925 resultados para Politicas publicas - Condições sociais - Araraquara (SP)


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The city of Santos always had its importance recognised by the respectful role of flowing off the coffee production between the end of 19th and beginning of 20th centuries. All effervescence of this period brought changes to the central area of the city, located near the port. Beginning in the 1970s, some changes in the politics and in the city's urban space made its cafes, theaters, stores and traditional residencies find itselves in decadence imposed by the negligence of the public power. The Historic Downtown of Santos changed to a forgotten and depreciated space and remained that way for many years, reflecting negatively in the preservation of the arquitetonic heritage of the city. The present project aims to analyse the transformation of the current space of the Hitoric Downtown of Santos from the beginning of the 20th century and its recent revaluation through the public politics of the city


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The proposed work aims to analyze the due process of demographic transition and pronounced population aging present in the city of Rio Claro-SP and the implications that such situation entails the locality. Given that the city is at an advanced point of this phenomenon is noticed a large contingent of people aged over 65 years living on site, so they depend on actions in order to live with dignity. Therefore, the project has the aim of investigating the evolution of population, mainly focusing on the plot elderly, verifying the importance of state enterprises that were present in the town in the lives of citizens, for example, FEPASA and Cesp


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This conclusion of course work aims to investigate the city of Limerick / SP, in order to question whether there are and what public policies developed by local, if there are training places for young people and targeting the job market or even partnerships between the city and local businesses seeking to supply the concrete conditions of preparation and targeting young people for the labor market. All changes in education accompanied the need to provide skilled labor to contribute to the country's economic development. The work is divided into several chapters. The first chapter is about the whole historical development of professional education in Brazil and new challenges. The second chapter discusses the reality of the world of work changes and their consequences, and the issue of working children and adolescents. The third chapter is about the difficulty of insertion of the poor youth in the current job market. The fourth chapter presents the city of Limerick to the needs of professional schools to meet the large number of trades and industries, which are currently listed by the educational institutions of the city and programs signed between the Municipal bodies and institutions such as SENAC (National Service of Commercial Learning) and Senai (National Service of Industrial Learning). The fifth chapter presents an interview with the CAMPL the city of Limerick, whose goal and give professional training to teens to get the first employee. Readings were taken from several authors who treat on the subject


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This paper aims to propose a communication plan to Internet media that explores interaction, expanding “Agência Propagação” institutional communication and of its principal product, the social propaganda messages named “Minuto Consciente”. This study will be based on the concepts of Convergence Culture (JENKINS, 2009), Digital Marketing (TORRES, 2009), Integrated Communication (KUNSCH, 2003) and Computer Mediated Interaction (PRIMO, 2007) to understand the communication an interaction phenomenon in digital era and select the strategies to establish a continuous communication flow in different medias. Therefore, this paper will use exploratory and empirical methodology


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A Agricultura exerce papel fundamental na economia de um país, seja ela para emprego de mão de obra e geração de renda, seja para produção de alimentos destinados para a exportação e consumo interno. No Brasil a Agricultura familiar é responsável por produzir uma parcela importante de alimentos consumidos pela população nacional. Durante a década de 1990, políticas públicas foram sendo implantadas para auxiliar o desenvolvimento rural, tendo como público alvo a agricultura familiar e incidindo sobre entraves para o seu desenvolvimento, como a questão da comercialização dos produtos advindos desse segmento. Em 2003, O Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA), foi instituído pelo artigo 19 da lei federal 10.696, que tinha como objetivo promover a inclusão social e econômica no campo por meio do fortalecimento da agricultura familiar, através da aquisição de alimentos desses produtores. Tais alimentos adquiridos são destinados a ações de alimentação empreendidas por entidades das redes sócioassistenciais, Bancos de Alimentos e para famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade social. O presente trabalho consistiu em um estudo de caso, que teve como objetivo diagnosticar a influência do PAA no município de Rio Claro (SP), quantificando o número de agricultores que participavam do programa no município, e, identificando a diversidade e quantidade de alimentos produzidos destinados ao PAA. Foram também analisados os valores destinados ao programa desde sua implantação. Além disso, foram mapeadas as entidades sócio-assistenciais que receberam os alimentos destinados ao programa. Com base na leis de nº 10.696/2003 e nº 11.326/2006, e os Decretos de nº 6.447/2008 e nº 6.959/2009, que dão providências ao PAA, foram realizadas coletas de dados e informações junto às Secretarias de Ação Social e ao Banco de Alimentos do município de Rio Claro... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This study aims to analyze the experience of Solidarity Economy in the City of Várzea Paulista - SP and from the incubation of the enterprise of aesthetics Casa da Beleza. Therefore, we need to present a historical overview of the Solidarity Economy in Brazil to understand how and why it has been developing in the country, as it has become State policies on the national scene, as well as on municipal. The research also discusses what the role of government in the development of the Solidarity Economy, promotion of social policies and local development, with the big question: What is the role of government in promoting Várzea Paulista social policies Solidarity Economy? Finally, this research seeks to understand how the Solidarity Economy causes changes in social conditions from the point of view of women who are venture incubated by Casa da Beleza


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Este presente trabalho apresenta a trajetória das políticas públicas educacionais aplicadas no Brasil, com estudos de taxa de retorno da educação, índices como IDH e PIB, gráficos sobre a tal evolução e comparação entre países. Com base na Teoria do Capital Humano e de seus principais autores, Schultz, Becker e Mincer e na atuação e incentivo das Organizações Internacionais. O estudo conclui que apesar da educação brasileira estar atrasada comparada a outros países, políticas educacionais aplicadas através de principalmente programas sociais tem mudado sua realidade, ainda que lentamente


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)