229 resultados para Piletas de natación


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Objective: To verify the sociodemographic profile and the frequency of musculoskeletal injuries in elderly people who practice competitive and noncompetitive sports activities in the city of Pelotas, RS. Methods: Descriptive study, including 29 male subjects, aged 65 years or older, who practiced sports modalities in a competitive and noncompetitive way, in the city of Pelotas, in 2015. Data collection was performed through the application of a questionnaire with questions addressing economic, sociodemographic, nutritional and behavioral issues, and injuries sustained in sports activities. Statistical analysis was performed by calculating measures of central tendency for continuous variables and proportions for categorical variables. Results: The current practice of competitive sports was described by 58.6% (n=17) of the subjects, and the most practiced sports were 7-a-side football (53.0%, n=9), tennis (23.5%, n=4) and swimming (23.5%, n=4). Noncompetitive sports were practiced by 44.8% (n=13), and tennis was the most popular sport played (92.3%, n=12). The frequency of injuries among individuals practicing competitive and noncompetitive sports was, respectively, 35.3% (n=6), and 38.5% (n=5). The most frequent injuries were epicondylitis (50.0%, n=3) and meniscus injuries (60.0%, n=3), and the most affected body regions were knee (27.3%, n=3), elbow (27.3%, n=3), and shoulder (18.2%, n=2). The injuries occurred during the sports activities, and the dominant side was the one affected in 63.6% (n=7). Conclusion: This study verified that the occurrence of injuries in elderly individuals who practice sports is relevant, even among those who practice them noncompetitively, with epicondylitis as the most frequent among them, whereas meniscus injuries are the most frequent among those who practice competitive sports.


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Antecedentes y Objetivos. La contractura capsular (CC) es la complicación más común y frustrante en mujeres que se han sometido a cirugía de aumento mamario con fines estéticos. La causa es actualmente desconocida y se considera que a menudo participan varios factores conjuntamente. Material y Método. Realizamos un estudio prospectivo observacional de casos y controles anidados en una cohorte de pacientes y llevado a cabo durante 4 años en la Clínica Ruber de Madrid. Resultados. Determinamos que el ejercicio físico es un factor de riesgo en el desarrollo de CC, con una probabilidad 5 veces mayor de desarrollo en pacientes que lo realizan respecto a las que no lo practican; sobre todo los ejercicios relacionados con la movilidad de los miembros superiores, entre ellos los aeróbicos suaves, la natación y la musculación. El ejercicio físico actuaría como principal causa de fricción entre cápsula e implante rugoso, y llegado un momento, dicha fricción originaría pequeñas roturas en la cápsula periprotésica generando una respuesta inflamatoria. El brazo hábil dominante resultó ser un factor de riesgo en el desarrollo de contractura, determinando el lado de la mama que se contractura. Los hallazgos microbiológicos de las cápsulas periprotésicascontracturadas demostraron que un mayor grado de contractura en aquellos implantes en los que hubo resultados microbiológicos positivos, encontrando Propionibacteriumacnes y especies de estafilococos coagulasa negativos. Conclusiones. Las pacientes con implantes mamarios que realizan ejercicio físico habitual presentan mayor riesgo de sufrir contractura capsular mamaria.


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El Polideportivo “Vitoria – Gastéiz” de la Alcaldía de Nejapa, es un Polideportivo, que ofrece diferentes servicios Deportivos tales como: Fútbol, Natación y Básquetbol. Al mismo tiempo brinda a los visitantes un lugar de recreación y sano esparcimiento dentro de sus instalaciones, ya que poseen un Mini- Zoológico y Servicio de Restaurante. En la actualidad la Municipalidad de Nejapa y la administración del Polideportivo, tienen la necesidad de tener algunos lineamientos básicos para incrementar la afluencia de visitantes, incursionar en nuevos mercados y conocer que Servicios Recreativos o Deportivos extras pudieran ofrecer al público. En este sentido surge este trabajo de graduación que se titula “PLAN ESTRATEGICO DE MERCADO DEL POLIDEPORTIVO VITORIA–GASTÉIZ DEL MUNICIPIO DE NEJAPA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE SAN SALVADOR” como una propuesta ante sus necesidades de corto y largo plazo. Dicho plan de Mercado contribuirá a que la administración del Polideportivo posea una herramienta que los oriente a incrementar los niveles de afluencia a las instalaciones recreativas, a ofrecer nuevos servicios y mejorar los actuales. Lo que conllevaría atraer nuevos segmentos de mercado y que el Polideportivo se vuelva auto sostenible, generando excedentes económicos a la comuna, las cuales pueden ser invertidas en nuevos proyectos de beneficio social. Para recopilar la información que permitiera el desarrollo de la investigación se hizo necesario un estudio de campo, haciendo uso de instrumentos tales como: la observación directa, entrevista con los empleados del Polideportivo y Alcaldía de Nejapa, Cuestionarios dirigidos a personas naturales (Público en general) y personas jurídicas (Empresas, Colegios, Escuelas), para poder identificar de esta manera las necesidades del Polideportivo. Una vez Recopilada la información se procedió a tabularla e interpretarla, obteniendo datos que ponen de manifiesto las cualidades y deficiencias del Polideportivo de Nejapa (Vitoria- Gastéiz), estos resultados sirvieron como base para la elaboración del diagnóstico, el cual facilitó la formulación de conclusiones y recomendaciones, las cuales dieron origen a las estratégias de largo plazo y las recomendaciones a corto plazo que deben ser ejecutadas. Tomando en cuenta los resultados obtenidos en el presente estudio e implementar las estrategias propuestas se lograría incrementar la afluencia de personas a las instalaciones del polideportivo “Vitoria – Gastéiz”.


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The objective of this study was to determine the importance of different dimensions as the possible causes for the abandonment of the practice of swimming by former Costa Rican swimmers.  Subjects: 51 former swimmers participated, including 17 men (22 ±3.4 years of age) and 34 women (22.5 ±3.4 years of age) from different Costa Rican swimming teams.  The Questionnaire of Reasons for Attrition in the Practice of Sports (Gould et al, 1982; cited by Salguero, Tuero, and Márquez, 2003) was used.  Results:  A positive relationship was noted between perceptions of low skill and low performance (r: 0.372), while negative relationships were noted between years of practice and low skill (r:-0.337), years of practice and influence from others (r:-0.286), and years of practice and starting age for swimming (r:-0.622).  A significant interaction was found in the dimensions gender of participants (F: 2.952; p<0.05) and starting age for swimming (F: 3.147; p<0.01).  An interaction was also found between dimensions and the desire to swim again (F: 2.485; p>0.05).  There were also significant differences in the years of practice; that is, subjects who started before the age of 10 had a higher average of years of practice than those who started later (F: 21.465; p<0.05).  Additionally, a significant interaction was found in weekly hours of swimming practice (F: 2.072; p<0.05).  There were no significant differences (F: 2.535; p>0.05) according to weekly hours of training when subjects were actively swimming. Conclusions: Possible reasons for dropping out were lack of enjoyment and poor physical condition for men and perception of lack of team spirit for women.  The group that started after the age of ten gives similar importance to all the dimensions as possible reasons for dropping out, while the group that began swimming before the age of ten sees lack of team spirit, lack of enjoyment, and poor physical condition as the key reasons for dropping out.  The most important dimensions that represented the reasons for abandonment in subjects who wanted to swim again were lack of team spirit, poor physical condition and low skill, while lack of enjoyment was the most important reason for subjects who do not want to swim again.  In the group of subjects who would swim less than six hours, lack of team spirit is the most important cause, while the dimension lack of enjoyment was the most important reason for subjects who would swim 6 to 12 hours.  Additionally, the highest dropout percentages were observed in the transition from secondary school to college.