916 resultados para Sorghum -- Disease and pest resistance


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Contexte L'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique est une perturbation de la fonction thyroïdienne, définie par une thyrotropine (TSH) basse et des taux normaux de thyroxine libre (T4L) et triiodothyronine (T3). Cette dysfonction affecte de 1% à 5% des adultes de plus de 65 ans, surtout les femmes, et pourrait être associée avec les maladies cardiovasculaires, la fibrillation auriculaire et l'insuffisance cardiaque. Toutefois, les conclusions des différentes études de cohortes sont contradictoires, avec des limites méthodologiques empêchant leur comparaison de manière formelle. L'objet du travail de thèse était d'estimer le risque de mortalité de toute cause, le risque de mortalité de cause cardiovasculaire, le risque d'événements cardiovasculaires et le risque de fibrillation auriculaire associés à l'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique dans toutes les grandes études de cohorte prospectives disponibles à ce jour. Méthode et Résultats Les données individuelles de 52'674 participants provenant de 10 études de cohorte prospectives des Etats-Unis, d'Europe, du Brésil et d'Australie ont été analysées pour évaluer les risques à long-terme de l'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique. L'euthyroïdie était définie par une TSH entre 0.45 et 4.49 mUI/l et l'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique par une TSH inférieure à 0.45 mUI/l avec un taux normal de T4L, après exclusion des participants prenant des médicaments pouvant perturber la thyroïde. Sur les 52'674 participants, 2188 (4.2%) avaient une hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique. Pendant un suivi de plus de 8 ans, 8527 participants sont décédés (dont 1896 de cause cardiovasculaire), 3653 sur 22'437 ont eu un événement cardiovasculaire et 785 sur 8711 ont développé une fibrillation auriculaire. Dans des analyses ajustées pour l'âge et le sexe, l'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique était associée à une hausse de la mortalité de toute cause (hazard ratio [HR] 1.24, intervalle de confiance à 95% [IC] 1.06-1.46), de la mortalité cardiovasculaire (HR 1.29, IC 1.02-1.62), des événements cardiovasculaires (HR 1.21, IC 0.99- 1.46) ainsi qu'une hausse de l'incidence de fibrillation auriculaire (HR 1.68, IC 1.16-2.43). Les risques ne différaient pas significativement dans les analyses stratifiées selon l'âge, le sexe ou la présence de maladies cardiovasculaires préexistantes, et étaient similaires après ajustement multiple pour les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire. Le risque de mortalité cardiovasculaire et de fibrillation auriculaire était plus élevé avec une TSH très basse (< 0.10 Ul/I) comparé à une TSH modérément abaissée (0.10-0.44 mUI/l, valeurs ρ for trend < 0.03). Conclusions et perspectives L'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique est associée à un risque augmenté de mortalité de toute cause, de cause cardiovasculaire et de fibrillation auriculaire, avec un risque plus élevé quand la TSH est inférieure à 0.10 mUI/l. Ces résultats sont cohérents avec les dernières recommandations internationales conseillant de considérer un traitement de l'hyperthyroïdie infra-clinique pour les adultes de plus de 65 ans ou les patients avec maladie cardiaque, en particulier si la TSH est inférieure à 0.10 mUI/l. Toutefois, des études cliniques randomisées sont encore nécessaires pour prouver l'efficacité du traitement et déterminer si l'on devrait dépister les problèmes de thyroïde dans la population générale.


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In order to understand how plasticity is related to neurodegeneration, we studied synaptic proteins with quantitative immunohistochemistry in the entorhinal cortex from Alzheimer patients and age-matched controls. We observed a significant decrease in presynaptic synaptophysin and an increase in postsynaptic density protein PSD-95, positively correlated with beta amyloid and phosphorylated Tau proteins in Alzheimer cases. Furthermore, Alzheimer-like neuritic retraction was generated in okadaic acid (OA) treated SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells with no decrease in PSD-95 expression. However, in a SH-SY5Y clone with decreased expression of transcription regulator LMO4 (as observed in Alzheimer's disease) and increased neuritic length, PSD-95 expression was enhanced but did not change with OA treatment. Therefore, increased PSD-95 immunoreactivity in the entorhinal cortex might result from compensatory mechanisms, as in the SH-SY5Y clone, whereas increased Alzheimer-like Tau phosphorylation is not related to PSD-95 expression, as suggested by the OA-treated cell models.


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BACKGROUND: Data on the association between subclinical thyroid dysfunction and coronary heart disease (CHD) and mortality are conflicting. PURPOSE: To summarize prospective evidence about the relationship between subclinical thyroid dysfunction and CHD and mortality. DATA SOURCES: MEDLINE (1950 to January 2008) without language restrictions and reference lists of retrieved articles were searched. STUDY SELECTION: Two reviewers screened and selected cohort studies that measured thyroid function and then followed persons prospectively to assess CHD or mortality. DATA EXTRACTION: By using a standardized protocol and forms, 2 reviewers independently abstracted and assessed studies. DATA SYNTHESIS: Ten of 12 identified studies involved population-based cohorts that included 14 449 participants. All 10 population-based cohort studies examined risks associated with subclinical hypothyroidism (2134 CHD events and 2822 deaths), whereas only 5 examined risks associated with subclinical hyperthyroidism (1392 CHD events and 1993 deaths). In a random-effects model, the relative risk (RR) for subclinical hypothyroidism for CHD was 1.20 (95% CI, 0.97 to 1.49; P for heterogeneity = 0.14; I(2 )= 33.4%). Risk estimates were lower when higher-quality studies were pooled (RR, 1.02 to 1.08) and were higher among participants younger than 65 years (RR, 1.51 [CI, 1.09 to 2.09] for studies with mean participant age <65 years and 1.05 [CI, 0.90 to 1.22] for studies with mean participant age > or =65 years). The RR was 1.18 (CI, 0.98 to 1.42) for cardiovascular mortality and 1.12 (CI, 0.99 to 1.26) for total mortality. For subclinical hyperthyroidism, the RR was 1.21 (CI, 0.88 to 1.68) for CHD, 1.19 (CI, 0.81 to 1.76) for cardiovascular mortality, and 1.12 (CI, 0.89 to 1.42) for total mortality (P for heterogeneity >0.50; I(2 )= 0% for all studies). LIMITATIONS: Individual studies adjusted for different potential confounders, and 1 study provided only unadjusted data. Publication bias or selective reporting of outcomes could not be excluded. CONCLUSION: Subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism may be associated with a modest increased risk for CHD and mortality, with lower risk estimates when pooling higher-quality studies and larger CIs for subclinical hyperthyroidism


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AIM/HYPOTHESIS: IL-6 induces insulin resistance by activating signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) and upregulating the transcription of its target gene SOCS3. Here we examined whether the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)β/δ agonist GW501516 prevented activation of the IL-6-STAT3-suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) pathway and insulin resistance in human hepatic HepG2 cells. METHODS: Studies were conducted with human HepG2 cells and livers from mice null for Pparβ/δ (also known as Ppard) and wild-type mice. RESULTS: GW501516 prevented IL-6-dependent reduction in insulin-stimulated v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homologue 1 (AKT) phosphorylation and in IRS-1 and IRS-2 protein levels. In addition, treatment with this drug abolished IL-6-induced STAT3 phosphorylation of Tyr⁷⁰⁵ and Ser⁷²⁷ and prevented the increase in SOCS3 caused by this cytokine. Moreover, GW501516 prevented IL-6-dependent induction of extracellular-related kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2), a serine-threonine protein kinase involved in serine STAT3 phosphorylation; the livers of Pparβ/δ-null mice showed increased Tyr⁷⁰⁵- and Ser⁷²⁷-STAT3 as well as phospho-ERK1/2 levels. Furthermore, drug treatment prevented the IL-6-dependent reduction in phosphorylated AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a kinase reported to inhibit STAT3 phosphorylation on Tyr⁷⁰⁵. In agreement with the recovery in phospho-AMPK levels observed following GW501516 treatment, this drug increased the AMP/ATP ratio and decreased the ATP/ADP ratio. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: Overall, our findings show that the PPARβ/δ activator GW501516 prevents IL-6-induced STAT3 activation by inhibiting ERK1/2 phosphorylation and preventing the reduction in phospho-AMPK levels. These effects of GW501516 may contribute to the prevention of cytokine-induced insulin resistance in hepatic cells.


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In the past decades drug discovery practice has escaped from the complexity of the formerly used phenotypic screening in animals to focus on assessing drug effects on isolated protein targets in the search for drugs that exclusively and potently hit one selected target, thought to be critical for a given disease, while not affecting at all any other target to avoid the occurrence of side-effects. However, reality does not conform to these expectations, and, conversely, this approach has been concurrent with increased attrition figures in late-stage clinical trials, precisely due to lack of efficacy and safety. In this context, a network biology perspective of human disease and treatment has burst into the drug discovery scenario to bring it back to the consideration of the complexity of living organisms and particularly of the (patho)physiological environment where protein targets are (mal)functioning and where drugs have to exert their restoring action. Under this perspective, it has been found that usually there is not one but several disease-causing genes and, therefore, not one but several relevant protein targets to be hit, which do not work on isolation but in a highly interconnected manner, and that most known drugs are inherently promiscuous. In this light, the rationale behind the currently prevailing single-target-based drug discovery approach might even seem a Utopia, while, conversely, the notion that the complexity of human disease must be tackled with complex polypharmacological therapeutic interventions constitutes a difficult-torefuse argument that is spurring the development of multitarget therapies.


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Rapport de synthèse : Description : ce travail de thèse évalue de façon systématique les études sur l'association entre les dysfonctions thyroïdiennes infracliniques d'une part, et la maladie coronarienne et la mortalité d'autre part. Les hypothyroïdies infracliniques affectent environ 4-5% de la population adulte alors que la prévalence de l'hyperthyroïdie infraclinique est inférieure (environ 1%). L'éventuelle association entre elles pourrait justifier un dépistage systématique des dysfonctions thyroïdiennes infracliniques. Les précédentes études sur l'association entre l'hypothyroïdie infraclinique et la maladie coronarienne ont donné des résultats conflictuels. La parution de nouveaux articles récents basés sur de grandes cohortes prospectives nous a permis d'effectuer une méta-analyse basée uniquement sur des études de cohorte prospectives, augmentant ainsi la validité des résultats. Résultats: 10 des 12 études identifiées pour notre revue systématique sont basées sur des cohortes issues de la population générale («population-based »), regroupant en tout 14 449 participants. Ces 10 études examinent toutes le risque associé à l'hypothyroïdie infraclinique (avec 2134 événements coronariens et 2822 décès), alors que 5 étudient également le risque associé à l'hyperthyroïdie infraclinique (avec 1392 événements coronariens et 1993 décès). En utilisant un modèle statistique de type random-effect model, le risque relatif [RR] lié à l'hypothyroïdie infraclinique pour la maladie coronarienne est de 1.20 (intervalle de confiance [IC] de 95%, 0.97 à 1.49). Le risque diminue lorsque l'on regroupe uniquement les études de meilleure qualité (RR compris entre 1.02 et 1.08). Il est plus élevé parmi les participants de moins de 65 ans (RR, 1.51 [IC, 1.09 à 2.09] et 1.05 [IC, 0.90 à 1.22] pour les études dont l'âge moyen des participants est >_ 65 ans). Le RR de la mortalité cardiovasculaire est de 1.18 (IC, 0.98 à 1.42) et de 1.12 (IC, 0.99 à 1.26) pour la mortalité totale. En cas d'hyperthyroïdie infraclinique, les RR de la maladie coronarienne sont de 1.21 (IC, 0.88 à 1.68), de 1.19 (IC, 0.81 à 1.76) pour la mortalité cardiovasculaire, et de 1.12 (IC, 0.89 à 1.42) pour la mortalité totale. Conclusions et perspectives : nos résultats montrent que les dysfonctions thyroïdiennes infracliniques (hypothyroïdie et hyperthyroïdie infracliniques) représentent un facteur de risque modifiable, bien que modéré, de la maladie coronarienne et de la mortalité. L'efficacité du traitement de ces dysfonctions thyroïdiennes infracliniques doit encore être prouvée du point de vue cardiovasculaire et de la mortalité. Il est nécessaire d'effectuer des études contrôlées contre placebo avec le risque cardiovasculaire et la mortalité comme critères d'efficacité, avant de pouvoir proposer des recommandations sur le dépistage des ces dysfonctions thyroïdiennes dans la population adulte.


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Heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women nationally as well as in the state of Iowa, while stroke is the third leading cause of death. These two diseases are often grouped together under the broader term ―cardiovascular disease‖ (CVD), which accounts for one-third of all deaths within the state. Ongoing efforts to increase prevention of, and improve care for, those who experience CVD have resulted in a decline in the number of deaths in Iowa caused by these conditions. In 1991, the death rate as a result of cardiovascular disease was 344.9 per 100,000 people; by 2006, that number had fallen to 239.9. Deaths as a result of stroke have also dropped, from 74.7 in 1991 to 57.4 in 2006.1 Although progress has been made; these illnesses are still major causes of death and serious disability for many Iowans. Despite the fact that some progress has been made through past efforts, current data show that the journey must continue to achieve the long, quality filled lives that Iowans deserve, free of chronic disease. Up to this point, there has been a lack of involvement by stakeholders against heart disease and stroke in Iowa. Causes of CVD are largely known and preventable, and more must be done to educate and spread this information throughout the state. This comprehensive statewide plan is a call to action to improve prevention, treatment, and management of heart disease and stroke in Iowa. Through the commitment and collaborative efforts of many, the Iowa Comprehensive Heart Disease and Stroke Plan 2010-2014 provides a guide to improve the health status of all Iowans. The people of Iowa have a long history of working together to do the right thing. We must rise to the challenge of lowering the incidence of heart disease and stroke through early and ongoing education that stresses prevention and healthy lifestyle choices, medical services that provide evidence-based, effective treatment and long term care management without disparity, and environmental policies that support the prevention of heart disease and stroke in our schools, work sites, and communities. This strategic plan is a guide to improving cardiovascular health in Iowa through 2014.


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Obesity is associated with a chronic low-grade inflammation, and specific antiinflammatory interventions may be beneficial for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and other obesity-related diseases. The lipid kinase PI3Kγ is a central proinflammatory signal transducer that plays a major role in leukocyte chemotaxis, mast cell degranulation, and endothelial cell activation. It was also reported that PI3Kγ activity within hematopoietic cells plays an important role in obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance. Here, we show that protection from insulin resistance, metabolic inflammation, and fatty liver in mice lacking functional PI3Kγ is largely consequent to their leaner phenotype. We also show that this phenotype is largely based on decreased fat gain, despite normal caloric intake, consequent to increased energy expenditure. Furthermore, our data show that PI3Kγ action on diet-induced obesity depends on PI3Kγ activity within a nonhematopoietic compartment, where it promotes energetic efficiency for fat mass gain. We also show that metabolic modulation by PI3Kγ depends on its lipid kinase activity and might involve kinase-independent signaling. Thus, PI3Kγ is an unexpected but promising drug target for the treatment of obesity and its complications.


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BACKGROUND: Several European HIV observational data bases have, over the last decade, accumulated a substantial number of resistance test results and developed large sample repositories, There is a need to link these efforts together, We here describe the development of such a novel tool that allows to bind these data bases together in a distributed fashion for which the control and data remains with the cohorts rather than classic data mergers.METHODS: As proof-of-concept we entered two basic queries into the tool: available resistance tests and available samples. We asked for patients still alive after 1998-01-01, and between 180 and 195 cm of height, and how many samples or resistance tests there would be available for these patients, The queries were uploaded with the tool to a central web server from which each participating cohort downloaded the queries with the tool and ran them against their database, The numbers gathered were then submitted back to the server and we could accumulate the number of available samples and resistance tests.RESULTS: We obtained the following results from the cohorts on available samples/resistance test: EuResist: not availableI11,194; EuroSIDA: 20,71611,992; ICONA: 3,751/500; Rega: 302/302; SHCS: 53,78311,485, In total, 78,552 samples and 15,473 resistance tests were available amongst these five cohorts. Once these data items have been identified, it is trivial to generate lists of relevant samples that would be usefuI for ultra deep sequencing in addition to the already available resistance tests, Saon the tool will include small analysis packages that allow each cohort to pull a report on their cohort profile and also survey emerging resistance trends in their own cohort,CONCLUSIONS: We plan on providing this tool to all cohorts within the Collaborative HIV and Anti-HIV Drug Resistance Network (CHAIN) and will provide the tool free of charge to others for any non-commercial use, The potential of this tool is to ease collaborations, that is, in projects requiring data to speed up identification of novel resistance mutations by increasing the number of observations across multiple cohorts instead of awaiting single cohorts or studies to reach the critical number needed to address such issues.


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BACKGROUND: Both nutritional and genetic factors are involved in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to assess the effects of fructose, a potent stimulator of hepatic de novo lipogenesis, on intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCLs) and insulin sensitivity in healthy offspring of patients with type 2 diabetes (OffT2D)--a subgroup of individuals prone to metabolic disorders. DESIGN: Sixteen male OffT2D and 8 control subjects were studied in a crossover design after either a 7-d isocaloric diet or a hypercaloric high-fructose diet (3.5 g x kg FFM(-1) x d(-1), +35% energy intake). Hepatic and whole-body insulin sensitivity were assessed with a 2-step hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp (0.3 and 1.0 mU x kg(-1) x min(-1)), together with 6,6-[2H2]glucose. IHCLs and intramyocellular lipids (IMCLs) were measured by 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: The OffT2D group had significantly (P < 0.05) higher IHCLs (+94%), total triacylglycerols (+35%), and lower whole-body insulin sensitivity (-27%) than did the control group. The high-fructose diet significantly increased IHCLs (control: +76%; OffT2D: +79%), IMCLs (control: +47%; OffT2D: +24%), VLDL-triacylglycerols (control: +51%; OffT2D: +110%), and fasting hepatic glucose output (control: +4%; OffT2D: +5%). Furthermore, the effects of fructose on VLDL-triacylglycerols were higher in the OffT2D group (group x diet interaction: P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A 7-d high-fructose diet increased ectopic lipid deposition in liver and muscle and fasting VLDL-triacylglycerols and decreased hepatic insulin sensitivity. Fructose-induced alterations in VLDL-triacylglycerols appeared to be of greater magnitude in the OffT2D group, which suggests that these individuals may be more prone to developing dyslipidemia when challenged by high fructose intakes. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00523562.


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Background: Gender-related differences are seen in multiple aspects of both health and illness. Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a pathology in which diagnostic, treatment and prognostic differences are seen between sexes, especially in the acute phase and in the hospital setting. The objective of the present study is to analyze whether there are differences between men and women when examining associated cardiovascular risk factors and secondary pharmacological prevention in the primary care setting. Methods: Retrospective descriptive observational study from January to December of 2006, including 1907 patients diagnosed with ischemic heart disease in the city of Lleida, Spain. The clinical data were obtained from computerized medical records and pharmaceutical records of medications dispensed in pharmacies with official prescriptions. Data was analyzed using bivariate descriptive statistical analysis as well as logistic regression. Results: There were no gender-related differences in screening percentages for arterial hypertension, diabetes, obesity, dyslipemia, and smoking. A greater percentage of women were hypertensive, obese and diabetic compared to men. However, men showed a tendency to achieve control targets more easily than women, with no statistically significant differences. In both sexes cardiovascular risk factors control was inadequate, between 10 and 50%. For secondary pharmaceutical prevention, the percentages of prescriptions were greater in men for anticoagulants, beta-blockers, lipid-lowering agents and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin II receptor blockers, with age group variations up to 10%. When adjusting by age and specific diagnoses, differences were maintained for anticoagulants and lipid-lowering agents. Conclusion: Screening of cardiovascular risk factors was similar in men and women with IHD. Although a greater percentage of women were hypertensive, diabetic or obese, their management of risk factors tended to be worse than men. Overall, a poor control of cardiovascular risk factors was noted. Taken as a whole, more men were prescribed secondary prevention drugs, with differences varying by age group and IHD diagnosis.


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Salmonella is distributed worldwide and is a pathogen of economic and public health importance. As a multi-host pathogen with a long environmental persistence, it is a suitable model for the study of wildlife-livestock interactions. In this work, we aim to explore the spill-over of Salmonella between free-ranging wild boar and livestock in a protected natural area in NE Spain and the presence of antimicrobial resistance. Salmonella prevalence, serotypes and diversity were compared between wild boars, sympatric cattle and wild boars from cattle-free areas. The effect of age, sex, cattle presence and cattle herd size on Salmonella probability of infection in wild boars was explored by means of Generalized Linear Models and a model selection based on the Akaike’s Information Criterion. Prevalence was higher in wild boars co-habiting with cattle (35.67%, CI 95% 28.19–43.70) than in wild boar from cattle-free areas (17.54%, CI 95% 8.74–29.91). Probability of a wild boar being a Salmonella carrier increased with cattle herd size but decreased with the host age. Serotypes Meleagridis, Anatum and Othmarschen were isolated concurrently from cattle and sympatric wild boars. Apart from serotypes shared with cattle, wild boars appear to have their own serotypes, which are also found in wild boars from cattle-free areas (Enteritidis, Mikawasima, 4:b:- and 35:r:z35). Serotype richness (diversity) was higher in wild boars co-habiting with cattle, but evenness was not altered by the introduction of serotypes from cattle. The finding of a S. Mbandaka strain resistant to sulfamethoxazole, streptomycin and chloramphenicol and a S. Enteritidis strain resistant to ciprofloxacin and nalidixic acid in wild boars is cause for public health concern.


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Purpose: Wolfram syndrome is a degenerative, recessive rare disease with an onset in childhood. It is caused by mutations in WFS1 or CISD2 genes. More than 200 different variations in WFS1 have been described in patients with Wolfram syndrome, which complicates the establishment of clear genotype-phenotype correlation. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of WFS1 mutations and update the natural history of the disease. Methods: This study analyzed clinical and genetic data of 412 patients with Wolfram syndrome published in the last 15 years. Results: (i) 15% of published patients do not fulfill the current ­inclusion criterion; (ii) genotypic prevalence differences may exist among countries; (iii) diabetes mellitus and optic atrophy might not be the first two clinical features in some patients; (iv) mutations are nonuniformly distributed in WFS1; (v) age at onset of diabetes mellitus, hearing defects, and diabetes insipidus may depend on the patient"s genotypic class; and (vi) disease progression rate might depend on genotypic class. Conclusion: New genotype-phenotype correlations were established, disease progression rate for the general population and for the genotypic classes has been calculated, and new diagnostic criteria have been proposed. The conclusions raised could be important for patient management and counseling as well as for the development of treatments for Wolfram syndrome.


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The hypothesis that constitutive and inducible plant resistance against herbivores should trade-off because they use the same resources and impose costs to plant fitness has been postulated for a long time. Negative correlations between modes of deployment of resistance and defences have been observed across and within species in common garden experiments. It was therefore tested whether that pattern of resistance across genotypes follows a similar variation in patterns of gene expression and chemical defence production. Using the genetically tractable model Arabidopsis thaliana and different modes of induction, including the generalist herbivore Spodoptera littoralis, the specialist herbivore Pieris brassicae, and jasmonate application, constitutive and inducibility of resistance was measured across seven A. thaliana accessions that were previously selected based on constitutive levels of defence gene expression. According to theory, it was found that modes of resistance traded-off among accessions, particularly against S. littoralis, in which accessions investing in high constitutive resistance did not increase it substantially after attack and vice-versa. Accordingly, the average expression of eight genes involved in glucosinolate production negatively predicted larval growth across the seven accessions. Glucosinolate production and genes related to defence induction on healthy and herbivore-damaged plants were measured next. Surprisingly, only a partial correlation between glucosinolate production, gene expression, and the herbivore resistance results was found. These results suggest that the defence outcome of plants against herbivores goes beyond individual molecules or genes but stands on a complex network of interactions.