981 resultados para b-D-Galactopyranose
Where natural resources are a key component of the rural economy, the ability of the poor to realize their visions for the future depends significantly on institutional structures that govern resource access and management. This case study reports on an initiative on the shores of Lake Kariba in Zambia, where lakeshore residents face competition over fishing, tourism, and commercial aquaculture. Multistakeholder dialogue produced agreements with investors and increased accountability of state agencies and traditional leaders, enabling communities to have greater influence over their futures through improvements in aquatic resource governance. The report documents the rationale for the approach followed and steps in the capacity-building process, discusses obstacles encountered, and identifies lessons for policymakers and practitioners seeking to implement a similar approach.
In many countries, resource conflict is a leading risk to livelihoods. For some communities, it is a matter of survival. Yet, many development interventions aiming to address these challenges fail or fall far short of their potential. Common reasons include conflicting agendas, power and politics; poor local commitment and leadership; lack of coordination; plus high costs and low sustainability, as programs often unravel when development finance ends. Overcoming these obstacles requires a shift from typical approaches to planning, implementing and evaluating rural development and natural resource management initiatives. This manual introduces one approach to achieving such breakthroughs in collective action, called Collaborating for Resilience. The manual presents a set of principles and field-tested guidance on exploring the potential for collaboration, facilitating dialogue and action, evaluating outcomes, and sustaining collaboration over time.
Conflict management is an intrinsic element of natural resource management, and becomes increasingly important amid growing pressure on natural resources from local uses, as well as from external drivers such as climate change and international investment. If policymakers and practitioners aim to truly improve livelihood resilience and reduce vulnerabilities of poor rural households, issues of resource competition and conflict management cannot be ignored. This synthesis report summarizes outcomes and lessons from three ecoregions: Lake Victoria, with a focus on Uganda; Lake Kariba, with a focus on Zambia; and Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia. Partners used a common approach to stakeholder engagement and action research that we call “Collaborating for Resilience”. In each region, partners assisted local stakeholders in developing a shared understanding of risks and opportunities, weighing alternative actions, developing action plans, and evaluating and learning from the outcomes. These experiences demonstrate that investing in capacities for conflict management is practical and can contribute to broader improvements in resource governance.
中国是受沙漠化影响最严重的国家之一。梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendronBunge)是藜科梭梭属多年生小乔木或灌木,作为荒漠地区主要的建群种和优良固沙植物,梭梭在维持荒漠生态系统的结构与功能、防止土地沙漠化、改善小气候方面具有十分重要的作用。近年来,由于不合理地开发利用,大面积的天然梭梭林衰退甚至死亡。然而,我们对于梭梭种群的空间分布和遗传结构所知甚少。本文拟通过对自然梭梭种群的空间格局、遗传结构、遗传结构的空间分布、以及种子种群与地面植被种群的遗传比较的研究,探讨种群的空间结构特征及成因,评价种群遗传多样性水平,了解遗传多样性在种群内、种群间的分布情况以及在空间上的分布格局,预测种群的遗传潜能,并为制定合理的保护、利用策略提供理论依据。 1.对古尔班通古特沙漠东南部地区处于不同演替阶段的四个梭梭种群的分布格局和种群动态进行了考察。结果表明,不同样地中梭梭种群的幼苗(<0.5m)和幼树( 0,5-lm)均呈聚集分布,样地A、B、D中的成熟个体(>1m)也呈聚集分布,样地c中的成熟个体呈随机分布,从整个种群来看,所有梭梭种群均呈聚集分布。种群的龄级结构图表明样地A和c中的梭梭种群表现为稳定型结构,可进行持续更新,虽然样地D中的种群幼苗和幼树数量较少,但这种现象是暂时的,种群仍具有持续更新的能力,样地B中的种群表现为衰退型结构。 2.利用空间自相关分析检测上述四个种群的空间遗传结构,结果表明,四个种群中的成株均无显著的空间自相关。虽然梭梭的种子散布能力有限,但花粉流有可能是空间遗传结构不显著的原因之一;另一个可能的解释是在种群更新和发展过程中,由于种内竞争的增强而发生了自疏现象。 3.利用ISSR标记对新疆和内蒙古境内共9个种群的遗传结构进行研究。8个引物共扩增出219条带,其中184条(84%)具多态性,种群的遗传多样性水平较高,通过AMOVA分析表明大部分遗传多样性分布在种群内,区域间、种群间的遗传变异均很小。梭梭种群较高的遗传多样性水平可能源于对异质、高胁迫环境的长期适应,而种群间遗传分异低的主要原因是种群间存在强大的基因流。 4.对5个梭梭种群的地面植被和种子库的遗传结构进行了比较分析,并调查了其中3个种群地面植被和种子库的空间遗传结构。结果表明,在所有种群中,地面植被和种子库的遗传多样性水平相似,而地面植被的遗传分异高于种子库的遗传分异:二者在遗传结构的空间分布上也不相同,地面植被种群无显著的空间自相关,而种子库种群在第一距离级上( 0-10 m)呈显著正相关。研究结果表明梭梭种群的种子库有能力保持种群的遗传多样性并减弱种群的遗传分化。 5.研究结果建议,由于现存梭梭种群和其潜在种群(种子种群)仍保持了较高的遗传多样性,种群间的基因交换并没有受到阻碍,因此对梭梭的保护可以与生态恢复工作同时进行。在具体工作中,应充分考虑种群的遗传结构特征及其空间格局,选取适合的种群或种子资源进行恢复与重建,并保持一定水平的种群大小,才能实现种群的稳定发展以及在高胁迫环境中的长期存活。 荒漠生态系统植被结构简单,环境压力大,对荒漠地区主要建群种和优势种植物的空间分布和遗传结构进行研究对于探讨在胁迫环境中各种进化力量(如选择、突变、迁移、漂变)的作用机制有重要意义,并为荒漠生态系统的恢复与重建工作提供了有价值的信息。在本文中,对荒漠植物在较大地理范围内的遗传结构研究、通过空间自相关分析进行种群的空间遗传结构研究、地面植被种群与种子库种群在遗传结构、空间遗传结构上的比较研究在国内均为首例。这些研究结果为进一步深入探讨荒漠植物生态适应与进化的分子机制奠定了基础。
Government of Sri Lanka initiated a project for conducting a experimental skipjack fishery using modern pole and line method and an experimental fishery for live bait and small pelagic fish using purse seine and lampara nets, with the, assistance of UNDP and FAO. Accordingly, the survey for small pelagic fish varieties using the purse seine and lampara nets commenced in April, 1972 and will continue until the end of 1975. This paper is a preliminary report on the results of the survey carried out between Septernber 1972 to October 1978.
An attempt has been made to study skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) live bait availability and other small pelagic fish, their seasonal variations with respect to distribution, species and size composition. Exploratory surveys made use of echo sounding and lookout during the day, and light attraction at night. Percentage composition of spp caught at each station is tabulated. Seasonal variations are discussed and monthly variations in some important groups are plotted. Size composition, especially for Sardinella spp, is considered. The availability of 'red bait' would not be adequate to support an extended pole and line fishery for skipjack. The daytime fishing methods were not considered to have been especially successful, and the choice of gear and method of capture is discussed. It is suggested that the present fishery could be improved by the adoption of ring nets by local fishermen in place of the present purse seines when catching bait.
本研究测定了懒猴属( Nycticebus) D 环的部分序列和细胞色素b 基因的全序列(1 140 bp) , 分析了 该属物种之间的系统发育进化关系。在DNA 水平上, 序列分析结果一致地提供了新的分类学证据: 支持Rata2 jszczak 和Groves 的观点, 即N1intermedus 只是N1 pygmaeus 的成体(Ratajszczak , 1998 ; Groves , 1971) 。对两种 序列的数据做了联合及个别分析, 获得相似的系统树, 支持懒猴属由两个单系群组成: 第一群由N1 pygmaeus 聚成, 第二群由N1coucang 聚成。该结果也提供了新的分子遗传证据, 支持懒猴属由N1coucang 和 N1 pygmaeus 两物种组成。
Data on intergroup-interactions (I-I) were collected in 5 seasonally provisioned groups (A, B, D, D-1, and E) of Tibetan macaques (Macaca Thibetana) at Mt. Emei in three 70-day periods between 1991 April-June (P1), September-November (P2), December-1992 February (P3). The I-I were categorized as forewarning made by high-ranking males (including Branch Shaking and/or Loud Calls), long-distance interactions in space (specified by changes in their foraging movements), and close encounters (with Affinitive Behavior, Male's Herding Female, Sexual Interaction, Severe Conflict, Adult Male-male Conflict, Opportunistic Advance and Retreat, etc. performed by different age-sex classes). From periods Fl to P3, the I-I rate decreased with reduction in population density as a positive correlate of food clumpedness or the number of potential feeders along a pedestrian trail. On the other hand, from the birth season (BS, represented by P1 and P3) to the mating season (MS, represented by P2) the dominance relation between groups, which produced a winner and a loser in the encounters, became obscure; the proportion of close encounters in the I-I increased; the asymmetry (local groups over intruders) of forewarning signals disappeared; the rate of branch shaking decreased; and sometimes intergroup cohesion appeared. Considering that sexual interactions also occurred between the encountering groups, above changes in intergroup behaviors may be explained with a model of the way in which the competition for food (exclusion) and the sexual attractiveness between opposite sexes were in a dynamic equilibrium among the groups, with the former outweighing the latter in the BS, and conversely in the MS. Females made 93% of severe conflicts, which occurred in 18% of close encounters. Groups fissioned in the recent past shared the same home range, and showed the highest hostility to each other by females. In conspicuous contrast with females' great interest in intergroup food/range competition, adult male-male conflicts that were normally without body contact occurred in 66% bf close encounters; high-ranking male herding of females, which is typical in baboons, appeared in 83% of close encounters, and showed no changes with season and sexual weight-dimorphism; peripheral juvenile and subadult males were the main performers of the affinitive behaviors, opportunistic advance and retreat, and guarding at the border. In brief, all males appeared to "sit on the fence" at the border, likely holding out hope of gaining the favor of females both within and outside the group. Thus, females and males attempted to maximize reproductive values in different ways, just as expected by Darwin-Trivers' theory of sexual selection. In addition, group fission was observed in the largest and highest-ranking group for two times (both in the MS) when its size increased to a certain level, and the mother group kept their dominant position in size and rank among the groups that might encounter, suggesting that fission takes a way of discarding the "superfluous part" in order to balance the cost of competition for food and mates within a group, and the benefit of cooperation to access the resources for animals in the mother group. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
试验鱼以投喂饲料的不同和是否注射抗原共分为10组,即免疫组:A、B、C、D、E组,免疫对照组:a、b、c、de、组,饲料对照组:A、a组。饲料试验组B、C、D、E、bc、、d、e组。其中,饲料对照组以豆粕和鱼粉为基础蛋白源,饲料试验组分别以双低菜籽粕和普通菜籽粕等氮替代对照组中50%(B、b;D、d)和100%(C、c;E、e)的豆粕蛋白,测定异育银鲫血液白细胞和头肾吞噬细胞的吞噬活性、血清溶菌酶活性、血清补体(C3,C4)含量、血清凝集抗体效价及免疫保护率。结果表明:从免疫后21 d开始,饲料试验组E、
Full-length and partial genome sequences of four members of the genus Aquareovirus, family Reoviridae (Golden shiner reovirus, Grass carp reovirus, Striped bass reovirus and golden ide reovirus) were characterized. Based on sequence comparison, the unclassified Grass carp reovirus was shown to be a member of the species Aquareovirus C The status of golden ide reovirus, another unclassified aquareovirus, was also examined. Sequence analysis showed that it did not belong to the species Aquareovirus A or C, but assessment of its relationship to the species Aquareovirus B, D, E and F was hampered by the absence of genetic data from these species. In agreement with previous reports of ultrastructural resemblance between aquareoviruses and orthoreoviruses, genetic analysis revealed homology in the genes of the two groups. This homology concerned eight of the 11 segments of the aquareovirus genome (amino acid identity 17-42%), and similar genetic organization was observed in two other segments. The conserved terminal sequences in the genomes of members of the two groups were also similar. These data are undoubtedly an indication of the common evolutionary origin of these viruses. This clear genetic relatedness between members of distinct genera is unique within the family Reoviridae. Such a genetic relationship is usually observed between members of a single genus. However, the current taxonomic classification of aquareoviruses and orthoreoviruses in two different genera is supported by a number of characteristics, including their distinct G+C contents, unequal numbers of genome segments, absence of an antigenic relationship, different cytopathic effects and specific econiches.
近年来对稀土冠醚络合物的研究日益受到重视文献曾报导了12-冠-4,15-冠-5,18-冠-6等冠醚与稀土的固体络合物的合成性质及结构的研究,但大部分工作侧重于研究冠醚空腔与稀土离子直径的匹配程度对络合物稳定性的影响,而对于冠醚具有的取代基、空间构型及其配位阴离子等对络合物稳定性、组成结构的影响尚注意得很不够,对溶液中络合物的研究工作较少;特别是冠醚对稀土元素萃取性质的研究未见系统报导。本论文以瑞士进口的二环已基18-冠-6(DCC)混合物为原料进行异构体的分离。得到纯异构体A、B、D的~(13)C谱,不同位置的五种碳原子的谱线清析可辨,其化学位移值与计算值比较,确定了谱线的归属,利用单一异构体测定结果,对异构体A、B、D混合物进行鉴定得到满意结果。利用分离得到的纯异构体A、B及北京五所提供的异构体D合成了与轻稀土硝酸盐络合物。元素分析结果指出,除1:1络合物外,首次得到非1:1组成的络合物。La(NO_3)_3·DDC(DCC=Ia,Id),[Ln(NO_3)_3]_3(DCC)_2 (Ln=Ce,Pr,Nd,DCC=Ia,Id)而异构体B得到全部3:2的络合物。选择硝酸镧与三种异构体的络合物进行了热分析,结果指出3:2与1:1络物物表现出完全不同的热分解行为。3:2络物合只有一步分解,且比1:1络物合具有更高的热分解温度1:1络合物分两步分解,首先发生向3:2络合物的转变。络合物的红外光谱研究表明,络合物中冠醚与自由冠醚的红外光谱图呈现明显区别,冠醚环上COC反对称伸展振动在生成络合物后向低频产生50~70 cm~(-1)的位移,其中3:2比1:1络合物位移量略大,络合物中硝酸根的振动吸收全部呈现配位硝酸根的特征谱带,并且3:2与1:1络合物之间呈现明显差别。另外在远红外区观察到Ln-O(NO_3~-)的振动谱带。用NMR研究冠醚与稀土在非水溶剂中的络合反应。首先测定了12-冠-4,15-冠-5与位移试剂Pr(fod)_3,Eu(fod)_3,Yb(fod)_3体系中冠醚次甲基上'H及~(13)C的化学位移值Δδ,得到了谱线随稀土与冠醚浓度比改变的变化规律。位移方向,对于Pr向高场移动,对于Eu、Yb向低场移动,位移量及谱线宽度的大小为Yb>Pr>Eu。且Δδ~(13)C>Δδ~1H符合几何因素的规律,即正比于(3COS~2θ-1)/~r~3。利用二种方法计算了不同温度下络合物的稳定常数。对于不同冠醚,K值次序为冠-5>冠-4>冠-6,对于不同位移试剂为Pr>Eu>Yb。利用不同温度的K_1值,计算并讨论了平衡反应的热力学函数ΔG°,ΔH°,ΔS°。实验考察了微量水存在下络合物的结构和作用机理,在高氯酸盐与冠醚体系的研究中,观察到与位移试剂体系完全相反的规律。还发现在高氯酸稀土与冠醚的体系中快和慢两种交换过程共存,通过对单一交换体系的络合物稳定常数计算方法的改进,提出了适合混合交换体系的计算方法,并计算了18C6与Pr(clo_4)_3络合物在20℃时的稳定常数,K_1=164升/摩乐。系统地研究了12-冠-4,15-冠-5,18-冠-6的衍生物及其二苯并24-冠-8等11种冠醚对单一稀土苦味酸盐的萃取,制备了15个稀土的苦味酸盐,考察了冠醚的空腔大小及取代基和空间构型对冠醚萃取稀土能力的影响,得到了B15C5,B18Cb,DCC萃取15个稀土元素的规律性,测定了相邻稀土元素间的分离因数,讨论了各种因素对DCC异构体萃取分离Pr Nd的影响,指出异构体A具有更大选择性。最大分离因数β_(Nd)~(Pr)=3.5,上述结果将为今后发展冠醚在稀土分离液膜萃取等方面的应用提供基础数据。
本研究用线粒体细胞色素b 基因全序列和ND4 基因序列探讨了哀牢髭蟾 (Vibrissaphora ailaonica)分子亲缘地理学和保护遗传学,利用线粒体细胞色素b、 控制区全序列和部分12SrRNA 基因序列研究了分布于中国的红瘰疣螈 (Tylototriton verrucosus)分子亲缘地理学和保护遗传学。 哀牢髭蟾为生活于高海拔生境(大约2000-2600m)的濒危蛙类。各种致危因 素引起了关于对小的、隔离种群长期存活的关注,然而迄今没有关于该物种遗传 多样性的报道。本论文首次研究了分布于中国云南省的哀牢髭蟾的亲缘地理学和 保护遗传学。对采自于9 个种群81 个个体,我们应用线粒体mtDNA cyt b 和 ND4 基因共计1990bp, 获得了51 个单倍型。系统发育分析显示三个分化较深且互为单 系的族群,大致相应于分别被元江和藤条江河谷分开的三个地理单元(元江以东、 金平和藤条江以西地理单元),暗示了长期的地理隔离分化。分子变异等级分析 (AMOVA)显示遗传变异主要为三个地理单元之间(81.68%)和种群内的个体之 间(11.26%)。三个地理单元显著的地理分布暗示在空间和时间上的隔离,这与中 国西南地区在晚中新世到上新世的哀牢山的造山运动和隆升所引起的重要的气候 和古地质变化时间相一致。我们推测低海拔干热河谷可能是三个地理单元之间基 因交流受限的主要生态障碍。根据上述研究结果,我们建议对这三个遗传分化显 著的地理单元,元江以东地区、金平地区、藤条江以西地区作为独立的管理单元 分别加以保护。 本研究通过测定中国横断山区的红瘰疣螈(Tylototriton verrucosus)17个采集 点的123个红瘰疣螈标本的线粒体mtDNA Cyt b、D-loop和12SrRNA三个基因片段 (2347 bp)序列,首次研究了红瘰疣螈在横断山区的群体遗传结构和分子系统地理格 局,并讨论了T. shanjing的物种有效性。基于123个样品定义的49个单倍型的贝叶 斯和NJ系统发育分析表明:(1) T. verrucosus和T. shanjing均未各自构成单系,而是 共同构成一个单系群;(2) 横断山区的红瘰疣螈分为3个线粒体DNA地理单元,即滇 东南、滇中-滇西和片马地理单元,并且地理单元间不存在共享单倍型,说明红瘰 疣螈具有明显的系统地理分布格局。AMOVA分析同样表明3个地理单元之间存在 显著差异,并且分子变异主要发生在3个地理单元间(62.4%)。T. shanjing与T.verrucosus的mtDNA cyt b 序列差异平均值仅为1.1%,明显小于它们与两外群(贵 州疣螈和大凉疣螈)及外群间的遗传距离(6.5-9.9%)。因此,根据T. verrucosus和 T.shanjing的遗传差异以及系统发育分析结果都不支持T. shanjing的物种地位,T. shanjing为T. verrucosus的同物异名,并建议恢复T. verrucosus的中文名红瘰疣螈。 基于上述结果,我们建议将分布于滇东南、滇中-滇西、片马地区的红瘰疣螈作 为三个独立的管理单元分别加以保护。