823 resultados para Soy oil
[ES] Este trabajo propone una lectura de los seis primeros cuadernos del diario que Alejandra Pizarnik escribió a lo largo de toda su vida, desde los 18 años y hasta que murió a la edad de 36. El análisis de estos cuadernos, escritos entre 1954 y 1958, nos permite recorrer el itinerario que Alejandra Pizarnik realiza por la cuestión genérica, la cuestión nacional y la cuestión sexual. Desde su experiencia en cuanto sujeto, la escritura registra esta primera fase en la construcción del yo que Pizarnik desea para su diario. Esta fase, que se puede denominar etapa-derribo, está dominada por el desafío a las ideas del discurso hegemónico. Una vez haya resuelto este escollo en la construcción del yo de su diario, la escritura de Pizarnik no volverá sobre estos temas. Sin embargo, la búsqueda el “verdadero” yo se registra como proceso en el que a un movimiento de construcción del yo, le sigue un movimiento de destrucción de lo que las palabras han conformado, en secuencias en las que la apelación a la mentira de lo escrito o la desconfi anza en la capacidad del lenguaje para expresarlo, son la pauta de dicha escritura.
(PDF contains 5 pages)
High-efficiency separation of the oil/gas/water mixtures is a significant issue in offshore oil industry. To reduce the total cost by means of reduction in weight and space compared with conventional separators, a novel compact compound oil/gas/water separator is developed. The research works on oil-gas-water separation by compound separating techniques is described in this paper. The innovative separator is a gravity settling tank with helical pipes within and T-shaped pipes outside. Both experiments and numerical simulations are presented to study the separating performance and efficiency of the helical pipes, which are the main part of the separator.
This paper investiges the effect of pipe diameter on flow pattern transition boundary in oil water vertical flows, and proposes a model to determine the maximum inner diameter (D_{infty s}) of a pipe in which the slug flow would not occur When pipe inner diameter D>D_{infty s}, only bubble flow exists, while D
In recent years, considerable research has been conducted into the development of a three-phase flowmeter suitable for use in an offshore environment, and oil/gas/water three-phase metering becomes an important aspect in multiphase flow measurement. This paper discusses the importance of three-phase flow measurement in offshore oil industry, describes the current development in this area, and points out the principal strategies which may be used to meter three-phase flow.
Las proteínas son biopolímeros con potenciales propiedades para aplicaciones en el campo de envases por su capacidad para formar films con buenas propiedades barrera en condiciones secas. Además, al ser biodegradables y provenir de recursos renovables, ofrecen importantes ventajas desde el punto de vista medioambiental y económico. Sin embargo, los films basados en proteínas son frágiles y presentan una baja resistencia a la humedad, por lo que se requiere su modificación para fabricar materiales útiles en las condiciones de servicio.El objetivo de esta tesis es reducir la absorción de humedad y simultáneamente mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales fabricados con proteína de soja. Para ello es necesaria la adición de sustancias que puedan interaccionar con los grupos polares de la proteína, reduciendo así su carácter hidrofílico y la absorción de humedad, y que a la vez puedan actuar como plastificantes, reduciendo la fragilidad del material fabricado. Además, las condiciones de procesado también influyen en las propiedades del material, por tanto, la optimización del procesado es otro de los objetivos de la tesis.Para poder conseguir la mejora de las propiedades del material y, en concreto, aquellas requeridas por el sector del envase, como son las propiedades mecánicas y la resistencia a la humedad, la tesis se ha centrado en tres áreas: plastificación por adición de glicerol; mezclado con sustancias naturales como gelatinas, ácidos, aceites y azúcares; y procesado por los métodos húmedo y seco.
During April 8th-10th, 2008, the Aliance for Coastal Technology (ACT) partner institutions, University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC), and the Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI) hosted a workshop entitled: "Hydrocarbon sensors for oil spill prevention and response" in Seward, Alaska. The main focus was to bring together 29 workshop participants-representing workshop managers, scientists, and technology developers - together to discuss current and future hydrocarbon in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors as they apply to oil spill prevention and response. [PDF contains 28 pages] Hydrocarbons and their derivatives still remain one of the most important energy sources in the world. To effectively manage these energy sources, proper protocol must be implemented to ensure prevention and responses to oil spills, as there are significant economic and environmental costs when oil spills occur. Hydrocarbon sensors provide the means to detect and monitor oil spills before, during, and after they occur. Capitalizing on the properties of oil, developers have designed in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors that absorb or reflect the electromagnetic energy at different spectral bands. Workshop participants identified current hydrocarbon sensors (in-situ, laboratory, and remote sensors) and their overall performance. To achieve the most comprehensive understanding of oil spills, multiple sensors will be needed to gather oil spill extent, location, movement, thickness, condition, and classification. No single hydrocarbon sensor has the capability to collect all this information. Participants, therefore, suggested the development of means to combine sensor equipment to effectively and rapidly establish a spill response. As the exploration of oil continues at polar latitudes, sensor equipment must be developed to withstand harsh arctic climates, be able to detect oil under ice, and reduce the need for ground teams because ice extent is far too large of an area to cover. Participants also recognized the need for ground teams because ice extent is far too large of an area to cover. Participants also recognized the need for the U.S. to adopt a multi-agency cooperation for oil spill response, as the majority of issues surounding oil spill response focuses not on the hydrocarbon sensors but on an effective contingency plan adopted by all agencies. It is recommended that the U.S. could model contingency planning based on other nations such as Germany and Norway. Workshop participants were asked to make recommendations at the conclusion of the workshop and are summarized below without prioritization: *Outreach materials must be delivered to funding sources and Congressional delegates regarding the importance of oil spill prevention and response and the development of proper sensors to achieve effective response. *Develop protocols for training resource managers as new sensors become available. *Develop or adopt standard instrument specifications and testing protocols to assist manufacturers in further developing new sensor technology. *As oil exploration continues at polar latitudes, more research and development should be allocated to develop a suite of instruments that are applicable to oil detection under ice.
Four groups of brackishwater catfish were fed four diets: N.F. (NIOMR formula 1 feed), A. B. and C. for seven weeks. Feeds N.F., A., B and C. contained 1.21% fish oil + 5.59% vegetable oil; 1.21% fish oil + 7.39% vegetable oil; 1.21% fish oil + 9.09% vegetable oil; 1.21% fish oil + 10.89% vegetable oil respectively. Results of feeding trial showed that growth was best in the group fed diets containing 10.89% vegetable oil and least in those containing 9.09% vegetable oil
Raw soybeans were subjected to three different processing methods viz Parboiling, Toasting and Extrusion with an Intra Pro Extruder. The processed soybean meals were thereafter incorporated at equal levels into the diets of genetically improved mudfish Heterobranchus longifilis juveniles. The fish were fed the experimental diets in triplicate at 5% of their body weight for eight weeks. The growth performance and food utilization indices, namely Mean Weight Gain (MWG), Food Conversion Ratio (FCR), Specific Growth Rate (SGR%) and Protein Efficient Ratio (PER), were monitored bi-weekly. The results show that fish fed the control fishmeal diets were highest in growth performance, which was significantly different (P>0.05) from others. Among the fish fed the test diets, those fed toasted soybean had higher MWG, SGR, FCR and PER than juveniles fed the parboiled soybean diet. The juveniles fed the extruded soybean diet recorded the least growth performance. The implication of these results in diet formulation is discussed
351 p.
Uma das maiores atividades humanas que gera impacto ao meio ambiente é o setor de transportes automotores, especialmente veículos que utilizam óleo diesel mineral como forma de combustível. Independente do conforto ou objetivos que levem a utilização deste tipo de transporte, estes produzem emissões que contém diversos tipos de poluentes atmosféricos. A substituição de óleo diesel mineral pelo biodiesel vegetal, vem se apresentando como uma alternativa para este setor, especialmente para o Brasil, que com base em sua imensa biodiversidade com plantas oleaginosas deverá se constituir em um dos maoires produtores mundiais de biodiesel vegetal. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo entre três tipos de oleaginosas (soja, algodão e mamona) e uma msitura binária v/v soja e algodão. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo foram comparados as especificações definidas pelas normas: Brasileira (RANP 07/2008), Européia (EN/14214) e Americana (ASTM D-6751). Entre todas as amostras estudadas, o óleo de mamona não atende algumas propiedades físico-químicas das normas em questão. As amostras de biodiesel de soja e algodão, individualmente e combinadas, com caracteristicas, aplicações, zoneamento agroclimático e sazonalidade de produção regionalmente diferente apresentam propiedades físico-químicas semelhantes, podendo ser considerada uma fonte renovavél de energia.