987 resultados para Temperature dependence


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We have studied magnetic and transport properties of insulating and metallic (Ga,Mn)As layers before and after annealing. A dramatic increase of the ferromagnetic transition temperature T-C by postgrowth annealing has been realized in both insulating and metallic (Ga,Mn)As. The as-grown insulating (Ga,Mn)As can be turned into metallic by the low-temperature annealing. For all the metallic (Ga,Mn)As, a characteristic feature in the temperature dependence of sheet resistance appears around T-C. This phenomenon may provide a simple and more convenient method to determine the T-C of metallic (Ga,Mn)As compared with superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) measurement. Moreover, the T-C of the metallic (Ga,Mn)As obtained by this way is in good agreement with that measured by a SQUID magnetometer. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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We employ photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved PL to study exciton localization effect in InGaN epilayers. By measuring the exciton decay time as a, function of the monitored emission energy at different temperatures, we have found unusual behaviour of the energy dependence in the PL decay process. At low temperature, the measured PL decay time increases with the emission energy. It decreases with the emission energy at 200K, and remains nearly constant at the intermediate temperature of 120K. We have studied the dot size effect on the radiative recombination time by calculating the temperature dependence of the exciton recombination lifetime in quantum dots, and have found that the observed behaviour can be well correlated to the exciton localization in quantum dots. This suggestion is further supported by steady state PL results.


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Temperature dependence of optical properties of GaInNAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) has been studied by photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved PL. A rapid PL quenching is observed even at very low temperature and is of the excitation power dependence. These results strongly suggest that the non-radiative recombination process plays a very important role at low temperature. In the TRPL measurement the shape of the PL decay curve shows significant difference under different excitation powers. It is attributed to the different involvement of non-radiative recombination in the overall recombination process. The TRPL data are well fitted with the rate equation involving both the radiative and non-radiative recombination. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the temperature and pressure dependences of the copper-related green emission, which show fine structure at low temperature, from tetrapodlike ZnO microrods. The temperature dependence of the green emission energy follows the changes in the band gap from 10-200 K, but deviates from this behavior above 200 K. The pressure dependence of the copper-related green band (25 +/- 5 meV/GPa) is similar to that of the band gap of ZnO, and is larger than that reported previously for defect-related green emission in ZnO. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The photoluminescence of self-assembled multilayer In0.55Al0.45As/Al0.5Ga0.5As quantum dot (QD) was measured at various temperatures. Strong photoluminescence of wetting layer (WL) and quantum dots were observed at the same time. Furthermore, direct excitons thermal transfer process between the wetting layer and quantum dots was observed. In the study of temperature dependence of PL intensity it was found that the PL peak of wetting layer contains two quenching processes: at low temperature, excitons are thermally activated from localized states to extended two-dimensional states and then trapped by QDs; at high temperature excitons quench through the X valley of barriers. Using rate equation excitons thermal transfer and quenching processes were analyzed quantitatively.


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Room-temperature microwave (MW) oscillations are observed in GaAs/AlAs (10 nm/2 nm) doped weakly coupled superlattices (SLs) in the first plateau of the I-V curve. Oscillations induced by sequential resonant tunneling are detected in a temperature range from 15 to 300 K by applying DC bias on the Si, diodes. The temperature dependence of current at small fixed bias voltage is also measured. Through analysis, it is found that the dominant transport mechanisms are sequential resonant tunneling and phonon-assisted tunneling when the temperature is below 300 K. The low bias voltage at which oscillations are realized is helpful to restrain thermionic emission through the X valley of AlAs barriers in the room-temperature transport. (C) 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report the molecular beam epitaxy growth of 1.3 mu m InAs/GaAs quantum-dot (QD) lasers with high characteristic temperature T-0. The active region of the lasers consists of five-layer InAs QDs with p-type modulation doping. Devices with a stripe width of 4 mu m and a cavity length of 1200 mu m are fabricated and tested in the pulsed regime under different temperatures. It is found that T-0 of the QD lasers is as high as 532K in the temperature range from 10 degrees C to 60 degrees C. In addition, the aging test for the lasers under continuous wave operation at 100 degrees C for 72 h shows almost no degradation, indicating the high crystal quality of the devices.


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InN films with electron concentration ranging from n similar to 10(17) to 10(20) cm(-3) grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) were investigated by variable-temperature photoluminescence and absorption measurements. The energy positions of absorption edge as well as photoluminescence peak of these InN samples with electron concentration above 10(18) cm(-3) show a distinct S-shape temperature dependence. With a model of potential fluctuations caused by electron-impurity interactions, the behavior can be quantitatively explained in terms of exciton freeze-out in local potential minima at sufficiently low temperatures, followed by thermal redistribution of the localized excitons when the band gap shrinks with increasing temperature. The exciton localization energy sigma (loc) is found to follow the n (5/12) power relation, which testifies to the observed strong localization effects in InN with high electron concentrations.


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The spin-reorientation phenomenon in Nd2Fe14B has been investigated using an angular dependent free energy approach. A magnetic Hamiltonian which includes the crystal electric field term and the exchange term has been established using realistic band structure results. The temperature dependence of the molecular field is accounted for by introducing the Brillouin function and the magnetic Hamiltonian is diagonalized within the ground state multiplet of the Nd ion. The eigenstates are then used to form the partition function for the free energy. At each temperature, the direction of the molecular field is obtained by searching for the minimum in the angular parameter space of the free energy. Our calculations show that for Nd2Fe14B, the net magnetic anisotropy direction is canted away from the c axis at a temperature close to the experimentally reported spin-reorientation temperature of 150 K. The temperature dependence of the magnetic structure is found to be very sensitive to the size of the second order crystal field parameter B20.


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In this report, we have investigated the temperature and injection power dependent photoluminescence in self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) systems with low and high areal density, respectively. It was found that, for the high-density samples, state filling effect and abnormal temperature dependence were interacting. In particular, the injection power-induced variations were most obvious at the temperature interval where carriers transfer from small quantum dots (SQDs) to large quantum dots (LQDs). Such interplay effects could be explained by carrier population of SQDs relative to LQDs, which could be fitted well using a thermal carrier rate equation model. On the other hand, for the low density sample, an abnormal broadening of full width at half maximum (FWHM) was observed at the 15-100 K interval. In addition, the FWHM also broadened with increasing injection power at the whole measured temperature interval. Such peculiarities of low density QDs could be attributed to the exciton dephasing processes, which is similar to the characteristic of a single quantum dot. The compared interplay effects of high-and low-density QDs reflect the difference between an interacting and isolated QDs system.


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Femtosecond time-resolved studies using fluorescence depletion spectroscopy were performed on Rhodamine 700 in acetone solution and on Oxazine 750 in acetone and formamide solutions at different temperatures. The experimental curves that include both fast and slow processes have been fitted using a biexponential function. Time constants of the fast process, which corresponds to the intramolecular vibrational redistribution (IVR) of solute molecules, range from 300 to 420 fs and increase linearly as the temperature of the environment decreases. The difference of the average vibrational energy of solute molecules in the ground state at different temperatures is a possible reason that induces this IVR time-constant temperature dependence. However, the time constants of the slow process, which corresponds to the energy transfer from vibrational hot solute molecules to the surroundings occurred on a time scale of 1-50 ps, changed dramatically at lower temperature, nonlinearly increasing with the decrease of temperature. Because of the C-H...O hydrogen-bond between acetone molecules, it is more reasonable that acetone molecules start to be associated, which can influence the energy transfer between dye molecules and acetone molecules efficiently, even at temperatures far over the freezing point.


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High levels of available nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) have the potential to increase soil N and C mineralization We hypothesized that with an external labile C or N supply alpine meadow soil will have a significantly higher C mineralization potential and that temperature sensitivity of C mineralization will increase To test the hypotheses an incubation experiment was conducted with two doses of N or C supply at temperature of 5 15 and 25 C Results showed external N supply had no significant effect on CO2 emission However external C supply increased CO2 emission Temperature coefficient (Q(10)) ranged from 113 to 1 29 Significantly higher values were measured with C than with N addition and control treatment Temperature dependence of C mineralization was well-represented by exponential functions Under the control CO2 efflux rate was 425 g CO2-Cm-2 year(-1) comparable to the in situ measurement of 422 g CO2-Cm-2 year(-1) We demonstrated if N is disregarded microbial decomposition is primarily limited by lack of labile C It is predicted that labile C supply would further increase CO2 efflux from the alpine meadow soil (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS All rights reserved


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The temperature dependence of the resistivity of KrF laser irradiated polyimide films was studied. In all cases, the resistivity decreased with increasing temperature. The irradiated polyimide film exhibited a typical semiconducting property. This result indicated that the irradiated polyimide films can be used as temperature-sensitive materials. We demonstrated that both the sensitivity and the sensitive temperature range of the irradiated polyimide films can be altered by adjusting laser irradiation parameters. The intrinsic relationship between the temperature coefficient of the resistivity and irradiation condition was interpreted in terms of the microstructural change. The result provided a new insight into the fundamental aspects of laser irradiated polyimide film structure and a method of preparing temperature-sensitive materials. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electrical conductivity of polyaniline doped with camphor sulfonic acid (PAn-CSA) was studied. The results indicate that there is a critical temperature (T-c) and the temperature dependence of PAn-CSA conductivity shows metallic and semiconductor characteristics above and below T-c, respectively. The higher the molecular weight of PAn, the lower the T-c. The conductivity was enhanced remarkably when PAn-CSA film was stretched, its room temperature conductivity is up to 750 S/cm when elogonation is 60%; however, T-c was independent of elongation.


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A new amorphous comblike polymer (CBP) based on methylvinyl ether/maleic anhydride altering copolymer backbone and on oligooxyethylene side chain was synthesized. The dynamic mechanical properties of CBP and its Li salt complexes were investigated by means of DDV-11-EA type viscoelastic spectrometry. Results showed that there were two glass transitions (alpha-transition and beta-transition) in the temperature range from -100 to 100 degrees C. The beta-transition was assigned to oligo-PEO side chains and the temperature of beta-transition increases with increasing Li salt content. The alpha-transition was assigned to the main chain of CBP. The temperature of the alpha-transition (T-alpha) is also dependent upon the Li-salt content, but not monotonic. The value of T-alpha lies between 30-45 degrees C in the Li salt concentration range studied, near room temperature. It was found that the CBP-Li salt complexes showed an unusual dependence of ionic conductivity on Li salt content. There are two peaks in the plot of the ionic conductivity vs. Li salt concentration, which has been ascribed to the movability of the CBP main chain at ambient temperature. The temperature dependence bf the ionic conductivity indicated that the Arrhenius relationship was not obeyed, and the plot of log sigma against 1/(T - T-0) showed the unusual dual VTF behavior when using side chain glass transition temperature (T-beta) as T-0.