1000 resultados para Sanchez, Eduardo: Blair Witch Project
Este trabalho surge no âmbito da área Electromedicina, uma componente da Engenharia Electrotécnica cada vez mais influente e em permanente desenvolvimento, existindo nela uma constante inovação e tentativa de desenvolvimento e aplicação de novas tecnologias. Este projecto possui como principal objectivo o estudo aprofundado das aplicações da técnica SVD (Singular Value Decomposition), uma poderosa ferramenta matemática que permite a manipulação de sinais através da decomposição de matrizes, ao caso específico do sinal eléctrico obtido através de um electrocardiograma (ECG). Serão discriminados os princípios da operação do sistema eléctrico cardíaco, as principais componentes do sinal ECG (a onda P, o complexo QRS e a onda T) e os fundamentos da técnica SVD. A última fase deste trabalho consistirá na aplicação, em ambiente Matlab, da técnica SVD a sinais ECG concretos, com enfase na sua filtragem, para efeitos de remoção de ruído. De modo verificar as suas vantagens e desvantagens face a outras técnicas, os resultados da filtragem por SVD serão comparados com aqueles obtidos, em condições similares, através da aplicação de um filtro FIR de coeficientes estáticos e de um filtro adaptativo iterativo.
The Online Mathematics Education Project (MatActiva) is an exciting new initiative which aims to support and enhance mathematics education. The project is led by the Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto (ISCAP), part of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP). It provides innovative resources and carefully constructed materials around themes such as Elementary Mathematics, Calculus, Algebra, Statistics and Financial Mathematics to help support and inspire students and teachers of mathematics. The goal is to increase mathematical understanding, confidence and enjoyment, enrich the mathematical experience of each person, and promote creative and imaginative approaches to mathematics. Furthermore the project can be used to deliver engaging and effective mathematics instruction through the flipped classroom model. This paper also presents the findings of a large survey, whose propose was to study the student’s reaction to the project.
Trabalho de natureza profissional para a atribuição do Título de Especialista do Instituto Politécnico do Porto, na área de Design, defendido a 23-03-2015.
MOOC (as an acronym for Massive Open Online Courses) are a quite new model for the delivery of online learning to students. As “Massive” and “Online”, these courses are proposed to be accessible to many more learners than would be possible through conventional teaching. As “Open” they are (frequently) free of charge and participation is not limited by the geographical situation of the learners, creating new learning opportunities in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). In this paper we describe a recently started project “Matemática 100 STRESS” (Math Without STRESS) integrated in the e-IPP project | e-Learning Unit of Porto’s Polytechnic Institute (IPP) which has created its own MOOC platform and launched its first course – Probabilities and Combinatorics – in early June/2014. In this MOOC development were involved several lecturers from four of the seven IPP schools.
The increasing importance of the integration of distributed generation and demand response in the power systems operation and planning, namely at lower voltage levels of distribution networks and in the competitive environment of electricity markets, leads us to the concept of smart grids. In both traditional and smart grid operation, non-technical losses are a great economic concern, which can be addressed. In this context, the ELECON project addresses the use of demand response contributions to the identification of non-technical losses. The present paper proposes a methodology to be used by Virtual Power Players (VPPs), which are entities able to aggregate distributed small-size resources, aiming to define the best electricity tariffs for several, clusters of consumers. A case study based on real consumption data demonstrates the application of the proposed methodology.
Poster presented at the Sixth Annual International Conference on Open Repositories (OR11) held on 6-11th June, Austin, Texas
The CDIO Initiative is an open innovative educational framework for engineering graduation degrees set in the context of Conceiving – Designing – Implementing – Operating real-world systems and products, which is embraced by a network of worldwide universities, the CDIO collaborators. A CDIO compliant engineering degree programme typically includes a capstone module on the final semester. Its purpose is to expose students to problems of a greater dimension and complexity than those faced throughout the degree programme as well as to put them in contact with the so-called real world, in opposition to the academic world. However, even in the CDIO context, there are barriers that separate engineering capstone students from the real world context of an engineering professional: (i) limited interaction with experts from diverse scientific areas; (ii) reduced cultural and scientific diversity within the teams; and (iii) lack of a project supportive framework to foster the complementary technical and non-technical skills required in an engineering professional. To address these shortcomings, we propose the adoption of the European Project Semester (EPS) framework, a one semester student centred international capstone programme offered by a group of European engineering schools (the EPS Providers) as part of their student exchange programme portfolio. The EPS package is organised around a central module – the EPS project – and a set of complementary supportive modules. Project proposals refer to open multidisciplinary real world problems and supervision becomes coaching. The students are organised in teams, grouping individuals from diverse academic backgrounds and nationalities, and each team is fully responsible for conducting its project. EPS complies with the CDIO directives on Design-Implement experiences and provides an integrated framework for undertaking capstone projects, which is focussed on multicultural and multidisciplinary teamwork, problem-solving, communication, creativity, leadership, entrepreneurship, ethical reasoning and global contextual analysis. As a result, we recommend the adoption of the EPS within CDIO capstone modules for the benefit of engineering students.
Dramatic narratives give emphasis to the process of storytelling of daily life. The script or story is constructed as a dialogue between actors. The words acquire a signification through a dynamic process of communication, where narratives are written not with a pencil but with the body, not written with the mind but with anima. In this paper we present a phenomenological analysis of an experience conducted in a middle grade school of Italy with the proposal to analyze how boys and girls see themselves and the opposite gender and how they perceive the equal opportunity between female and masculine roles.
Evidence indicates that exposure to high levels of noise adversely affects human health, and these effects are dependent upon various factors. In hospitals, there are many sources of noise, and high levels exert an impact on patients and staff, increasing both recovery time and stress, respectively. The goal of this pilot study was to develop, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a training program (TP) on noise reduction in a Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) by comparing the noise levels before and after the implementation of the program. A total of 79 health professionals participated in the study. The measurements of sound pressure levels took into account the layout of the unit and location of the main sources of noise. General results indicated that LAeq levels before implementation of the training program were often excessive, ranging from 48.7 ± 2.94 dBA to 71.7 ± 4.74 dBA, exceeding international guidelines. Similarly following implementation of the training program noise levels remained unchanged (54.5 ± 0.49 dBA to 63.9 ± 4.37 dBA), despite a decrease in some locations. There was no significant difference before and after the implementation of TP. However a significant difference was found for Lp, Cpeak, before and after training staff, suggesting greater care by healthcare professionals performing their tasks. Even recognizing that a TP is quite important to change behaviors, this needs to be considered in a broader context to effectively control noise in the NICU.
Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação
The project started in 2009 with the support of DAAD in Germany and CRUP in Portugal under the “Collaborative German-Portuguese University Actions” programme. One central goal is the further development of a theory of technology assessment applied to robotics and autonomous systems in general that reflects in its methodology the changing conditions of knowledge production in modern societies and the emergence of new robotic technologies and of associated disruptive changes. Relevant topics here are handling broadened future horizons and new clusters of science and technology (medicine, engineering, interfaces, industrial automation, micro-devices, security and safety), as well as new governance structures in policy decision making concerning research and development (R
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo Gestão de Empresas Orientada por: Professor Doutor Eduardo Manuel Lopes de Sá Silva Mestre Maria de Fátima Mendes Monteiro
O Estágio Pedagógico (EP) é um dos momentos com mais significado para a formação inicial dos professores. O objetivo deste relatório foi descrever e refletir as estratégias pedagógicas utilizadas nas quatro áreas de intervenção das linhas programáticas do EP: a prática letiva, as atividades de integração no meio, as atividades de intervenção na comunidade escolar e as atividades de natureza científico-pedagógica. O nosso EP foi realizado na Escola Básica dos 2º e 3º Ciclos Dr. Eduardo Brazão de Castro durante o ano letivo de 2014/2015. O núcleo de estágio foi constituído por duas estagiárias. A prática letiva foi realizada em duas turmas da escola, uma do 9º ano do ensino regular e uma do 12º ano do ensino profissional (turma partilhada). Inclui-se ainda neste ponto a conceptualização de um instrumento de observação e a assistência a aulas. As atividades de integração no meio foram compostas pelas atividades de apoio à direção de turma: (1) caraterização da turma, e (2) estudo caso. Um conhecimento aprofundado da turma permite aos professores delinear de uma forma mais adequadas as atividades pedagógicas ao longo do ano letivo. Estas atividades culminaram com a ação de extensão curricular, onde se promoveu a aproximação entre a escola e os encarregados de educação. Relativamente à atividade de intervenção na comunidade escolar, dirigida para toda a comunidade educativa, teve como objetivo a promoção de atividade física na escola. Finalmente, as atividades de natureza científico-pedagógica tiveram como propósito refletir sobre o papel e a importância do Professor de Educação Física na promoção da atividade física utilizando o exemplo do Voleibol e do Atletismo (ação coletiva), e consciencializar os professores sobre as potencialidades e contributos do Voleibol num plano formativo/educativo, facultando ferramentas metodológicas (ação individual). O Estágio Pedagógico veio contribuir para a aquisição de uma nova visão sobre a prática profissional docente em Educação Física e um desenvolvimento da capacidade autocrítica sobre a prática profissional.
The goal of this project, one of the proposals of the EPS@ISEP 2014 Spring, was to develop an Aquaponics System. Over recent years Aquaponics systems have received increased attention due to its possibilities in helping reduce strain on resources within 1st and 3rd world countries. Aquaponics is the combination of Hydroponics and Aquaculture and mimics a natural environment in order to successfully apply and enhance the understanding of natural cycles within an indoor process. By using this knowledge of natural cycles it was possible to create a system with the capabilities similar to that of a natural environment with the benefits of electronic adaptions to enhance the overall efficiency of the system. The multinational team involved in its development was composed of five students, from five countries and fields of study. This paper covers their solution, involving overall design, the technology involved and the benefits it could bring to the current market. The team was able to achieve the final rendered Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawings, successfully performed all the electronic testing, and designed a solution under budget. Furthermore, the solution presented was deeply studied from the sustainability viewpoint and the team also developed a product specific marketing plan. Finally, the students involved in this project obtained new knowledge and skills.