269 resultados para Travellers
This paper provides a meta-analysis of long/short distance passenger interconnectivity within the European context. The analysis is based on the results of the European project HERMES of the 7th EU R&D Programme. The study collected stakeholders and travelers’ valuation and preferences in 5 interchanges in 3 EU countries. To that end a common survey was conducted in the following sites: Gothenburg Central Station (Sweden), Avenida de America Interchange in Madrid, Lleida-Zaragoza railway stations (Spain), and the Intermodal Station of Part Dieu in Lyon (France). The first survey addresses the analysis of the different stakeholders’ opinion on the interchange management and characteristics. The second survey gives an insight into the key requirements of long/short distance intermodal passengers in the selected case studies. This included the following aspects: on one hand, trip origin and destination, connecting transport services and modes, trip characteristics, type of ticket, trip motive and socioeconomic characteristics of the traveller. On the other hand, it was structured in such a way to ask passengers to rate importance/satisfaction of a series of common quality and functional aspects like information, accessibility, transfer times, service supply, etc. In conclusion, the paper highlights which elements of the interchange are considered as relevant and how different groups of stakeholders value them, both theoretically and in the selected case studies. They also have identified some key barriers as the lack of internal coordination among operators, managers and decision makers, as well as the the poor signage, particularly among connecting services. Travellers seem to have different priorities depending on their age, purpose of trip and mode chosen. In some cases time appears as the most relevant factor, whilst price is decisive in others.
Quality of service should not be overlooked in public transport planning and policy making, as it influences modal shift from car use to more sustainable means. Little research has been conducted on the quality of public transport interchanges from the perspective of current travellers (i.e. perceived quality). This work is thus aimed at identifying key quality factors in urban interchanges, through an exploratory approach (multiple correspondence analysis) that provides novel elements for further research. The methodology was applied at interchanges in Madrid and Gothenburg and the data used in the analysis were collected through customer satisfaction surveys conducted in 2011. The analysis identified five key quality factors per interchange. Ticketing plays a key role at both interchanges while physical and environmental issues emerged at Avenida de America in Madrid, and services, temporal issues and interconnectivity characterise Gothenburg central station. Compared with other quality aspects, classical issues such as safety/security and information are not perceived as important by intermodal travellers.
As the world becomes more urbanised, public transport in cities must seek to provide viable alternatives to individual car transport. At an urban level, interchanges in public transport networks provide easy transfers between and within different transport modes and facilitate seamless travel. This study proposes a methodological framework with which to identify the factors that travellers view as key elements of an urban transport interchange. An attitudinal survey was undertaken in order to collect information about users? needs and perceptions in the Moncloa interchange in Madrid, Spain. The results obtained from an Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) show that aspects related to the signposting of different facilities and transport services, the internal design of the interchange and the surrounding area, and safety and security are the greatest strengths of the interchange.
En las ciudades europeas, los patrones de movilidad son cada vez más complejos debido fundamentalmente a un crecimiento sostenido de la población así como a la tendencia de dispersión de los núcleos urbanos. En consecuencia, muchos de los usuarios del transporte público se ven obligados a combinar varios modos o servicios de transporte para completar sus viajes diarios. Por tanto, el mayor reto de las ciudades es conseguir una mejora e incremento en la movilidad mientras que al mismo tiempo se reducen problemas como la congestión, los accidentes y la contaminación (COM, 2006). Un principio básico para lograr una movilidad sostenible es reducir los inconvenientes y molestias derivados de la transferencia o ruptura del viaje. En este sentido, los intercambiadores de transporte público juegan un papel fundamental como nodos de la red urbana de transporte y la calidad del servicio prestado en ellos tiene una influencia directa sobre la experiencia diaria de los viajeros. Como señaló Terzis and Last (2002), un intercambiador de transportes urbano eficiente debe ser competitivo y al mismo tiempo, debe ser atractivo para los usuarios dado que sus experiencias físicas y sus reacciones psicológicas se ven influenciadas de manera significativa por el diseño y operación del intercambiador. Sin embargo, todavía no existen standards o normativas a nivel europeo que especifiquen como deberían ser estos intercambiadores. Esta tesis doctoral proporciona conocimientos y herramientas de análisis dirigidas a planificadores y gestores de los propios intercambiadores con el fin de entender mejor el funcionamiento de los intercambiadores y gestionar así los recursos disponibles. Así mismo, esta tesis identifica los factores clave en el diseño y operación de intercambiadores urbanos de transporte y proporciona algunas guías generales de planificación en base a ellos. Dado que las percepciones de los usuarios son particularmente importantes para definir políticas adecuadas para intercambiadores, se diseñó y se llevó a cabo en 2013 una encuesta de satisfacción al viajero en tres intercambiadores de transporte urbano europeos: Moncloa (Madrid, España), Kamppi (Helsinki, Finlandia) e Ilford Railway Station ( Londres, Reino Unido). En resumen, esta tesis pone de relieve la naturaleza ambivalente de los intercambiadores urbanos de transporte, es decir, como nodos de la red de transporte y como lugares en sí mismos donde los usuarios pasan tiempo dentro de ellos y propone algunas recomendaciones para hacer más atractivos los intercambiadores a los usuarios. Travel patterns in European urban areas are becoming increasingly complex due to a sustained increase in the urban population and the trend towards urban sprawl. Consequently, many public transport users need to combine several modes or transport services to complete their daily trips. Therefore, the challenge facing all major cities is how to increase mobility while at the same time reducing congestion, accididents and pollution (COM, 2006). Reducing the inconvenience inherent in transferring between modes is a basic principle for achieving sustainable mobility. In this regard, transport interchanges play a key role as urban transport network nodes, and the quality of the service provided in them has a direct influence on travellers' daily experience. As noted by Terzis and Last (2000), an efficient urban transport interchange must be competitive and, at the same time, be attractive for users given that their physical experiences and psychological reactions are significantly influenced by the design and operation of the interchange. However, yet there are no standards or regulations specifying the form these interchanges should take in Europe. This doctoral thesis provides knowledge and analysis tools addressed to developers and managers in order to understand better the performance of an urban transport interchange and manage the available resources properly. Likewise, key factors of the design and operation of urban transport interchanges are identified and some 'Planning guidelines' are proposed on the basis on them. Since the users' perceptions of their experience are particularly important for achieving the most appropriate policy measures for interchanges, an ad‐hoc travellers' satisfaction survey was designed and carried out in 2013 at three European transport interchanges: Moncloa (Madrid, Spain), Kamppi (Helsinki, Finland) and Ilford Railway Station (London, United Kingdom) In summary, this thesis highlights the ambivalent nature of the urban transport interchanges, i.e. as nodes within the transport network and as places where users spending time and proposes some policy recommendations in order to make urban transport interchanges attractive for users.
La tesis se centra en el estudio, descripción y análisis del libro publicado por el arquitecto británico George Edmund Street en 1865, bajo el título Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain. El libro dio a conocer una de la colecciones más importantes de dibujos realizada en el siglo XIX sobre la arquitectura gótica española, y por lo tanto fue una primera referencia para su estudio, hasta bien entrado el siglo veinte. El volumen incluyó 107 grabados de diversos tipos de edificios con perspectivas y detalles, y 25 láminas con 45 planos de plantas de iglesias y claustros, muchos de ellos publicados por primera vez. Gracias a varias campañas de verano por la mitad norte del país, la casi inexplorada -desde un punto de vista académico- arquitectura española medieval fue finalmente descubierta. Este hecho conduce a una pregunta intrigante que está en el origen de esta investigación ¿cómo pudo Street en pocos viajes sentar las bases de la historia del gótico español que hasta entonces los estudiosos españoles no habían sido capaces de definir? Esta tesis comienza describiendo la obra de Street en su contexto cultural con un breve repaso a su biografía y a su posición profesional y teórica. También su relación con las personas más representativas que participaron en el estudio de la arquitectura gótica, como Robert Willis, William Whewell, Augustus Pugin, o George G. Scott. Se ha prestado especial atención, en explicar su papel relevante en el Gothic Revival, para entender el significado de su interés en la arquitectura gótica continental. Estos capítulos preliminares son seguidos por una revisión del papel del dibujo como herramienta para la arquitectura de los viajeros en sus rutas en busca de la arquitectura gótica. También se trata la influencia de la Royal Academy y sus académicos, (entre los cuales estuvo Street) y su formación académica. Finalmente la tesis entra en el estudio de los planos arquitectónicos que Street hizo durante sus viajes continentales de arquitectura, seguido por una descripción detallada de sus dibujos de España, analizando su método, su técnica, y las nuevas características aportadas, que fueron una novedad en el contexto español. También se lleva a cabo algunos estudios comparativos de los dibujos de España, gracias a una recopilación exhaustiva de bocetos y dibujos originales de Street, que en su gran mayoría se conservan en los archivos del RIBA, cotejándolos con sus versiones finales, con dibujos de la época de otros autores sobre los mismos edificios, y con fotos recientes. La tesis deja claro por qué y cómo Street, gracias a su soporte teórico y habilidades para el dibujo, pudo realizar algo que había pasado desapercibido para los estudiosos españoles de la época (construcción, historia de los estilos, señalamiento de períodos constructivos), lo que le permitió encontrar el lugar adecuado de la arquitectura gótica española en la historia y en el mapa de la arquitectura gótica europea. ABSTRACT This thesis focuses on the study, description and analysis of the book published by the British architect George Edmund Street in 1865, under the title Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain. The book displayed one of the most significant collections of drawings on Spanish Gothic Architecture made in the nineteenth century, and therefore was a first reference for its study, until well into the twentieth century. The book included 107 engravings, the surveying of various types of buildings with perspectives and details, and 25 sheets containing 45 ground plans of churches and cloisters, many of them new and published for the first time. Thanks to several summer campaigns in the north half of the country, the almost unexplored -from a scholar point of view- medieval Spanish architecture was eventually revealed. This fact lead to an intriguing question that is at the origin of this research: how could Street in a few trips lay the foundations of the history of Spanish Gothic that until then Spanish scholars had not been able to define? This thesis begins inscribing this Street's work in his cultural context. A brief review of his biography and professional and theoretical positions has been seen as necessary. Also his debts and relationship with the most representative people involved in the study of Gothic architecture, like Robert Willis, William Whewell, Augustus Pugin, or George G. Scott are discussed. Special attention has been paid, taken into account his relevant role in the Gothic Revival, to understand the significance of his interest in continental Gothic architecture. These preliminary chapters are followed by a review of role of drawing as a tool for Architectural travellers in their Tours in search of the Gothic architecture. The influence of the Royal Academy and its academicians, (among which was Street) and his educational background are here tackled. Eventually this thesis enters into the study of the architectural drawings Street made during his continental architectural journeys, which is followed by a detailed description and analysis of the Spanish ones: his methods, his technique, and the new features which were a novelty in the Spanish context are explored. Also in this thesis is carried out some comparative studies thanks to a previous exhaustive gathering of Street's sketches and original drawings, most of which are preserved in the RIBA archives. Their final versions, drawings of the same buildings from other contemporary draughtsman and pictures of their current state are compared with them. This thesis makes clear why and how Street thanks to his theoretical back-ground and portraying skills could realize what have passed unnoticed by contemporary Spanish scholars (construction, genealogy of forms, dating of periods) allowing him to find the proper place of the Spanish architecture in the history and the map of European Gothic architecture.
Las casas del siglo XX construidas al borde del mar –escenario único y origen de su expresión- siguen la topografía del suelo que habitan en su descenso al agua, y organizan espacios que obtienen miradas al horizonte marino. El horizonte nos confronta a lo desconocido. La vista del mar incita al deseo de recorrerlo, al deseo de viajar. Con origen en el otium romano, la presencia del agua define un modo de vida apacible –epicúreo- que los viajeros de la arquitectura -que nos acompañan en la tesis- traducen en sus refugios más íntimos. Experimentan con los cambios en los conceptos y en las técnicas, que se trasladan fácilmente a la arquitectura de la casa al borde del agua desde los inicios del Movimiento Moderno. Sus espacios del habitar frente al mar nos permiten descubrir estrategias comunes en sus respuestas más modernas. El arquitecto ante el proyecto frente al mar llega a la ubicación elegida, mira hacia el horizonte, y desplazándose ladera arriba se coloca en un punto estratégico que elige; después, delante de su tablero, recorre el camino inverso, coloca el lugar y sobre él dibuja los elementos que configurarán los espacios de la casa buscando esa mirada al mar. Las situaciones y ubicaciones posibles son infinitas; se definen algunas consonancias espaciales comunes en los suelos que se ocupan debidas a la presencia del mar que asociamos entre sí. De la comparación entre todas las casas -emblemas del XX-, surgen múltiples variantes de la mirada y de espacios al abierto, y modos de fabricar entornos con criterios comunes para dominar la visión del mar. Interiores que se abren al panorama, espacios cuyas ventanas buscan su mirada en la extensión del horizonte, rescisiones y aperturas. Reconocemos condicionantes en el territorio a los que las villas responden, categorías arquitectónicas que dan respuesta frente al mar en la búsqueda del moderno, la topografía, la mirada y el espacio al abierto. Las casas comparten la idea del dominio del paisaje desde el punto más alto, y en algunos suelos se invierte la tipología por la topografía, confirmando así un criterio común basado en la lectura del suelo como consecuencia de la búsqueda del espacio de la mirada. Los espacios al abierto se significan en todas ellas, son espacios al -aire libre- abiertos, unos envueltos, otros porticados, puertas del horizonte que se abren al exterior, en el techo de la casa, otros cubiertos y abiertos, espacios entre interior y exterior, en plataformas con bancales o patios envolventes, recintos o habitaciones abiertas. Descubrimos un logro del XX en los espacios positivos o negativos que traducen o juegan con el entorno, que ocupan o sustraen de los contornos construidos y que obtienen espacios intermedios en la búsqueda de la relación con el mar. Las herramientas que se utilizan son los dibujos de los autores, de las casas visitadas, el elenco de viajeros y sus viajes, el conocimiento desde el estudio de los proyectos. A través de la comparación por aproximaciones parciales, los dibujos nos definen la mirada al mar, el modo de ocupación y la forma de relación con el paisaje. La arquitectura del habitar frente al mar en el XX, hecha para y por arquitectos, topografía el suelo y construye la mirada, fabricando espacios al abierto en la relación entre la casa y el entorno marítimo. ABSTRACT Houses of the 20th century built by the sea – a unique setting which gives rise to their expression – follow the topography of the land they occupy in its descent towards the sea, and they organize spaces which give views of the maritime horizon. The horizon brings us face to face with the unknown. The sea view provokes a desire to cross it, to travel. The presence of the sea defines a peaceful, epicurean way of life, with origins in the Roman otium, which architectural travellers – who accompany us through the thesis – translate into their most intimate retreats. They experiment with changes in concepts and techniques, which are easily transferred to the architecture of the seaside house since the beginnings of the Modern Movement. Their living spaces allow us to discover common strategies in the most modern responses. The architect with a seaside project arrives at the site, looks towards the horizon, then walks uphill and chooses a strategic point; then with his drawing board he retraces his steps, he sets the position and then draws in the elements that make up the house that seeks a sea view. The number of potential situations and locations is infinite; certain common spatial accordances are defined in land which is occupied due to the presence of the sea. Comparison of all the houses – 20th century emblems – throws up multiple variations of view and open spaces, and ways of creating settings with common criteria so as to command the vision of the sea. Interiors which open up to the panorama, spaces whose windows seek their view in the expanse of the horizon, openings and closures. We recognise determinant factors in the territory to which the villas respond, architectural categories which give a seaside solution to the search for the modern, the topography, the view, and the open space. The houses share the idea of dominating the landscape from the highest point, and in some areas typology and topography are inverted, thus confirming a common criteria based on the reading of the ground as a conse quence of the search for the view space. Open spaces stand out in all the villas – spaces open to the outdoor air - some are wrapped, some arcaded, doors to the horizon which open up to the exterior, on the roof of the house. There are open and covered spaces, spaces between the exterior and interior, on platforms with banks and surrounding patios, enclosures and open rooms. We discover an achievement of the 20th century in the positive and negative spaces which translate and play with the setting, which occupy or are extracted from built contours and which obtain intermediate spaces in the search for the relationship with the sea. The tools used are the author’s drawings of the houses visited, the cast of travelling companions and their travels, the knowledge gained from study of the projects. Through comparison by means of partial approaches, the drawings define the view of the sea, the occupation mode and the way of relating to the landscape. Architecture for living by the sea in the 20th century, carried out both by and for the architects, shapes the land and constructs the view, creating open spaces in the relationship between the house and the sea surroundings.
Paper submitted to TCVT3 Bozen/Bolzano, 10-12 April 2014, International workshop on Tourists as Consumers, Visitors, Travellers
La obra de Ibn al-Ṣabbāḥ concita en su interior diversos géneros, y en especial el género riḫla. Sin embargo, como toda obra árabe medieval, posee características de otros géneros, como el geográfico, el autobiográfico y, en el caso del presente estudio, reúne relatos de ‘ağā’ib o ‘maravillas”. El artículo muestra ejemplos de cómo el unicum titulado Niṣāb al-ajbār wa-taḏkirat al-ajyār recoge la tradición de la literatura de maravillas o de ‘ağā’ib de la literatura árabe clásica.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Cruchley's travellers companion through England and Wales, shewing the railways and stations to the present time. It was published by G.F. Cruchley in 1863. Scale [ca. 1:950,400]. Covers also Isle of Man and shoreline of Northern Ireland.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Europe Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, roads, railroads, ferry lines, telegraph lines, shoreline features, and more.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Nippon (Japan), 1880 : compiled from native maps and the notes of recent travellers, by R. Henry Brunton. It was published by Trübner and co. in 1880. Scale [ca. 1:558,800].The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Asia North Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, administrative boundaries, roads, railroads, ferry routes, telegraph lines, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Relief shown by hachures. Includes statistical and informational tables and 2 insets: "Yezo and Chishima", "Yayeyama and Riukiu islands".This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.
The autonomous region of Gorno-Badakhshan (GBAO) in Tajikistan offers one of the world’s most impressive landscapes. The Pamir Mountains with peaks of up to 7,500 meters is second only to the Himalayas. Culturally the region also has much to offer with a variety of well-preserved traditions and numerous languages. GBAO, which makes up 45 per cent of Tajikistan’s territory but only 3 per cent of its population, is however extremely isolated. From Dushanbe there are adventurous but irregular flights in late spring, summer and early autumn but most travellers will need to take a bumpy 17 hour car journey. Other options to reach GBAO are equally challenging, either mountain passes from China’s Xinjiang region and the city of Osh in Kyrgyzstan or crossing the Panj River from northeast Afghanistan where a few bridges have been built.
This paper examines the main EU-level initiatives that have been put forward in the weeks following the attacks in Paris in January 2015, which will be discussed in the informal European Council meeting of 12 February 2015. It argues that a majority of these proposals predated the Paris shootings and had until that point proved contentious as regards their efficacy, legitimacy and lawfulness. The paper finds that EU counterterrorism responses raise two fundamental challenges: A first challenge is posed to the freedom of movement, Schengen and EU citizenship. Priority is being given to the expanded use of large-scale surveillance and systematic monitoring of all travellers including EU citizens, which stands in contravention of Schengen and the free movement principle. A second challenge concerns EU democratic rule of law. Current pressures calling for the adoption of measures such as the EU Passenger Name Record challenge the scrutiny roles held by the European Parliament and the Court of Justice of the EU on counterterrorism measures in a post-Lisbon Treaty setting. The paper proposes that the EU adopts a new European Agenda on Security and Liberty based on an EU security (criminal justice-led) cooperation model that is firmly anchored in current EU legal principles and rule of law standards. This model would call for ‘less is more’ concerning the use, processing and retention of data by police and intelligence communities. Instead, it would pursue better and more accurate use of data meeting the quality standards of evidence in criminal judicial proceedings.
Smith, American travellers, F41.
Page [24] is advertisement.
I. From the earliest times to the sixth century B. C., by R. C. Dutt.--II. From the sixth century B. C. to the Mohammedan conquest, including the invasion of Alexander the Great, by V. A. Smith.--III. Medi_a_eval India from the Mohammedan conquest to the reign of Akbar the Great, by S. Lane-Poole.--IV. [From the reign of Akbar the Great to the fall of the Moghul empire, by S. Lane-Poole.œ--V. The Mohammedan period as described by its own historians, by Sir H. M. Elliot.--VI. From the first European settlements to the founding of the English East India company, by Sir W. W. Hunter.--VII. [The European struggle for Indian supremacy in the seventeenth century, by Sir W. W. Hunter.]--VIII. From the close of the seventeenth century to the present time, by Sir A. C. Lyall.--IX. Historic accounts of India by foreign travellers, classic, oriental, and occidental, by A. V. W. Jackson.