fashion in order that it can augment the polar side of the helix. In the present crystal C there appears to be an additional conformation for the Gln(11) side chain (with approximate to 20% occupancy) that opens the channel for possible ion passage. Structure parameters for C85H140N18O22.xH(2)O.C2H5OH are space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 10.337 (2) Angstrom, b = 28.387 (7) Angstrom, c = 39.864 (11) Angstrom, Z = 4, agreement factor R = 12.99% for 3250 data observed > 3 sigma(F), resolution = 1.2 Angstrom. (C) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.