905 resultados para Second language (L2) learning


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This paper discusses theoretical results of the research project Linguistic Identity and Identification: A Study of Functions of Second Language in Enunciating Subject Constitution. Non-cognitive factors that have a crucial incidence in the degree of success and ways of accomplishment of second language acquisition process are focused. A transdisciplinary perspective is adopted, mobilising categories from Discourse Analysis and Psychoanalysis. The most relevant ones are: discursive formation, intradiscourse, interdiscourse, forgetting n° 1, forgetting n° 2 (Pêcheux, 1982), identity, identification (Freud, 1966; Lacan, 1977; Nasio, 1995). Revuz s views (1991) are discussed. Her main claim is that during the process of learning a foreign language, the foundations of psychical structure, and consequently first language, are required. After examining how nomination and predication processes work in first and second languages, components of identity and identification processes are focused on, in an attempt to show how second language acquisition strategies depend on them. It is stated that methodological affairs of language teaching, learner s explicit motivation and the like are subordinated to the comprehension of deeper non-cognitive factors that determine the accomplishment of the second language acquisition process. It is also pointed out that those factors are to be approached, questioning the bipolar biological-social conception of subjectivity in the study of language acquisition and use and including in the analysis symbolic and significant dimensions of the discourse constitution process.


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The Coefficient of Variance (mean standard deviation/mean Response time) is a measure of response time variability that corrects for differences in mean Response time (RT) (Segalowitz & Segalowitz, 1993). A positive correlation between decreasing mean RTs and CVs (rCV-RT) has been proposed as an indicator of L2 automaticity and more generally as an index of processing efficiency. The current study evaluates this claim by examining lexical decision performance by individuals from three levels of English proficiency (Intermediate ESL, Advanced ESL and L1 controls) on stimuli from four levels of item familiarity, as defined by frequency of occurrence. A three-phase model of skill development defined by changing rCV-RT.values was tested. Results showed that RTs and CVs systematically decreased as a function of increasing proficiency and frequency levels, with the rCV-RT serving as a stable indicator of individual differences in lexical decision performance. The rCV-RT and automaticity/restructuring account is discussed in light of the findings. The CV is also evaluated as a more general quantitative index of processing efficiency in the L2.


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This study investigates three important issues in kanji learning strategies; namely, strategy use, effectiveness of strategy and orthographic background. A questionnaire on kanji learning strategy use and perceived effectiveness was administered to 116 beginner level, undergraduate students of Japanese from alphabetic and character backgrounds in Australia. Both descriptive and statistical analyses of the questionnaire responses revealed that the strategies used most often are the most helpful. Repeated writing was reported as the most used strategy type although alphabetic background learners reported using repeated writing strategies significantly more often than character background learners. The importance of strategy training and explicit instruction of fundamental differences between character and alphabetic background learners of Japanese is discussed in relation to teaching strategies. [Author abstract]


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Esta dissertação de mestrado é baseada numa investigação – ação, realizada numa turma de 3º e 4º anos do 1º ciclo. Partindo da análise de uma situação problemática de ensino a crianças oriundas de meios de imigração foi realizada uma investigação que visava intervir na aprendizagem da escrita. Foi aplicado um pré-teste, escrita de uma narrativa tendo como estímulo um conjunto de imagens. Após a sua análise, delineámos uma intervenção de modo a melhorar os aspetos em que as crianças apresentavam dificuldades. A intervenção pedagógica focalizou o ensino da escrita enquanto processo e, dado do que o português não é a língua materna das crianças, demos uma atenção especial ao input textual, recorrendo à leitura obras literárias para crianças. Após a intervenção, foi realizado o pós-teste, sob as mesmas condições que o pré-teste, e observaram-se melhorias acentuadas na competência de escrita das crianças.


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Este texto resulta de um estudo que pretendia avaliar comparativamente a compreensão na leitura de alunos de ascendência africana e de alunos lusos, em final de escolaridade obrigatória, em Portugal. Para recolha e análise dos dados, aplicouse um teste de língua a um universo de 170 alunos, metade de ascendência africana e metade de ascendência lusa a frequentar escolas da periferia de Lisboa. Os resultados parecem sugerir que ambas as populações têm dificuldades ao nível desta competência. Dos resultados pode inferir-se que as condições socioeconómicas parecem ser mais importantes do que a condição linguística, no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento da compreensão leitora.


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The aim of this article is to show how it is possible to integrate stories and ICT in Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for English as a foreign language (EFL) learning in bilingual schools. Two Units of Work are presented. One, for the second year of Primary, is based on a Science topic, ‘Materials’. The story used is ‘The three little pigs’ and the computer program ‘JClic’. The other one is based on a Science and Arts topic for the sixth year of Primary, the story used is ‘Charlotte’s Web’ and the computer program ‘Atenex’.


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In the past few years, the studies on communicative troubles emerging in intercultural communication highlight cultural differences. Some disciplines have created training guides where those differences are made explicit so that in the case of international communication misunderstandings are avoided. Examples can be found in non-verbal communication protocols for health services and in the business world. In this regard the field of second-language teaching is beginning to include the socio-pragmatic features of language in the teaching materials. For this reason, this dissertation attempts to describe the communicative conflicts that arise in conversation between immigrants and natives in the city of Barcelona. Thanks to the theoretical and methodological tools provided by Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis, we can ethnographically analyze the interviews held with the informants, and the interactions they had with Barcelonan people, by taking into account the linguistic and paralinguistic features which are salient in the interaction (Gumperz y Roberts, 1991; Gumperz, 1992; Hérédia, 1996 y Trognon y Saint-Dizier, 1999). For this purpose, we first examine the causes that produce the conflict as well as the consequences that derive from it. Second, we describe the strategies that the speakers use in the negotiation of the meaning that generated the misunderstanding. Although it is obvious that the nature of the conversations, the personal characteristics of the participants and the context of the conversations have a noticeable influence on the participants’ communicative attitudes (Hinnenkamp, 1987; Codó, 2003; van Dijk, 2003 y Bertrán, 2009), there are somemisunderstandings that none of the interlocutors are able to detect or solve. The results show that not all of the misunderstandings that emerge in intercultural communication have a negative effect and, therefore, its usage in the L2 teaching classroom is essential for acquiring socio-cultural and intercultural competence (Miquel, 1997; Oliveras, 2000 y Miquel y Sans 2004).


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El projecte « Teixint Cultures » és un projecte de recerca-acció comunitari que intenta promoure des de l’àmbit de l’educació d’adults, l’aprenentatge de la llengua catalana a partir dels recursos lingüístics que les mares d’origen africà tenen en la seva llengua familiar. El programa es porta a terme des d’una biblioteca pública infantil, i atén a mares d’origen immigrat amb fills menors de tres anys no escolaritzats al seu càrrec. Tot el projecte està vehiculat a partir dels contes infantils. De fet, intenta recuperar els contes de tradició oral provinents del continent africà per posteriorment elaborar materials educatius bilingües (en català i en les seves llengües) que es puguin utilitzar com a llibres educatius de consulta, tant per les biblioteques públiques com pels centres educatius. Els resultats s'agrupen entres àmbits a) descripció de les característiques metodològiques i organitzatives que han fet possible el projecte; b) impacte del projecte en les participants (aprenentatge del català, actituds, satisfacció i autoestima, pràctiques al voltant de la narració i la lectura de contes a la llar); i c) impacte del projecte a la biblioteca i al context local de la població de Salt. El futur del projecte es relaciona amb el Pla d'Entorn lligat amb l'establiment de relacions de continuïtat família-escola, implicació de les entitats i associacions de persones estrangeres i el tractament educatiu de la llengua familiar de l'alumnat.


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This thesis is a pedagogical and methodological work related to the Teacher’s use of the students’ common language in 7th grade (beginners-level 1) Capeverdean English classroom. It discusses the importance of a limited and judicious use of the students’ common language (Creole/Portuguese) as a teaching technique to assist in the teaching and learning process. This thesis contains four chapters. The first chapter defines and shows the difference between mother tongue, second language and foreign language, talks about the methods and approaches (classroom procedures) to teach English as a foreign language, the different opinions about the teacher’s use of the students’ first language in the EFL classroom, and presents two studies already conducted on the use of the students’ mother tongue in the English classroom in two different EFL context. The second Chapter describes the methodology of research to conduct a study on the use of the students’ common language (Creole/Portuguese) in the EFL Capeverdean context with 7th grade students. The third chapter is the presentation of the Results and Analyses of the field research. And finally the fourth chapter is the recommendations and conclusions.


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Na concepção deste trabalho, que tem como tema O texto literário na aula de Português L2 – Uma proposta de didactização: Vida e Morte de João Cabafume, de Gabriel Mariano, procurámos investigar e reflectir sobre a abordagem do texto literário no 3º ciclo do ensino secundário cabo-verdiano, especificamente na aula de Português L2, nas áreas de estudos Científica e Tecnológica e Económica e Social, do 11º ano de escolaridade, seguida da apresentação, a título de exemplo, de uma proposta de didactização do texto acima mencionado, na perspectiva da utilização do texto literário como material em que o uso estético da língua potencia a dimensão plural da significação. Para a consecução dos objectivos propostos, procurámos dar visibilidade, na perspectiva da leitura do texto literário, às orientações do programa, às potenciais práticas pedagógicas no ensino de narrativa literária, incluindo os métodos de ensino, os recursos utilizados pelos professores, a forma como os alunos encaram todo o processo de leitura do texto literário em que está envolvido. No entanto, para a concepção da proposta de didactização, procurámos cruzar propostas metodológicas de modelos de leitura e métodos de ensino do texto narrativo e de línguas defendidos por vários autores do campo da didáctica da literatura e das línguas, cujos princípios assentam em bases que valorizam a interacção entre o texto e o leitor. Partindo de um conto de Gabriel Mariano, escritor cabo-verdiano, Vida e Morte de João Cabafume, tentámos propor um roteiro de leitura adequada do texto narrativo, de forma a conduzir o aluno não só na leitura do contexto narrativo, como também na compreensão da dimensão plural da língua enquanto material estético, procurando desenvolver, fundamentalmente, as suas atitudes, os valores éticos e morais e, num âmbito complementar, as suas competências da escrita e da oralidade. Palavras-chave: Texto Literário, Leitura, Escrita, Oralidade, Português L2.


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In this paper we study student interaction in English and Swedish courses at a Finnish university. We focus on language choices made in task-related activities in small group interaction. Our research interests arose from the change in the teaching curriculum, in which content and language courses were integrated at Tampere University of Technology in 2013. Using conversation analysis, we analysed groups of 4-5 students who worked collaboratively on a task via a video conference programme. The results show how language alternation has different functions in 1) situations where students orient to managing the task, e.g., in transitions into task, or where they orient to technical problems, and 2) situations where students accomplish the task. With the results, we aim to show how language alternation can provide interactional opportunities for language learning. The findings will be useful in designing tasks in the future.


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Aquest treball pretén ser l’estudi i la correcció fonètica d’un parlant de castellà com a primera llengua que té la llengua catalana coma segona llengua i presenta un problema a l’hora de pronunciar les laterals palatals. Per tant, és l’estudi d’un cas molt concret. Per a fer aquest estudi s’ha seguit el mètode verbotonal de correcció fonètica, ja que també es pretén comprovar la funcionalitat d’aquest mètode i els resultats possibles


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Across Latin America 420 indigenous languages are spoken. Spanish is considered a second language in indigenous communities and is progressively introduced in education. However, most of the tools to support teaching processes of a second language have been developed for the most common languages such as English, French, German, Italian, etc. As a result, only a small amount of learning objects and authoring tools have been developed for indigenous people considering the specific needs of their population. This paper introduces Multilingual–Tiny as a web authoring tool to support the virtual experience of indigenous students and teachers when they are creating learning objects in indigenous languages or in Spanish language, in particular, when they have to deal with the grammatical structures of Spanish. Multilingual–Tiny has a module based on the Case-based Reasoning technique to provide recommendations in real time when teachers and students write texts in Spanish. An experiment was performed in order to compare some local similarity functions to retrieve cases from the case library taking into account the grammatical structures. As a result we found the similarity function with the best performance


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Los programas de inmersión lingüística han constituido y constituyen dentro del Sistema Educativo catalánla principal forma para que el alumnado de lengua familiar no-catalana aprenda una nueva lengua, el catalán,sin que, en su proceso de aprendizaje, vea mermado ni el desarrollo de su propia lengua ni su rendimientoacadémico. El éxito de la inmersión lingüística en las décadas anteriores ha sido frecuentemente utilizado comouno de los argumentos orientativos para justificar la política lingüística que se sigue en la escolarización de lainfancia extranjera. Sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos por investigaciones recientes parece que no avalanempíricamente dicho argumento. Este artículo analiza dichos resultados y expone, a partir del Plan para laLengua y Cohesión Social puesto en marcha por el Departamento de Educación de la Generalitat de Cataluña,cuáles son los retos que se presentan a su Sistema Educativo dentro del nuevo marco que supone el aumento de ladiversidad cultural y lingüística en la actual sociedad catalana


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Denna doktorsavhandling utreder hur finska grundskolelever använder de svenska substantivens bestämdhetsformer och artiklar och hur deras kunskaper utvecklas under årskurserna 7-9. Species och artikelbruk är problematiska för alla andraspråksinlärare i svenska, men de är synnerligen svåra för inlärare vars förstaspråk saknar morfologisk species. Det svenska systemet avviker också kraftigt från det motsvarande systemet i engelskan, varför tidigare kunskaper i engelska inte är till någon stor hjälp i inlärningen, låt vara att bestämdheten som begrepp redan är bekant för inläraren. Den teoretiska referensramen bygger på både grammatiska beskrivningar av den svenska grammatiken och på teorierna om grammatikinlärningen i andraspråk. Bland de sistnämnda är teorierna om tvärspråkligt inflytande, explicit respektive implicit inlärning samt helsekvensinlärning (på engelska formulaic language) av relevans. Undersökningsmaterialet består av korta texter samt inspelat muntligt material som med jämna mellanrum insamlats av finskspråkiga grundskolelever (n=67) som läser B-svenska. Undersökningen är i första hand kvantitativ, om än inmatningen av nominalfraserna i materialet samt deras formella och semantiska aspekter i analysprogrammet Microsoft Access också innebar en omfattande kvalitativ analys. Undersökningen bygger på performansanalysen och analysen av obligatoriska kontexter och beräkningen av frekvenser och korrekthetsprocent för de olika nominalfrastyperna. Informanterna använder komplext språk redan i årskurs 7. Korrekthetsprocenten stiger under undersökningstiden i de flesta frastyperna, men skillnaderna är sällan statistiskt signifikanta. Den normativa analysen visar också, att formfelen är i både det skriftliga och det muntliga materialet signifikant vanligare än speciesfelen. Det är med andra ord lättare för informanterna att välja rätt species än att bilda en korrekt nominalfras. I tidigare undersökningar i Sverige har likadana resultat nåtts. De mest centrala frastyperna i undersökningen bildar i båda typerna av materialet en inlärningsgång som upprepas i alla årskurser och kan förklaras med komplexitetsskillnaderna mellan de olika frastyperna. Informanterna behärskar bäst de frastyper, som varken innehåller artiklar eller ändelser. Näst bäst behärskar de substantivets bestämda form singularis och svagast obestämd form singularis, vars artikel är en klassisk svårighetskälla för finska svenskinlärare. Analysen av informanternas läromedel visar dock att den typiska undervisningsordningen i läromedlen inte motsvarar inlärningsgången som upptäckts i denna undersökning.