252 resultados para Rite


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Na Vila de Regência Augusta, às margens do Rio Doce no município de Linhares - ES, uma intricada dinâmica sócio-religiosa reveste de atribuições religiosas um herói cujo feito remonta os finais do século XIX. Bernardo José dos Santos, morador da vila, ficaria conhecido em âmbito nacional como o herói Caboclo Bernardo ao ser homenageado por Princesa Isabel, por realizar o salvamento de 128 dos 142 tripulantes do naufrágio do Navio de Guerra Imperial Marinheiro , próximo à foz do Rio Doce. O evento e suas conseqüências tornaram-se um marco na história da vila, inclusive o assassinato do herói nos meados da segunda década do século XX. Na continuidade narrativa, ritual e simbólica do ato heróico do Caboclo Bernardo esta investigação lança suas preocupações. Atualmente acontece na vila, todos os anos, a Festa de Caboclo Bernardo, uma festividade para onde convergem religiosos de diversas etnias tupiniquim, botocudo, negros e caboclos com o intuito de prestar homenagens ao herói na capela que leva seu nome. Neste sentido, esta etnografia pretende analisar o processo de construção da identidade étnico-religiosa na vila, pois, ele acontece concomitantemente e está umbilicalmente relacionado ao processo que eleva o herói ao patamar dos santos padroeiros das bandas de congo na região. Para isso, analisado será o contexto dramático onde a identidade da vila é construída; as confluências históricas, narrativas e simbólicas que contribuem para a atual configuração da identidade; e o contexto político-institucional organizado em torno do Caboclo Bernardo, paradigma central da construção da identidade. O método etnográfico, a antropologia interpretativa e a antropologia visual forneceram os contornos metodológicos desta investigação, que se constituiu como uma descrição densa.(AU)


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This work is the result of a master’s program research developed in the post graduation program in music at the Music School of the UFRN ( Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte) under the orientation of Dr. Andre Luiz Muniz de Oliveira which aimed at making a reflexion about regency gestures and its implications about the objective and subjective elements of the performance connected to a number of regency tools concieved in accordance with the tradition of historic music. As a tool for gestual analysis we’ve used the Harold Farbermann PatternCube method. We’ve used videos from conductors Pierre Boulez e Valery Gergiev, both conducting Igor Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring. In the analysis of the videos we’ve observed the technical use of the gestual aparatus instead of the use of musical gestures fundamented in Hatten. The research showed us the importance of the use of analitical tools in helping subsidise a direction in performance in regency.


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Reseña: LE BRETON, David. 2015. Disparaître de soi. Une tentation contemporaine. París: Métailié.


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Este trabajo pretende explorar la dimensión ritual en los Textos de las Pirámides, el corpus de literatura religiosa extensa más antiguo de la humanidad. La naturaleza variada de sus componentes textuales ha impedido que los egiptólogos comprendan en profundidad las complejidades de la colección y los contextos originales en los que estos textos (ritos) aparecieron. La aplicación de la teoría del ritual, principalmente la aproximación de la sintaxis ritual, ofrece a los investigadores un marco excelente de análisis e interpretación del corpus, su estructura y función. Sujeto a las reglas de la sintaxis ritual es posible exponer los múltiples niveles de significado en el corpus para la resurrección y salvación del difunto.


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Editorial outlining the May 2016 issue of Research in Teacher Education.


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The absence of knowledge about children’s rights is frequently associated with ineffective implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC); this directly impacts on children’s lives and the ways they are viewed by adults (Freeman 1998; Pugh 2015). Recent research (Jerome et al. 2015) has highlighted the lack of focus on children’s rights in the initial training of teachers and other education practitioners. In this paper I analyse the status of children’s rights in the standards for Early Years Teachers (EYTs) introduced in 2013 in England. Informed by the findings from research in sites of early years practice, I suggest possibilities for a critical dialogue that repositions the UNCRC as a visible and explicit framework of reference for EYTs’ work with young children.


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In this article I reflect upon the educational writings and teaching experiences of the 19th-Century Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy. Tolstoy is known to have attached much importance to his own writing on education, even more than to the literary creations for which he is best remembered. His writings on education have much to contribute to our present-day understanding of the learning process and cover such issues as, ‘learner autonomy’, ‘motivation’, ‘relationship’ and ‘student voice’. Tolstoy’s teaching experience was with multiethnic peasant children in his schools in Yasnaya Polyana. I intend to illustrate that the themes and issues that arose from his experiences in the 1860s can still find resonance with students and teachers in the 21st century.


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As a teacher educator I consider myself an advocate for research-informed education, and strongly believe that it starts with one’s own critical self-reflection and analysis of one’s own teaching practice. Critical incident analysis is a pedagogical theory developed by Tripp (1993), whose analytical approaches allow reflection on teaching situations – ‘the critical incident’ – so that teachers can develop their professional judgments and practices. This article examines the concept of critical incident analysis through a teaching situation, with the aim of improving the teaching practice of students on teacher education programmes. I conclude that although critical incident analysis is a useful tool in navigating teaching practices, often challenges need to be addressed at much broader levels than the teaching context itself.


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This study used a phenomenological research design to determine the difficulties faced in the science-based entrepreneur project development process for pre-service science teachers.. Qualitative data were obtained through interviews conducted with ten pre-service science teachers. The data were analysed using an inductive thematic analysis. The results indicated that pre-service science teachers have most difficulty ‘making decisions on one of the innovative ideas’ and ‘making predictions about unexpected situations’. They also have difficulties ‘calculating the cost as a result of design or work analysis’, ‘identifying if the idea already existed (similarity analysis)’ and ‘making decisions on the required materials, tools, services’. These results show the need for pre-service science teachers to communicate with other institutions and organisations.


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This article summarises the explorations of two Initial Teacher Education (ITE) lecturers looking particularly at Muslim families’ sense of belonging as they encounter the British education system. The study draws on Garcia’s (2009, Alstad, 2013) view of monoglossic and heteroglossic settings, and on Cremin’s (2015) proposition of the super-diversity of inner-city experiences. Case studies of individual families are used to create a picture that reflects the complexity and shifting nature of cultures, languages and identities in present-day Britain. Video and tape interviews are used and data coded and analysed to identify prevailing themes. The families and schools taking part are active participants in the research process, giving informed and ongoing consent, and having control of the resulting findings. Parents’ and children’s perceptions and experience have evolved in complex ways across the generations, and in ways that challenge the stereotypes that dominate media portrayals. Early findings suggest that existing paradigms for discussing identity fail to capture the increasingly complex and super-diverse realities. In a world where xenophobia currently fuels rigid and stereotypical views of cultures in general and Muslim cultures in particular, it is important that the complexity of families’ identities and relationships to the existing systems is seen, heard and appreciated.


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In England, inclusion has once again become a much discussed topic following the publication of the 2015 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Code of Practice. There have been successes and improvements in inclusion since the Warnock Committee first published its findings on special educational needs in 1978, but many argue that these improvements are not enough. When the state of inclusion today is compared to the ideals advocated by both the Warnock Report and the Salamanca Statement it is clear that the education system has fallen short of the expectations outlined in these documents. There have been efforts to reduce the level of segregation between special schools and mainstream schools such as the establishment of resourced provisions, but these settings often have their own difficulties when considering inclusion.


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Teacher education researchers appear generally not well equipped to maximise a range of dissemination strategies, and remain largely separated from the policy implications of their research. How teacher education researchers address this issue and communicate their research to a wider public audience is more important than ever to consider within a global political discourse where teacher education researchers appear frustrated that their findings should, but do not, make a difference; and where the research they produce is often marginalised. This paper seeks to disrupt the widening gap between teacher education researchers and policy-makers by looking at the issue from ‘both sides’. The paper examines policy–research tensions and the critique of teacher education researchers and then outlines some of the key findings from an Australian policy-maker study. Recommendations are offered as a way for teacher education researchers to begin to mobilise a new set of generative strategies to draw from.


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Reviews of the following books: Helen Caldwell and James Bird, 2015, Teaching with Tablets, London: Sage, ISBN: 978-1-473-90679-2 Reviewed by Gurmit Uppal. Vivienne Baumfield, Elaine Hall and Kate Wall, 2013, Action Research in Education (2nd Edition), London: Sage, ISBN: 978-1-446-20719-2 Reviewed by Warren Kidd. Patricia Driscoll, Andrew Lambirth and Judith Roden, 2015, The Primary Curriculum: A Creative Approach (2nd Edition), London: Sage, ISBN 978-1-473-90387-6 Reviewed by Rebecca Bannocks


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This study deals with the participation of the dance of São Gonçalo of the Mussuca town/SE, in the process of construction of the ethnic identity among this social group. The Mussuca is a grouping recognized as afro-descendents, linked with black enslaved people in the valley of the Cotinguiba region. The collective memory functions as a drive of this linking with the past and if it makes to elaborate narratives on this descent. The objective of this study was to investigate the ways the rite went through to constitute itself as an element of ethnic representation. Internal and external agents had been identified who had participated in different contexts. By means of an ethnographic work we ve reached some aspects of the local structure social which demonstrated the contradictions through the social relations of the group. This process of ethnic autorecognition presents the kinship and the space question as definers of the social arrangements which establish its ethnic boundaries


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This work is about representations around the Mockery of Judas rite in the neighborhood of east zone at Natal city and the relationships between residents of neighborhood with the ritual object. The most important objective in the work is to present anthropological analysis about the mockery of Judas rite and the ritual process beyond local interpretations to rite. The concept presents in studies of Marcel Mauss, Henry Hubert and René Girard about the sacrifice are very important to this paper. We work with this hypothesis that the Mockery of Judas is sacrifice done to residents of Rocas neighborhood to many purpose, since symbolic punishment to traitor apostle till the sacrifice of victm of conflicts and tensions inside the neighborhood