324 resultados para Solvation


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The surface forces apparatus (SFA) has been used for many years to measure the physical forces between surfaces, such as van der Waals (including Casimir) and electrostatic forces in vapors and liquids, adhesion and capillary forces, forces due to surface and liquid structure (e.g. solvation and hydration forces), polymer, steric and hydrophobic interactions, bio-specific interactions as well as friction and lubrication forces. Here we describe recent developments in the SFA technique, specifically the SFA 2000, its simplicity of operation and its extension into new areas of measurement of both static and dynamic forces as well as both normal and lateral (shear and friction) forces. The main reason for the greater simplicity of the SFA 2000 is that it operates on one central simple-cantilever spring to generate both coarse and fine motions over a total range of seven orders of magnitude (from millimeters to ångstroms). In addition, the SFA 2000 is more spacious and modulated so that new attachments and extra parts can easily be fitted for performing more extended types of experiments (e.g. extended strain friction experiments and higher rate dynamic experiments) as well as traditionally non-SFA type experiments (e.g. scanning probe microscopy and atomic force microscopy) and for studying different types of systems.


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The application of organic ionic plastic crystals (OIPCs) as a new class of solid electrolyte for energy storage devices such as lithium batteries and, more recently, sodium batteries is attracting increasing attention. Key to this is achieving sufficient target ion transport through the material. This requires fundamental understanding of the structure and dynamics of OIPCs that have been doped with the necessary lithium or sodium salts. Here we report, for the first time, the atomic level structure and transport of both lithium and sodium ions in the plastic crystalline phases of an OIPC diethyl(methyl)(isobutyl)phosphonium hexafluorophosphate. These molecular dynamics simulations reveal two types of coordination geometries of the alkali metal ion first solvation shells, which cooperate closely with the metal ion hopping motion. The significantly different ion migration rates between two metal ion doped systems could also be related to the differences in solvation structures.


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© The Royal Society of Chemistry. Solid-state polymer electrolytes, as an alternative to traditional liquid electrolytes, have been intensively investigated for energy conversion and storage devices. The transport rate of single ions is the key to their high performance. For application in emerging sodium batteries, we have developed three dual-cation polymeric ionomers, which contain bulky tetraalkylammonium ions in addition to the sodium ion. The sizes and relative contents of the ammonium ions vary relative to the sodium ion contents. Comparative studies of ion dynamics, thermal properties, phase behaviours and ionic conductivities were carried out, taking advantage of various spectroscopic and thermal chemistry methods. The ion conductivities of the ionomers are greatly enhanced by the introduction of bulky counterions, as a result of the additional free volume and decreased sodium ion association. Raman spectroscopy and thermal analysis as well as the solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance studies are used to probe the conductivity behaviour.


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No presente trabalho descrevemos nossos resultados relativos à investigação da dinâmica de solvatação mecânica por meio de simulações por dinâmica molecular, respeitando o regime da resposta linear, em sistemas-modelo de argônio líquido com um soluto monoatômico ou diatômico dissolvido. Estudamos sistematicamente a influência dos parâmetros moleculares dos solutos (tamanho, polarizabilidade) e da densidade frente a vários modelos de solvatação. Funções de Correlação Temporal da Energia de Solvatação foram calculadas com relação à correlações de n-corpos (n = 2; 3) distinguindo interações repulsivas e atrativas para ambos os sistemas líquidos. Também obtivemos segundas derivadas temporais dessas funções referindo-se à parcelas translacionais, rotacionais e roto-translacionais na solução do diatômico. Encontramos que funções de correlação temporal coletivas podem ser razoavelmente bem aproximadas por correlações binárias a densidades baixas e, a densidades altas, correlações ternárias tornam-se mais importantes produzindo um descorrelacionamento mais rápido das funções coletivas devido a efeitos de cancelamento parciais. As funções de correlação para interações repulsivas e atrativas exibem comportamentos dinâmicos independentes do modelo de solvatação devido a fatores de escalonamento linear que afetam apenas as amplitudes das dessas funções de correlação temporal. Em geral, os sistemas com grau de liberdade rotacional apresentam tempos de correlação mais curtos para a dinâmica coletiva e tempos de correlação mais longos para as funções binárias e ternárias. Finalmente, esse estudo mostra que os sistemas contendo o diatômico relaxam-se predominantemente por mecanismos translacionais binários em modelos de solvatação envolvendo alterações apenas na polarizabilidade do soluto, e por mecanismos rotacionais atrativos binários em modelos envolvendo alterações no comprimento de ligação.


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Many potent antimicrobial peptides also present hemolytic activity, an undesired collateral effect for the therapeutic application. Unlike other mastoparan peptides, Polybia-MP1 (IDWKKLLDAAKQIL), obtained from the venom of the social wasp Polybia paulista, is highly selective of bacterial cells. The study of its mechanism of action demonstrated that it permeates vesicles at a greater rate of leakage on the anionic over the zwitterionic, impaired by the presence of cholesterol or cardiolipin; its lytic activity is characterized by a threshold peptide to lipid molar ratio that depends on the phospholipid composition of the vesicles. At these particular threshold concentrations, the apparent average pore number is distinctive between anionic and zwitterionic vesicles, suggesting that pores are similarly formed depending on the ionic character of the bilayer. To prospect the molecular reasons for the strengthened selectivity in Polybia-MP1 and its absence in Mastoparan-X, MD simulations were carried out. Both peptides presented amphipathic alpha-helical structures, as previously observed in Circular Dichroism spectra, with important differences in the extension and stability of the helix; their backbone solvation analysis also indicate a different profile, suggesting that the selectivity of Polybia-MP1 is a consequence of the distribution of the charged and polar residues along the peptide helix, and on how the solvent molecules orient themselves according to these electrostatic interactions. We suggest that the lack of hemolytic activity of Polybia-MP1 is due to the presence and position of Asp residues that enable the equilibrium of electrostatic interactions and favor the preference for the more hydrophilic environment.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Energy fluctuations of a solute molecule embedded in a polar solvent are investigated to depict the energy landscape for solvation dynamics. The system is modeled by a charged molecule surrounded by two layers of solvent dipolar molecules with simple rotational dynamics. Individual solvent molecules are treated as simple dipoles that can point toward or away from the central charge (Ising spins). Single-spin-flip Monte Carlo kinetics simulations are carried out in a two-dimensional lattice for different central charges, radii of outer shell, and temperatures. By analyzing the density of states as a function of energy and temperatures, we have determined the existence of multiple freezing transitions. Each of them can be associated with the freezing of a different layer of the solvent. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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[GRAPHICS]This work proposes a combined swelling-electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) approach aiming at determining some unusual polymer solvation parameters relevant for chemical processes occurring inside beads. Batches of benzhydrylamine-resin (BHAR), a copolymer of styrene-1% divinylbenzene containing phenylmethylamine groups were, labeled with the paramagnetic amino acid 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-amine-4-carboxylic acid (TOAC), and their swelling properties and EPR spectra were examined in DCM and DMF. By taking into account the BHARs labeling degrees, the corresponding swelling values, and some polymer structural characteristics, it was possible to calculate polymer swelling parameters, among them, the volume and the number of sites per bead, site-site distances and site concentration. The latter values ranged from 17 to 170 angstrom and from 0.4 to 550 mM, respectively. EPR spectroscopy was applied to validate the multistep calculation strategy of these swelling parameters. Spin-spin interaction was detected in the labeled resins at site-site distances less than approximately 60 A or probe concentrations higher than approximately 1 x 10(-2) M, in close agreement with the values obtained for the spin probe free in solution. Complementarily, the yield of coupling reactions in different resins indicated that the greater the inter-site distance or the lower the site concentration, the faster the reaction. The results suggested that the model and the experimental measurements developed for the determination of solvation parameters represent a relevant step forward for the deeper understanding and improvement of polymer-related processes.


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An EPR approach to monitor peptide chain aggregation inside resin beads is introduced. Model low and highly peptide-loaded resins containing an aggregating sequence were labeled with a paramagnetic amino acid derivative and studied with regard to their solvation behavior in different solvent systems. For the first time in the peptide synthesis, EPR spectroscopic has allowed the detection of differentiated levels of peptide chain aggregation as a function of solvent and resin loading. (C) 1997, Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The SPPS methodology has continuously been investigated as a valuable model to monitor the solvation properties of polymeric materials. In this connection, the present work applied HRMAS-NMR spectroscopy to examine the dynamics of an aggregating peptide sequence attached to a resin core with varying peptide loading (up to 80%) and solvent system. Low and high substituted BHAR were used for assembling the VQAAIDYING sequence and some of its minor fragments. The HRMAS-NMR results were in agreement with the swelling of each resin, i.e. there was an improved resolution of resonance peaks in the better solvated conditions. Moreover, the peptide loading and the attached peptide sequence also affected the spectra. Strong peptide chain aggregation was observed mainly in highly peptide loaded resins when solvated in CDCl3. Conversely, due to the better swelling of these highly loaded resins in DMSO, improved NMR spectra were acquired in this polar aprotic solvent, thus enabling the detection of relevant sequence-dependent conformational alterations. The more prominent aggregation was displayed by the VQAAIDYING segment and not by any of its intermediary fragments and these findings were also corroborated by EPR studies of these peptide-resins labelled properly with an amino acid-type spin probe. Copyright (c) 2005 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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20% N-methylformamide (NMF) mixtures with water and with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) have been studied. A comparison between the hydrogen bonding (H-bond) donation of N-methylformamide with both solvents in the mixtures is presented. Results of radial distribution functions, pair distribution energies, molecular dipole moment correlation, and geometry of the H-bonded species in each case are shown. The results indicate that the NMF-solvent H-bond is significantly stronger with DMSO than with water. The solvation shell is best organized in the DMSO mixture than in the aqueous one. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tuberculosis remains as one of the main cause of mortality worldwide due to a single infectious agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The aroK-encoded M. tuberculosis Shikimate Kinase (MtSK), shown to be essential for survival of bacilli, catalyzes the phosphoryl transfer from ATP to the carbon-3 hydroxyl group of shikimate (SKH), yielding shikimate-3-phosphate and ADP. Here we present purification to homogeneity, and oligomeric state determination of recombinant MtSK. Biochemical and biophysical data suggest that the chemical reaction catalyzed by monomeric MtSK follows a rapid-equilibrium random order of substrate binding, and ordered product release. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) for binding of ligands to MtSK provided thermodynamic signatures of non-covalent interactions to each process. A comparison of steady-state kinetics parameters and equilibrium dissociation constant value determined by ITC showed that ATP binding does not increase the affinity of MtSK for SKH. We suggest that MtSK would more appropriately be described as an aroL-encoded type II shikimate kinase. Our manuscript also gives thermodynamic description of SKH binding to MtSK and data for the number of protons exchanged during this bimolecular interaction. The negative value for the change in constant pressure heat capacity (ΔCp) and molecular homology model building suggest a pronounced contribution of desolvation of non-polar groups upon binary complex formation. Thermodynamic parameters were deconvoluted into hydrophobic and vibrational contributions upon MtSK:SKH binary complex formation. Data for the number of protons exchanged during this bimolecular interaction are interpreted in light of a structural model to try to propose the likely amino acid side chains that are the proton donors to bulk solvent following MtSK:SKH complex formation. © 2013 Rosado et al.


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A perfect match: Silver deposition is one of the fastest electrochemical reactions, even though the Ag+ ion loses more than 5 eV solvation energy in the process. This phenomenon, an example of the enigma of metal deposition, was investigated by a combination of MD simulations, DFT, and specially developed theory. At the surface, the Ag+ ion experiences a strong interaction with the sp band of silver, which catalyzes the reaction. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.