885 resultados para career identity development
The life-design paradigm is among those rooted in Guichard's (2009) life self-construction model that describes the identity processes underlying the development of multiple social selves. In this chapter, which is a tribute to the major contribution of Jean Guichard to the field of educational and vocational guidance and counseling, we will try to explicate the links between career adaptability and subjective identity forms. Both highlight two different and important processes that are interdependent and which should be simultaneously considered in the life design paradigm. These processes allow people to behave as active agents in their environment and are of high importance in the contemporary socioeconomic context, characterized by globalization, an increase in employment insecurity, the destructuralization of one's life course, and individualization. This chapter argues that both career adapt-abilities and identity processes rely on reflexivity and self-awareness abilities. For this reason the system of subjective identity forms, as defined by Guichard, can be considered as a meta-competency allowing adaptation, meaning making, but also the allocation of process resources.
Hope is believed to be beneficial for vocational pursuits, but the question of how and why hope is related to pivotal career development variables remains largely unaddressed. In a series of three studies,we investigated the relationship between hope and career exploration. Study 1 examined at-risk adolescents (N = 228) in Switzerland and showed that hope explains variance in career exploration beyond the significant effects of generalized self-efficacy beliefs and perceived social support. Study 2 found the same result among a group (N=223) of first-year students at a Swiss university with a measure of state hope. Study 3 applied a one-year cross-lagged design with a diverse group of students (N = 266) at a German university to investigate the mutual effects of dispositional hope and career exploration over time. Although both variables were found to be related within and over time, we could not confirm lagged effects in either direction. The results suggest that hope is significantly correlated with career exploration because both are related to personality and social-contextual variables.
In this paper a brief outline of the origin and development of vocational guidance and career development during the 20thcentury is presented We elaborate a summary of the changes society has suffered during the last decades, and which affect career counselling either directly or indirectly, and which imply a need for modifications in the current approach to career counselling. Subsequently, we propose new perspectives that will be needed to face these changes, and which have been suggested by different authors. Also some competencies needed by career counselors while acting at different levels of intervention are suggested
Making Sense of Women Managers’ Identities through the Constructions of Managerial Career and Gender
This doctoral thesis is about gendered managerial identity construction of women managers. Finnish women managers have been researched from the viewpoints of equality and discrimination issues, careers, and women’s overall positions in work life. However, managerial identity has remained as an unexplored territory. The phenomenon is approached discourse analytically; an interview material that is gathered from 13 women managers in the South-Karelian region is in focus. By studying discourses it is possible to open up understandings how meanings are given to experiences. Women managers’ identity construction is examined from the perspectives of managerial career, managerial practices, and gender. Gender is a meta-concept in this research, as it so profoundly affects our sense of being and acting, although the meaning of it often remains undervalued, invisible, or even denied. This research shows that gender becomes highly visible in managerial contexts, when it is used for some specific purpose, that is, treated as a strategy. By studying women managers it is possible to demystify often so abstract managerial ideals, and open up their taken-for-granted masculine subtexts. It is argued that from the point of view of conducting managerial work, the meaning of self-knowledge appears as critical.
Tutkimuksella selvitettiin eri tekijöiden merkitystä hammaslääkärien tehdessä uraansa koskevia valintoja lähtien ammatinvalinnasta. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin erilaisissa työpaikoissa toimivien hammaslääkärien sekä hammaslääketieteen opiskelijoiden odotuksia ja kokemuksia. Tutkimus tehtiin kyselynä postitse lähetetyin lomakkein. Kyselyyn osallistui 350 hammaslääkäriä ja 115 opiskelijaa. Kiinnostus lääketieteeseen ja työn konkreettisuus olivat keskeisimmät syyt lähteä hammaslääketiedettä opiskelemaan. Suurin osa sekä hammaslääkäreistä että opiskelijoista valitsisi vähintään todennäköisesti saman ammatin uudelleen, hammaslääkäreistä yksityishammaslääkärit useimmin. 69 % hammaslääkäreistä oli aloittanut työuransa terveyskeskuksessa, opiskelijoista 46 % toivoi työpaikkaa yksityissektorilta ja 37 % terveyskeskuksesta. Hammaslääkärit kokivat työn mielekkyyden, positiivisen kaiun, työn ja elämän reunaehtojen sekä taloudellisen turvallisuuden vaikuttaneen ensimmäiseen työpaikkaan menoon vähemmän kuin opiskelijat arvioivat niiden vaikuttavan. Työssä tärkeänä sekä hammaslääkärit että opiskelijat pitivät hyviä työolosuhteita ja mielekästä työn sisältöä. Toimiva yhteistyö työparin kanssa oli myös erittäin tärkeää. Hammaslääkärit pitivät hyviä työoloja ja autonomiaa tärkeämpinä kuin opiskelijat, joille puolestaan uralla eteneminen ja työajan joustot olivat tärkeämpiä. Hammaslääkärit arvostivat työtä ja työssä suoriutumista sekä hyvää työpaikkaa enemmän kuin opiskelijat. Parhaiten työssään toteutuvana suhteessa asian merkitykseen hammaslääkärit kokivat autonomian ja huonoiten ilmapiirin. Naiset kokivat asioiden toteutumisessa enemmän puutteita kuin miehet. Työpaikkaansa heikosti sitoutuneita oli 8 %, joista valtaosa terveyskeskushammaslääkäreitä. Heikosti sitoutuneet kokivat sitoutuneita huonompina varsinkin työilmapiirin, työolosuhteet ja mahdollisuuden uralla etenemiseen. Hammaslääkärit olivat halukkaampia jatkokoulutukseen kuin kokivat siihen olevanmahdollisuuksia; 25 % oli harkinnut erikoistumista, mutta luopunut ajatuksesta, ja20 % halusi erikoistua, mutta koki siihen käytännön esteitä. Jatkossa tulisi tarkemmin analysoida ja toistettavin tutkimuksin seurata hammaslääkärien urakokemuksia ja valintoja sekä koetun työssä vallitsevan tilanteen ja asioiden merkityksen välistä suhdetta. Myös opiskelijoiden urasuunnitelmia ja arvostuksia tulisi tutkia säännöllisin väliajoin.
Expatriation has become increasingly common due to the global trade expansion. Many large companies base their production facilities in far-flung countries, where experts are sent from their own countries to launch the operations. Working in a foreign environment demands from so-called expatriates considerable adaptability. This study aimed to investigate if following expatriation mental health difficulties were experienced by the employees themselves or their family members. This study investigated by a questionnaire and interviews how expatriate employees in Finnish companies operating in different regions of Brazil and their families adjusted. Investigated employees were required to be at least 6 months in expatriation. Data were collected in Brazil during their stay at least 3 months after the arrival. The survey covered 121 expatriate employees, that operated in 17 different companies, from which 71 employees from 10 different companies responded to the questionnaire. All the employees from the two largest enterprises and their spouses were invited to focus groups; in total 43 persons (22 employees and 21 employees’ spouses) participated in a group or individual interviews. No significant mental health difficulties were found among the expatriate employees. Only a tenth of the expatriate employees reported strain. The experience of strain symptoms was found to be related to long working days, intense working rhythm and lack of friends. Work satisfaction seemed to be an important mediator in the coping process. While abroad, the expatriate employees were highly recognized for their work. Due to the immature organization of work they could often use their creative capacities to improve the work flow. The opportunity to see the effects of their own contribution with their own eyes to the development of the enterprise made them feel good. The association between the expatriate employees’ adjustment and that of their spouses’ was evident. The spouses’ situation was markedly different than that of the expatriate employees’ themselves. Expatriation changed the family members’ previous division of tasks considerably. The expatriate spouses had to change their roles more than the expatriate employees themselves; since most of them were highly educated women, who were leaded through an identity crisis due to at least temporary renunciation of own work and career.
Los docentes de los distintos ciclos del sistema educativo que están comenzando su vida profesional,si permanecen en esta actividad, trabajarán durante los próximos treinta o cuarentaaños con personas que vivirán parte de su vida en el siglo XXII. Este hecho constituye un puntode reflexión para los educadores quienes recibimos nuestra formación básica en el sigloXX, estamos desarrollando nuestro trabajo en el XXI, y tenemos la responsabilidad de preparara individuos para que puedan construir un mañana que ya es hoy (Millán y Sancho, 1995).Aquí comienza el interés de nuestros grupos de investigación por explorar cómo los hombresy las mujeres que han salido en los últimos años de las facultades de formación del profesorado,con las especialidades de educación infantil y primaria, aprenden a ser docentes. Cómose han ido constituyendo y posicionando como maestros y maestras durante la formación inicial y los primeros años de su vida profesional...
Los docentes de los distintos ciclos del sistema educativo que están comenzando su vida profesional,si permanecen en esta actividad, trabajarán durante los próximos treinta o cuarentaaños con personas que vivirán parte de su vida en el siglo XXII. Este hecho constituye un puntode reflexión para los educadores quienes recibimos nuestra formación básica en el sigloXX, estamos desarrollando nuestro trabajo en el XXI, y tenemos la responsabilidad de preparara individuos para que puedan construir un mañana que ya es hoy (Millán y Sancho, 1995).Aquí comienza el interés de nuestros grupos de investigación por explorar cómo los hombresy las mujeres que han salido en los últimos años de las facultades de formación del profesorado,con las especialidades de educación infantil y primaria, aprenden a ser docentes. Cómose han ido constituyendo y posicionando como maestros y maestras durante la formación inicial y los primeros años de su vida profesional...
Los docentes de los distintos ciclos del sistema educativo que están comenzando su vida profesional,si permanecen en esta actividad, trabajarán durante los próximos treinta o cuarentaaños con personas que vivirán parte de su vida en el siglo XXII. Este hecho constituye un puntode reflexión para los educadores quienes recibimos nuestra formación básica en el sigloXX, estamos desarrollando nuestro trabajo en el XXI, y tenemos la responsabilidad de preparara individuos para que puedan construir un mañana que ya es hoy (Millán y Sancho, 1995).Aquí comienza el interés de nuestros grupos de investigación por explorar cómo los hombresy las mujeres que han salido en los últimos años de las facultades de formación del profesorado,con las especialidades de educación infantil y primaria, aprenden a ser docentes. Cómose han ido constituyendo y posicionando como maestros y maestras durante la formación inicial y los primeros años de su vida profesional...
Los docentes de los distintos ciclos del sistema educativo que están comenzando su vida profesional,si permanecen en esta actividad, trabajarán durante los próximos treinta o cuarentaaños con personas que vivirán parte de su vida en el siglo XXII. Este hecho constituye un puntode reflexión para los educadores quienes recibimos nuestra formación básica en el sigloXX, estamos desarrollando nuestro trabajo en el XXI, y tenemos la responsabilidad de preparara individuos para que puedan construir un mañana que ya es hoy (Millán y Sancho, 1995).Aquí comienza el interés de nuestros grupos de investigación por explorar cómo los hombresy las mujeres que han salido en los últimos años de las facultades de formación del profesorado,con las especialidades de educación infantil y primaria, aprenden a ser docentes. Cómose han ido constituyendo y posicionando como maestros y maestras durante la formación inicial y los primeros años de su vida profesional...
ABSTRACT 'The Duologue of King/Governor Pāyāsi' ("Long Discourses") has long been recognised as a source for the proto-materialism current at the time of the Buddha. What needs to be stressed is the significance of the text as a pointer to the development of Logic in India. Perception (observation and experiment employing the joint method of agreement and difference), which is an accepted method of experimental enquiry, and reasoning from analogy, which can lead at best to a probable conclusion - these two are the only means employed to settle the dispute concerning the existence of the other-world. The Jain version of the same duologue-cum-parable, though varying in minor details regarding the name and identity of the monk refuting the king/governor, contains the same contrast, namely, perception versus analogical reasoning. There can be little doubt that the original parable was conceived with a view to asserting the existence of the other-world. In the Kaṭha Upaniṣad (sixth century BCE), an earlier Brahmanical text, however, instead of argument by analogy, verbal testimony (śabda) was invoked to settle the same point. Naciketas is assailed by doubt about the existence of a person after his or her death. The authority of Yama, the Pluto of Indian mythology, is invoked to convince him that the other-world does exist. Thus, the three parables taken together exhibit three means of knowledge in operation: verbal testimony and argument by analogy pitted against perception.
In order to develop a molecular method for detection and identification of Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola (Xcv) the causal agent of grapevine bacterial canker, primers were designed based on the partial sequence of the hrpB gene. Primer pairs Xcv1F/Xcv3R and RST2/Xcv3R, which amplified 243- and 340-bp fragments, respectively, were tested for specificity and sensitivity in detecting DNA from Xcv. Amplification was positive with DNA from 44 Xcv strains and with DNA from four strains of X. campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae and five strains of X. axonopodis pv. passiflorae, with both primer pairs. However, the enzymatic digestion of PCR products could differentiate Xcv strains from the others. None of the primer pairs amplified DNA from grapevine, from 20 strains of nonpathogenic bacteria from grape leaves and 10 strains from six representative genera of plant pathogenic bacteria. Sensitivity of primers Xcv1F/Xcv3R and RST2/Xcv3R was 10 pg and 1 pg of purified Xcv DNA, respectively. Detection limit of primers RST2/Xcv3R was 10(4) CFU/ml, but this limit could be lowered to 10² CFU/ml with a second round of amplification using the internal primer Xcv1F. Presence of Xcv in tissues of grapevine petioles previously inoculated with Xcv could not be detected by PCR using macerated extract added directly in the reaction. However, amplification was positive with the introduction of an agar plating step prior to PCR. Xcv could be detected in 1 µl of the plate wash and from a cell suspension obtained from a single colony. Bacterium identity was confirmed by RFLP analysis of the RST2/Xcv3R amplification products digested with Hae III.
The present dissertation examined reading development during elementary school years by means of eye movement tracking. Three different but related issues in this field were assessed. First of all, the development of parafoveal processing skills in reading was investigated. Second, it was assessed whether and to what extent sublexical units such as syllables and morphemes are used in processing Finnish words and whether the use of these sublexical units changes as a function of reading proficiency. Finally, the developmental trend in the speed of visual information extraction during reading was examined. With regard to parafoveal processing skills, it was shown that 2nd graders extract letter identity information approx. 5 characters to the right of fixation, 4th graders approx. 7 characters to the right of fixation, and 6th graders and adults approx. 9 characters to the right of fixation. Furthermore, it was shown that all age groups extract more parafoveal information within compound words than across adjectivenoun pairs of similar length. In compounds, parafoveal word information can be extracted in parallel with foveal word information, if the compound in question is of high frequency. With regard to the use of sublexical units in Finnish word processing, it was shown that less proficient 2nd graders use both syllables and morphemes in the course of lexical access. More proficient 2nd graders as well as older readers seem to process words more holistically. Finally, it was shown that 60 ms is enough for 4th graders and adults to extract visual information from both 4-letter and 8-letter words, whereas 2nd graders clearly needed more than 60 ms to extract all information from 8- letter words for processing to proceed smoothly. The present dissertation demonstrates that Finnish 2nd graders develop their reading skills rapidly and are already at an adult level in some aspects of reading. This is not to say that there are no differences between less proficient (e.g., 2nd graders) and more proficient readers (e.g., adults) but in some respects it seems that the visual system used in extracting information from the text is matured by the 2nd grade. Furthermore, the present dissertation demonstrates that the allocation of attention in reading depends much on textual properties such as word frequency and whether words are spatially unified (as in compounds) or not. This flexibility of the attentional system naturally needs to be captured in word processing models. Finally, individual differences within age groups are quite substantial but it seems that by the end of the 2nd grade practically all Finnish children have reached a reasonable level of reading proficiency.
This study focuses on work commitment creation on rhetorical level, that is to say, the rhetorical and linguistic means that are used to construct or elicit worker commitment. The commitment of the worker is one of the most important objectives of all business communication. There is a strong demand for commitment, identification, or adherence to work in various walks of life, although the actual circumstances are often somewhat insecure and shortsighted. The analysis demonstrates that the actual object of commitment may vary from work itself or work organization to one’s career or professional development. The ideal pattern for commitment appears as comprehensive: it contains affective and rational as well as ideological dimensions. This thesis is a rhetorical discourse analysis, or rhetorical analysis with discourse-analytic influences. Primarily it is a rhetorical analysis in which discourses are observed mainly as tools of a rhetorician. The study also draws on various findings of sociology of work and organizational studies. Research material consists of magazines from three and web pages from six different companies. This study explores repeated discourses in commitment rhetoric, mainly through pointing core concepts and recurrent patterns of argumentation. In this analysis section, a semantic and concept-analytic approach is also employed. Companies talk about ideas, values, feelings and attitudes thus constructing a united and unanimous group and an ideal model of commitment. Probably the most important domain of commitment rhetoric is the construction of group and community. Collective identity is constructed through shared meanings, values and goals, and these rhetorical group constructs that can be used and modified in various ways. Every now and then business communication also focuses on the individual, employing different speakers, positions and discourses associated to them. Constructing and using these positions also paints the picture of an ideal worker and ideal work orientation. For example, the so called entrepreneurship model is frequently used here. Commitment talk and the rhetorical situation it constructs are full of tensions and contradictions; the presence of seemingly contradictory values, goals or identities is constant. This study demonstrates tensions like self-fulfilment and individuality versus conformity, and constant change and development versus dependable establishment, and analyses how they are used, processed and dealt with. An important dimension in commitment rhetoric is the way companies define themselves in respect of current social issues, and how they define themselves as responsible social actors, and how they, in this sense, seek to appear as attractive workplaces. This point of view gives rise to problematic questions as companies process the tensions between, for example, rhetoric and action, ethical ideals and business conditions and so on. For its part, the commitment talk also defines the meaning of waged work in human life. Changing society, changing working life, and changing business environments set new claims and standards for workers and contents of work. In this point of view this research contributes to the study of working life and takes part in current public discussion concerning the meaning, role and future of waged work.
Implementation of different policies and plans aiming at providing education for all is a challenge in Tanzania. The need for educators and professionals with relevant knowledge and qualifications in special education is substantial. Teacher education does not equip educators with sufficient knowledge and skills in special education and professional development programs in special education are few in number. Up to 2005 no degree programs in special education at university level were available in Tanzania. The B.Ed. Special Education program offered by the Open University of Tanzania in collaboration with Åbo Akademi University in Finland was one of the efforts aimed at addressing the big national need for teachers and other professionals with degree qualifications in special education. This pilot program offered unique possibilities to study professional development in Tanzania. The research group in this study consisted of the group of students who participated in the degree program 2005-2007. The study is guided by three theoretical perspectives: individual, social and societal. The individual perspective emphasizes psychological factors as motives, motivation, achievement, self-directed behavior and personal growth. Within social perspective, professional development is viewed as situated within the social and cultural context. The third perspective, the societal, focuses on change, reforms, innovations and transformation of school systems and societies. Accordingly, professional development is viewed as an individual, social and societal phenomenon. The overall aim of the study is to explore the participants’ motives for participating in a B.Ed. Special Education program and the perceived outcomes of the program in terms of professional development. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a case study approach was adopted. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were administered in three waves between January 2007 and February 2009 to the 35 educators participating in the B.Ed. Special Education program. The findings of the study reveal that the participants expressed motives which were related to job performance, knowledge, skills, academic degree and career. Also altruistic motives were expressed by the participants in terms of helping and supporting students with special needs and their communities. The perceived outcomes of the program were in line with the expressed motives. However, the results indicate that the participants also learned new skills, as interaction skills and guidance and counseling skills. Increased self-confidence was also mentioned as an outcome. The participants also got deepened understanding of disability issues. In addition, they learned strategies for creating awareness of persons with disability in the communities. Thus the findings of the study indicate positive outcomes of the program in terms of professional development. The conclusion of the study is that individual, social and societal factors interact when it comes to explaining why Tanzanian educators in special education choose to pursue a degree program in special education. The individual motives, as increased knowledge and better prospects of career development interact with the social and societal motives to help and support vulnerable student groups. The study contributes to increased understanding of the complexity of professional development and of the realities educators meet when educational reforms are implemented in a developing country.