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In this thesis we have developed solutions to common issues regarding widefield microscopes, facing the problem of the intensity inhomogeneity of an image and dealing with two strong limitations: the impossibility of acquiring either high detailed images representative of whole samples or deep 3D objects. First, we cope with the problem of the non-uniform distribution of the light signal inside a single image, named vignetting. In particular we proposed, for both light and fluorescent microscopy, non-parametric multi-image based methods, where the vignetting function is estimated directly from the sample without requiring any prior information. After getting flat-field corrected images, we studied how to fix the problem related to the limitation of the field of view of the camera, so to be able to acquire large areas at high magnification. To this purpose, we developed mosaicing techniques capable to work on-line. Starting from a set of overlapping images manually acquired, we validated a fast registration approach to accurately stitch together the images. Finally, we worked to virtually extend the field of view of the camera in the third dimension, with the purpose of reconstructing a single image completely in focus, stemming from objects having a relevant depth or being displaced in different focus planes. After studying the existing approaches for extending the depth of focus of the microscope, we proposed a general method that does not require any prior information. In order to compare the outcome of existing methods, different standard metrics are commonly used in literature. However, no metric is available to compare different methods in real cases. First, we validated a metric able to rank the methods as the Universal Quality Index does, but without needing any reference ground truth. Second, we proved that the approach we developed performs better in both synthetic and real cases.
Studio per volo suborbitale con dieselfan
Ferrara è tra le città con le quali Piero Bottoni (1903-1973) ha istaurato un rapporto proficuo e duraturo che gli permise di elaborare molti progetti e che fu costante lungo quasi tutta la parabola professionale dell’autore milanese. Giunto nella città estense nei primi anni Trenta, vi lavorò nei tre decenni successivi elaborando progetti che spaziavano dalla scala dell’arredamento d’interni fino a quella urbana; i diciannove progetti studiati, tutti situati all’interno del centro storico della città, hanno come tema comune la relazione tra nuova architettura e città esistente. Osservando un ampio spettro di interventi che abbracciava la progettazione sull'esistente come quella del nuovo, Bottoni propone una visione dell'architettura senza suddivisioni disciplinari intendendo il restauro e la costruzione del nuovo come parti di un processo progettuale unitario. Sullo sfondo di questa vicenda, la cultura ferrarese tra le due guerre e nel Dopoguerra si caratterizza per il continuo tentativo di rendere attuale la propria storia rinascimentale effettuando operazioni di riscoperta che con continuità, a discapito dei cambiamenti politici, contraddistinguono le esperienze culturali condotte nel corso del Novecento. Con la contemporanea presenza durante gli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta di Bottoni, Zevi, Pane, Michelucci, Piccinato, Samonà, Bassani e Ragghianti, tutti impegnati nella costruzione dell’immagine storiografica della Ferrara rinascimentale, i caratteri di questa stagione culturale si fondono con i temi centrali del dibattito architettonico italiano e con quello per la salvaguardia dei centri storici. L’analisi dell’opera ferrarese di Piero Bottoni è così l’occasione per mostrare da un lato un carattere peculiare della sua architettura e, dall’altro, di studiare un contesto cultuale provinciale al fine di mostrare i punti di contatto tra le personalità presenti a Ferrara in quegli anni, di osservarne le reciproche influenze e di distinguere gli scambi avvenuti tra i principali centri della cultura architettonica italiana e un ambito geografico solo apparentemente secondario.
La ricerca è volta a presentare un nuovo approccio integrato, a supporto di operatori e progettisti, per la gestione dell’intero processo progettuale di interventi di riqualificazione energetica e architettonica del patrimonio edilizio recente, mediante l’impiego di soluzioni tecnologiche innovative di involucro edilizio. Lo studio richiede necessariamente l’acquisizione di un repertorio selezionato di sistemi costruttivi di involucro, come base di partenza per l’elaborazione di soluzioni progettuali di recupero delle scuole appartenenti al secondo dopoguerra, in conglomerato cementizio armato, prevalentemente prefabbricate. Il progetto individua procedimenti costruttivi ecocompatibili per la progettazione di componenti prefabbricati di involucro “attivo”, adattabile ed efficiente, da assemblare a secco, nel rispetto dei requisiti prestazionali richiesti dalle attuali normative. La ricerca è finalizzata alla gestione dell’intero processo, supportato da sistemi di rilevazione geometrica, collegati a software di programmazione parametrica per la modellazione di superfici adattabili alla morfologia dei fabbricati oggetto di intervento. Tali strumenti informatizzati CAD-CAM sono connessi a macchine a controllo numerico CNC per la produzione industrializzata degli elementi costruttivi “su misura”. A titolo esemplificativo dell’approccio innovativo proposto, si formulano due possibili soluzioni di involucro in linea con i paradigmi della ricerca, nel rispetto dei principi di sostenibilità, intesa come modularità, rapidità di posa, reversibilità, recupero e riciclo di materiali. In particolare, le soluzioni innovative sono accomunate dall’applicazione di una tecnica basata sull’assemblaggio di elementi prefabbricati, dall’adozione di una trama esagonale per la tassellazione della nuova superficie di facciata, e dall’utilizzo del medesimo materiale termico isolante, plastico e inorganico, riciclato ed ecosostenibile, a basso impatto ambientale (AAM - Alkali Activated Materials). Le soluzioni progettuali proposte, sviluppate presso le due sedi coinvolte nella cotutela (Università di Bologna, Université Paris-Est) sono affrontate secondo un protocollo scientifico che prevede: progettazione del sistema costruttivo, analisi meccanica e termica, sperimentazione costruttiva, verifica delle tecniche di messa in opera e dei requisiti prestazionali.
Neonicotinoids have been pointed to as a factor responsible for the increased honey bee colony losses in the last decades. Many studies have investigated the effects of the first marketed neonicotinoid, imidacloprid, while fewer have focused on thiamethoxam. One recent study showed that sublethal doses of thiamethoxam lead to colony failure by decreasing forager homing flight success. We thus decided to investigate the mechanism which caused this phenomenon. Our hypothesis was that this effect was caused by impairment of forager locomotion abilities. Therefore we tested the effects of sublethal acute and chronic exposures to thiamethoxam on forager walking (Chapter 2) and flight (Chapter 3) performances. The acute treatment (1.34 ng/bee) affected walking locomotion firstly triggering hyperactivity (30 min post-treatment) and then impairing motor functioning (60 min post-treatment). 2-day continuous exposures to thiamethoxam (32.5, 45 ppb) elicited fewer effects on walking locomotion, however both exposure modes elicited an increased positive phototaxis. Similarly, in flight experiments, the single dose (1.34 ng/bee) elicited hyperactivity shortly after intoxication (increased flight duration and distance), while longer and continuous exposures (32.5, 45 ppb) impaired forager motor functions (decreased flight duration, distance, velocity). It is known that flight muscles temperature needs to be precisely regulated by bees during flight. Therefore, we further hypothesized that the impaired flight performances of neonicotinoid intoxicated bees were caused also by thermoregulation anomalies. We tested the effects that acute thiamethoxam exposures (0.2, 1, 2 ng/bee) elicit on forager thorax temperature (Chapter 4). Foragers treated with high doses exhibited hyperthermia or hypothermia when respectively exposed to high or low environmental temperatures. In summary, we show that sublethal doses of thiamethoxam affected forager walking and flight locomotion, phototaxis and thermoregulation. We also display the intricate mode of action of thiamethoxam which triggered, at different extents, inverse sublethal effects in relation to time and dose.
In this thesis is described the design and synthesis of potential agents for the treatment of the multifactorial Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Our multi-target approach was to consider cannabinoid system involved in AD, together with classic targets. In the first project, designed modifications were performed on lead molecule in order to increase potency and obtain balanced activities on fatty acid amide hydrolase and cholinesterases. A small library of compounds was synthesized and biological results showed increased inhibitory activity (nanomolar range) related to selected target. The second project was focused on the benzofuran framework, a privileged structure being a common moiety found in many biologically active natural products and therapeutics. Hybrid molecules were designed and synthesized, focusing on the inhibition of cholinesterases, Aβ aggregation, FAAH and on the interaction with CB receptors. Preliminary results showed that several compounds are potent CB ligands, in particular the high affinity for CB2 receptors, could open new opportunities to modulate neuroinflammation. The third and the fourth project were carried out at the IMS, Aberdeen, under the supervision of Prof. Matteo Zanda. The role of the cannabinoid system in the brain is still largely unexplored and the relationship between the CB1 receptors functional modification, density and distribution and the onset of a pathological state is not well understood. For this reasons, Rimonabant analogues suitable as radioligands were synthesized. The latter, through PET, could provide reliable measurements of density and distribution of CB1 receptors in the brain. In the fifth project, in collaboration with CHyM of York, the goal was to develop arginine analogues that are target specific due to their exclusively location into NOS enzymes and could work as MRI contrasting agents. Synthesized analogues could be suitable substrate for the transfer of polarization by p-H2 molecules through SABRE technique transforming MRI a more sensitive and faster technique.
Studio e ottimizzazione per una versione potenziata di un motore diesel v6 common rail con incremento della potenza erogabile.
Plasmabasierte Röntgenlaser sind aufgrund ihrer kurzen Wellenlänge und schma-rnlen spektralen Bandbreite attraktive Diagnose-Instrumente in einer Vielzahl potentieller Anwendungen, beispielsweise in den Bereichen Spektroskopie, Mikroskopie und EUV-Lithografie. Dennoch sind Röntgenlaser zum heutigen Stand noch nicht sehr weit verbreitet, was vorwiegend auf eine zu geringe Pulsenergie und für manche Anwendungen nicht hinreichende Strahlqualität zurückzuführen ist. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden in den letzten Jahren bedeutende Fortschritte erzielt. Die gleichzeitige Weiterentwicklung von Pumplasersystemen und Pumpmechanismen ermöglichte es, kompakte Röntgenlaserquellen mit bis zu 100 Hz zu betreiben. Um gleichzeitig höhere Pulsenergien, höhere Strahlqualität und volle räumliche Kohärenz zu erhalten, wurden intensive Studien theoretischer und experimenteller Natur durchgeführt. In diesem Kontext wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein experimenteller Aufbau zur Kombination von zwei Röntgenlaser-Targets entwickelt, die sogenannte Butterfly-Konfiguration. Der erste Röntgenlaser wird dabei als sogenannter Seed für das zweite, als Verstärker dienende Röntgenlasermedium verwendet (injection-seeding). Aufrndiese Weise werden störende Effekte vermieden, welche beim Entstehungsprozessrndes Röntgenlasers durch die Verstärkung von spontaner Emission zustande kom-rnmen. Unter Verwendung des ebenfalls an der GSI entwickelten Double-Pulse Gra-rnzing Incidence Pumpschemas ermöglicht das hier vorgestellte Konzept, erstmaligrnbeide Röntgenlasertargets effizient und inklusive Wanderwellenanregung zu pum-rnpen.rnBei einer ersten experimentellen Umsetzung gelang die Erzeugung verstärkter Silber-Röntgenlaserpulse von 1 µJ bei 13.9 nm Wellenlänge. Anhand der gewonnenen Daten erfolgte neben dem Nachweis der Verstärkung die Bestimmung der Lebensdauer der Besetzungsinversion zu 3 ps. In einem Nachfolgeexperiment wurden die Eigenschaften eines Molybdän-Röntgenlaserplasmas näher untersucht. Neben dem bisher an der GSI angewandten Pumpschema kam in dieser Strahlzeit noch eine weitere Technik zum Einsatz, welche auf einem zusätzlichen Pumppuls basierte. In beiden Schemata gelang neben dem Nachweis der Verstärkung die zeitliche und räumliche Charakterisierung des Verstärkermediums. Röntgenlaserpulse mit bis zu 240 nJ bei einer Wellenlänge von 18.9 nm wurden nachgewiesen. Die erreichte Brillanz der verstärkten Pulse lag ca. zwei Größenordnungen über der des ursprünglichen Seeds und mehr als eine Größenordnung über der Brillanz eines Röntgenlasers, dessen Erzeugung auf der Verwendung eines einzelnen Targets basierte. Das in dieser Arbeitrnentwickelte und experimentell verifizierte Konzept birgt somit das Potential, extrem brillante plasmabasierte Röntgenlaser mit vollständiger räumlicher und zeitlicher Kohärenz zu erzeugen.rnDie in dieser Arbeit diskutierten Ergebnisse sind ein wesentlicher Beitrag zu der Entwicklung eines Röntgenlasers, der bei spektroskopischen Untersuchungen von hochgeladenen Schwerionen eingesetzt werden soll. Diese Experimente sind amrnExperimentierspeicherring der GSI und zukünftig auch am High-Energy StoragernRing der FAIR-Anlage vorgesehen.rn
I capodogli (Physeter macrocephalus) sono mammiferi marini con distribuzione cosmopolita; sono presenti anche nel Mar Mediterraneo, soprattutto nella zona occidentale del bacino. Per individuare la presenza di questi animali possono essere utilizzate differenti modalità. Questo studio è stato condotto tramite l’uso di metodi acustici passivi, in quanto i capodogli (P. macrocephalus) sono animali che emettono suoni. L’uso di metodi acustici ha alcuni vantaggi, infatti permette di individuare la presenza di un animale anche se si trova al di sotto della superficie dell’acqua, purché stia emettendo suoni. Le registrazioni possono essere effettuate indipendentemente dalle condizioni meteorologiche e per lunghi periodi di tempo, permettendo la continuità nella raccolta dei dati. Il lavoro di tesi è stato svolto nell’ambito di un Progetto di Ricerca de L’Oceanogràfic di Valencia. Le registrazioni sono state effettuate tramite lo strumento EAR (Ecological Acoustic Recorder) in due aree del Mar Balear, il Mar di Bamba e il Parco Nazionale di Cabrera, in differenti periodi, profondità e con diverse frequenze di campionamento (50 kHz e 5 kHz). I dati ottenuti sono stati analizzati tramite i programmi X-BAT (Extensible Bioacoustic Tool) e Adobe Audition 3.0 al fine di rilevare i pulsi emessi dai capodogli. Per entrambe le aree di studio i dati sono stati elaborati in modo da ottenere modelli giornalieri e stagionali delle ore positive e del numero di pulsi emessi. La presenza di P. macrocephalus è stata confermata in entrambe le aree di studio, e dal confronto delle analisi spettrali dei pulsi si può affermare che, nonostante le differenze, i pulsi registrati in entrambe le aree sono effettivamente emessi da capodogli. Il lavoro di Tesi permette di suggerire che per futuri studi sia applicata la frequenza di registrazione di 20 kHz utilizzando lo strumento SAMARUC, alla cui progettazione ha partecipato L’Oceanogràfic di Valencia.
Toxicant inputs from agriculture, industry and human settlements have been shown to severely affect freshwater ecosystems. Pollution can lead to changes in population genetic patterns through various genetic and stochastic processes. In my thesis, I investigated the impact of anthropogenic stressors on the population genetics of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha. In order to analyze the genetics of zebra mussel populations, I isolated five new highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. Out of those and other already existing microsatellite markers for this species, I established a robust marker set of six microsatellite loci for D. polymorpha. rnMonitoring the biogeographical background is an important requirement when integrating population genetic measures into ecotoxicological studies. I analyzed the biogeographical background of eleven populations in a section of the River Danube (in Hungary and Croatia) and some of its tributaries, and another population in the River Rhine as genetic outgroup. Moreover, I measured abiotic water parameters at the sampling sites and analyzed if they were correlated with the genetic parameters of the populations. The genetic differentiation was basically consistent with the overall biogeographical history of the populations in the study region. However, the genetic diversity of the populations was not influenced by the geographical distance between the populations, but by the environmental factors oxygen and temperature and also by other unidentified factors. I found strong evidence that genetic adaptation of zebra mussel populations to local habitat conditions had influenced the genetic constitution of the populations. Moreover, by establishing the biogeographical baseline of molecular variance in the study area, I laid the foundation for interpreting population genetic results in ecotoxicological experiments in this region.rnIn a cooperation project with the Department of Zoology of the University of Zagreb, I elaborated an integrated approach in biomonitoring with D. polymorpha by combining the analysis techniques of microsatellite analysis, Comet assay and micronucleus test (MNT). This approach was applied in a case study on freshwater contamination by an effluent of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the River Drava (Croatia) and a complementary laboratory experiment. I assessed and compared the genetic status of two zebra mussel populations from a contaminated and a reference site. Microsatellite analysis suggested that the contaminated population had undergone a genetic bottleneck, caused by random genetic drift and selection, whereas a bottleneck was not detected in the reference population. The Comet assay did not indicate any difference in DNA damage between the two populations, but MNT revealed that the contaminated population had an increased percentage of micronuclei in hemocytes in comparison to the reference population. The laboratory experiment with mussels exposed to municipal wastewater revealed that mussels from the contaminated site had a lower percentage of tail DNA and a higher percentage of micronuclei than the reference population. These differences between populations were probably caused by an overall decreased fitness of mussels from the contaminated site due to genetic drift and by an enhanced DNA repair mechanism due to adaptation to pollution in the source habitat. Overall, the combination of the three biomarkers provided sufficient information on the impact of both treated and non-treated municipal wastewater on the genetics of zebra mussels at different levels of biological organization.rnIn my thesis, I could show that the newly established marker set of six microsatellite loci provided reliable and informative data for population genetic analyses of D. polymorpha. The adaptation of the analyzed zebra mussel populations to the local conditions of their habitat had a strong influence on their genetic constitution. We found evidence that the different genetic constitutions of two populations had influenced the outcome of our ecotoxicological experiment. Overall, the integrated approach in biomonitoring gave comprehensive information about the impact of both treated and non-treated municipal wastewater on the genetics of zebra mussels at different levels of biological organization and was well practicable in a first case study.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and most aggressive astrocytic tumor of the central nervous system (CNS) in adults. The standard treatment consisting of surgery, followed by a combinatorial radio- and chemotherapy, is only palliative and prolongs patient median survival to 12 to 15 months. The tumor subpopulation of stem cell-like glioma-initiating cells (GICs) shows resistance against radiation as well as chemotherapy, and has been suggested to be responsible for relapses of more aggressive tumors after therapy. The efficacy of immunotherapies, which exploit the immune system to specifically recognize and eliminate malignant cells, is limited due to strong immunosuppressive activities of the GICs and the generation of a specialized protective microenvironment. The molecular mechanisms underlying the therapy resistance of GICs are largely unknown. rnThe first aim of this study was to identify immune evasion mechanisms in GICs triggered by radiation. A model was used in which patient-derived GICs were treated in vitro with fractionated ionizing radiation (2.5 Gy in 7 consecutive passages) to select for a more radio-resistant phenotype. In the model cell line 1080, this selection process resulted in increased proliferative but diminished migratory capacities in comparison to untreated control GICs. Furthermore, radio-selected GICs downregulated various proteins involved in antigen processing and presentation, resulting in decreased expression of MHC class I molecules on the cellular surface and diminished recognition potential by cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. Thus, sub-lethal fractionated radiation can promote immune evasion and hamper the success of adjuvant immunotherapy. Among several immune-associated proteins, interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 (IFITM3) was found to be upregulated in radio-selected GICs. While high expression of IFITM3 was associated with a worse overall survival of GBM patients (TCGA database) and increased proliferation and migration of differentiated glioma cell lines, a strong contribution of IFITM3 to proliferation in vitro as well as tumor growth and invasiveness in a xenograft model could not be observed. rnMultiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common autoimmune disease of the CNS in young adults of the Western World, which leads to progressive disability in genetically susceptible individuals, possibly triggered by environmental factors. It is assumed that self-reactive, myelin-specific T helper cell 1 (Th1) and Th17 cells, which have escaped the control mechanisms of the immune system, are critical in the pathogenesis of the human disease and its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). It was observed that in vitro differentiated interleukin 17 (IL-17) producing Th17 cells co-expressed the Th1-phenotypic cytokine Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) in combination with the two respective lineage-associated transcription factors RORγt and T-bet after re-isolation from the CNS of diseased mice. Pathogenic molecular mechanisms that render a CD4+ T cell encephalitogenic have scarcely been investigated up to date. rnIn the second part of the thesis, whole transcriptional changes occurring in in vitro differentiated Th17 cells in the course of EAE were analyzed. Evaluation of signaling networks revealed an overrepresentation of genes involved in communication between the innate and adaptive immune system and metabolic alterations including cholesterol biosynthesis. The transcription factors Cebpa, Fos, Klf4, Nfatc1 and Spi1, associated with thymocyte development and naïve T cells were upregulated in encephalitogenic CNS-isolated CD4+ T cells, proposing a contribution to T cell plasticity. Correlation of the murine T-cell gene expression dataset to putative MS risk genes, which were selected based on their proximity (± 500 kb; ensembl database, release 75) to the MS risk single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) proposed by the most recent multiple sclerosis GWAS in 2011, revealed that 67.3% of the MS risk genes were differentially expressed in EAE. Expression patterns of Bach2, Il2ra, Irf8, Mertk, Odf3b, Plek, Rgs1, Slc30a7, and Thada were confirmed in independent experiments, suggesting a contribution to T cell pathogenicity. Functional analysis of Nfatc1 revealed that Nfatc1-deficient CD4+ T cells were restrained in their ability to induce clinical signs of EAE. Nfatc1-deficiency allowed proper T cell activation, but diminished their potential to fully differentiate into Th17 cells and to express high amounts of lineage cytokines. As the inducible Nfatc1/αA transcript is distinct from the other family members, it could represent an interesting target for therapeutic intervention in MS.rn
In this thesis we have identified two electrochemical procedures for preparing two compounds of copper hexacyanoferrate (CuHCF) films with different compositions and structures. The deposition were carried out using a “two steps” method consisting in electrochemical oxidation of previously deposited metallic copper on carbon substrates (glassy carbon and graphite foil electrodes) in K3[Fe(CN)6] solution. Both films, CuHCF-methodA and CuHCF-methodB, were characterized by cyclic voltammetry (GC) and their study using XANES spectroscopy revealed evidence of different structures. Additionally, insertion and extraction of different cations (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Al3+ and Cs+) were performed and the results indicate that CuHCF-methodA has slightly better performances and operational stability than CuHCF-methodB. Data from galvanostatic charge-discharge tests confirme the latter observation. An application for amperometric detection of H2O2 and SEM micrographs are also reported for both films (method A and B). Comparing these results with a previous work of our research group, seems that the deposition of two different compounds using methodA and methodB is due to the different stoichiometry of ions Cu2+ e [Fe(CN)6]3– created near electrode surface during the dissolution step.
Tomatoes are the most common crop in Italy. The production cycle requires operations in the field and factory that can cause musculoskeletal disorders due to the repetitive movements of the upper limbs of the workers employed in the sorting phase. This research aims to evaluate these risks using the OCRA (occupational repetitive actions) index method This method is based firstly on the calculation of a maximum number of recommended actions, related to the way the operation is performed, and secondly on a comparison of the number of actions effectively carried out by the upper limb with the recommended calculated value. The results of the risk evaluation for workers who manually sort tomatoes during harvest showed a risk for the workers, with an exposure index greater than 20; the OCRA index defines an index higher than 3.5 as unacceptable. The present trend of replacing manual sorting onboard a vehicle with optical sorters seems to be appropriate to reduce the risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) and is supported from both a financial point of view and as a quality control measure.
Hypernatraemia is common in critically ill patients and has been shown to be an independent predictor of mortality. Osmotic urea diuresis can cause hypernatraemia due to significant water losses but is often not diagnosed. Free water clearance (FWC) and electrolyte free water clearance (EFWC) were proposed to quantify renal water handling. We aimed to (i) identify patients with hypernatraemia due to osmotic urea diuresis and (ii) investigate whether FWC and EFWC are helpful in identifying renal loss of free water.
Background Meadows are regularly mown in order to provide fodder or litter for livestock and to prevent vegetation succession. However, the time of year at which meadows should be first mown in order to maximize biological diversity remains controversial and may vary with respect to context and focal taxa. We carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis on the effects of delaying the first mowing date upon plants and invertebrates in European meadowlands. Methods Following a CEE protocol, ISI Web of Science, Science Direct, JSTOR, Google and Google Scholar were searched. We recorded all studies that compared the species richness of plants, or the species richness or abundance of invertebrates, between grassland plots mown at a postponed date (treatment) vs plots mown earlier (control). In order to be included in the meta-analysis, compared plots had to be similar in all management respects, except the date of the first cut that was (mostly experimentally) manipulated. They were also to be located in the same meadow type. Meta-analyses applying Hedges’d statistic were performed. Results Plant species richness responded differently to the date to which mowing was postponed. Delaying mowing from spring to summer had a positive effect, while delaying either from spring to fall, or from early summer to later in the season had a negative effect. Invertebrates were expected to show a strong response to delayed mowing due to their dependence on sward structure, but only species richness showed a clearly significant positive response. Invertebrate abundance was positively influenced in only a few studies. Conclusions The present meta-analysis shows that in general delaying the first mowing date in European meadowlands has either positive or neutral effects on plant and invertebrate biodiversity (except for plant species richness when delaying from spring to fall or from early summer to later). Overall, there was also strong between-study heterogeneity, pointing to other major confounding factors, the elucidation of which requires further field experiments with both larger sample sizes and a distinction between taxon-specific and meadow-type-specific responses.