998 resultados para Programa Ciência sem Fronteiras
Currently the Science fairs in Brazil have gained great incentive, examples are the regulations that the government has been implementing in education and the financing of public calls for events throughout the national territory. However, even with this incentive, some researchers point out that the scientific fairs and shows are still interpreted as an extemporaneous work by teachers. In order to know the views of basic education teachers about the fairs of Science, proposed to carry out this research. Given this situation, based mediation theory and sociocultural interaction Vygotsky (2001), the theory of instrumentalism Dewey (2002) and the proposed education through research Galiazzi e Moraes (2002), we sought to understand the importance of fair and their benefits as well as the presence in the talks of respondents. In order to analyze the answers of respondents, used to discourse analysis proposed by Eni Orlandi (2009), in which it is observed and is an interpretation of the speech of teachers, considering their interpretation and how to shape their thinking on the research object. In analyzing the results of the survey, it was noted that the teachers interviewed know the importance and objectives of science fairs, however experience difficulties that often does not allow these events to be carried out. In seeking to assist them to minimize these difficulties, it was realized the need for a product to make available guidance on how to develop research projects and assemblies of science fairs, that would provide an education for the research. Thus, resulting from research, was set up a blog and a booklet with texts, articles and report templates.
RODRIGUES, M. P.; LIMA, K. C.; RONCALLI, A. G. A representação social do cuidado no programa saúde da família na cidade de Natal. Ciênc. Saúde Coletiva, v. 13, n. 1, p. 71-82. 2008. ISSN 1413-8123.
RODRIGUES, Maisa Paulino; LIMA, Kenio Costa de; RONCALLI, Angelo Giuseppe. A representaçao social do cuidado no programa saúde da familia na cidade de Natal. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, v. 13, n. 1, p. 71-82, 2008.Disponivel em:
From the end of the 80s, the Brazilian higher education experience strong growth, coming from the private sector, which would intensify further in the late 90th Higher education has become a lucrative business. With a drop in the number of students entering and strong competition, the number of idle places in private institutions of higher education reached 49.5% in 2004. That same year, by Measure, was the University for All Program (PROUNI) program, to include high school students from public higher education, offering scholarships to those students in private HEIs. In exchange, the IES gain tax exemption. The objective of this research is to investigate the game of interest occurred in the formulation of this program and identify the model and the political game and has led to the creation of PROUNI, analyzing the process occurred since the wording of a bill, the issue of Measure Law and that the legitimacy PROUNI, with the most important changes made initial model. Since the first draft of the Law to the final Act, the PROUNI was disfigured in its main points, as the percentage of stock for paying students, the process of selection of stock and bond of the IES program. Throughout the process of creating the program, it is quite clear the performance of the institutions representing the private higher education. As reference for the analysis was based on Rational Choice Theory of Political Science. The basic argument of the methods based on rational choice is the maximization of the benefit will be the main motivation of individuals, but they can give that your goals can be achieved more effectively through institutional action and thereby discover that their conduct is shaped by institutions. Thus, individuals rationally choose to get to a certain extent constrained to join in certain institutions, whether voluntarily or not. The PROUNI was submitted by government and public policy covered by the mystical aura of the discourse of social justice and economic development, as in higher education includes a stratum of people who would not have access to the university, due to restrictions in the supply network public higher education. However, the greatest benefit from the program are the private HEIs, which through a difficult time in a scenario marked by high competition and idleness of nearly half of the vacancies offered. The PROUNI became a program that prioritizes access and not the residence of the student to higher education. More serious than a supporting program for students Fellows is a program supporting the institutions of private education
The Federal Institution for Education, Science and Technology, in its historical path, has been living different changes. The transformations occurred along the way have been determined by coercive forces from the institutional environment, which has became more and more broad and complex throughout the time, obtaining diverse characteristics and new elements such as non institutional factors1 which started to contribute with the other changes. In this context, this work aims to study the isomorphic practices of the managers in the institutional changes process of the IFRN in 1998 and 2008, as of a theoretical coevolutionary perspective (CHILD; RODRIGUES; LEWIN; CARROL; VOLBERDA, 2003). This theory brings a new point of view for the organization analysis to the organizational studies, since it offers a non deterministic and non linear lection of the evolution process, which means, a coevolution. Thus, the organizations and their institutional and non institutional environment auto evolve, auto organize and auto reproduce. Therefore, the institutional and non institutional factors of the macro environment keep a continuous interdependence relationship with the organizations. For the means of this study, it is important to understand that is impossible to comprehend the object, the isomorphic practices, without considering that the previous institutional changes and its evolutions, its continuations and discontinuations, important in the coevolution process. As such, to call upon the institutional historical track is a fundamental aspect to materialize this study, for the recursive movement is indeed present in the coevolution. Another important point to make this research effective is that it is not possible to abdicate from the hologramatic view2 of this study, which considers the object, the isomorphic practices, part of the whole and this whole is also in the parts, therefore it is impossible to comprehend the object of study outside the context where it belongs. With this, as of the objective previously proposed, it is necessary to describe the characteristics of coevolution of the institutional changes related in 1998 and 2008; analyze the dynamic of the isomorphic mechanisms in its respective institutional change process; and describe the lessons learned which the isomorphic practices left to the IFRN, regarding its benefits and difficulties. All these transformations happened through coercive forces3 of the institutional environment. As of the Nineties, these forces became stronger, the environment became broader and more complex, with the emergency of new environmental factors. This study proposed to study the managing process and its practices, related to the micro environment, although it is required to articulate these actions, the demands and requirements from the macro environment. To make this research effective, semi structured interviews have been conducted with the managers who participated in both institutional change processes. In the results analysis, it has been possible to verify the particularity of each change, the one from 1998 with a strong normative action of the managers against coercive forces from the government for the search of recognition and the institutional legitimation and the one in 2008, which has been characterized by the normative action by managers in agreement with the coercive forces from the government, in favor of the government policy for the technological professional education. However, the results analysis it is possible to notice the evidence of a belonging feeling from the interviewed managers
In the first decades of 20th century the just instituted Brazilian Republic faced the challenge to modernize the country. Considering that the progress was associated with the exhaustion of the forest reserves and with climatic changes, two big issues were seen as fundamental: To Fight the Droughts and To Defend the Forests; headed by professionals who were dedicated to these ideals. This research starts from the premise that these were the main challenges enforced by nature to the Brazilian development; the general objective was delimited in the search to understand the meaning and the conception of the natural world by this group of professionals who faced the shock between modernizing the country and conserving its natural resources. Aiming to contribute with the construction of the Brazilian environmental history and to bring historical elements to the debate about the environment in the country, the author concentrates his attention to the analyses, the discussions and the actions that preceded the regulation on the use of natural resources and the implementation of the environmental legislation in Brazil, occurred in 1934. The investigation uses as methodological basis the theoretical directions of environmental history, using sources of data still little explored and valued. In such way, it is taken as starting point some published papers about this subject during the period between 1889 and 1934 in two technical magazines the Revista Brazil Ferro-Carril and the Revista do Club de Engenharia. National engineering played a basic role in this process while arguing, projecting and constructing the development. The formulated proposals, after being divulged, had fomented the interchange with other professionals and had favored the advance of ambient questions in Brazil, in the sense to preserve natural resources, to construct more harmonic relations between the society and the nature and to equate the development with the environment preservation
A ciência, alicerçada por seu método, suas técnicas, suas demonstrações e suas descobertas, desde sua emergência no século XVII, tem estado em pauta nas discussões sobre a produção do conhecimento. Por suas características – dogmática, quantificável, experimental e determinista –, a ciência constitui o campo de conhecimento que foi o grande regime de verdade na episteme da modernidade. Diferentes formas de conceber a ciência foram produzidas por estudiosos, filósofos e cientistas, como René Descartes, Francis Bacon, Paul Feyerabend, entre outros. Como campo teórico utilizamos os estudos de Michel Foucault. Partindo desses entendimentos, essa tese tem como objetivo investigar e problematizar o discurso de ciência produzido por seis grupos de cinco universidades do Rio Grande do Sul pertencentes à Rede Nacional de Educação e Ciência: Novos Talentos da Rede Pública (RNEC/NT). Essa Rede existe há quase 20 anos e é composta por grupos de pesquisadores de diferentes universidades, instituições de pesquisa e institutos federais do país e visa a melhoria das condições de ensino de ciências a jovens carentes de todo o país, desenvolvendo metodologias que facilitam o aprendizado e desmistifiquem a ciência. Os grupos dessa Rede desenvolvem atividades como cursos para professores e estudantes da Educação Básica e estágios em laboratórios de pesquisa para o mesmo público alvo. Para a produção dos dados, foram realizadas visitas aos seis grupos analisados, nas quais foram feitas entrevistas com coordenadores e monitores dos grupos e foi feito o acompanhamento de um curso para professores e/ou estudantes de Educação Básica de cada grupo. Essas entrevistas e o curso observado foram gravados em vídeo e transcritos na forma de texto. Como metodologia de análise utilizamos conceitos da análise de discurso foucaultiano como discurso, enunciado e enunciação. Verificamos que há um discurso inicial de ciência na emergência da RNEC/NT pautado em três enunciados: fazer ciência envolve um caminho e a geração de produtos “novos” publicáveis; a formação do cientista na díade inatismo e empirismo; formação de cientistas pela inclusão social. Esse discurso inicial é atualizado nos grupos pesquisados por meio de diferentes enunciações que enfocam tanto um entendimento de ciência pelo uso do método científico, do empirismo e da razão, quanto um afrouxamento no entendimento de ciência ao vinculá-la à educação e ao questionamento do que é dado como naturalizado e verdadeiro, o que parece ter afinidade com as configurações ditas líquidas da contemporaneidade. Em relação aos cursos, para a maioria dos grupos, o discurso científico é vinculado aquele produzido no espaço do laboratório com suas técnicas e padrões, típico do entendimento moderno. Nesses cursos vemos ainda aparecer um modo de trabalhar, ensinar e apresentar essa ciência para os professores ou estudantes participantes, mostrando a presença de um discurso pedagógico atrelado ao científico. Como resultado, defendemos a tese de que há uma diversidade discursiva sobre a ciência nos grupos do sul da RNEC/NT que, ao ser atualizada e colocada em operação, é interpelada por elementos de um discurso pedagógico.
RODRIGUES, M. P.; LIMA, K. C.; RONCALLI, A. G. A representação social do cuidado no programa saúde da família na cidade de Natal. Ciênc. Saúde Coletiva, v. 13, n. 1, p. 71-82. 2008. ISSN 1413-8123.
RODRIGUES, Maisa Paulino; LIMA, Kenio Costa de; RONCALLI, Angelo Giuseppe. A representaçao social do cuidado no programa saúde da familia na cidade de Natal. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, v. 13, n. 1, p. 71-82, 2008.Disponivel em:
Acompanha: Dupla-hélice: a construção de um conhecimento
The periphery of the city of Natal was built during the last 20 years, trough informal land developments. This dissertation analyses the urbanization of Natal`s North Zone, the largest residential area in the city where 40% of the population lives. This urban space is characterized as a space of poverty because of its majority of low income dwellers as well as lack of infrastructure. The main objective here is to identify and characterize this space as well as resulting segregation. Variables as income, space morphology, residential typology and the history of real estate development as well as dweller`s history of life are analysed
This dissertation deals with the conceptions of the relationship between science, technology, innovation, development and society. We aimed to analyze the ways to conceive these relations in documents of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (Proem) of the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) and analyze the conceptions of these relations in view of managers and participants of the Program on Campus Cornélio Procópio, locus of research. It is recognized that the concepts of science, technology, innovation and development are polysemic, so varied are the definitions given by different theorists. For the research were characterized these conceptions into two streams, one called traditional or conservative current, which is supported by the classical theories, that is, those that were developed by authors recognized as classics, and the other current, referred to as critical concepts that sustains it are presented by authors recognized as critical, among which houses the Science studies, Technology and Society (CTS). This categorization buoyed analysis of Proem documents and analysis of the statements collected through interviews with three managers of Proem and eleven participants in the Program. As a result of the research, in general, although there is evidence in Proem documents of a social concern in relation to its role in society, it was observed that the program is based on the traditional and hegemonic view on the subject. In the documents analysis, it was noticed that the conceptions arranged CTS studies are present in relation to the multidimensional development concept. However, the texts analyzed, mostly were identified strong indications of thought supported by logical positivism, in propositions that refer to marketing issues, a proposal to generate an entrepreneurial culture guided by the development of technological innovations designed to meet and / or induce market demands, through production methods for popular goods. As for how managers and participants Proem in Campus Cornelius conceive the relationship between science, technology, innovation, development and society, also was identified closer to the classical view, although the respondents have pointed out many times in their speak apparent concern with social issues, like designing the development from a multidimensional view as cover critical studies CTS. The views of the participants, it was possible to link the strengthening of the concept connected to the linear model of development, in which the more it generates science, more is generated technology and more technology therefore produces more wealth, which in turn, the Schumpeterian view, is the basis of social welfare.
This study focuses on the representations of science and technology in the thinking of the Brazilian intellectual Gustavo Barroso in the period between 1909 and 1935. As one of the main leaders of the Brazilian Integralism, we will discuss,especially, his eugenic vision, prior to his participation in integralism and the influence of this science in building his authoritarian and anti-Semitic thinking. We seek to realize Gustavo Barroso dialogue, in a context of profound social and political changes, with the search for a nationalism "truly Brazilian." The methodology used was of a documentary and literature research , highlighting the analysis of Gustavo Barroso books, which were used as primary sources: Intelligencia das Coisas(1923), Aquém da Atlântida (1931), Brasil Colônia de Banqueiros (1934), O Integralismo de Norte a Sul (1934), O Quarto Império (1935) e A Palavra e o Pensamento Integralista (1935), and, also, some of his articles surveyed in the National History Museum collection. The survey results show that in this period Gustavo Barroso went on to develop in his writings an eugenic and authoritarian political vision, later, in his integralist phase, linked strongly to an anti-Semitic view.
Numa época em que nos regemos, cada vez mais, pela Ciência e Tecnologia é fundamental que os cidadãos estejam devidamente informados, exercendo uma cidadania plena, tomando decisões fundamentadas e intervindo na sociedade. Para viabilizar estes intentos, é importante que a educação científica se inicie nas escolas o mais cedo possível, para a edificação de futuros cidadãos cientificamente literatos. Apesar das dificuldades manifestadas pelos professores na implementação do ensino das Ciências nas escolas do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.º CEB), são várias as potencialidades que têm vindo a ser atribuídas a este campo curricular. Com este estudo pretendeu-se descrever e interpretar as conceções de ensino e aprendizagem de professores do 1.º CEB, no contexto do Programa de Formação em Ensino Experimental das Ciências (PFEEC), bem como averiguar como implementam as atividades práticas de índole experimental e investigativo em sala de aula, e quais as dificuldades sentidas durante a sua realização. Para atingir estas finalidades, utilizou-se uma abordagem metodológica de orientação interpretativa, de base naturalista, recorrendo-se ao método de estudo de casos múltiplos, fazendo-se uso de distintos instrumentos de recolha de dados: observação naturalista, entrevistas, notas de campo e documentos escritos. Participaram neste estudo três professoras do 1.º CEB, pertencentes a duas escolas do concelho de Faro. Os resultados evidenciaram que a maioria das conceções das professoras relativamente às categorias edificadas foram modificadas após a frequência do PFEEC. Contudo, outras aparentam estar fortemente enraizadas. Estas mudanças que ocorreram parecem estar relacionadas com a modificação das ações, atitudes e sentimentos das professoras que se coadunaram com a metodologia de trabalho defendida pelo PFEEC, culminando na modificação das suas práticas letivas. Durante a planificação e implementação das atividades as professoras manifestaram algumas dificuldades e constrangimentos. Todavia, no decorrer do PFEEC, estes obstáculos foram sendo minimizados; IMPACT OF A TRAINING PROGRAMME ON THE CONCEPTIONS AND PRACTICES OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS ABSTRACT: In an era in which we are governed, more and more, by Science and Technology, it is fundamental that citizens are properly informed; exercising full citizenship; making fundamental decisions and intervening in society. To enable these intentions, it is important that scientific education takes place in schools as soon as possible, so as to edify future scientifically literate citizens. Despite the teachers' difficulties in implementing Science teaching in Primary Schools, there are many potentialities that have come to be attributed to this curricular field. This study is intended to describe and interpret science learning and teaching conceptions of the Primary School teachers, in the context of the Training Programme in Experimental Science Teaching (PFEEC), as well as determine how they implement the experimental science and inquiry based learning activities in the classroom, and take into account what experienced difficulties occur during their execution. To reach these goals, a methodological approach of interpretive orientation, on a naturalistic basis, using a method of multiple case study, by means of distinct data collection tools was used: naturalistic observation, interviews, field research notes and written documents. Three Primary School teachers of the municipality of Faro took part in this study. The results showed that the majority of the teachers' conceptions in relation to the edified categories were modified after the attendance of the PFEEC. However, others seem to be deeply rooted. These changes that occurred seem to be related to the modification of actions, attitudes and feelings of the teachers who complied with the work methodology defended by the PFEEC, culminating in the modification of their session practices. During the planning and implementation of the activities, the teachers showed some difficulties and constraints. Nevertheless, during the PFEEC, these obstacles were minimized.
Avalia a contribuição da produção científica do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Tropical da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (2004 a 2012) às necessidades sociais em Saúde Tropical do estado de Pernambuco. Para isto, utiliza como referência o Plano Estadual de Saúde (2012-2015) desenvolvido pelo Governo Estadual de Pernambuco. Sobre o aspecto metodológico, este estudo se caracteriza como descritivo, e utilizou-se dos fundamentos da Cientometria para medir se as publicações dos pesquisadores permanentes do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Medicina Tropical da UFPE estavam alinhadas às problemáticas descritas no Plano Estadual de Saúde. As etapas metodológicas foram: a) levantamento de dados da formação e da produção científica dos pesquisadores na Plataforma Lattes do CNPq; b) identificação temática da produção científica realizada pelos pesquisadores envolvidos e mapeamento das doenças tropicais citadas no Plano Estadual de Saúde; e c) construção e aplicação de entrevistas realizadas junto aos pesquisadores por meio de questionário. Como principais resultados, percebe-se que as motivações de pesquisa são: a) adequação da produção às linhas de pesquisa estabelecidas pelo Programa, e b) a oportunidade de proporcionar benefícios para a sociedade, constatando assim, que as motivações para a realização das pesquisas são sociais, tendo pouca influência do segmento privado. Sobre o alinhamento dos temas produzidos com as necessidades sociais em Saúde Tropical do estado de Pernambuco, verifica-se que o programa vem ampliando o escopo do conceito de doença tropical para doenças infecciosas, e por isto, o HIV aparece no topo dos temas mais representativos.