969 resultados para Residual gallbladder


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Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Eléctrica con Especialidad en Control) - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 2000


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Tesis (Maestro en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología) U.A.N.L.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Mecánica con Orientación en Procesos Sustentables) UANL, 2011.


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Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias Agrícolas con Especialidad en Agua-Suelo) U.A.N.L.


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The present study on the characterization of probability distributions using the residual entropy function. The concept of entropy is extensively used in literature as a quantitative measure of uncertainty associated with a random phenomenon. The commonly used life time models in reliability Theory are exponential distribution, Pareto distribution, Beta distribution, Weibull distribution and gamma distribution. Several characterization theorems are obtained for the above models using reliability concepts such as failure rate, mean residual life function, vitality function, variance residual life function etc. Most of the works on characterization of distributions in the reliability context centers around the failure rate or the residual life function. The important aspect of interest in the study of entropy is that of locating distributions for which the shannon’s entropy is maximum subject to certain restrictions on the underlying random variable. The geometric vitality function and examine its properties. It is established that the geometric vitality function determines the distribution uniquely. The problem of averaging the residual entropy function is examined, and also the truncated form version of entropies of higher order are defined. In this study it is established that the residual entropy function determines the distribution uniquely and that the constancy of the same is characteristics to the geometric distribution


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The effect of residual cations in rare earth metal modified faujasite–Y zeolite has been monitored using magic angle spinning NMR spectral analysis and catalytic activity studies. The second metal ions being used are Na+, K+ and Mg+. From a comparison of the spectra of different samples, it is concluded that potassium and magnesium exchange causes a greater downfield shift in the 29Si NMR peaks. Also, lanthanum exchanged samples show migration behavior from large cages to small cages, which causes the redistribution of second counter cations. It is also observed that Mg2+ causes the most effective migration of lanthanum ions due to its greater charge. The prepared systems were effectively employed for the alkylation of benzene with 1-octene in the vapor phase. From the deactivation studies it is observed that the as-exchanged zeolites possess better stability towards reaction condition over the pure HFAU zeolite.


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En el siguiente estudio presento1 el análisis retrospectivo de un tratamiento individual de 17 sesiones de danza movimiento terapia en un caso crónico de una mujer de 59 años, institucionalizada, con un diagnóstico de esquizofrenia residual. Mi objetivo es evaluar la evolución y conclusión del tratamiento, con el fin de encontrar puntualizaciones de interés en la técnica de la DMT para pacientes con diagnósticos de psicosis y seguir construyendo y fortaleciendo la teoría y técnica de la DMT en esta población. Mis influencias teórico-técnicas provienen principalmente de los modelos de trabajo con pacientes psiquiátricos de Chaiklin y Schmais, S. (1979), Chaiklin, S. (1981), Jones (1992) y Liebowitz (1992). Utilicé las técnicas de la improvisación, el reflejo empático (Sandel, S. 1995), la verbalización (Stark & Lohn, 1995), la imagen, la metáfora y el símbolo (Sandel, S. 1995) y las enseñanzas del sistema de análisis del movimiento de Kestenberg (1999). Las aportaciones sobre creatividad de Brainsky (1988) y Pinchas Noy (1968-1969) me fueron de gran ayuda. Para el análisis triangulo información de varias fuentes: diarios de campo realizados durante el tratamiento junto con sus señalamientos producto de supervisiones y tutorías, la entrevista inicial y final a la paciente y un video analizado con la paciente y posteriormente estudiado bajo la óptica del sistema de análisis del movimiento de Kestenberg (Kestenberg y otros, 1999). Vivencio a través de mi paciente la utilidad y éxito de la DMT en la psicosis y las técnicas que nos permiten acercarnos a esta población. La DMT trabaja la estructura, no exclusivamente el fenómeno psicótico; aunque no se transforme la personalidad se fortalece, permitiéndole al sujeto vivir mejor en su condición, ser más autónomo, eficaz, feliz y móvil. La condición perse del proceso terapéutico con un psicótico es establecer una relación terapéutica para la cual es necesario entender en el cuerpo y en la mente que el funcionamiento de un psicótico no es el mismo que el de un neurótico; la barrera neurótica del terapeuta ha de sobrepasarse para lograr la fusión simbiótica que permitirá el bottom-up del psicótico. Los objetivos de trabajo en el caso individual son: integrar y desarrollar la unidad psiquesoma, contactar y expresar emociones, desarrollar las habilidades interpersonales y sociales, expandir el universo simbólico y desarrollar el movimiento espontáneo y la creatividad. Las fases del tratamiento son: los acercamientos y observaciones preliminares; la exploración del cuerpo, identificación de los focos de trabajo y comienzo de la ampliación del movimiento; la profundización y nacimiento del símbolo en la terapia y la consolidación de los avances y cierre del tratamiento. La técnica principal, es el reflejo empático del movimiento y la emoción en la improvisación y otras útiles, el masaje, automasaje, relajación, el dibujo, entre otras.


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In this paper, we study the relationship between the failure rate and the mean residual life of doubly truncated random variables. Accordingly, we develop characterizations for exponential, Pareto 11 and beta distributions. Further, we generalize the identities for fire Pearson and the exponential family of distributions given respectively in Nair and Sankaran (1991) and Consul (1995). Applications of these measures in file context of lengthbiased models are also explored


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Recently, cumulative residual entropy (CRE) has been found to be a new measure of information that parallels Shannon’s entropy (see Rao et al. [Cumulative residual entropy: A new measure of information, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. 50(6) (2004), pp. 1220–1228] and Asadi and Zohrevand [On the dynamic cumulative residual entropy, J. Stat. Plann. Inference 137 (2007), pp. 1931–1941]). Motivated by this finding, in this paper, we introduce a generalized measure of it, namely cumulative residual Renyi’s entropy, and study its properties.We also examine it in relation to some applied problems such as weighted and equilibrium models. Finally, we extend this measure into the bivariate set-up and prove certain characterizing relationships to identify different bivariate lifetime models


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In the present paper, we introduce a quantile based Rényi’s entropy function and its residual version. We study certain properties and applications of the measure. Unlike the residual Rényi’s entropy function, the quantile version uniquely determines the distribution


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Little is known about the residual effects of crop residue (CR) and phosphorus (P) application on the fallow vegetation following repeated cultivation of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] in the Sahel. The objective of this study, therefore, was (i) to measure residual effects of CR, mulched at annual rates of 0, 500, 1000 and 2000 kg CR ha^-1, broadcast P at 0 and 13 kg P ha^-1 and P placement at 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 kg P ha^-1 on the herbaceous dry matter (HDM) 2 years after the end of the experiment and (ii) to test a remote sensing method for the quantitative estimation of HDM. Compared with unmulched plots, a doubling of HDM was measured in plots that had received at least 500 kg CR ha^-1. Previous broadcast P application led to HDM increases of 14% compared with unfertilised control plots, whereas no residual effects of P placement were detected. Crop residue and P treatments caused significant shifts in flora composition. Digital analysis of colour photographs taken of the fallow vegetation and the bare soil revealed that the number of normalised green band pixels averaged per plot was highly correlated with HDM (r=0.86) and that red band pixels were related to differences in soil surface crusting. Given the traditional use of fallow vegetation as fodder, the results strongly suggest that for the integrated farming systems of the West African Sahel, residual effects of soil amendments on the fallow vegetation should be included in any comprehensive analysis of treatment effects on the agro-pastoral system.


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Proposta del procés d’electròlisi com a mètode de recuperació de metalls pesants presents en les aigües de rentat de la indústria galvànica i l’obtenció de l’energia necessària a través de l’energia solar fotovoltaica