962 resultados para Soini, Elsa
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Trypanosoma cruzi prevalence rates of human, dog and cat populations from 47 households of 3 rural localities of the phytogeographical Chaqueña area of Argentina were determined both by serological and xenodiagnostic procedures. Human prevalence rates were uniform and ranged from 49.6 to 58.7%. Overall prevalence rate in dogs (75.0%) was significantly higher than in humans (51.0%). The overall proportion of parasitemic individuals assessed by xenodiagnosis was significantly higher in either dog (64.2%) or cat (63.6%) populations than among humans (12.5%). Although both the average number of resident as well as infected individuals per household was higher for people than for dogs (6.5 vs. 3.3, and 3.4 vs. 2.4, respectively), the reverse was recorded when parasitemic individuals were considered (1.0 vs. 2.1). Results are discussed in relation to dog between dogs and people, and dogs and bugs. In the light of present data, dogs must be considered as the major donors of parasites to vector bugs and thus, principal contributors to transmission in this region of Argentina.
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica
A capacidade de deambulação apresenta um significado bastante importante para a população em geral, uma vez que contribui para a manutenção do estado de saúde e para a reabilitação e melhoria da condição física, de uma forma geral. A amputação de um membro inferior, com ou sem abordagem protésica, impõe, ao amputado, um aumento no gasto energético durante a deambulação. A medição do gasto energético durante a marcha em amputados serve, não só para quantificar o esforço requerido, mas também para comparar a eficácia de diferentes componentes protésicos. Objetivos do estudo - Determinação dos fatores que influenciam a capacidade funcional dos amputados do membro inferior. Perceção do impacto das características pessoais, quadro clínico, hábitos e fatores comportamentais, bem como componentes protésicos no consumo de oxigénio e capacidade de deambulação.
O transporte de cargas é uma tarefa comum para crianças, adolescentes e adultos, pela necessidade de transferência diária de objetos pessoais, livros e artigos de papelaria para os locais de trabalho ou escolas. Diversos autores apontam que o peso carregado durante transporte de material é o principal responsável pelo aparecimento de dor lombar. Deste modo é importante o constante estudo da temática para a definição recomendações e limites. O presente estudo teve como principais objetivos a caraterização da problemática associada à utilização de mochilas e a determinação do Peso Máximo Aceitável (PMA) e do Índice de Esforço Percebido (IEP) para a tarefa de transporte de mochilas, através da abordagem psicofísica. O estudo foi desenvolvido com estudantes do 7º, 8º e 9º ano de escolaridade e, foi dividido em duas fases. Na 1ª fase foram aplicados questionários para a análise da problemática associada à utilização de diferentes tipos de mochilas escolares. Nesta fase, foram incluídos aspetos associados à identificação do tipo de mochila mais utilizada, as rotinas e hábitos dos estudantes e as características da mochila utilizada. Verificou-se que os estudantes utilizam, maioritariamente, a mochila de duas alças para transporte de material escolar. Posteriormente foram efetuadas medições de peso da mochila, altura e peso aos 131 estudantes que constituíram a amostra da 1º fase. O principal objetivo deste ponto foi identificar o tipo de mochila habitualmente utilizada pelos estudantes assim como, o peso transportado nas mochilas. Na 2ª fase foi efetuado um estudo para a determinação do PMA e do IEP, através da abordagem psicofísica, para a tarefa de transporte de mochila, considerando-se uma amostra constituída por 10 estudantes. Para este estudo, apenas foi considerada a mochila mais frequentemente utilizada, identificada na 1º fase. A tarefa consistiu no transporte da mochila nos dois ombros e com as alças devidamente ajustadas ao corpo, num percurso pré-definido, de acordo com o procedimento experimental. Os resultados indicaram que nem todos os estudantes transportam mochilas com pesos dentro das recomendações da Organização Mundial de Saúde. O PMA determinado pelos estudantes foi de 6.8 kg para a mochila de duas alças e a região dos ombros foi identificada durante todo o estudo como sendo a que apresentava maior intensidade de dor durante o transporte da mochila.
Trabalho de Projecto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Artes Performativas – Teatro-Música
Aminocarb is a widely applied carbamate insecticide with action of controlling pests such as Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. In this study, subchronic effects on Wistar rats were investigated using hematological, biochemical, and histological techniques. Rats were exposed orally at sublethal levels of 10, 20, or 40 mg/kg body weight (groups A, B, and C, respectively) for 14 d. Hematological results revealed no statistical differences after 1 d of exposure but significant reduction in white blood cells detected after 7 d of exposure in group C, as well as, in all treated groups after 14 d of exposure. Biochemical data showed a decrease of acetylcholinesterase activity in all groups after 1 d of exposure with a return to normal after 7 and 14 d. Significant increase in alkaline phosphatase activity of rats exposed to aminocarb was noted after 7 d of treatment. The levels of triglycerides were also significantly decreased. The present investigation also showed a significant increase in content of serum urea and creatinine in animals from group A (14 d), and from groups B and C (7 and 14 d). Histological results demonstrated hemorrhagic focus on hepatic and renal parenchyma in all exposed groups. Taken together, the attained results were dose dependent and indicated adverse effects of aminocarb on hepatic and renal functions, as well as on immune responsiveness at sublethal tested doses.
The humoral and cellular immune responses as well as the resistance to infection with bloodstream forms of T. cruzi were studied in mice immunized with acidic antigenic fractions from parasite cytosol, F III and F IV, plus Bordetella pertussis as adjuvant. The immunization with F III induced positive ITH and DTH responses to homologous antigens. In mice immunized with F IV, the ITH was negative and four out of six animals presented positive DTH reactions. In both groups of mice the analysis of IgG aginst T. cruzi showed that the major isotype elicited was IgG1. Specific IgE was also detected in sera from F III immunized mice, thus confirming the presence of homocytothropic antibodies. The parasitemias reached by F III and F IV immunized mice after challenge were lower than those of the controls showing in this way a partial protection against the acute infection. The histological studies of heart and skeletal muscle performed two months after the infection revealed variable mononuclear infiltration in all infected mice despite immunization.
Comunicação apresentada no 8º Congresso Nacional de Administração Pública – Desafios e Soluções, em Carcavelos de 21 a 22 de Novembro de 2011.
Prostate cancer (PCa) is a major cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality worldwide. Although early disease is often efficiently managed therapeutically, available options for advanced disease are mostly ineffective. Aberrant DNA methylation associated with gene-silencing of cancer-related genes is a common feature of PCa. Therefore, DNA methylation inhibitors might constitute an attractive alternative therapy. Herein, we evaluated the anti-cancer properties of hydralazine, a non-nucleoside DNA methyltransferases (DNMT) inhibitor, in PCa cell lines. In vitro assays showed that hydralazine exposure led to a significant dose and time dependent growth inhibition, increased apoptotic rate and decreased invasiveness. Furthermore, it also induced cell cycle arrest and DNA damage. These phenotypic effects were particularly prominent in DU145 cells. Following hydralazine exposure, decreased levels of DNMT1, DNMT3a and DNMT3b mRNA and DNMT1 protein were depicted. Moreover, a significant decrease in GSTP1, BCL2 and CCND2 promoter methylation levels, with concomitant transcript re-expression, was also observed. Interestingly, hydralazine restored androgen receptor expression, with upregulation of its target p21 in DU145 cell line. Protein array analysis suggested that blockage of EGF receptor signaling pathway is likely to be the main mechanism of hydralazine action in DU145 cells. Our data demonstrate that hydralazine attenuated the malignant phenotype of PCa cells, and might constitute a useful therapeutic tool.
Trabalho de Projecto Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação: Cultura Contemporânea e Novas Tecnologias
Poster presented at the Sixth Annual International Conference on Open Repositories (OR11) held on 6-11th June, Austin, Texas
Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most incident cancers worldwide but clinical and pathological parameters have limited ability to discriminate between clinically significant and indolent PCa. Altered expression of histone methyltransferases and histone methylation patterns are involved in prostate carcinogenesis. SMYD3 transcript levels have prognostic value and discriminate among PCa with different clinical aggressiveness, so we decided to investigate its putative oncogenic role on PCa.We silenced SMYD3 and assess its impact through in vitro (cell viability, cell cycle, apoptosis, migration, invasion assays) and in vivo (tumor formation, angiogenesis). We evaluated SET domain's impact in PCa cells' phenotype. Histone marks deposition on SMYD3 putative target genes was assessed by ChIP analysis.Knockdown of SMYD3 attenuated malignant phenotype of LNCaP and PC3 cell lines. Deletions affecting the SET domain showed phenotypic impact similar to SMYD3 silencing, suggesting that tumorigenic effect is mediated through its histone methyltransferase activity. Moreover, CCND2 was identified as a putative target gene for SMYD3 transcriptional regulation, through trimethylation of H4K20.Our results support a proto-oncogenic role for SMYD3 in prostate carcinogenesis, mainly due to its methyltransferase enzymatic activity. Thus, SMYD3 overexpression is a potential biomarker for clinically aggressive disease and an attractive therapeutic target in PCa.