238 resultados para Pichon


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Au nombre des différents emplois issus de la grammaticalisation des deux formes itive (aller) et ventive (venir) (cf. Bres et Labeau 2010, à par.), on trouve le tour que Damourette et Pichon (1911-1936) ont proposé de nommer extraordinaire, dans lequel l’auxiliarisation des verbes de mouvement aller et venir « confère au verbe dont l’infinitif le suit un caractère dérangeant par rapport à l’ordre attendu des choses » (§ 1652). Dans le présent article, nous ne traiterons pas ce tour dans sa généralité (ce que nous faisons dans Bres et Labeau (2011, en préparation)) mais en analyserons une dimension, plus exactement une forme : lorsque l’extraordinaire est produit par venir, comme dans : (1) M'habiller ? – Oui. C'est pas prudent d'entrer nue comme ça chez trois vieux gars. Il vous arriverait des choses et après vous viendriez dire qu'on s'est conduits comme des goujats. Pourtant ce serait pas notre faute, mais la vôtre ! Elle éclata de rire, reconnaissant la voix et le style. (Vincenot Le Pape des escargots, 1972) (2) Quand vous avez des problèmes, je suis là pour vous aider, pour vous remonter le moral, mais quand c’est moi qui souffre, vous vous en foutez complètement. Et vous venez prétendre que vous êtes des amis… (internet) A l’inverse du tour où l’extraordinaire se signifie avec aller, l’extraordinaire avec venir a été fort peu étudié. Ce que nous entendons corriger par le présent travail. Notre corpus d’étude se compose de 500 occurrences, dont 90 avec venir. Il s’agissait au départ d’un corpus buissonnier, relevé au fil des lectures et des interactions verbales (50 occurrences). Nous l’avons élargi et complété ensuite par des recherches sur Frantext et sur Google. Nous commencerons par rappeler brièvement la façon dont nous concevons la grammaticalisation de aller et de venir (1.) Nous parcourrons ensuite les travaux antérieurs consacrés à l’extraordinaire, pour voir la place qu’ils accordent à venir (2.). Dans un troisième temps, nous positionnerons l’usage de venir dans ce tour par rapport à celui de aller ; nous rendrons compte de son moindre emploi par les restrictions dont il fait l’objet ; et nous pointerons l’évolution qui tend à se faire jour dans les pratiques quotidiennes familières actuelles (3.).


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The Last Interglacial (LIG, 129-116 thousand of years BP, ka) represents a test bed for climate model feedbacks in warmer-than-present high latitude regions. However, mainly because aligning different palaeoclimatic archives and from different parts of the world is not trivial, a spatio-temporal picture of LIG temperature changes is difficult to obtain. Here, we have selected 47 polar ice core and sub-polar marine sediment records and developed a strategy to align them onto the recent AICC2012 ice core chronology. We provide the first compilation of high-latitude temperature changes across the LIG associated with a coherent temporal framework built between ice core and marine sediment records. Our new data synthesis highlights non-synchronous maximum temperature changes between the two hemispheres with the Southern Ocean and Antarctica records showing an early warming compared to North Atlantic records. We also observe warmer than present-day conditions that occur for a longer time period in southern high latitudes than in northern high latitudes. Finally, the amplitude of temperature changes at high northern latitudes is larger compared to high southern latitude temperature changes recorded at the onset and the demise of the LIG. We have also compiled four data-based time slices with temperature anomalies (compared to present-day conditions) at 115 ka, 120 ka, 125 ka and 130 ka and quantitatively estimated temperature uncertainties that include relative dating errors. This provides an improved benchmark for performing more robust model-data comparison. The surface temperature simulated by two General Circulation Models (CCSM3 and HadCM3) for 130 ka and 125 ka is compared to the corresponding time slice data synthesis. This comparison shows that the models predict warmer than present conditions earlier than documented in the North Atlantic, while neither model is able to produce the reconstructed early Southern Ocean and Antarctic warming. Our results highlight the importance of producing a sequence of time slices rather than one single time slice averaging the LIG climate conditions.


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We present an improved database of planktonic foraminiferal census counts from the Southern Hemisphere Oceans (SHO) from 15°S to 64°S. The SHO database combines 3 existing databases. Using this SHO database, we investigated dissolution biases that might affect faunal census counts. We suggest a depth/[DCO3]2- threshold of ~3800 m/[DCO3]2- = ~-10 to -5 µmol/kg for the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and ~4000 m/[DCO3]2- = ~0 to 10 µmol/kg for the Atlantic Ocean, under which core-top assemblages can be affected by dissolution and are less reliable for paleo-sea surface temperature (SST) reconstructions. We removed all core-tops beyond these thresholds from the SHO database. This database has 598 core-tops and is able to reconstruct past SST variations from 2° to 25.5°C, with a root mean square error of 1.00°C, for annual temperatures. To inspect dissolution affects SST reconstruction quality, we tested the data base with two "leave-one-out" tests, with and without the deep core-tops. We used this database to reconstruct Summer SST (SSST) over the last 20 ka, using the Modern Analog Technique method, on the Southeast Pacific core MD07-3100. This was compared to the SSST reconstructed using the 3 databases used to compile the SHO database. Thus showing that the reconstruction using the SHO database is more reliable, as its dissimilarity values are the lowest. The most important aspect here is the importance of a bias-free, geographic-rich, database. We leave this dataset open-ended to future additions; the new core-tops must be carefully selected, with their chronological frameworks, and evidence of dissolution assessed.


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.


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The concentration of C37-C39 long-chain alkenones and alkenes were determined in surface water and surface sediment samples from the subpolar waters of the Southern Ocean. Distributions of these compounds were similar in both sample sets indicating little differential degradation between or within compound classes. The relative amounts of the tri- to tetra-unsaturated C37 alkenones increased with increasing temperature for temperatures below 6°C similar to the di- and tri-unsaturated C37 alkenones. The C37 di-, tri-, and tetra-unsaturated methyl alkenones are used in paleotemperature calculations via the U37K and the U37K ratios. In these datasets, the relative abundances of the C37:2 and the C37.3 alkenones as a proportion of the total C37 alkenones were opposite and strongly related to temperature (the latter with more scatter), but the abundance of the C37:4 alkenone showed no relationship with temperature. The original definition of U37K includes the abundance of 37:4 in both the numerator and denominator, and thus it is perhaps not surprising that there is considerable scatter in the values obtained for U37K at low temperatures. Of the two, we suggest that U37K' is the better parameter for use in paleotemperature estimations, even in cold locations. U37K' values in the sediments fall on virtually the same regression line obtained for the water column samples of Sikes and Volkman (1993, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(93)90120-L), indicating that their calibration is suitable for use in Southern Ocean sediments. The comparison of water column data with sedimentary temperature estimates suggests that the alkenone distributions are dominated by contributions from the summer when the biomass of Emiliania huxleyi and presumably flux to the sediment, is expected to be high.


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Community metabolism was investigated using a Lagrangian flow respirometry technique on 2 reef flats at Moorea (French Polynesia) during austral winter and Yonge Reef (Great Barrier Reef) during austral summer. The data were used to estimate related air-sea CO2 disequilibrium. A sine function did not satisfactorily model the diel light curves and overestimated the metabolic parameters. The ranges of community gross primary production and respiration (Pg and R; 9 to 15 g C m-2 d-1) were within the range previously reported for reef flats, and community net calcification (G; 19 to 25 g CaCO3 m-2 d-1) was higher than the 'standard' range. The molar ratio of organic to inorganic carbon uptake was 6:1 for both sites. The reef flat at Moorea displayed a higher rate of organic production and a lower rate of calcification compared to previous measurements carried out during austral summer. The approximate uncertainty of the daily metabolic parameters was estimated using a procedure based on a Monte Carlo simulation. The standard errors of Pg,R and Pg/R expressed as a percentage of the mean are lower than 3% but are comparatively larger for E, the excess production (6 to 78%). The daily air-sea CO2 flux (FCO2) was positive throughout the field experiments, indicating that the reef flats at Moorea and Yonge Reef released CO2 to the atmosphere at the time of measurement. FCO2 decreased as a function of increasing daily irradiance.


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Community metabolism was investigated using a Lagrangian flow respirometry technique on 2 reef flats at Moorea (French Polynesia) during austral winter and Yonge Reef (Great Barrier Reef) during austral summer. The data were used to estimate related air-sea CO2 disequilibrium. A sine function did not satisfactorily model the diel light curves and overestimated the metabolic parameters. The ranges of community gross primary production and respiration (Pg and R; 9 to 15 g C m-2 d-1) were within the range previously reported for reef flats, and community net calcification (G; 19 to 25 g CaCO3 m-2 d-1) was higher than the 'standard' range. The molar ratio of organic to inorganic carbon uptake was 6:1 for both sites. The reef flat at Moorea displayed a higher rate of organic production and a lower rate of calcification compared to previous measurements carried out during austral summer. The approximate uncertainty of the daily metabolic parameters was estimated using a procedure based on a Monte Carlo simulation. The standard errors of Pg,R and Pg/R expressed as a percentage of the mean are lower than 3% but are comparatively larger for E, the excess production (6 to 78%). The daily air-sea CO2 flux (FCO2) was positive throughout the field experiments, indicating that the reef flats at Moorea and Yonge Reef released CO2 to the atmosphere at the time of measurement. FCO2 decreased as a function of increasing daily irradiance.


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Diatoms from 228 Southern Ocean core-top sediment samples were examined to determine the geographic distributions of 32 major diatom species/taxa preserved in the sediments of three zonally-distinct regions; Sea Ice, Open Ocean and the Tropical/Subtropical. In the first of three papers, 14 species/taxa occurring in the region where sea ice covers the ocean surface on an annual basis are geographically documented. Comparisons are drawn between the diatom abundances on the sea floor, sea ice parameters (annual duration and concentration in February and September) and February sea-surface temperature. Such parameters are commonly used in reconstructing past oceanographic conditions in the Sea Ice and Open Ocean zones. Analysis of the geographic patterns and sea-surface parameter correlations reveals species-specific distributions regulated primarily by sea ice coverage and sea-surface temperature, which support the use of diatom remains for the estimation of these past sea-surface environmental parameters. Comparison with reliable accounts of the 14 species from the sediments or plankton also provides the first glimpses into species-specific ecology and habitat linkages.


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Diatom assemblages from 228 core-top samples were investigated to determine the modern geographic distributions of 10 major open ocean species or species groups in the Atlantic and Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean. Our study gives a more comprehensive view of the relationships between diatom distribution and environmental pressures than previous studies, as our modern database covers a much wider area, and additionally highlights the relationships with sea ice cover and concentration. The 10 species or species categories can mainly be lumped into three groupings. First, a cool open ocean grouping composed of Rhizosolenia pointed group, Thalassiosira gracilis group and Trichotoxon reinboldii with maximum relative abundances occurring within the maximum winter sea-ice edge. Second, a pelagic open ocean grouping composed of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, Thalassiosira lentiginosa, Thalassiosira oliverana and Thalassiothrix spp. group with maximum occurrences at the Antarctic Polar Front. Third, a warm open ocean grouping with maximum abundances observed within the Polar Front Zone and composed of the Rhizosolenia rounded group, the Thalassionema nitzschioides var. nitzschioides group and the Thalassionema nitzschioides var. lanceolata. Comparisons of the abovementioned 10 species or species groups with modern February sea-surface temperatures and sea-ice duration and concentration reveal species-specific sedimentary distributions regulated both by sea-surface temperatures and sea ice conditions that support the use of diatom remains to reconstruct past variations of these environmental parameters via qualitative and transfer function approaches.


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This paper gives a modern circumscription of Tropical/Subtropical diatoms regarding their relationship with sea-surface temperatures (SST) and sea ice cover. Diatoms from 228 core-top sediment samples collected from the Southern Ocean were studied to determine the geographic distribution of eight major diatom species/taxa preserved in surface sediments generally located north of the Subantarctic Front. The comparison of the relative contribution of diatom species with modern February SST and sea-ice cover reveals species-specific sedimentary distributions regulated both by water temperatures and sea ice conditions. Although selective preservation might have played some role, their presence in surface and downcore sediments from the Southern Ocean are reliable indicators of high SST and poleward transport of waters from the Tropical/Subtropical Atlantic. Our work supports the use of diatom remains to reconstruct past variations of these environmental parameters via qualitative and transfer function approaches.


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The Cutri Formation’s, type location, exposed in the NW of Mallorca, Spain has previously been described by Álvaro et al., (1989) and further interpreted by Abbots (1989) unpublished PhD thesis as a base-of-slope carbonate apron. Incorporating new field and laboratory analysis this paper enhances this interpretation. From this analysis, it can be shown without reasonable doubt that the Cutri Formation was deposited in a carbonate base-of-slope environment on the palaeowindward side of a Mid-Jurassic Tethyan platform. Key evidence such as laterally extensive exposures, abundant deposits of calciturbidtes and debris flows amongst hemipelagic deposits strongly support this interpretation.


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El artículo presenta un análisis, desde la psicología grupal, de la película denominada “La Fiesta de Babette”, dirigida por el director danés Gabriel Axel, basada en el cuento de Karen Blixen, ganadora del Oscar a la mejor película extranjera en 1987, que se desarrolla en la costa occidental de Dinamarca, en la provincia de Jutlandia,  durante el siglo XIX. Este análisis se realiza a partir de la lectura del proceso grupal que viven integrantes de una congregación religiosa y la forma en que se vinculan ante lo desconocido y amenazante que simboliza el banquete al que les ha invitado Babette, mujer francesa refugiada en la casa de dos hijas, Philippa y Martina, del pastor fallecido. En el trabajo se retoman conceptos del psicoanálisis, de la teoría del vínculo de Enrique Pichon Riviere y los supuestos básicos trabajados por Wilfred Bion, y como  interfieren en la tarea y el aprendizaje de los grupos. De igual manera, se retoman los conceptos de obstáculo epistemológico elaborado por Gaston Bachelard, así como el obstáculo epistemofílico de Pichon Riviere, sus implicaciones en el vínculo grupal y los afectos.