719 resultados para Testicular echogenicity


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Opechona austrobacillaris n, sp. is described from Pomatomus saltatrix from marine sites off Western Australia and New South Wales, Australia. It differs from O. bacillaris in its elongate outline, small ventral sucker, longer pseudoesophagus (relative to the oesophagus), relatively shorter ventral sucker to ovary distance and the relatively longer post-testicular region. Lepotrema monile n. sp. is described from Pomacentrus wardi from Heron Island, Queensland. It differs from its congeners in the sphincter around the distal metraterm and the more-or-less oval ovary. Bianium spongiosum n. sp, is described from Ostracion cubicus from Lizard Island, Queensland. It differs from its congeners in lacking lateral flaps in the forebody, but in having large, internal spongiform patches in the lateral forebody. The following species are redescribed from Australian sites: Lepocreadium oyabitcha from Abudefduf whitleyi, Lizard Island; Clavogalea trachinoti from Trachinotus botla, Heron Island and T. coppingeri, New South Wales, Stradbroke Island, Queensland and Heron Island; Myzoxenus insolens from Notolabrus parilus, Western Australia; Bulbocirrus aulostomi from Aulostomus chinensis, Heron Island; Lepocreadioides orientalis [new synonyms: Bicaudum interruptum Bilqees, 1973; Lepocreadioides interruptum (Bilqees, 1973) Madhavi, Narasimhulu & Shameem, 1986; Lepocreadioides discum Wang, 1986; Lepocreadioides sp. of Karyakarte & Yadav (1976)] from Cynoglossus bilineata, Moreton Bay, Queensland; Hypocreadium patellare from Sufflamen chrysopterus, Heron Island; Echeneidocoelium indicum from Echeneis naucrates, Heron Island; Multitestis pyriformis from Epinephelus cyanopodus, Heron Island; Pseudopisthogonoporus vitellosus from Naso brevirostris, Heron Island; and Bianium hispidum from Torquigener whitleyi and T. pleurogramma, southern Queensland. Only M. solens and M. pyriformis have been reported from Australian waters before; both are new host records.


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The present paper reviews research in the area of the broad-spectrum chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloro-platinum II) and examines the implications for clinical neuropsychology arising from the neurological disruption associated with cisplatin-based therapy. The paper begins with a brief review of cisplatin treatment in terms other than survival alone, and examines the side-effects and the potential central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction in terms of neurological symptoms and concomitant implications for neuropsychology. Two main implications for clinical neuropsychology arising from cisplatin therapy are identified. First, cisplatin therapy impacts upon the psychological well-being of the patient, particularly during and in the months following treatment. It is suggested that during this time, a primary role for neuropsychology is to focus upon the monitoring and the active enhancement of the patient's social, psychological and spiritual resources. Second, with regard to neurocognitive changes, the review suggests that (1) neurocognitive assessment may not yield stable results within 8 months following treatment and (2) while perceptual, memory, attentional and executive dysfunction may be predicted following cisplatin treatment, little systematic research has been carried out to investigate such a possibility. Future research might profitably address this issue and also specifically examine the effects of low dosage cisplatin-based therapy and the effects of recently developed neuroprotective agents. Finally, there is some evidence to suggest that women may be more susceptible to neurotoxicity during cisplatin therapy, but no gender-related cognitive effects are reported in the cisplatin literature. Future research could usefully investigate gender differences in association with cisplatin chemotherapy. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Neolebouria moretonensis n. sp. is described from Gerres subfasciatus (Gerreidae) from Moreton Bay, south-east Queensland and N. lineatus n. sp. is described from Centroberyx lineatus (Berycidae) from off Rottnest Island, south-west Western Australia. C. lineatus represents a new host family and order (Beryciformes) for the genus. The two new species are distinguished within the genus by their entire, tandem to oblique testes and cirrus-sacs that do not extend into the hind-body, by being less than 1 mm in length, and by the position of the genital pore and the relative size of the forebody and post-testicular region. N. lineatus and N. moretonensis are very similar but are distinguished by their caeca which extend further posteriorly in N. moretonensis. There is no apparent pattern in the host-specificity of this genus.


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Bovine testicular hyalurphidase (BT-HAase), a tetrameric enzyme responsible for randomly hyaluronic acid, catalytic hydrolysis, was successfully immobilized on Langmuir- Blodgett films prepared with the sodium salt of dihexadacylphosphoric acid, (DHP-Zn(II)) ending with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, DPPC. Data of protein, adsorption at the air-liquid interface by means of pendant drop shipe analysis and interaction of the protein with Langmuir monolayers of DPPC, using a Langmuir trough, have provided information. about the conditions to be used in the protein immobilization. The dynamic surface pressure curves obtained from pendant drop experiments for the enzyme in buffer solutions indicate that, within the range of concentration investigated in this study, the enzyme exhibits the largest induction time at 5 mu g L(-1) attributed to diffusion processes. Nevertheless, it seems that, at this concentration, the most probable conformation should be the one which occupies the smallest area at pi -> 0. The surface pressure (pi) area curves obtained for BT-HAase and mixed DPPC- BT-HAase monolayers reveal the presence of the enzyme at the air-lipid interface up to 45 mN m(-1). Tests of enzymatic activity, using hyaluronic acid, HA, as the substrate, showed an increase of activity compared to the homogeneous medium. A simplified model of protein insertion into the lipid matrix is used to explain the obtained results.


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Objective: To investigate: 1) the impact of clinical varicocele on reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels in neat and washed semen in a proven fertile population; and 2) the correlation between ROS levels, testicular volume, and varicocele grade in the same population of fertile men. Design: Prospective controlled clinical study. Setting: Andrology laboratory at tertiary-care hospital. Patient(s): One hundred fourteen healthy fertile men (81 normal fertile and 33 fertile with clinical varicocele) and 30 infertile patients (control subjects). Intervention(s): Standard semen analysis and measurement of sperm ROS production. Main Outcome Measure(s): Seminal parameters, seminal ROS levels, seminal leukocyte levels, clinical varicocele, and testis size. Result(s): Thirty-three of the 11.4 (29%) fertile men had clinical varicocele (grade 1, n = 14; grade 2, n = 11; and grade 3, n = 8), and the remaining 81 (71%) had a normal physical examination. Levels of ROS and semen quality did not differ significantly between the fertile men with or without varicocele. No significant differences in ROS levels in neat and washed semen were observed compared with fertile men with grades 2 and 3 varicocele and with fertile men with varicocele grade 1. The ROS levels in neat and washed semen were not significantly correlated with varicocele grade in fertile men. No significant correlations between ROS levels and testis volume were observed between the fertile groups. Conclusion(s): The presence of clinical varicocele in fertile men is not associated with higher seminal ROS levels or abnormal semen parameters. Levels of ROS are not correlated with varicocele grade or testis volume in the same population of fertile men.


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Human follicle stimulating hormone is a pituitary glycoprotein that is essential for the maintenance of ovarian follicle development and testicular spermatogenesis. Like other members of the glycoprotein hormone family, it contains a common a subunit and a hormone specific beta subunit. Each subunit contains two glycosylation sites. The specific structures of the oligosaccharides of human follicle stimulating hormone have been shown to influence both the in vitro and in vivo bioactivity. Since the carbohydrate structure of a protein reflects the glycosylation apparatus of the host cells in which the protein is expressed, we examined the isoform profiles, in vitro bioactivity and metabolic clearance of a preparation of purified recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone derived from a stable, transfected Sp2/0 myeloma cell line, and pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone. Isoelectric focussing and chromatofocussing studies of human follicle stimulating hormone preparations both showed a more basic isoform profile for the recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone compared to that of pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone. The recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone had a significantly higher radioreceptor activity compared to that of pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone, consistent with a greater in vitro potency. Pharmacokinetic studies in rats indicated a similar terminal half life (124 min) to that of the pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone (119 min). Preliminary carbohydrate analysis showed recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone to contain high mannose and/or hybrid type, in addition to complex type carbohydrate chains, terminating with both alpha 2,3 and alpha 2,6 linked sialic acids. These results demonstrate that recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone made in the Sp2/0 myeloma cells is sialylated, has a more basic isoform profile, and has a greater in vitro biological potency compared to those of the pituitary human follicle stimulating hormone.


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Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (CAT) and iodine-induced hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism (overt and subclinical). and goiter in a population exposed to excessive iodine intake for 5 years (table salt iodine concentrations: 40-100 mg/kg salt). Design: This was a population-based, cross-sectional study with 1085 participants randomly selected from a metropolitan area in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and conducted during the first semester of 2004. Methods: Thyroid ultrasound examination was performed in all participants and samples of urine and blood were collected from each subject. Serum levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone, free thyroxine, and anti-thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies, urinary iodine concentration. thyroid volume, and thyroid echogenicity were evaluated. We also analyzed table salt iodine concentrations. Results: At the time the study was conducted, table salt iodine concentrations were within the new official limits (20-60 mg/kg salt). Nevertheless, in 45.6%, of the participants, urinary iodine excretion was excessive (above 300 mu g/l) and, in 14.1%, it was higher than 400 mu g/l. The prevalence of CAT (including atrophic thyroiditis) was 16.9% (183/1085), women were more affected than men (21.5 vs 9.1% respectively, P=0.02). Hypothyroidism was detected in 8.0%, (87/1085) of the Population with CAT. Hyperthyroidism was diagnosed in 3.3% of the individuals (36/1085) and goiter was identified in 3.1% (34/1085). Conclusions: Five years of excessive iodine intake by the Brazilian population may have increased the prevalence of CAT and hypothyroidism in subjects genetically predisposed to thyroid autoimmune diseases. Appropriate screening for early detection of thyroid dysfunction may be considered during excessive nutritional iodine intake.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate penile anthropometry in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients compared with healthy controls and the possible relevant pubertal, clinical, hormonal and treatment factors that could influence penile dimensions. Twenty-five consecutive SLE patients were assessed by urological examination, sexual function, testicular ultrasound, hormones, sperm analysis, genetic analysis, clinical features and treatment. The control group included 25 age-matched healthy males. SLE patients had a lower median penis length and circumference [8 (7.5-10) vs. 10 (8-13) cm, p = 0.0001; 8 (7-10) vs. 10 (7-11) cm, p = 0.001; respectively], lower median testicular volume by right and left Prader [15 (10-25) vs. 20 (12-25) ml, p = 0.003; 15 (10-25) vs. 20 (12-25) ml, p = 0.006; respectively], higher median of follicle-stimulating hormone [5.8 (2.1-25) vs. 3.3 (1.9-9) IU/l, p = 0.002] and lower morning total testosterone levels (28% vs. 0%, p = 0.009) compared with controls. In spite of that, erectile dysfunction was not observed in patients or controls. Analyses of lupus patients revealed that the median penis circumference was lower in patients with disease onset before first ejaculation compared with those with disease onset after first ejaculation [7.8 (7-10) vs. 9.0 (7.5-10) cm, p = 0.026]. No differences were observed in the median penile anthropometry regarding sexual dysfunction (p = 0.610), lower morning total testosterone levels (p = 0.662), oligo/azoospermia (p = 0.705), SLE Disease Activity Index >= 4 (p = 0.562), Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics/ACR Damage Index >= 1 (p = 0.478), prednisone cumulative dose (p = 0.789) and intravenous cyclophosphamide therapy (p = 0.754). Klinefelters syndrome (46XY/47XXY) was diagnosed in one (4%) SLE patient with decreased penile size whereas Y-chromosomal microdeletions was absent in all of them. In conclusion, we have identified reduced penile dimensions in SLE patients with no deleterious effect in erectile function. Disease onset before first ejaculation seems to affect penis development in pre-pubertal lupus. Lupus (2011) 20, 512-518.


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Background and Objectives: Chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (CAT) remains the most common cause of acquired hypothyroidism There is currently no therapy that is capable of regenerating CAT-damaged thyroid tissue The objective of this study was to gauge the value of applying low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in CAT patients based on both ultrasound studies (USs) and evaluations of thyroid function and thyroid autoantibodies. Study Design/Materials and Methods: Fifteen patients who had hypothyroidism caused by CAT and were undergoing levothyroxine (LT4) treatment were selected to participate in the study Patients received 10 applications of LLLT (830 nm, output power 50 mW) in continuous mode, twice a week, using either the punctual technique (8 patients) or the sweep technique (7 patients), with fluence in the range of 38-108 J/cm(2) USs were performed prior to and 30 days after LLLT USs included a quantitative analysis of echogenicity through a gray-scale computerized histogram index (El). Following the second ultrasound (30 days after LLLT), LT4 was discontinued in all patients and, if required, reintroduced Truodothyronine, thyroxine (T4), free T4, thyrotropin, thyroid peroxidase (TPOAb) and thyroglobulin (TgAb) antibodies levels were assessed before LLLT and then 1, 2, 3, 6, and 9 months after LT4 withdrawal. Results: We noted all patients` reduced LT4 dosage needs, including 7 (47%) who did not require any LT4 through the 9-month follow-up The LT4 dosage used pre-LLLT (96 +/- 22 mu g/day) decreased in the 9th month of follow-up (38 23 mu g/day; P<0.0001) TPOAb levels also decreased (pre-LLLT = 982 +/- 530 U/ml, post-LLLT = 579 454 U/ml, P = 0 016) TgAb levels were not reduced, though we did observe a post-LLLT increase in the EI (pre-LLLT = 0 99 +/- 0.09, post-LLLT= 1.21 +/- 0.19, P=0.001) Conclusion: The preliminary results indicate that LLLT promotes the improvement of thyroid function, as patients experienced a decreased need for LT4, a reduction in TPOAb levels, and an increase in parenchymal echogenicity Lasers Surg. Med. 42:589-596, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc


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Edema is a well-known feature of juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM). However, to our knowledge localized penile and scrotum swelling was not previously reported. During a 27-year period, 5,506 patients were followed up at the Pediatric Rheumatology Unit of our University Hospital and 157 patients (2.9%) had JDM. One of them (0.6%) had concomitant localized penile and scrotum swelling. He had severe disease activity since he was 7-year-old, manifested by diffuse cutaneous vasculitis, recurrent localized edema (limbs or face) and only one episode of generalized edema. At the age of 10, he presented edema of the genitalia associated with mild skin erythema. Penis, scrotum and testicular ultrasound as well as magnetic resonance imaging showed skin edema without testicular involvement. He was taking prednisone, methotrexate, cyclosporin, hydroxychloroquine and thalidomide. Improvement of skin rash, penile and scrotum swelling was noticed only with rituximab therapy. No adverse event was observed during anti-CD20 infusions and after six months of follow up. Penile and scrotum edema was a rare manifestation of JDM which improved with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody treatment.


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This work characterizes the effects of ambient levels of urban particulate matter (PM(2.5)) from the city of Sao Paulo on spermatogenesis using mice exposed during the embryo-fetal and/or postnatal phases of development. Parental generations (BALB/c mice) were exposed to air pollution in chambers with or without filtering PM(2.5) for 4 months. Animals were mated, and half of the 1-day-old offspring were moved between chambers, which yielded prenatal and postnatal groups. Remaining offspring comprised the non-exposed and pre+postnatal exposed groups. After 90 days, the animals were sacrificed for testis collection and weighing. Optical microscopy was used for the morphometric analyses of the cell counts, spermatogenic cycle, proliferation, and apoptosis. Prenatally exposed animals presented reduced body and testicular weight with an increased gonadosomatic index (GSI). Testicular volume also decreased, as well as the tubular diameter in testes of the same animals. Proliferation, apoptosis, and spermatogenic cycle analyses showed no significant differences among groups. However, the tubules at stage VII of pre- and postnatal animals presented a reduced number of elongated spermatids. Pre+postnatal group presented higher spermatid head retention at stages VIII-XII. These results show that ambient levels of PM(2.5) from Sao Paulo city affect spermatogenesis by damaging sperm production.


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Primary Pigmented Nodular Adrenocortical Disease (PPNAD) is a rare form of bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia that is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner and leads to ACTH-independent Cushing`s syndrome (CS). PPNAD may be isolated or associated with Carney Complex (CNC). For the diagnosis of PPNAD and CNC, in addition to the hormonal and imaging tests, searching for PRKAR1A mutations may be recommended. The aims of the present study are to discuss the clinical and molecular findings of two Brazilian patients with ACTH-independent CS due to PPNAD and to show the diagnostic challenge CS represents in childhood. Description of two patients with CS and the many sequential steps for the diagnosis of PPNAD is provided. Sequencing analysis of all coding exons of PRKAR1A in the blood, frozen adrenal nodules (patients 1 and 2) and testicular tumor (patient 1) is performed. After several clinical and laboratory drawbacks that misled the diagnostic investigation in both patients, the diagnosis of PPNAD was finally established and confirmed through pathology and molecular studies. In patient 1, sequencing of PRKAR1A gene revealed a novel heterozygous 10-bp deletion in exon 3, present in his blood, adrenal gland and testicular tumor. The etiologic diagnosis of endogenous CS in children is a challenge that requires expertise and a multidisciplinary collaboration for its prompt and correct management. Although rare, PPNAD should always be considered among the possible etiologies of CS, due to the high prevalence of this disease in this age group.


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Male patients with an extra sex chromosome or autosome are expected to present primary hypogonadism at puberty owing to meiotic germ-cell failure. Scarce information is available on trisomy 21, a frequent autosomal aneuploidy. Our objective was to assess whether trisomy 21 presents with pubertal-onset, germ-cell specific, primary hypogonadism in males, or whether the hypogonadism is established earlier and affects other testicular cell populations. We assessed the functional status of the pituitary-testicular axis, especially Sertoli cell function, in 117 boys with trisomy 21 (ages: 2 months-20 year). To compare with an adequate control population, we established reference levels for serum anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) in 421 normal males, from birth to adulthood, using a recently developed ultrasensitive assay. In trisomy 21, AMH was lower than normal, indicating Sertoli cell dysfunction, from early infancy, independently of the existence of cryptorchidism. The overall prevalence rate of AMH below the 3rd percentile was 64.3% in infants with trisomy 21. Follicle-stimulating hormone was elevated in patients <6 months and after pubertal onset. Testosterone was within the normal range, but luteinizing hormone was elevated in most patients <6 months and after pubertal onset, indicating a mild Leydig cell dysfunction. We conclude that in trisomy 21, primary hypogonadism involves a combined dysfunction of Sertoli and Leydig cells, which can be observed independently of cryptorchidism soon after birth, thus prompting the search for new hypotheses to explain the pathophysiology of gonadal dysfunction in autosomal trisomy.


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Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptor (GIPR) and LHCGR are G-protein-coupled receptors with a wide tissue expression pattern. Aberrant expression of these receptors has rarely been demonstrated in adult sporadic adrenocortical tumors with a lack of data on pediatric tumors. We quantified the GIPR and LHCGR expression in a large cohort of 55 patients (25 children and 30 adults) with functioning and non-functioning sporadic adrenocortical tumors. Thirty-eight tumors were classified as adenomas whereas 17 were carcinomas. GIPR, and LHCGR expression were analyzed by real-time PCR and normal human pancreatic and testicular tissue samples were used as positive controls. Mean expression values were determined by fold increase in comparison with a normal adrenal pool. GIPR mRNA levels were significantly higher in adrenocortical carcinomas than in adenomas from both pediatric and adult groups. LHCGR expression was similar in both carcinomas and adenomas from the pediatric group but significantly lower in carcinomas than in adenomas from the adult group (median 0.06 and 2.3 respectively, P<0.001). GIPR was detected by immunohistochemistry in both pediatric and adult tumors. Staining and real-time PCR results correlated positively only when GIPR in RN A levels were increased at least two-fold in comparison with normal adrenal expression levels. In Conclusion, GIPR overexpression was observed in pediatric and adult adrenocortical tumors and very low levels of LHCGR expression were found in all adult adrenocortical carcinomas.


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Background/Aims: While laboratory methods for the detection of testicular tissue are well standardized, currently there is no available test to demonstrate the presence of ovarian tissue. We evaluated the effectiveness of gonadal stimulation with luteinizing hormone (LH)/follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) for the detection of ovarian tissue in patients with disorders of sex development (DSD). Methods: Ten patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) as ovarian-positive controls, 10 with cryptorchidism (ovarian-negative controls), 13 patients with DSD of no defined etiology and 7 patients with ovotesticular DSD (true hermaphroditism, TH) were included in the study. They underwent a daily injection of both LH and FSH on 3 consecutive days. LH, FSH, estradiol, testosterone and inhibin A were measured before treatment, 24 h after the 1st dose and 24 h after the 3rd dose. Results: Estradiol increased in all CAH and TH patients, with a median value of 155.1 and 92.6 pg/ml, respectively, after the 3rd injection. Inhibin A also increased in all CAH and TH patients, with a median value of 70.4 and 32.2 pg/ml, respectively, after the 3rd injection. There was no change in these hormones in the other groups. Conclusion: The LH/FSH stimulation test might be a useful method to detect the presence of ovarian tissue. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel