988 resultados para Robotic technology
In previous work we have presented a model capable of generating human-like movements for a dual arm-hand robot involved in human-robot cooperative tasks. However, the focus was on the generation of reach-to-grasp and reach-to-regrasp bimanual movements and no synchrony in timing was taken into account. In this paper we extend the previous model in order to accomplish bimanual manipulation tasks by synchronously moving both arms and hands of an anthropomorphic robotic system. Specifically, the new extended model has been designed for two different tasks with different degrees of difficulty. Numerical results were obtained by the implementation of the IPOPT solver embedded in our MATLAB simulator.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Especialidade de Tecnologia Educativa)
Objective To determine whether the use of 3-dimensional (3D) imaging translates into a better surgical performance of naïve urologic laparoscopic surgeons during pyeloplasty (PY) and partial nephrectomy (PN) procedures. Materials and Methods Eighteen surgeons without any previous laparoscopic experience were randomly assigned to perform PY and PN in a porcine model using initially 2-dimensional (2D) and 3D laparoscopy. A surgical performance score was rated by an "expert" tutor through a modified 5-item global rating scale contemplating operative field view, bimanual dexterity, efficiency, tissue handling, and autonomy. Overall surgical time, complications, subjective perception of participating surgeons, and inconveniences related to the 3D vision were recorded. Results No difference in terms if operative time was found between 2D or 3D laparoscopy for both the PY (P =.51) and the PN (P =.28) procedures. A better rate in terms of surgical performance score was noted by the tutors when the study participants were using 3D vs 2D, for both PY (3.6 [0.8] vs 3.0 [0.4]; P =.034) and PN (3.6 [0.51] vs 3.15 [0.63]; P =.001). No complications occurred in any of the procedures. Most (77.2%) of the participating na??ve laparoscopic surgeons had the perception that 3D laparoscopy was overall easier than 2D. Headache (18.1%), nausea (18.1%), and visual disturbance (18.1%) were the most common issues reported by the surgeons during 3D procedures. Conclusion Despite the absence of translation in a shorter operative time, the use of 3D technology seems to facilitate the surgical performance of naive surgeons during laparoscopic kidney procedures on a porcine model.
This book was produced in the scope of a research project entitled “Navigating with ‘Magalhães’: Study on the Impact of Digital Media in Schoolchildren”. This study was conducted between May 2010 and May 2013 at the Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho, Portugal and it was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008).
(Excerto) In times past, learning to read, write and do arithmetic was to get on course to earn the “writ of emancipation” in society. These skills are still essential today, but are not enough to live in society. Reading and critically understanding the world we live in, with all its complexity, difficulties and challenges, require not only other skills (learning to search for and validate information, reading with new codes and grammar, etc) but, to a certain extent, also metaskills, matrixes and mechanisms that are transversal to the different and new literacies, are necessary. They are needed not just to interpret but equally to communicate and participate in the little worlds that make up our everyday activities as well as, in a broader sense, in the world of the polis, which today is a global world.
This book was produced in the scope of a research project entitled “Navigating with ‘Magalhães’: Study on the Impact of Digital Media in Schoolchildren”. This study was conducted between May 2010 and May 2013 at the Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho, Portugal and it was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008). As we shall explain in more detail later in this book, the main objective of that research project was to analyse the impact of the Portuguese government programme named ´e-escolinha´ launched in 2008 within the Technological Plan for Education. This Plan responds to the principles of the Lisbon Strategy signed in 2000 and rereleased in the Spring European Council of 2005.
La diarrea neonatal representa uno de los problemas sanitarios de mayor relevancia en las primeras semanas de vida del cerdo. Provoca importantes pérdidas económicas por morbilidad y mortalidad. El cultivo de enterocitos primarios representa una herramienta valiosa para el estudio de patologías causadas por agentes infecciosos que afectan la integridad del epitelio intestinal. La producción de anticuerpos extraídos a partir de la yema de huevo de gallinas inmunizadas (IgY), es una tecnología innovadora, que ha mostrado ser protectiva contra diarreas causadas por agentes víricos y bacterianos. La nanotecnología permite mejorar la eficiencia en la administración de distintas drogas. Los nanotubos de carbono han ganado una enorme popularidad por sus propiedades y aplicaciones únicas. La investigación sobre los aspectos toxicológicos de estas nanopartículas es escasa. Una vez dentro de la célula, las nanopartículas pueden inducir estrés oxidativo intracelular por perturbar el equilibrio oxidativo. Las hipótesis de trabajo es: La administración de IgY anti-Escherichia coli a través de nanotubos protegerá in vitro e in vivo a los enterocitos de una infección por E. coli previniendo la diarrea neonatal porcina. Los objetivos del trabajo son: Evaluar la protección por un anticuerpo aviario IgY anti-E. coli aplicado mediante nanotubos de carbono a cultivo de enterocitos porcinos primarios sometidos a una post-infección con E. coli; Analizar los efectos secundarios de los nanotubos con IgY anti-E coli en la citotoxicidad, el balance oxidativo y la apoptosis de los enterocitos porcinos cultivados in vitro y Evaluar la acción terapeútica de la IgY anti-E coli aplicada a porcinos y efectos secundarios de la administración con nanotubos. Se implementará un diseño experimental in vitro con diferentes grupos de cultivos con nanotubos, con IgY anti-E. coli e inespecifica y con exposición a E. coli. Se realizará cultivo de enterocitos porcinos primarios con una técnica de disgregación enzimática con colagenasa según protocolo de Bader et al. (2000). Se evaluará la viabilidad por la prueba de azul tripan. Para la obtención del anticuerpo anti-E. coli aviario se aplicarán un total de 3 dosis de E. coli (109 UFC/ml de adyuvante) a gallinas Legorhn en condiciones fisiológicas. Se recolectarán los huevos diariamente. Se purificará la IgY según método de Polson et al. (1985) utilizando PEG 6000. La concentración de IgY se medirá por ELISA de alta sensibilidad. La IgY será incorporada a nanotubos según protocolo de Acevedo et al. 2006. Para analizar los posibles efectos secundarios de los nanotubos se evaluará: 1. Citotoxicidad por técnica de MTT 2. Estrés oxidativo por técnica de TBARS y 3. Apoptosis por técnica de TUNEL.Además, se implementará un diseño experimental in vivo para probar la acción terapeútica de este nutraceútico aplicados a lechones destetados y los efectos secundarios de la administración con nanotubos. Se realizará un cultivo de enterocitos de lechones que previamente fueron tratados con la IgY anti-E. coli administrada mediante nanotubos y efectuarán las técnicas descriptas anteriormente. Los resultados esperados son: Elaboración de un Ac aviario IgY anti-E. coli para prevenir infección de enterocitos, Profundización en el conocimiento acerca de los efectos citotóxicos de los nanotubos de carbono multilamelares, Generación de tratamiento alternativo para enfermedades entéricas porcinas.
The sustained economic growth that has been experienced in the Irish economy in recent years has relied, to a large extent, on the contribution and performance of those industry sectors that possess the ability to provide high-value-added products and services to domestic and international markets. One such contributor has been the Technology sector. However, the performance of this sector relies upon the availability of the necessary capabilities and competencies for Technology companies to remain competitive. The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs have forecasted future skills shortages in this sector. The purpose of this research has been to examine the extent to which Irish Technology companies are taking measures to meet changing skills requirements, through training and development interventions. Survey research methods (in the form of a mail questionnaire, supported by a Web-based questionnaire) have been used to collect information on the expenditure on, and approach to, training and development in these companies, in addition to the methods, techniques and tools/aids that are used to support the delivery of these activities. The contribution of Government intervention has also been examined. The conclusions have been varied. When the activities of the responding companies are considered in isolation, the picture to emerge is primarily positive. Although the expenditure on training and development is slightly lower than that indicated in previous studies, the results vary by company size. Technical employees are clearly the key focus of training provision, while Senior Managers and Directors, Clerical and Administrative staff and Manual workers are a great deal more neglected in training provision. Expenditure on, and use of, computer-based training methods is high, as is the use of most of the specified techniques for facilitating learning. However, when one considers the extent to which external support (in the form of Government interventions and cooperation with other companies and with education and training providers) is integrated into the overall training practices of these companies, significant gaps in practice are identified. The thesis concludes by providing a framework to guide future training and development practices in the Technology sector.
The impending introduction of lead-free solder in the manufacture of electrical and electronic products has presented the electronics industry with many challenges. European manufacturers must transfer from a tin-lead process to a lead-free process by July 2006 as a result of the publication of two directives from the European Parliament. Tin-lead solders have been used for mechanical and electrical connections on printed circuit boards for over fifty years and considerable process knowledge has been accumulated. Extensive literature reviews were conducted on the topic and as a result it was found there are many implications to be considered with the introduction of lead-free solder. One particular question that requires answering is; can lead-free solder be used in existing manufacturing processes? The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative study of a tin-lead solder and a lead-free solder in two key surface mount technology (SMT) processes. The two SMT processes in question were the stencil printing process and the reflow soldering process. Unreplicated fractional factorial experimental designs were used to carry out the studies. The quality of paste deposition in terms of height and volume were the characteristics of interest in the stencil printing process. The quality of solder joints produced in the reflow soldering experiment was assessed using x-ray and cross sectional analysis. This provided qualitative data that was then uniquely scored and weighted using a method developed during the research. Nested experimental design techniques were then used to analyse the resulting quantitative data. Predictive models were developed that allowed for the optimisation of both processes. Results from both experiments show that solder joints of comparable quality to those produced using tin-lead solder can be produced using lead-free solder in current SMT processes.