256 resultados para cementeria e css
Relatório de Estágio para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na área de Educação e Comunicação Multimédia
Gracias al crecimiento, expansión y popularización de la World Wide Web, su desarrollo tecnológico tiene una creciente importancia en la sociedad. La simbiosis que protagonizan estos dos entornos ha propiciado una mayor influencia social en las innovaciones de la plataforma y un enfoque mucho más práctico. Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es describir, caracterizar y analizar el surgimiento y difusión del nuevo estándar de hipertexto que rige la Web; HTML5. Al mismo tiempo exploramos este proceso a la luz de varias teorías que aúnan tecnología y sociedad. Dedicamos especial atención a los usuarios de la World Wide Web y al uso genérico que realizan de los Medios Sociales o "Social Media". Sugerimos que el desarrollo de los estándares web está influenciado por el uso cotidiano de este nuevo tipo de tecnologías y aplicaciones.
Employment issues for cancer survivors (CS) were investigated fromthe perspective of Northern Ireland government general employmentadvisors. An e-survey was designed and developed based on the resultsof a scoping search of journal articles, previously validatedquestionnaires and relevant related surveys; discussions of draftversions of the e-survey and method with lead representatives ofstakeholder organizations; and a pilot study with seven prospectiverespondents. The e-survey and subsequent reminder to employmentadvisors were distributed internally by the government employmentadvisory agency. The e-survey was completed by 78/156 (50%) advisors,the majority of whom (74%) received a request for advicein the last year from at least one CS. Most CS used the employmentservice less than 1 year (52%) or 1 year or more after treatment(32%). Fatigue was the most commonly reported barrier to returningto work (10%) and staying in work (14%), and a supportiveemployer was the top facilitating factor in returning to (21%) andcontinuing in (27%), employment. Although most advisors had apositive attitude about a CS’s capacity to return to work, half wereuncertain about how best to advise cancer survivors.
Summit Music Management är ett managementföretag som arbetar med en rad svenska artister. I deras arbetsuppgifter ingår även hantering av artisternas webbplatser, ett arbete som visat sig vara säkerhetskänsligt och svårt att få klart. Målet med projektet har varit att utveckla ett Content Management System för aktörer inom musikbranschen, vars syfte det är att förenkla det dagliga arbetet av dessa webbplatser. Systemet ska innehålla funktionalitet som gör det möjligt att skapa webbplatser åt artisterna samtidigt som det ska gå att underhålla och uppdatera textmaterial såväl som bilder som finns på webbplatserna. Systemet har skapats med tekniker, språk och ramverk som finns tillgängliga under fria licensavtal. Systemets grund är skapat med PHP-ramverket Laravel tillsammans med HTML, CSS och Twitter Bootstrap. Denna del fungerar som gränssnitt för administratörer där användaren kan logga in och skapa webbplatser. De webb-platser som skapas av systemet är skrivna i AngularJS tillsammans med HTML, CSS och Twitter Bootstrap. Mellan dessa delar finns ett REST-api skrivet i Laravel som sköter kommunikationen mellan komponenterna. Systemet arbetar mot en MySQL-databas där all data lagras och hämtas ifrån. Summit Music Management har förutom att leverera text- och bildmaterial, även fungerat somtestpanel för att kunna mäta systemets användbarhet. Testerna visade att systemet kan möta de behov som finns hos Summit Music Management men att det kan komma att behöva vidareutvecklas för att bättre passa en större kundgrupp och för att strama åt säkerhetsaspekterna ytterligare.
Aplicação Web pode-se dizer que é uma aplicação que responde a pedidos do utilizador através de um Browser. As aplicações web orientados a objetos hoje em dia têm cada vez mais espaços nas empresas. A redução dos custos de operacionalidade e a gestão das informações, depende da visão e missão das empresas n desenvolvimento das aplicações web, enquanto uma aplicação desktop precisaria de outros meios para a sua manutenção e com maiores custos. A facilidade do acesso principalmente na ASA em que os nossos servidores estão espalhados pelos aeroportos internacionais em Cabo Verde, sem a necessidade de ser instalada num computador sendo o acesso feito apenas através do Browser. Há uma grande vantagem na atualização que só deve ser feita no servidor em vez de máquina a maquina, também como a sua escalabilidade. A aplicação escolhida para desenvolvimento vai ajudar na gestão da frota das viaturas do corpo de Bombeiros do Aeroporto Internacional Cesária Évora, designada de GestFrota, com programação em PHP, HTML, CSS, JQuery e SQL. O trabalho permite o preenchimento diário de check-list dos equipamentos, o registo das viaturas e a gestão de extintores entre outros.
O Presente trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de um jogo de origem africana para a plataforma web voltado a este novo segmento, apresentando todas as etapas importantes da composição de um jogo social. Utilizando linguagem de programação como HTML5, Javascript e CSS, foi desenvolvido um jogo de Oril. O caráter social do jogo se deu na integração da aplicação com a rede social Facebook. Utilizando as ferramentas disponibilizadas pela plataforma Facebook Developers, foi possível fazer com que o jogo fosse carregado dentro da própria página do Facebook, para que os arquivos fossem carregados foi necessário um servidor hospedeiro com suporte ao protocolo HTTPS, devido as rígidas exigências da política de segurança do Facebook.
Currently, no standard mix design procedure is available for CIR-emulsion in Iowa. The CIR-foam mix design process developed during the previous phase is applied for CIR-emulsion mixtures with varying emulsified asphalt contents. Dynamic modulus test, dynamic creep test, static creep test and raveling test were conducted to evaluate the short- and long-term performance of CIR-emulsion mixtures at various testing temperatures and loading conditions. A potential benefit of this research is a better understanding of CIR-emulsion material properties in comparison with those of CIR-foam material that would allow for the selection of the most appropriate CIR technology and the type and amount of the optimum stabilization material. Dynamic modulus, flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion mixtures using CSS-1h were generally higher than those of HFMS-2p. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion using RAP materials from Story County was higher than those from Clayton County. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion with 0.5% emulsified asphalt was higher than CIR-emulsion with 1.0% or 1.5%. Raveling loss of CIR-emulsion with 1.5% emulsified was significantly less than those with 0.5% and 1.0%. Test results in terms of dynamic modulus, flow number, flow time and raveling loss of CIR-foam mixtures are generally better than those of CIR-emulsion mixtures. Given the limited RAP sources used for this study, it is recommended that the CIR-emulsion mix design procedure should be validated against several RAP sources and emulsion types.
Abstract The World Wide Web Consortium, W3C, is known for standards like HTML and CSS but there's a lot more to it than that. Mobile, automotive, publishing, graphics, TV and more. Then there are horizontal issues like privacy, security, accessibility and internationalisation. Many of these assume that there is an underlying data infrastructure to power applications. In this session, W3C's Data Activity Lead, Phil Archer, will describe the overall vision for better use of the Web as a platform for sharing data and how that translates into recent, current and possible future work. What's the difference between using the Web as a data platform and as a glorified USB stick? Why does it matter? And what makes a standard a standard anyway? Speaker Biography Phil Archer Phil Archer is Data Activity Lead at W3C, the industry standards body for the World Wide Web, coordinating W3C's work in the Semantic Web and related technologies. He is most closely involved in the Data on the Web Best Practices, Permissions and Obligations Expression and Spatial Data on the Web Working Groups. His key themes are interoperability through common terminology and URI persistence. As well as work at the W3C, his career has encompassed broadcasting, teaching, linked data publishing, copy writing, and, perhaps incongruously, countryside conservation. The common thread throughout has been a knack for communication, particularly communicating complex technical ideas to a more general audience.
O presente relatório propõe-se a expor todo o meu trabalho desenvolvido durante o período do estágio curricular na Ameise Editora desde agosto de 2014 até fevereiro de 2015. No mesmo encontra-se uma breve história da editora, um enquadramento do trabalho que desenvolvi e como este se relacionou com as unidades curriculares.
En los últimos años el presupuesto de las bibliotecas a nivel general se ha mantenido o inclusive ha tendido a disminuir, por lo que éstas se ven obligadas a operar con esos fondos decrecientes. Por otro lado, los costos de los servicios son cada vez más altos, haciendo que las bibliotecas deban adaptarse al nuevo entorno, tratando de limitar sus gastos. Para mejorar la gestión de la biblioteca adaptándose al presupuesto asignado es necesario conocer el costo real de sus procesos, así se puede tomar decisiones para mejorar o incrementar los servicios prestados. Para solventar este problema existen varias técnicas para la gestión de costos, y uno de los más avanzados al momento descrito en esta tesis es el Costeo Basado en Actividades manejadas por Tiempo (TD-ABC). Este modelo nos proporciona información esencial de las funciones de la biblioteca, nos ayuda a comprender los factores de costo relevantes así como el mejorar la asignación presupuestaria. El presente trabajo de titulación tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un módulo que aplique la metodología TD-ABC para el manejo de procesos, el mismo que ha sido implementado siguiendo la misma estructura del sistema de Automatización de Bibliotecas y Centros de Documentación (ABCD) que se encuentra funcionando en el Centro de Documentación Regional "Juan Bautista Vázquez" (CDRJBV). El módulo de TD-ABC ha sido desarrollado bajo plataforma de Software Libre, utilizando el lenguaje PHP y base de datos MYSQL, además de herramientas para el desarrollo web HTML, CSS, AJAX, JAVASCRIPT y API GOOGLE.
This paper reports some experiments in using SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), rather than the browser default of (X)HTML/CSS, as a potential Web-based rendering technology, in an attempt to create an approach that integrates the structural and display aspects of a Web document in a single XML-compliant envelope. Although the syntax of SVG is XML based, the semantics of the primitive graphic operations more closely resemble those of page description languages such as PostScript or PDF. The principal usage of SVG, so far, is for inserting complex graphic material into Web pages that are predominantly controlled via (X)HTML and CSS. The conversion of structured and unstructured PDF into SVG is discussed. It is found that unstructured PDF converts into pages of SVG with few problems, but difficulties arise when one attempts to map the structural components of a Tagged PDF into an XML skeleton underlying the corresponding SVG. These difficulties are not fundamentally syntactic; they arise largely because browsers are innately bound to (X)HTML/CSS as their default rendering model. Some suggestions are made for ways in which SVG could be more totally integrated into browser functionality, with the possibility that future browsers might be able to use SVG as their default rendering paradigm.
We define generalized cluster states based on finite group algebras in analogy to the generalization of the toric code to the Kitaev quantum double models. We do this by showing a general correspondence between systems with CSS structure and finite group algebras, and applying this to the cluster states to derive their generalization. We then investigate properties of these states including their projected entangled pair state representations, global symmetries, and relationship to the Kitaev quantum double models. We also discuss possible applications of these states.
Relatório de Estágio para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na área de Educação e Comunicação Multimédia
It is just over 20 years since Adobe's PostScript opened a new era in digital documents. PostScript allows most details of rendering to be hidden within the imaging device itself, while providing a rich set of primitives enabling document engineers to think of final-form rendering as being just a sophisticated exercise in computer graphics. The refinement of the PostScript model into PDF has been amazingly successful in creating a near-universal interchange format for complex and graphically rich digital documents but the PDF format itself is neither easy to create nor to amend. In the meantime a whole new world of digital documents has sprung up centred around XML-based technologies. The most widespread example is XHTML (with optional CSS styling) but more recently we have seen Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) emerge as an XML-based, low-level, rendering language with PostScript-compatible rendering semantics. This paper surveys graphically-rich final-form rendering technologies and asks how flexible they can be in allowing adjustments to be made to final appearance without the need for regenerating a whole page or an entire document. Particular attention is focused on the relative merits of SVG and PDF in this regard and on the desirability, in any document layout language, of being able to manipulate the graphic properties of document components parametrically, and at a level of granularity smaller than an entire page.
We propose a family of local CSS stabilizer codes as possible candidates for self-correcting quantum memories in 3D. The construction is inspired by the classical Ising model on a Sierpinski carpet fractal, which acts as a classical self-correcting memory. Our models are naturally defined on fractal subsets of a 4D hypercubic lattice with Hausdorff dimension less than 3. Though this does not imply that these models can be realized with local interactions in R3, we also discuss this possibility. The X and Z sectors of the code are dual to one another, and we show that there exists a finite temperature phase transition associated with each of these sectors, providing evidence that the system may robustly store quantum information at finite temperature.