242 resultados para Scarlet Ibis
"Notitia literaria de P. Ovidio Nasone ex Io. Alb. Fabricii Bibliotheca Latina a Io. Aug. Ernesti auctius edita Tom. I. cap. XV": v. 1, p. XXI-CLXIV.
v.1. Amores. Epistulae. Medic. Fac. Fem. Ars amat. Remedia amoris. 1907. -- v.. Metamorphoses. 1905. -- v.3. Tristia. Ibis. Ex ponto libri. Fasti. 1908.
Prefaces dated 1850-1852.
I. Amores -- Espistulae -- De medic. fac. -- Ars amat. --Remedia amoris ; II.Metamorphoses --III.Tristia -- Ibis -- Ex ponto libri -- Fasti --Halieutica. 1871.
Mode of access: Internet.
Front Row: Marita Esteva, Kristie Aiuto, Scarlet McCarthy, Rossalyn Quaye, Jackie Pilette, Marcie Klein, Elizabeth Windram, Alison Massagli, Jeanine Seeger
Row 2: Jennifer Kinon, Jen Mayman, Lauren Maxwell, Erin Fitzgerald, Amy Ravit, Laurel LaCour, Maya Key, Amy Teunis, Nell Hurley, Erica Semeyn, Sarah Kepner
Row 3: Dawn Emick, Katie Roek, Tina Marzo, Courtney Jackson, Kendra Miller, Nora Obringer, Jaime Stilson, Danielle Starring, Anne Reader, Kate MacKenzie, Vita Scaglione
Row 4: Belinda Koo, Michelle Wolbert, Katherine Stone, Stephanie Norwell, Lisa Labadie, Jeanette Stawski, Nazema Siddiqui, Claudia Lopez, Katie Weed
Row 5: Emily Green, Tina Stutzman, Carrie Brecht, Kelly Raczak, Vanessa Giancamilli, Allison Torres, Heather Uhring, Ashley Andersen, Alyson Moskwa
Top Row: assistant coach Emily Ford, assistant coach Pam Carroll, head coach Mark Rothstein, special assistant Brady Bustany, student trainer Jennifer Nauman, student trainer Jennifer Jackson, student trainer Robin Reiter
Reprinted in part from various periodicals.
This thesis describes research that has developed the principles of a modelling tool for the analytical evaluation of a manufacturing strategy. The appropriate process of manufacturing strategy formulation is based on mental synthesis with formal planning processes supporting this role. Inherent to such processes is a stage where the effects of alternative strategies on the performance of a manufacturing system must be evaluated so that a choice of preferred strategy can be made. Invariably this evaluation is carried out by practitioners applying mechanisms of judgement, bargaining and analysis. Ibis thesis makes a significant and original contribution to the provision of analytical support for practitioners in this role. The research programme commences by defining the requirements of analytical strategy evaluation from the perspective of practitioners. A broad taxonomy of models has been used to identify a set of potentially suitable techniques for the strategy evaluation task. Then, where possible, unsuitable modelling techniques have been identified on the basis of evidence in the literature and discarded from this set. The remaining modelling techniques have been critically appraised by testing representative contemporary modelling tools in an industrially based experimentation programme. The results show that individual modelling techniques exhibit various limitations in the strategy evaluation role, though some combinations do appear to provide the necessary functionality. On the basis of this comprehensive and in-depth knowledge a modelling tool ' has been specifically designed for this task. Further experimental testing has then been conducted to verify the principles of this modelling tool. Ibis research has bridged the fields of manufacturing strategy formulation and manufacturing systems modelling and makes two contributions to knowledge. Firstly, a comprehensive and in-depth platform of knowledge has been established about modelling techniques in manufacturing strategy evaluation. Secondly, the principles of a tool that supports this role have been formed and verified.
This thesis describes research that has developed the principles of a modelling tool for the analytical evaluation of a manufacturing strategy. The appropriate process of manufacturing strategy formulation is based on mental synthesis with formal planning processes supporting this role. Inherent to such processes is a stage where the effects of alternative strategies on the performance of a manufacturing system must be evaluated so that a choice of preferred strategy can be made. Invariably this evaluation is carried out by practitioners applying mechanisms of judgement, bargaining and analysis. Ibis thesis makes a significant and original contribution to the provision of analytical support for practitioners in this role. The research programme commences by defining the requirements of analytical strategy evaluation from the perspective of practitioners. A broad taxonomy of models has been used to identify a set of potentially suitable techniques for the strategy evaluation task. Then, where possible, unsuitable modelling techniques have been identified on the basis of evidence in the literature and discarded from this set. The remaining modelling techniques have been critically appraised by testing representative contemporary modelling tools in an industrially based experimentation programme. The results show that individual modelling techniques exhibit various limitations in the strategy evaluation role, though some combinations do appear to provide the necessary functionality. On the basis of this comprehensive and in-depth knowledge a modelling tool ' has been specifically designed for this task. Further experimental testing has then been conducted to verify the principles of this modelling tool. Ibis research has bridged the fields of manufacturing strategy formulation and manufacturing systems modelling and makes two contributions to knowledge. Firstly, a comprehensive and in-depth platform of knowledge has been established about modelling techniques in manufacturing strategy evaluation. Secondly, the principles of a tool that supports this role have been formed and verified.
This thesis describes research that has developed the principles of a modelling tool for the analytical evaluation of a manufacturing strategy. The appropriate process of manufacturing strategy formulation is based on mental synthesis with formal planning processes supporting this role. Inherent to such processes is a stage where the effects of alternative strategies on the performance of a manufacturing system must be evaluated so that a choice of preferred strategy can be made. Invariably this evaluation is carried out by practitioners applying mechanisms of judgement, bargaining and analysis. Ibis thesis makes a significant and original contribution to the provision of analytical support for practitioners in this role. The research programme commences by defining the requirements of analytical strategy evaluation from the perspective of practitioners. A broad taxonomy of models has been used to identify a set of potentially suitable techniques for the strategy evaluation task. Then, where possible, unsuitable modelling techniques have been identified on the basis of evidence in the literature and discarded from this set. The remaining modelling techniques have been critically appraised by testing representative contemporary modelling tools in an industrially based experimentation programme. The results show that individual modelling techniques exhibit various limitations in the strategy evaluation role, though some combinations do appear to provide the necessary functionality. On the basis of this comprehensive and in-depth knowledge a modelling tool ' has been specifically designed for this task. Further experimental testing has then been conducted to verify the principles of this modelling tool. Ibis research has bridged the fields of manufacturing strategy formulation and manufacturing systems modelling and makes two contributions to knowledge. Firstly, a comprehensive and in-depth platform of knowledge has been established about modelling techniques in manufacturing strategy evaluation. Secondly, the principles of a tool that supports this role have been formed and verified.
The presented work is an essay rather than a scientific dissertation. The author wants to put an impact on the source of conflicts regarding the complex subject of heritage management and conservation in comparison with the local needs and the given context. The paper attempts to show the role of local communities and their cooperation with authorities as well as the effects of such cooperation. The area of research comprises the problems arising in the field of implementing external rules on the local field, challenges appearing regarding the needs of local communities and the efforts of official authorities trying to implement the principles of the conventions. The problems arise when local communities display the lack of understanding and do not share the common idea of heritage conservation. This is caused mainly by the decreasing possibilities of comfortable life. The author tries to identify the main and wrongful approaches as ‘Gone with the Wind’, ‘The Prince and The Pauper’, ‘Heart of Darkness’ or ‘Scarlet letter’. The focus will be put to explain what the areas are where a mutual misunderstanding arise and why all parts to the problem present different points of view. What creates a value? Is it a heritage object or maybe the other values need a stronger protection? When the general duty and the need to protect the heritage is regarded as a controversy and when it is considered as a value within a given community? The international public interest in heritage protection is often regarded as an attempt to diminish the sovereign power of the community and provokes severe controversies and tensions. The major problem envisaged today seems to be the massive and increasing urbanisation and the destruction of the vestiges still existing of traditional cultures, when we consider century urban post-industrial districts of Upper Silesia in Poland, the medieval cities in Western Europe, the traditional nomad Masaya villages in Kenya or the remains of vanished cultures in various regions of Asia. The preferred platform of cooperation between the parts of the conflict includes divergent needs, beliefs and practices of communities and the possible fields of reconciling the abovementioned. Chosen examples of the best practices considering mutual cooperation will be underlined.
Abstract: BRIGUICHE. H, ZIDANE. L. Floristic And Ethnobotanical Studies Of Medicinal Plants Of The City Of El -Jadida (MOROCCO). In the framework of the ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants undertaken by the Laboratory of Biodiversity and Natural Resources of the Faculty of Sciences of Kenitra (Morocco), we are interested in the area of El Jadida which presents a rather important floristic richness thanks to changes in its ecological conditions By using 204 questionnaire, the ethnobotanical surveys were conducted in the field during the years 2012-2013. The location of the different sampling sites was determined by the stratified sampling method. The analysis of the results obtained from the questionnaires and forms using statistical processing allowed us to identify 70 plant species distributed in 69 genera and 37 families. These results also show that most of these species are mainly used in the care of the digestive system and respiratory system. The seed is the most used part in local traditional medicines and the decoction is the most frequent mode with a rate of 31%. The species Origanum compactum is the most used by the population of the city of El Jadida 47 quotes.
An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants was carried out in the Central Middle Atlas in the years 2013 and 2014 to establish the catalog of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine in the treatment of diabetes. Thus, 1560 people were interviewed, using questionnaires. The latter enabled us to gather information on traditional healing practices of the local population including scientific name, French name, vernacular name, plant parts used , therapeutic indications , revenues and mode of administration. The results show that 76 medicinal species were inventoried in the study area. These plant species are included into 67 genus and 40 families. The most represented families are: Lamiaceae (12 species), Asteraceae and Brassicaceae species with 14 each. Of 76 medicinal species found in the region, four species are reported for the first time in the traditional treatment of diabetes in Morocco. They are Pistacia atlantica, Ptychotis verticillata, Anacyclus pyrethrum, Alyssum spinosum, Cistus albidus, Juniperus thurifera, Ephedra nebrodensis, Thymus algeriensis, Th. munbyanus, Th. zygis, Abelmoschus esculentus, Fraxinus augustifolia, Sorghum vulgare and, Eriobotrya japonica. The leaves are the most used organs (38%). The decoction is the dominant mode of preparation (50%) and administration is mostly for oral use (97%).
This proposal is a non-quantitative study based on a corpus of real data which offers a principled account of the translation strategies employed in the translation of English film titles into Spanish in terms of cognitive modeling. More specifically, we draw on Ruiz de Mendoza and Galera’s (2014) work on what they term content (or low-level) cognitive operations, based on either ‘stands for’ or ‘identity’ relations, in order to investigate possible motivating factors for translations which abide by oblique procedures, i.e. for non-literal renderings of source titles. The present proposal is made in consonance with recent findings within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics (Samaniego 2007), which evidence that this linguistic approach can fruitfully address some relevant issues in Translation Studies, the most outstanding for our purposes being the exploration of the cognitive operations which account for the use of translation strategies (Rojo and Ibarretxe-Antuñano 2013: 10), mainly expansion and reduction operations, parameterization, echoing, mitigation and comparison by contrast. This fits in nicely with a descriptive approach to translation and particularly with skopos theory, whose main aim consists in achieving functionally adequate renderings of source texts.
Verifica-se um crescimento no interesse do uso de materiais de construção amigos do ambiente, tais como o betão de cânhamo, devido à necessidade de minimizar o impacto ambiental do sector da construção nas mudanças climáticas. O betão de cânhamo possui reduzida energia incorporada durante o processo de fabrico devido à sua composição: elevado teor de fibras de cânhamo, um ligante e água que formam uma pasta que aglutina as fibras. Este material de construção pode ser utilizado em elementos de alvenaria leves ou, geralmente, em placas de revestimento e isolamento. É muito higroscópico, podendo trazer vantagens a nível de economia energética, bem como da saúde e conforto térmico dos habitantes do espaço onde é aplicado. Apresenta-se um estudo experimental que teve como objetivo comparar a higroscopicidade de três tipos de betões de cânhamo e a correspondente capacidade de contribuírem para a regulação da humidade relativa (HR) no interior dos edifícios. Os betões diferem fundamentalmente no tipo de ligante utilizado nas suas formulações: cal aérea (PF70), cal hidráulica (Calco) e um ligante não identificado produzido pelo Grupo Parex (NL). Pretendeu-se ainda avaliar a contribuição da espessura de material nessa função de regulação passiva da HR. Provetes com distintas espessuras dos três betões foram sujeitos ao ensaio de determinação do Moiture Buffering Value (MBV), com ciclos diários de variação de HR: 8h a 75% de HR e 16h a 33% de HR em condições isotérmicas (23°C). Registou-se um bom MBV e não foi detetada uma diferença significativa na capacidade higroscópica dos diferentes betões, formulados com os distintos ligantes. A análise dos resultados, feita com o auxílio de modelos teóricos, permitiu destacar que a espessura envolvida na regulação da HR se mantém, na generalidade, limitada a 5cm em todas as formulações em estudo. Contudo, algumas irregularidades da superfície podem ter um forte impacto sobre a espessura ativa.