868 resultados para Recording and registration
We introduce a new algorithm for source identification and field splitting based on the point source method (Potthast 1998 A point-source method for inverse acoustic and electromagnetic obstacle scattering problems IMA J. Appl. Math. 61 119–40, Potthast R 1996 A fast new method to solve inverse scattering problems Inverse Problems 12 731–42). The task is to separate the sound fields uj, j = 1, ..., n of sound sources supported in different bounded domains G1, ..., Gn in from measurements of the field on some microphone array—mathematically speaking from the knowledge of the sum of the fields u = u1 + + un on some open subset Λ of a plane. The main idea of the scheme is to calculate filter functions , to construct uℓ for ℓ = 1, ..., n from u|Λ in the form We will provide the complete mathematical theory for the field splitting via the point source method. In particular, we describe uniqueness, solvability of the problem and convergence and stability of the algorithm. In the second part we describe the practical realization of the splitting for real data measurements carried out at the Institute for Sound and Vibration Research at Southampton, UK. A practical demonstration of the original recording and the splitting results for real data is available online.
Multisensory integration involves bottom-up as well as top-down processes. We investigated the influences of top-down control on the neural responses to multisensory stimulation using EEG recording and time-frequency analyses. Participants were stimulated at the index or thumb of the left hand, using tactile vibrators mounted on a foam cube. Simultaneously they received a visual distractor from a light emitting diode adjacent to the active vibrator (spatially congruent trial) or adjacent to the inactive vibrator (spatially incongruent trial). The task was to respond to the elevation of the tactile stimulus (upper or lower), while ignoring the simultaneous visual distractor. To manipulate top-down control on this multisensory stimulation, the proportion of spatially congruent (vs. incongruent) trials was changed across blocks. Our results reveal that the behavioral cost of responding to incongruent than congruent trials (i.e., the crossmodal congruency effect) was modulated by the proportion of congruent trials. Most importantly, the EEG gamma band response and the gamma-theta coupling were also affected by this modulation of top-down control, whereas the late theta band response related to the congruency effect was not. These findings suggest that gamma band response is more than a marker of multisensory binding, being also sensitive to the correspondence between expected and actual multisensory stimulation. By contrast, theta band response was affected by congruency but appears to be largely immune to stimulation expectancy.
By placing axons into polymeric micro-channels hosting embedded electrodes the extracellular amplitude of action potentials is greatly increased, allowing for robust recording and noise suppression. We are developing such an electrode interface to record electrical activity from bladder afferents to restore bladder control in patients suffering from spinal cord injury. Here we describe our microchannel electrode interface in terms of design, microfabrication and electrode characteristics and report on in vivo bladder function after implantation of teased dorsal rootlets within microchannels.
Resumen En este estudio se analizan las actitudes lingüísticas de un grupo de mujeres argentinas, venezolanas y mexicanas residentes en Qatar, Argentina y Suecia en relación con el voseo argentino. Metodológicamente se utilizan tres técnicas: la primera consiste en grabar dos versiones de un texto leído por una persona de Argentina; en la segunda un grupo de informantes escucha el texto grabado y contestan simultáneamente una encuesta que evalúa su postura con respecto al uso del pronombre vos, así como de sus usuarios; la tercera está dedicada a la entrevista, en la cual se pregunta a las informantes argentinas cuál es su opinión acerca del voseo como sinónimo de identidad lingüística. El análisis de los resultados indica que existe una diferencia significativa entre cómo se juzgan las dimensiones de estatus y solidaridad, ya que las entrevistadas dieron un menor valor a los atributos relacionados con la dimensión de estatus que a los de solidaridad. Resumiendo los resultados, se advierte que las argentinas evalúan más positivamente el uso del vos que el tú, confirmando que tienen una posición positiva sobre su identidad lingüística.
The open provenance architecture (OPA) approach to the challenge was distinct in several regards. In particular, it is based on an open, well-defined data model and architecture, allowing different components of the challenge workflow to independently record documentation, and for the workflow to be executed in any environment. Another noticeable feature is that we distinguish between the data recorded about what has occurred, emphprocess documentation, and the emphprovenance of a data item, which is all that caused the data item to be as it is and is obtained as the result of a query over process documentation. This distinction allows us to tailor the system to separately best address the requirements of recording and querying documentation. Other notable features include the explicit recording of causal relationships between both events and data items, an interaction-based world model, intensional definition of data items in queries rather than relying on explicit naming mechanisms, and emphstyling of documentation to support non-functional application requirements such as reducing storage costs or ensuring privacy of data. In this paper we describe how each of these features aid us in answering the challenge provenance queries.
O principal objetivo desta dissertação foi analisar a trajetória de ex-alunos de escola pública que moravam no bairro de Campo Grande e que se tornaram professores, tentando entender se houve relação entre a origem social e a escolha profissional. Para tanto foi feito um trabalho de campo na escola estadual Dr. Albert Sabin onde os entrevistados cursaram o Ensino Médio e fizeram a promessa de voltarem como professores. As entrevistas somam dez horas de gravação e resultaram numa análise social e cultural das trajetórias dos depoentes a partir de suas próprias percepções. Discorreram sobre suas trajetórias escolares, sobre a rotina familiar e sobre as alternativas que consideram que tiveram e sobre as limitações que foram impostas. Assim, pôde-se tentar avaliar o quanto houve de espaço para suas “escolhas”.
Ainda que existam pesquisas sobre as funções dos executivos desde 1938 e, ainda que estes trabalhos já tenham desmistificado as atividades cotidianas destes profissionais, o mundo organizacional insiste em atribuir uma aura cheia de glamour ao trabalho de altos executivos. O número de pesquisas acadêmicas realizadas sobre este tema nos anos 80 e 90 não foi muito elevado, mas os recentes escândalos financeiros e as mudanças radicais nas empresas, fizeram ressurgir o interesse sobre o trabalho destes profissionais Este trabalho tem por objetivo mostrar como vivem e trabalham altos executivos em São Paulo, a partir de observação participante de um dia de trabalho de 10 altos executivos. Este relatório foi organizado da seguinte forma: na primeira parte apresenta-se uma revisão dos principais estudos sobre as funções dos executivos; na segunda parte, o trabalho de campo: o acompanhamento, a observação e o registro das atividades realizadas por estes executivos durante um dia típico de trabalho bem como as respostas obtidas a partir de entrevista semi-estruturada sobre aspectos do uso do tempo, funções e vida familiar dos participantes desta amostra, entrevista esta que foi conduzida ao final do acompanhamento do dia de trabalho. Na terceira parte, são discutidos os dados obtidos: ainda que a vida destas pessoas esteja absolutamente centrada em atividades de trabalho, não é possível dizer que elas estejam à beira de um ataque de nervos. Como estão no topo da carreira, seu trabalho consiste na cobrança dos resultados dos funcionários que estão sob seu comando e na construção de redes de relacionamentos que facilitam e ajudam a consolidar e a manter sua posição. Também foi possível observar que os executivos de empresas brasileiras dispõem de maior autonomia no estabelecimento de políticas e tomadas de decisão em comparação com executivos de empresas multinacionais. Além disso, apesar das supostas alterações decorrentes da globalização, nossos resultados não mostram diferenças significativas em relação a trabalhos realizados há mais de 50 anos.
This work, developed within the Master's Degree Program in Public Administration and Government of Eaesp-FGV, consists of an exploratory study on performance measurement in the public sector. It is focused on the identification of complexity elements embedded in the implementation of public policies, to which the goals and targets of a target-oriented system relate, and especially on the implementation of this system as a management tool itself, from the case study of the then ongoing "Programa de Metas da Cidade de São Paulo 2013-2016". All information was obtained from municipal managers, in Government Departments responsible for strategic support activities to the implementation of the system, and sectoral Government Departments whose scope also included crosscutting actions, through interviews conducted from a starting question, and then followed by the free talk of the respondents. Through discourse analysis, an assortment of information was conducted, concerning to: 1) the impacts on management, articulation, and governance of the use of performance measurement and result-oriented management; 2) the flow and publicity of information on performance, produced within the monitoring process of this given target-oriented system, and also concerning the use given to this information; 3) the recording and register of experiences and learning related to the Programa de Metas, and its potential to result as a legacy for the public administrative structure of the City of São Paulo. Assuming that the stories managers tell, in this field of Applied Social Sciences, are as valid as Science or the theoretical constructs on the subject, all information gathered from the point of view of the interviewed public officials was segmented and problematized under the light of the literature on performance measurement. The main objective of this research is to contribute to the creation of parameters for qualitative analysis of the information generated in the implementation of a target-oriented system in Public Management at the local level. It is, from then on, expected that these parameters may help managers and researchers on the monitoring and evaluation of performance of a given government, by favoring the translation of merely arithmetic data on percentage of fulfillment of specific commitments, into eloquent elements more enabled to express the evolution of a mandate. Keywords: result-oriented system, Programa de Metas, management for results, performance measurement, government planning, public policy evaluation, monitoring, implementation, transparency, information legacy.
Brazilian architecture was recognized because of the consecration of the icons of the Carioca and Paulista schools which are represented nationally and internationally by names like Niemeyer, Lucio Costa and Vilanova Artigas, among others. Because of this, classic studies dedicated to the Brazilian case look to present the Southeastern region with the title of father of modern Brazil, at the cost of subjugating various other modern movements and peripheral sayings, whether their values are known or forgotten. On the other hand, there has been an effort, in the sense of registering and analyzing these regional productions of modern Brazilian architecture, an assignment that DOCOMOMO Brasil participates firmly through initiatives like the creation of a Library to aid in the documentation and registration of modernity in Brazil. Inside this context of insertions of the National-Modern scheme, this work has as its objective to present modern potiguar (northern Brazil) architecture through its contemporary residential examples, investigating specifically its constructive, formal aspects, that together that together demonstrate one more architectural emphasis of modern Brazilian architecture: the potiguar. This way, by contributing to the work of the register and the documentation of the Modern Movement and attributing to the modern architecture of Natal it s real worth, we can say: Yes, we have modern architecture
In the direction of questing a sociology that considers the flesh dimension of the existence, that favors to think the body while place of the production of the knowledge, our itinerary of research is characterized for the reflection on the gesture of the body as power of life and production of knowledge, recognizing the precision of the gesture as a privileged breach of comment of the collective life, of the projection and registration of the culture, of the symbolic, of the sensitivity. Our problematic can be meet in the possibility to enhance an open and sensible rationality, tattooed in the body and accessible for the gestures, that its materialized in the relations of the human being with the other and the world, in singular and collective relations. Therefore, the gesture, constructed in the intention the experience of the body, can tell us about the human being, the society and the culture, therefore the sensed of the gestures is constructed from the established and recognized mutual actions for the citizens. It is in this field of production of the knowledge, of knowing of the meat that we direct our perception, in the challenge to immerge into the intention of the gesture in the capoeira game. Of the methodological point of view, for the analysis of the gestures of the capoeira, therefore, of the body as knowledge power, we consider registers of images as well as narratives registers of the universe of the capoeira, as well as my experience of more than seven years in the group of capoeira cordão de ouro1. A epistemological exercise has as support a qualitative research where parts of the quantity of images of the investigated group, as well as interviews, daily registers in of field and over all my experience of life next to the group and to the capoeira, in intention to recognize symbols tattooed in the body and for it produced in the inter subjectivists relations. We search therefore, to evidence sensible and meanings drawn for the gesture and evidenced by the look of the researcher. We presents as objectives of this inquiry to nuance ribbings around of the social and cultural elements in the production of the knowledge of the body, of the gesture, weaveeed for the sensible rationality
This dissertation is the result of concerns with the theoretical-methodological and pedagogical learning processes occurred in the practice of physical education in school, which accompany me since the initial training, when I experienced learning in a piecemeal fashion, focused on technicality and sportivization. In order to better qualify the pedagogical interventions of physical education in school, I have always been worried on applying what I received at the University, but the routine of classes was always demanding others doings. In this sense, there were many moments of epistemological ruptures occurred in my training, in which I always sought new investment in training to account for the provision of a more humanistic and grounded in real educational precepts physical education. To that end I had to reflect on the pedagogical interventions throughout my training, in order not to carry out the activities as heavy doings, but as metamorphoses of knowledge and thus generating learning for students. Thus, this dissertation fits into this context with the overall goal of discussing my professional career, considering the epistemological ruptures of Physical Education, occurred in my training and expertise. The objective is also to identify the contributions of these formations in professional activities, centered on storytelling and reflection of significant experiences in the teaching of sports and Physical Education. We highlight the paradigm shifts, leaving the gymnastic methods, through dance-physical education method, psychomotor, reaching the contemporary critical theories experienced from the culture of movement as well as its implications for professional practice. We chose a qualitative research, using the autobiographical method, using as sources or techniques, narratives, photographic recording and video samples. In the studies within the area of education, for the most part, qualitative research came to oppose the positivist view of the quantification on analysis of social phenomena. New ideas were appearing in order to present innovative perspectives to understand the real. The survey data will be presented in narrated form (descriptive), analyzed based on the theoretical framework that guides the study, especially authors who discuss school physical education, vocational training and body conception. We believe our study may be of relevance for training in Physical Education that as from pedagogical reflections in certain historical realities, envisions being able to open new perspectives for the performance of other physical education teachers
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We developed an assay methodology that considered the temperature variation and the scanning electron microscopy as a method to quantify and characterize respectively the consumption evolution in three 46 LA machines, with internal combustion and two-stroke engines, 7.64 cm3 cylinder capacity, 23.0 millimeters diameter and 18.4 millimeters course, RPM service from 2.000 to 16.000 rpm, 1.2 HP power, and 272 grams weight. The investigated engines components were: (1) head of the engine (Al-Si alloy), (2) piston (Al-Si alloy) and (3) piston pin (AISI 52100 steel). The assays were carried out on a desktop; engines 1 and 2 were assayed with no load, whereas in two assays of engine 3 we added a fan with wind speed that varied from 8.10 m/s to 11.92 m/s, in order to identify and compare the engine dynamic behavior as related to the engines assayed with no load. The temperatures of the engine s surface and surroundings were measured by two type K thermopairs connected to the assay device and registered in a microcomputer with data recording and parameters control and monitoring software, throughout the assays. The consumed surface of the components was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and microanalysis-EDS. The study was complemented with shape deformation and mass measurement assays. The temperature variation was associated with the oxides morphology and the consumption mechanisms were discussed based on the relation between the thermal mechanical effects and the responses of the materials characterization
It is an investigation that seeks to reveal, record and analyze the process of appropriation and use of digital media by university students, aged between 40 and 60 years. Interested in studying how changes are perceived in the educational sphere for students Whois have gone through liberal/traditional school, ie, effected the first contact with technological devices media as adults, in the university. This investigation sought to contribute to the knowledge on the use of new learning strategies imposed by digital media by recording and analyzing the reports surveyed sample. Allowed to know the cultural universe of these women, revealing the context in which receive mediated messages and uses that maré these learning strategies within their daily academic life. Gathered in this work, reflexions guided by studies of media reception and role played by digital media as builders images and facilitators in knowledging acquisitions, it was chosen to work two main theorical notions: communication media and digital inclusion. As the research methodology, it was used the exploratory descriptive technical together with other appropriate tecniques. In ordem to approach the problem can be observed two phases: a quantitative one, which was used an investigative procedure, a survey data with closed questions; and a qualitative phase, which was used to collect data through a diary from situations encountered in the classroom. The main objective of analyzing how digital media are received, appropriated and used by university women has been fulfilled and it is remarkable that they access with dificulty and can not be considered included digitally. The results show that the problem of these agents is not the access, there are was of appropriation of digital media offered at IES, and it was possible to note that they seek to integrate to the technological world, and they even have devices that can insert them on this world. Insertion in cyberculture sets up the ability to find a favorable way to be aware of reality and production of knowledge and liberating and dignifying practices, in this case refers to an appropriation of citizenship through the field of technological devices offered as a perspective that they can interact
This study was carried out in the towns of Dracena, Junquciropolis, Mirandopolis, Aliancas, Ilha Solteira, Castilho, Aracatuba, Birigui and Guararapes, São Paulo State, by surveying 17 Shiitake growers through a questionnaire. Data pertaining to the stages of log-Shiitake growing, recording and characterization of growers and growing systems were entered into Microsoft Excel for Windows. The results showed that Shiitake cultivation is recent and increasing in this region, and that growers have a high education level. Shiitake cultivation is mainly located in rural areas, with both Brazilians of Japanese descent and native Brazilians growing it. The most commonly used trees are eucalyptus and mango. The high level of log contamination is perhaps due to growing without temperature or moisture control and to the inappropriate growing system.. In 2004, there were 45,000 Shiitake-inoculated logs in this region, and the yield stood around 200 g of fresh mushroom/log. The mushrooms are picked in boxes of 200 g, and are sold mainly to Ceasa in open markets.