425 resultados para Tunnels


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The automated tracking of rodents in open field environments has become a standard laboratory technique for the investigation of the effects of drugs, novel therapeutic interventions and genetic mutations on behavior. Here, we develop an extension of this technique that permits tracking in full darkness through a complex (‘enriched’) environment comprising naturalistic structures such as tunnels and hides. To eliminate unwanted light reflections and tape noise, we developed a unique video filter that combines the advantages of differential and non-differential filtering. This filter enabled the tracking of albino rats against a relatively dark background to an accuracy of approximately 97% compared to hand tracking of the same animal, irrespective of whether the rat was inside a hide box or tunnel or out in the open field. The system as a whole can be easily deployed using standard PCs and inexpensive infrared cameras and lights.


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In this paper, we apply a computational intelligence method for tunnelling settlement prediction. A supervised feed forward back propagation neural network is used to predict the surface settlement during twin-tunnelling while surface buildings are considered in the models. The performance of the statistical neural network structure is tested on a dataset provided by numerical parametric studies conducted by ABAQUS software based on Shiraz line 1 metro data. Six input variables are fed to neural network model for predicting the surface settlement. These include tunnel center depth, distance between centerlines of twin tunnels, buildings width and building bending stiffness, and building weight and distance to tunnel centerline. Simulation results indicate that the proposed NN models are able to accurately predict the surface settlement.


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Context Egg depredation is a major cause of reproductive failure among birds and can drive population declines. In this study we investigate predatory behaviour of a corvid (little raven; Corvus mellori) that has only recently emerged, leading to widespread and intense depredation of eggs of a burrow-nesting seabird (little penguin; Eudyptula minor). Aims The main objective of this study was to measure the rate of penguin egg depredation by ravens to determine potential threat severity. We also examined whether penguin burrow characteristics were associated with the risk of egg depredation. Ravens generally employ two modes of predatory behaviour when attacking penguin nests; thus we examined whether burrow characteristics were associated with these modes of attack. Methods Remote-sensing cameras were deployed on penguin burrows to determine egg predation rates. Burrow measurements, including burrow entrance and tunnel characteristics, were measured at the time of camera deployment. Key results Overall, clutches in 61% of monitored burrows (n≤203) were depredated by ravens, the only predator detected by camera traps. Analysis of burrow characteristics revealed two distinct types of burrows, only one of which was associated with egg depredation by ravens. Clutches depredated by ravens had burrows with wider and higher entrances, thinner soil or vegetation layer above the egg chamber, shorter and curved tunnels and greater areas of bare ground and whitewash near entrances. In addition, 86% were covered by bower spinach (Tetragonia implexicoma), through which ravens could excavate. Ravens used two modes to access the eggs: they attacked through the entrance (25% of burrow attacks, n≤124); or dug a hole through the burrow roof (75% of attacks, n≤124). Burrows that were subject to attack through the entrance had significantly shorter tunnels than burrows accessed through the roof. Conclusions The high rates of clutch loss recorded here highlight the need for population viability analysis of penguins to assess the effect of egg predation on population growth rates. Implications The subterranean foraging niche of a corvid described here may have implications for burrow-nesting species worldwide because many corvid populations are increasing, and they exhibit great capacity to adopt new foraging strategies to exploit novel prey. Journal compilation


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An accurate estimation of pressure drop due to vehicles inside an urban tunnel plays a pivotal role in tunnel ventilation issue. The main aim of the present study is to utilize computational intelligence technique for predicting pressure drop due to cars in traffic congestion in urban tunnels. A supervised feed forward back propagation neural network is utilized to estimate this pressure drop. The performance of the proposed network structure is examined on the dataset achieved from Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulation. The input data includes 2 variables, tunnel velocity and tunnel length, which are to be imported to the corresponding algorithm in order to predict presure drop. 10-fold Cross validation technique is utilized for three data mining methods, namely: multi-layer perceptron algorithm, support vector machine regression, and linear regression. A comparison is to be made to show the most accurate results. Simulation results illustrate that the Multi-layer perceptron algorithm is able to accurately estimate the pressure drop.


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ICHNOFOSSILS (PALEO-BURROWS and CROTOVINES) ATTRIBUTED TO EXTINCT MAMMALS IN SOUTHEASTERN and SOUTH BRAZIL. This work presents information regarding tunnels which are attributed to large extinct mammals. These structures can be found in several places in southeastern and southern Brazil, in different types of substrate, occurring as hollow structures (paleo-burrows) or those filled with sediments (crotovines). The dimensions and osteoderm and claw imprints found along the internal walls of the paleo-burrow found on aluvial fan deposits near the town of Cristal (Rio Grande do Sul State) suggest that a dasypodid xenarthran might have dug this structure. Comparison with similar structures found in Argentina can provide more detailed information regarding the paleoecology and biostratigraphy of the organisms that made these burrows.


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O uso de malhas pigmentadas em cultivos de hortaliças folhosas permite a melhor adequação do ambiente às plantas, com destaque para a rúcula. Essa hortaliça vem conquistando maior espaço no mercado consumidor brasileiro desde o final da década de 90. Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar as condições ambientais proporcionadas pelo uso de telas pigmentadas na cobertura de túneis de cultivo, relacionando com as respostas agronômicas da rúcula, cultivada dentro desses túneis sobre diferentes coberturas de solo. As coberturas de túneis foram: a Chromatinet® azul, Chromatinet® vermelha, tela aluminizada prata, Sombrite® 50% e filme plástico transparente de polietileno de baixa densidade de 100µ. As coberturas de solo, também denominadas mulchings, dentro dos túneis foram: o filme plástico de polietileno de cor preta; de polietileno de dupla-face nas cores preta e branca, com a face branca voltada para cima; casca de arroz e a ausência de mulching. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com 24 tratamentos e três repetições. Nas condições do experimento, o emprego de algumas coberturas de túnel e de solo modificou o ambiente e melhorou as respostas agronômicas das plantas de rúcula.


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O nitrogênio e o potássio são os elementos mais absorvidos e exportados pelo feijoeiro, sendo a adubação mineral entre os produtores bastante variável quanto as doses aplicadas. Este trabalho avalia os efeitos de doses de N (0, 60, 80, 100 e 120 kg ha-1) e K2O (0, 60 e 120 kg ha-1) no desenvolvimento do feijoeiro, por meio do número de unidades estruturais, peso de material fresco e seco, e a concentração de macronutrientes no florescimento. O experimento foi realizado em Botucatu, SP., em túnel plástico, utilizando-se a cultivar 'Pérola'. Duas plantas foram cultivadas em vasos de 15 L, preenchidos com terra de Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico, textura média, por 50 dias. As doses de NK foram parceladas em cobertura aos 20 e 40 dias após semeadura. As variáveis estudadas foram influenciadas pela interação entre as doses de N e K. A adubação parcelada com N via solo, independentemente das doses utilizadas ou da fertilização com K, aumenta a produção de matéria seca sem interferir nos teores de N da parte aérea do feijoeiro, assim como os de K, Ca e Mg. A omissão de N em cobertura reduz o teor de clorofila, diminuindo a produção de matéria seca, mas não interferindo no número de flores. Os níveis de K utilizados não diminuíram os teores de Ca e Mg da planta.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Leaf-cutting ant workers dig underground chambers, for housing their symbiotic fungus, interconnected by a vast quantity of tunnels whose function is to permit the entrance of food (leaves), gaseous exchanges, andmovement of workers, offspring, and the queen. Digging is a task executed by a group of workers, but little is known about the group effect and group-constructed functional structures. Thus, we analyzed the structures formed by worker groups (5, 10, 20, and 40 individuals) of the leaf-cutting ant, Atta sexdens rubropilosa, for 2 days of excavation. The digging arena was the same for the 4 groups, with each group corresponding to a different density. Our results verified a pattern of tunneling by the workers, but no chamber was constructed. The group effect is well known, since the 40-worker group dug significantly more than the groups of 5, 10, and 20. These groups did not differ statistically from each other. Analysis of load/worker verified that workers of the smallest group carried the greatest load. Our paper demonstrates the group effect on the digging of nests, namely, that excavation is proportional to group size, but without emergence of a functional structure such as a chamber.


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O Si não é elemento essencial para o crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas, porém sua absorção pode trazer inúmeros benefícios para culturas acumuladoras de Si, como o arroz. Entretanto, considerando o avançado grau de intemperização em que se encontram os solos tropicais, os teores de Si disponível nestes solos são baixos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, na cultura do arroz de terras altas sob condições de túnel plástico, o efeito de doses de Si e de N na produção de matéria seca, na produtividade de grãos, no teor de N, nos teores de Si no solo e na planta e na quantidade de Si extraído do solo. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por três doses de N (5, 75 e 150 mg kg-1 de N), tendo como fonte a uréia e quatro doses de Si (0, 200, 400 e 600 mg kg-1 de SiO2) tendo como fonte o silicato de cálcio (Wollastonita). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado com esquema fatorial 3 x 4, com cinco repetições. O acúmulo de matéria seca, a produtividade de grãos e os teores de N na planta não foram influenciados pelas doses de Si. O incremento da adubação nitrogenada aumentou a produção de matéria seca, a produtividade de grãos e o teor de N na planta, porém nenhum efeito foi encontrado para os teores de Si no solo. Houve interação N x Si para os teores de Si na planta e para a quantidade de Si acumulado pelas plantas.


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In energy systems, the balance of entrances, exits and losses are fundamental to rationalize the energy consumption, independently of the source (sun, natural gas, wind, water, firewood or oil). This estimate is important so much in the phase of project of the facilities, as in the exploration or operation. In the project phase it indicates the energy needs of the process and the contribution of the energy in the cost of the product and the capacity of storage of the fuel and in the operation phase it allows to evaluate the use of the energy in the process of it burns, showing the weak points that should suffer intervention to improve the efficiency. With this tool, it can be implemented routines of calculation of thermal balances in ovens of it burns of structural ceramic, in way to generate an optimized mathematical model for application in the current and promising structural ceramic brazilian industry. The ceramic oven in study is located in the metropolitan area of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte) and it is a continuous oven of the type wagons tunnel, converted of firewood for natural gas and it produces blocks of red ceramic. The energy balance was applied in the oven tunnel before and after the conversion and made the comparisons of the energy efficiencies (it burns to the firewood and it burns to natural gas), what showed that the gaseous fuel is more efficient when we burn structural ceramic in ovens tunnels. When we burn natural gas, the requested energy is smaller and better used. Tests were accomplished in the burned product that showed the best quality of the burned brick with natural gas. That quality improvement makes possible to accomplish new interventions for the most rational use of the energy in the oven tunnel of the Ceramic in study and in the industries of structural ceramic of the whole Brazil, that need control tools of burning and of quality


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Hollandite-type manganese oxides are nanofibrous crystals with sub-nanometer open tunnels that provide a unique property for sensing applications. Sensor based on hollandite-type manganese oxide was investigated for amperometric detection of potassium. With an operating potential of +0.63 V versus SCE, potassium ions produce oxidation currents at the sensor, which can be exploited for quantitative determinations. The amperometric signals are linearly proportional to potassium ions concentration in the range 2.7 x 10(-4) to 9.1 x 10(-4) Mol l(-1) with a correlation coefficient of 0.9990. The construction and renewal are simple and inexpensive.


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Transport systems involved the use of territory in different Brazilian cities with regard to the occupation of road systems in urban areas. The implementation of systems engineering and transport infrastructure such as roads (roads), signs, stops, stations and complex road (bridges, viaducts and tunnels) are not used in the same way in the area. The subway is not even use the bus and vice versa. The time spent in travel, the time to access and the number of trips made by passengers in each way of transport is not the same. The use of transport systems in the territory, therefore, takes place through a whole in the current period we are in the technicalscientific and informational. This work addresses, however, the area used as a synonym of geographical area, analyzed by two categories of analysis, systems of objects formed by the fixed and the systems formed by the action flows. The system analyzed is the public transport by bus and population displacement that makes using this medium with source destination from home to work and has as empirical cut the Lagoa Azul located in the district administrative area north of Natal / RN. The general objective of this research is to understand the extent to which public transport has contributed to the socio-spatial accessibility of the residents of Barrio Blue Lagoon, located in Natal-RN, emphasizing the way home and the workplace. To reach the general objective of this dissertation, a study was made in light of the line which the methodological empirical facts, statistical data and theoretical knowledge of the events that occur in the quarter related to the Lagoa Azul economic aspects. Use for this, the concepts of mobility and Accessibility


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The speed and fluidity are basic requirements for reproduction of big capitalism. Thus, the objects and their actions seek to meet these aspirations of hegemony. And among these objects, there is emphasis on the road systems of movement, made up of bridges, viaducts and tunnels, engineering works that cater to this nee increasingly evident in the current period technical-scientific-informational. So on this premise, it becomes apparent that these objects reflect the technical So on this premise, it becomes apparent that these objects reflect the technical space constitution of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, where the road systems of movement help to understand the process of fragmentation and and spatial segregation of Natal, accelerated in the late twentieth century. Using the analysis as a tool for urban legislation developed in the capital of RN by the municipal administration, this paper seeks to understand, through a matrix of periodization, as these systems move natalense shaped space and which exists for the hegemonic logic limit the formation and location of each of these systems move road, particularly as it concerns the relationship between these and the expansion of opportunities for certain fluidity between the road systems of movement (fixed), their flow


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Using bidimensional arenas, the construction and spatial dispersion of tunnels constructed by Coptotermes gestroi and Heterotermes tenuis (Rhinotermitidae) was determined under different laboratory conditions. Workers of both species showed an increase of the tunneled area with the rise in temperature. The activity of workers of C gestroi also increased with the rise in soil moisture. Primary tunnels showed a high degree of dispersion in the arenas for all treatments. The presence of food did not influence the tunneling pattern of C. gestroi; but for H. tenuis there was a significant decrease in the number of tunnels. In addition, the type of substrate affected the tunneling pattern in both species. The understanding of food searching strategies of subterranean termites could contribute in the improvement of pest management programs based on the use of toxic baits. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.