945 resultados para UN World Conferences on Women
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Includes bibliography
Despite being one of the world’s wealthiest countries and most modern economies, in Switzerland gender equality remains an elusive challenge. Paid maternity leave, legal abortion and an increase in women’s educational attainment are some of the milestones achieved since 1995, when the country was one of 189 states to adopt the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action at the Fourth World Conference on Women. But while legal gender equality may be nearly achieved, much remains to be done to achieve gender equality in practice. Rigid gender stereotypes, wage discrimination, women’s heavy care burden, segregation in the workplace, violence against women, under-representation of women in political and economic decision making, and structural obstacles to reconciling family duties with employment still stand in the way of gender equality. In order to realize gender equality, government, employers, politicians and civil society all need to take concrete and coordinated actions. These range from changes in the educational sector, in the labour market and in the social security system to an active foreign policy that promotes women’s human rights.
Background : The issue of gender is acknowledged as a key issue for the AIDS epidemic. World AIDS Conferences (WAC) have constituted a major discursive space for the epidemic. We sought to establish the balance regarding gender in the AIDS scientific discourse by following its development in the published proceedings of WAC. Fifteen successive WAC 1989-2012 served to establish a "barometer" of scientific interest in heterosexual and homo/bisexual men and women throughout the epidemic. It was hypothesised that, as in other domains of Sexual and Reproductive Health, heterosexual men would be "forgotten" partners. Method : Abstracts from each conference were entered in electronic form into an Access database. Queries were created to generate five categories of interest and to monitor their annual frequency. All abstract titles including the term "men" or "women" were identified. Collections of synonyms were systematically and iteratively developed in order to classify further abstracts according to whether they included terms referring to "homo/bisexual" or "heterosexual". Reference to "Mother to Child Transmission" (MTCT) was also flagged. Results : The category including "men", but without additional reference to "homo-bisexuel" (i.e. referring to men in general and/or to heterosexual men) consistently appears four times less often than the equivalent category for women. Excluding abstracts on women and MTCT has little impact on this difference. Abstracts including reference to both "men" and "homo-bisexual" emerge as the secondmost frequent category; presence of the equivalent category for women is minimal. Conclusion : The hypothesised absence of heterosexual men in the AIDS discourse was confirmed. Although the relative presence of homo-bisexual men and women as a focal subject may be explained by epidemiological data, this is not so in the case of heterosexual men and women. This imbalance has consequences for HIV prevention.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
Objetivo: Establecer la relación de las condiciones de trabajo y salud con los desórdenes músculo-esqueléticos (DME) en los trabajadores asistenciales y administrativos de un hospital en Sogamoso, Boyacá, en el 2013. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo con una muestra de 90 trabajadores, correspondiente al 22%, de 405 incluyendo médicos, jefes de enfermería, auxiliar de enfermería, auxiliares administrativos y profesionales administrativos. Se aplicó una encuesta para determinar las condiciones de trabajo y salud y para el análisis de los síntomas de desorden músculo esquelético, junto con la toma de estatura y peso para calcular el índice de masa corporal. En el análisis de las variables cuantitativas se utilizó medidas de tendencia central y dispersión; para las variables cualitativas se calculó frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes. Se realizó pruebas de asociación Chi cuadrado y se estimó las medidas OR crudas y ajustadas por medio de un modelo de regresión binaria logística, con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza. Resultados: La población estuvo conformada por 78 mujeres (86.7%) y 12 hombres (13.3%), con edades entre 24 y 56 años. Los cargos más representativos fueron el Auxiliar Administrativo y el Auxiliar de Enfermería con el 35.6% (32) y 38.9% (35) respectivamente. Los síntomas de DME más frecuentes se ubicaron en la espalda y en mano afectando al 58.9% (53) y 45.6% (41) respectivamente. Según el 93.3% de los participantes, el factor de riesgo biomecánico que tiene alta influencia en los DME es la realización de movimientos repetidos. Se encontró para los Médicos un Odds Ratio (OR) 4.2; de DME, mientras que para los Auxiliares Administrativos tienen un OR 2.9 y presentan mayor posibilidad de padecer DME que un Auxiliar de Enfermería.
Aim: the aim of this study was verified the ability of melatonin hormone to modulate the oxidative metabolism of colostral phagocytes from diabetic mothers. Methods: based on 100g-OGTT and glucose profile analysis subjects were allocated into two groups: Non-diabetic (ND-10) and Diabetic (DM-8). Cells were separated by a Ficoll-Paque gradient and the oxidative metabolism was available thought superoxide release by colostrum phagocytes using the cytochrome C method. Results: melatonin hormone increased superoxide release by colostrum phagocytes of ND and decreased these release in colostrum phagocytes of DM mothers. Conclusion: the results suggest that the melatonin hormone can modulate the oxidative metabolism of phagocytes and an existence of relationship between control of glucose metabolism and melatonin action in colostrum phagocytes.
Prepared by ECLAC for the twelfth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, this document systematizes and describes various dimensions that shape the way the region's women participate in the labour market and how they access and use the different elements of the digital economy. Information and communications technologies (ICTs); provide essential support across all economic, political, cultural and social activity, as well as being a production sector in their own right. As such, they are potential allies in the drive to achieve equality by helping reduce the gender inequities which constitute not only a gender digital gap but also a social divide. Public policies on gender equality must take into account the key and interconnected dimensions of economy, well-being and technology if they are to be capable of providing an ambitious and innovative response to the challenges of today's society. The core argument in the reflection on ICTs and gender equality thus has to do with how women engage in processes of change and sustainable development in the countries, which cannot be achieved without equal participation by men and women. From this perspective, the gender digital gap offers a specific opportunity to tackle gender inequalities in the region.
Prefacio Prepared by ECLAC for the twelfth session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, this document systematizes and describes various dimensions that shape the way the region's women participate in the labour market, and how they access and use the different elements of the digital economy. Information and communications technologies (ICTs) provide essential support across all economic, political, cultural and social activity, as well as being a production sector in their own right. As such, they are potential allies in the drive to achieve equality by helping reduce the gender inequities which constitute not only a gender digital gap but also a social divide. Public policies on gender equality must take into account the key and interconnected dimensions of economy, well-being and technology if they are to be capable of providing an ambitious and innovative response to the challenges of today's society. The core argument in the reflection on ICTs and gender equality thus has to do with how women engage in processes of change and sustainable development in the countries, which cannot be achieved without equal participation by men and women. From this perspective, the gender digital gap offers a specific opportunity to tackle gender inequalities in the region.
Summary Lists the meetings and conferences for which ECLAC/CDCC provided substantive servicing. Provides details on non-recurrent publications produced by the ECLAC/CDCC secretariat. These include: an investigative study on women and the micro-enterprise sector in the Bahamas, and poverty eradication and female headed household (FHH); in the Caribbean. Finally, provides a list of the instances in which ECLAC/CDCC has provided advice and technical assistance and notes the governments and countries which were beneficiaries of such assistance.
STUDY QUESTION: What is the effect of the minimally invasive surgical treatment of endometriosis on health and on quality of work life (e.g. working performance) of affected women? SUMMARY ANSWER: Absence from work, performance loss and the general negative impact of endometriosis on the job are reduced significantly by the laparoscopic surgery. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: The benefits of surgery overall and of the laparoscopic method in particular for treating endometriosis have been described before. However, previous studies focus on medical benchmarks without including the patient's perspective in a quantitative manner. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: A retrospective questionnaire-based survey covering 211 women with endometriosis and a history of specific laparoscopic surgery in a Swiss university hospital, tertiary care center. Data were returned anonymously and were collected from the beginning of 2012 until March 2013. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: Women diagnosed with endometriosis and with at least one specific laparoscopic surgery in the past were enrolled in the study. The study investigated the effect of the minimally invasive surgery on health and on quality of work life of affected women. Questions used were obtained from the World Endometriosis Research Foundation (WERF) Global Study on Women's Health (GSWH) instrument. The questionnaire was shortened and adapted for the purpose of the present study. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: Of the 587 women invited to participate in the study, 232 (232/587 = 40%) returned the questionnaires. Twenty-one questionnaires were excluded due to incomplete data and 211 sets (211/587 = 36%) were included in the study. Our data show that 62% (n = 130) of the study population declared endometriosis as influencing the job during the period prior to surgery, compared with 28% after surgery (P < 0.001). The mean (maximal) absence from work due to endometriosis was reduced from 2.0 (4.9) to 0.5 (1.4) hours per week (P < 0.001). The mean (maximal) loss in working performance after the surgery averaged out at 5.7% (12.6%) compared with 17.5% (30.5%) before this treatment (P < 0.001). LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: The mediocre response rate of the study weakens the representativeness of the investigated population. Considering the anonymous setting a non-responder investigation was not performed. A bias due to selection, information and negativity effects within a retrospective survey cannot be excluded, although study-sensitive questions were provided in multiple ways. The absence of a control group (sham group; e.g. patients undergoing specific diagnostic laparoscopy without treatment) is a further limitation of the study. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: Our study shows that indicated minimally invasive surgery has a clear positive effect on the wellbeing and working performance of women suffering from moderate to severe endometriosis. Furthermore, national net savings in indirect costs with the present number of surgeries is estimated to be €10.7 million per year. In an idealized setting (i.e. without any diagnosis delay) this figure could be more than doubled. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTERESTS: The study was performed on behalf of the University Hospital of Bern (Inselspital) as one of the leading Swiss tertiary care centers. The authors do not declare any competing interests.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
Research on women prisoners and drug use is scarce in our context and needs theoretical tools to understand their life paths. In this article, I introduce an intersectional perspective on the experiences of women in prison, with particular focus on drug use. To illustrate this, I draw on the life story of one of the women interviewed in prison, in order to explore the axes of inequality in the lives of women in prison. These are usually presented as accumulated and articulated in complex and diverse ways. The theoretical tool of intersectionality allows us to gain an understanding of the phenomenon of women prisoners who have used drugs. This includes both the structural constraints in which they were embedded and the decisions they made, considering the circumstances of disadvantage in which they were immersed. This is a perspective which has already been intuitively present since the dawn of feminist criminology in the English-speaking world and can now be developed further due to new contributions in this field of gender studies.
Au cours des dernières décennies, la région de l’Arctique s’est vue propulsée au cœur de nombreuses analyses et controverses scientifiques, médiatiques et politiques. Avec la fonte des glaces, de nouvelles perspectives économiques et maritimes voient le jour, principalement en matière de navigation et d’exploitation des ressources naturelles, amenant les États riverains, ainsi que de nombreux autres pays du globe, à en faire une priorité en matière de politique internationale. L’intérêt de la communauté internationale s’est concrétisé principalement à partir des années 1990 – notamment avec la création du Conseil de l’Arctique en 1996 dont font partie la Russie, le Canada, les États-Unis, l’Islande, la Norvège, ainsi que certains États européens tels que la Suède, la Finlande et le Danemark. Cependant, l’Union européenne n’a manifesté une position plus proactive qu’à partir de 2008. En quelques années, Bruxelles s’est énormément mobilisée pour s’informer davantage sur la région et on a vu croître de manière considérable le nombre de rencontres, de conférences, de partages des connaissances sur les sujets arctiques. La publication d’une première communication de la Commission européenne sur la région arctique officialisa cette position plus déterminée de l’Union envers les enjeux arctiques. Cette recherche vise à étudier l’évolution et l’élaboration d’une politique européenne arctique, ainsi que les raisons et intérêts qui sous-tendent celle-ci. Il sera également question de se pencher sur les principaux obstacles rencontrés par l’Union dans ce processus et analyser les relations qu’elle entretient avec les différents États arctiques. Enfin, une mise au point de la situation actuelle sera faite afin de comprendre les divers défis et opportunités qu’elle peut rencontrer dans ce nouveau rôle d’acteur arctique.