280 resultados para SAG
We describe the planning, implementation, and initial results of the first planned move of the default position of spectra on the Hubble Space Telescope's Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) Far Ultraviolet (FUV) cross-delay line detector. This was motivated by the limited amount of charge that can be extracted from the microchannel plate due to gain sag at any one position. Operations at a new location began on July 23, 2012, with a shift of the spectrum by +3.5"(corresponding to ~ 41 pixels or ~ 1 mm) in a direction orthogonal to the spectral dispersion. Operation at this second "lifetime position" allows for spectra to be collected which are not affected by detector artifacts and loss of sensitivity due to gain sag. We discuss programs designed to enable operations at the new lifetime position; these include determinations of operational high voltage, measuring walk corrections and focus, confirming spectrum placement and aperture centering, and target acquisition performance. We also present results related to calibration of the new lifetime position, including measurements of spectral resolution and wavelength calibration, flux and flat field calibration, carryover of time-dependent sensitivity monitoring, and operations with the Bright Object Aperture (BOA).
A suinocultura destaca-se na economia brasileira. Contudo, avaliando-se o consumo interno da carne suína in natura, observa-se uma estagnação em patamares baixos. O artigo tem como objetivo analisar as principais iniciativas adotadas pelo Sistema Agroindustrial (SAG) da carne suína no Brasil visando sinalizar qualidade aos consumidores. Devido à marcante assimetria de informações, ressalta-se a importância da organização da cadeia produtiva, melhor direcionando esforços para a expansão do mercado interno. Este trabalho sugere ações visando aprimorar a coordenação deste SAG com vistas à melhoria na qualidade da carne ao consumidor e à redução da informalidade.
Layer 2/3 (L2/3) pyramidal neurons are the most abundant cells of the neocortex. Despite their key position in the cortical microcircuit, synaptic integration in dendrites of L2/3 neurons is far less understood than in L5 pyramidal cell dendrites, mainly because of the difficulties in obtaining electrical recordings from thin dendrites. Here we directly measured passive and active properties of the apical dendrites of L2/3 neurons in rat brain slices using dual dendritic-somatic patch-clamp recordings and calcium imaging. Unlike L5 cells, L2/3 dendrites displayed little sag in response to long current pulses, which suggests a low density of I(h) in the dendrites and soma. This was also consistent with a slight increase in input resistance with distance from the soma. Brief current injections into the apical dendrite evoked relatively short (half-width 2-4 ms) dendritic spikes that were isolated from the soma for near-threshold currents at sites beyond the middle of the apical dendrite. Regenerative dendritic potentials and large concomitant calcium transients were also elicited by trains of somatic action potentials (APs) above a critical frequency (130 Hz), which was slightly higher than in L5 neurons. Initiation of dendritic spikes was facilitated by backpropagating somatic APs and could cause an additional AP at the soma. As in L5 neurons, we found that distal dendritic calcium transients are sensitive to a long-lasting block by GABAergic inhibition. We conclude that L2/3 pyramidal neurons can generate dendritic spikes, sharing with L5 pyramidal neurons fundamental properties of dendritic excitability and control by inhibition.
The predominant route of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) transmission is infection across the vaginal mucosa. Epithelial cells, which form the primary barrier of protection against pathogens, are the first cell type at these mucosal tissues to encounter the virus but their role in HIV infection has not been clearly elucidated. Although mucosal epithelial cells express only low levels of the receptors required for successful HIV infection, productive infection does occur at these sites. The present work provides evidence to show that HIV exposure, without the need for productive infection, induces human cervical epithelial cells to produce Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin (TSLP), an IL7-like cytokine, which potently activated human myeloid dendritic cells (mDC) to cause the homeostatic proliferation of autologous CD4+ T cells that serve as targets for HIV infection. Rhesus macaques inoculated with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) or with the simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) by the vaginal, oral or rectal route exhibited dramatic increases in: TSLP expression, DC and CD4+ T cell numbers, and viral replication, in the vaginal, oral, and rectal tissues, respectively within the first 2 weeks after virus exposure. Evidence obtained showed that HIV-mediated TSLP production by cervical cells is dependent upon the expression of the cell surface salivary agglutinin (SAG) protein gp340. Epithelial cells expressing gp340 exhibited HIV endocytosis and TSLP expression and genetic knockdown of gp340 or use of a gp340-blocking antibody inhibited TSLP expression by HIV. On the other hand, gp340-null epithelial cells failed to endocytose HIV and produce TSLP, but transfection of gp340 resulted in HIV-induced TSLP expression. Finally, HIV-induced TSLP expression was found to be mediated by TLR7/8 signaling and NF-kB activity because silencing these pathways or use of specific inhibitors abrogated TSLP expression in gp340-postive but not in gp340-null epithelial cells. Overall these studies identify TSLP as a key player in the acute phase of HIV-1 infection in permitting HIV to successfully maneuver the hostile vaginal mucosal microenvironment by creating a conducive environment for sustaining the small amount of virus that initially crosses the mucosal barrier allowing it to successfully cause infection and spread to distal compartments of the body
We propose to build and operate a detector based on the emulsion film technology for the measurement of the gravitational acceleration on antimatter, to be performed by the AEgIS experiment (AD6) at CERN. The goal of AEgIS is to test the weak equivalence principle with a precision of 1% on the gravitational acceleration g by measuring the vertical position of the annihilation vertex of antihydrogen atoms after their free fall while moving horizontally in a vacuum pipe. With the emulsion technology developed at the University of Bern we propose to improve the performance of AEgIS by exploiting the superior position resolution of emulsion films over other particle detectors. The idea is to use a new type of emulsion films, especially developed for applications in vacuum, to yield a spatial resolution of the order of one micron in the measurement of the sag of the antihydrogen atoms in the gravitational field. This is an order of magnitude better than what was planned in the original AEgIS proposal.
An acute injury to the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) with avulsion of the foveal attachment can produce distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) instability. The avulsed TFCC is translated distally so the footprint will be bathed in synovial fluid from the DRUJ and will become covered in synovitis. If the TFCC fails to heal to the footprint, then persistent instability can occur. The authors describe a surgical technique indicated for the treatment of persistent instability of the DRUJ due to foveal detachment of the TFCC. The procedure utilizes a loop of palmaris longus tendon graft passed through the ulnar aspect of the TFCC and into an osseous tunnel in the distal ulna to reconstruct the foveal attachment. This technique provides stability of the distal ulna to the radius and carpus. We recommend this procedure for chronic instability of the DRUJ due to TFCC avulsion, but recommend that suture repair remain the treatment of choice for acute instability. An arthroscopic assessment includes the trampoline test, hook test, and reverse hook test. DRUJ ballottement under arthroscopic vision details the direction of instability, the functional tear pattern, and unmasks concealed tears. If the reverse hook test demonstrates a functional instability between the TFCC and the radius, then a foveal reconstruction is contraindicated, and a reconstruction that stabilizes the radial and ulnar aspects of the TFCC is required. The foveal reconstruction technique has the advantage of providing a robust anatomically based reconstruction of the TFCC to the fovea, which stabilizes the DRUJ and the ulnocarpal sag.
The Antihydrogen Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy (AEgIS) experiment is conducted by an international collaboration based at CERN whose aim is to perform the first direct measurement of the gravitational acceleration of antihydrogen in the local field of the Earth, with Δg/g = 1% precision as a first achievement. The idea is to produce cold (100 mK) antihydrogen ( ¯H) through a pulsed charge exchange reaction by overlapping clouds of antiprotons, from the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) and positronium atoms inside a Penning trap. The antihydrogen has to be produced in an excited Rydberg state to be subsequently accelerated to form a beam. The deflection of the antihydrogen beam can then be measured by using a moir´e deflectometer coupled to a position sensitive detector to register the impact point of the anti-atoms through the vertex reconstruction of their annihilation products. After being approved in late 2008, AEgIS started taking data in a commissioning phase in 2012. This paper presents an outline of the experiment with a brief overview of its physics motivation and of the state-of-the-art of the g measurement on antimatter. Particular attention is given to the current status of the emulsion-based position detector needed to measure the ¯H sag in AEgIS.
The role of the salicylic acid (SA) glycosides SA 2-O-β-D-glucose (SAG), SA glucose ester (SGE) and the glycosyl transferases UGT74F1 and UGT74F2 in the establishment of basal resistance of Arabidopsis against Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000 (Pst) was investigated. Both mutants altered in the corresponding glycosyl transferases (ugt74f1 and ugt74f2) were affected in their basal resistance against Pst. The mutant ugt74f1 showed enhanced susceptibility, while ugt74f2 showed enhanced resistance against the same pathogen. Both mutants have to some extent, altered levels of SAG and SGE compared to wild type plants, however, in response to the infection, ugt74f2 accumulated higher levels of free SA until 24 hpi compared to wild type plants while ugt74f1 accumulated lower SA levels. These SA levels correlated well with reduced expression in PR1 and EDS1 in ugt74f1. In contrast, ugt74f2 has enhanced expression of Enhanced Disease Susceptibility 1 (EDS1) but a strong reduction in the expression of several jasmonate (JA)-dependent genes. Bacterial infection interfered with the expression of Fatty Acid Desaturase (FAD), Lipoxygenase2 (LOX2), carboxyl methyltransferase1 (BSMT1) and 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED3) genes in ugt74f1, thus promoting an antagonistic effect with SA-signalling and leading to enhanced bacterial growth. UGT74F2 might be a target for bacterial effectors since bacterial mutants affected in effector synthesis were impaired in inducing UGT74F2 expression. These results suggest that UGT74F2 negatively influences the accumulation of free SA, hence leading to an increased susceptibility due to reduced SA levels and increased expression of the JA and ABA markers LOX-2, FAD and NCED-3.
Background A triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) injury can produce distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) instability. If the foveal attachment is avulsed, it translates distally. The footprint is separated from its origin and will become covered in synovitis, preventing healing. The authors describe a surgical technique for the treatment of instability of the DRUJ due to chronic foveal detachment of the TFCC. Technique The procedure utilizes a loop of autologous palmaris longus tendon graft passed through the ulnar aspect of the TFCC and through an osseous tunnel in the distal ulna to reconstruct the fovel attachment. Patients and Methods We report on nine patients with a mean age of 42. Median follow-up was 13 months. Results The median pain scores measured were reduced from 8 to 3 postoperatively, and all had a stable DRUJ. Conclusions This technique provides stability of the distal ulna to the radius and carpus, with potential for biologic healing through osseous integration. It is a robust, anatomically based reconstruction of the TFCC to the fovea that stabilizes the DRUJ and the ulnar-carpal sag.
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A Holocene pollen diagram from Kleiner Mochowsee (northern Niederlausitz, East Germany) shows pine as an important constituent of the woodland south of the Schwielochsee. Oak woodland was widespread since the Atlantic. Betula lost its importance at the end of the Preboreal. Fagus is represented continuously in the pollen record since the Atlantic, Carpinus since the Subboreal. However, the two latter tree species remain without great importance throughout the whole pollen record. The poor sandy soils are furthermore reflected by the low values of Corylus during the Boreal, comparable to other records from Berlin and its surrounding area. The 'classical' elm decline could be shown for the Niederlausitz, radiocarbon dates assume a contemporaneous age for this event with other records from northern Germany. Only small-scaled human impact is indicated in prehistoric times, during the migration period it seems to have ceased completely. Later, in the Medieval, deforestation and tillage can be shown. Secale was cultivated since the early Medieval; an accompanying weed flora appeared at the same time. Cultivation of Fagopyrum and Linum usitatissimum could be shown for the late Medieval times.
Site details: The raised bog Fláje-Kiefern (50°429N, 13°329 E; 760 m a.s.l.; size ca. 500x500 m) lies in the Krusné Hory Mountains (Erzgebirge), Czech Republic, about 10 km from Georgenfelder Moor in Germany. Hejny and Slavík (1988) described the phytogeographic region of the Krusne Hory Mountains as 'a region of mountain flora and vegetation, with thermophilous species largely missing. In the natural forests, conifers, especially spruce (Picea excelsa) prevail. The deforested areas have been converted into meadows and pastures'. The climate is cool with annual average temperatures of about 5°C and annual precipitation of about 900 mm. The bedrock is Precambrian crystallinicum.
Palynological investigation of a 410 cm long core section from Tso Kar (33°10'N, 78°E, 4527 m a.s.l.), an alpine lake situated in the arid Ladakh area of NW India at the limit of the present-day Indian summer monsoon, was performed in order to reconstruct post-glacial regional vegetation and climate dynamics. The area was covered with alpine desert vegetation from ca. 15.2 to 14 kyr BP (1 kyr=1000 cal. years), reflecting dry and cold conditions. High influx values of long-distance transported Pinus sylvestris type pollen suggest prevailing air flow from the west and northwest. The spread of alpine meadow communities and local aquatic vegetation is a weak sign of climate amelioration after ca. 14 kyr BP. Pollen data (e.g. influx values of Pinus roxburghii type and Quercus) suggest that this was due to a strengthening of the summer monsoon and the reduced activity of westerly winds. The further spread of Artemisia and species-rich meadows occurred in response to improved moisture conditions between ca. 12.9 and 12.5 kyr BP. The subsequent change towards drier desert-steppe vegetation likely indicates more frequent westerly disturbances and associated snowfalls, which favoured the persistence of alpine meadows on edaphically moist sites. The spread of Chenopodiaceae-dominated vegetation associated with an extremely weak monsoon occurred at ca. 12.2-11.8 kyr BP during the Younger Dryas interstadial. A major increase in humidity is inferred from the development of Artemisia-dominated steppe and wet alpine meadows with Gentianaceae after the late glacial/early Holocene transition in response to the strengthening of the summer monsoon. Monsoonal influence reached maximum activity in the Tso Kar region between ca. 10.9 and 9.2 kyr BP. The subsequent development of the alpine meadow, steppe and desert-steppe vegetation points to a moderate reduction in the moisture supply, which can be linked to the weaker summer monsoon and the accompanying enhancement of the winter westerly flow from ca. 9.2 to 4.8 kyr BP. The highest water levels of Tso Kar around 8 kyr BP probably reflect combined effect of both monsoonal and westerly influence in the region. An abrupt shift towards aridity in the Tso Kar region occurred after ca. 4.8 kyr BP, as evidenced by an expansion of Chenopodiaceae-dominated desert-steppe. Low pollen influx values registered ca. 2.8-1.3 kyr BP suggest scarce vegetation cover and unfavourable growing conditions likely associated with a further weakening of the Indian Monsoon.
The article shows that pollen analysis plays an important role in the prediction of potential settlement areas and, furthermore, can offer a crude determination of settlement duration. Especially when the archaeological data fails to offer a possibility of dating, pollen analysis in connection with 14C can importantly broaden the knowledge base. As in the present case, the results of the Archaeo-Prognosis mapping and the pollen analysis of the Gabelsee are compared and, within this vicinity, confirmend. = Der Beitrag zeigt, dass die Pollenanalyse eine wichtige Rolle für die Vorhersage von potenziellen Siedlungsflächen spielen und darüber hinaus eine grobe Berechnung der Siedlungsdauer bieten kann. Insbesondere wenn die archäologische Datenbasis keine genaue Datierung zulässt, ermöglicht die Pollenanalyse in Verbindung mit der 14C-Datierung eine wichtige Erweiterung der Kenntnisse. Im vorliegenden Fall konnten die Ergebnisse der Archäoprognosekarte mit denjenigen der Pollenanalyse des Gabelsees verglichen und für diesen lokalen Raum bestätigt werden.