936 resultados para Photonics packaging


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Gli obiettivi dell'elaborato sono lo studio e la programmazione di un algoritmo di controllo di temperatura per le superfici termosaldanti di macchine per il packaging (confezionatrici in film a file multiple) prodotte dal committente, OMAG srl. L'algoritmo è implementato tramite il software SoMachineMotion v.4.2, prodotto da Schneider Electrics spa. Il controllo è di tipo in anello chiuso in retroazione, con temocoppie e resistenze di riscaldamento con modulazione PWM. Ci si è inizialmente occupati di testare su banco prova varie tipologie di regolatori: a relay, a isteresi, a ricerca diretta del duty cycle, TBH, con approccio misto TBH/integratore di Clegg, PID. I diversi metodi di regolazione sono stati valutati sulla base di una serie di metri di giudizio (precisione dell'inseguimento, prestazioni statiche e dinamiche, flessibilità, peso computazionale, facilità implementativa), pesati secondo i requisiti imposti dal committente. Le metodologie selezionate sono state PID e TBH/Clegg integrator; quest'ultima ha dato risultati assai soddisfacenti, pur essendo un metodo monoparametrico. Si sono quindi studiate diverse modalità per la taratura del regolatore PID, in particolare: tuning in anello chiuso con metodo a relay per la fase di pretuning, algoritmo di Nelder-Mead, per la ricerca diretta continua dei valori che minimizzano l'errore integrale, per un selftuning adattivo. Si è infine proceduto ad implementare le soluzioni individuate in un software robusto, che rispetti gli standard del settore e si sono inoltre sviluppate una serie di funzionalità aggiuntive, quali: modulazione software PWM, preriscaldamento, handling errori/warning, filtraggio segnali in/out. Si è addizionalmente sviluppato un modello matematico predittivo dell'evoluzione del sistema, che potrebbe servire, in un futuro sviluppo, come base per un controllo model-based in cascata al controllo in retroazione studiato.


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L’oggetto di studio di questo lavoro, svolto presso l’azienda Vire Automation del gruppo Bucci Industries di Faenza, è una macchina per il packaging di prodotti igienico-sanitari, più precisamente pannolini baby. Dopo una prima indagine di mercato svolta con l’aiuto dei commerciali dell’azienda, si sono ipotizzate una serie di soluzioni tecniche per migliorare il funzionamento e le prestazioni della macchina. Tramite uno strumento detto Casa della qualità si sono evidenziate le soluzioni tecniche che risultano più apprezzate dal mercato e per questo posseggono una maggior priorità di realizzazione. Si è intervenuti su di un gruppo funzionale per lo spostamento orizzontale del prodotto che agisce superiormente rispetto al pianale di processo e sul trasporto pioli che invece agisce per ostacolo tra cilindri di acciaio ed i prodotti. In particolare per il primo si è realizzato un apposito studio delle grandezze cinematiche in gioco e, dopo una progettazione 3D, si sono stimate le coppie motrici richieste dal nuovo asse che è risultato vantaggioso rispetto al precedente. Per il secondo invece, vista l’esigenza di ottenere un gruppo rifasatore che permettesse alla macchina di funzionare correttamente nonostante i ritardi di arrivo dei prodotti dalla linea di produzione, si è realizzata una nuova gestione logica del gruppo per sopperire alla peggior condizione di funzionamento verificabile e si è riprogettato il gruppo per dotarlo delle nuove necessarie caratteristiche.


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This thesis presents a metric for assessing the commonality and differentiation of packaging-family planning with application to medical labels along with supporting background research and findings. Consumable products such as medications rely on the package or label to represent the contents. Package confusion has been widely recognized as a major problem for both over-the-counter and pharmacy-dispensed medications with potentially lethal consequences. It is critical to identify a medication as a member of a product family and differentiate its contributing elements based on visual features on the package or label to avoid consumer confusion and reduce dispensing errors. Indices that indicate degrees of commonality and differentiation of features in consumer products such as batteries, light bulbs, handles, etc for platforms have been shown to benefit development of engineered product families [6]. It is possible to take a similar approach for visual features in packaging such as typography, shape/form, imagery and color to benefit packaging-family development. This thesis establishes a commonality differentiation index for prominence of visual features on over-the-counter and pharmacy-dispensed medications based on occurrence, size, and location of features. It provides a quantitative measure to assist package designers in evaluating alternatives to satisfy strategic goals and improve safety. The index is demonstrated with several medications that have been identified by the Institute for Safe Medication Practice as commonly confused.


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Inductive-capacitive (LC) resonant circuit sensors are low-cost, wireless, durable, simple to fabricate and battery-less. Consequently, they are well suited to sensing applications in harsh environments or in situations where large numbers of sensors are needed. They are also advantageous in applications where access to the sensor is limited or impossible or when sensors are needed on a disposable basis. Due to their many advantages, LC sensors have been used for sensing a variety of parameters including humidity, temperature, chemical concentrations, pH, stress/pressure, strain, food quality and even biological growth. However, current versions of the LC sensor technology are limited to sensing only one parameter. The purpose of this work is to develop new types of LC sensor systems that are simpler to fabricate (hence lower cost) or capable of monitoring multiple parameters simultaneously. One design presented in this work, referred to as the multi-element LC sensor, is able to measure multiple parameters simultaneously using a second capacitive element. Compared to conventional LC sensors, this design can sense multiple parameters with a higher detection range than two independent sensors while maintaining the same overall sensor footprint. In addition, the two-element sensor does not suffer from interference issues normally encountered while implementing two LC sensors in close proximity. Another design, the single-spiral inductive-capacitive sensor, utilizes the parasitic capacitance of a coil or spring structure to form a single layer LC resonant circuit. Unlike conventional LC sensors, this design is truly planar, thus simplifying its fabrication process and reducing sensor cost. Due to the simplicity of this sensor layout it will be easier and more cost-effective for embedding in common building or packaging materials during manufacturing processes, thereby adding functionality to current products (such as drywall sheets) while having a minor impact on overall unit cost. These modifications to the LC sensor design significantly improve the functionality and commercial feasibility of this technology, especially for applications where a large array of sensors or multiple sensing parameters are required.


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The ability of cryogenic photonic crystals to carry out high performance microwave signal processing operations has been developed into systems that can: rapidly record broadband microwave spectra with fine resolution and high dynamic range; search for patterns in 40 gigabits per second data streams; and communicate via spread- spectrum signals that are well below the noise floor. The basic concepts of the technology and its many applications, along with an overview of university-industry partnerships and the growing photonics industry in Bozeman, will be presented.


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The effects of electron beam irradiation, anaerobic packaging, and storage times on the aroma of raw ground beef patties were investigated. Patties were coarse ground at three days postmortem, and then fine ground and packaged at three, six, and nine days postmortem. Patties were irradiated immediately after packaging, or three days after packaging at 2 kGy, and then stored at 2.5 °C ñ1.5 °C for four days. Non-irradiated controls were held under similar conditions. After four days of storage for each postmortem time (three, six, and nine days), sensory aroma evaluations were performed on all samples. Irradiated and non-irradiated patties with the shortest postmortem storage times had the most desirable aroma scores. Controls had significantly (p £ .05) more desirable aroma scores than irradiated patties.


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This report contains a methodological assessment of two working papers by Ashok Kaul and Michael Wolf on the effect of plain packaging on smoking prevalence in Australia and the criticism raised against these working papers by OxyRomandie. First, the potential of the data used by Kaul and Wolf for identifying causal effects is discussed. Second, a reanalysis of the data is provided. Third, the criticism raised by OxyRomandie is commented.


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Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-based gene transfer systems are being seriously considered for human gene therapy as an alternative to vectors based on primate lentiviruses, a genetically complex group of retroviruses capable of infecting non-dividing cells. The greater phylogenetic distance between the feline and primate lentiviruses is thought to reduce chances of the generation of recombinant viruses. However, safety of FIV-based vector systems has not been tested experimentally. Since primate lentiviruses such as human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV/SIV) can cross-package each other's genomes, we tested this trait with respect to FIV. Unexpectedly, both feline and primate lentiviruses were reciprocally able to both cross-package and propagate each other's RNA genomes. This was largely due to the recognition of viral packaging signals by the heterologous proteins. However, a simple retrovirus such as Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (MPMV) was unable to package FIV RNA. Interestingly, FIV could package MPMV RNA, but not propagate it for further steps of replication. These findings suggest that upon co-infection of the same host, cross-packaging may allow distinct retroviruses to generate chimeric variants with unknown pathogenic potential. ^ In order to understand the packaging determinants in FIV, we conducted a detailed mutational analysis of the region thought to contain FIV packaging signal. We show that the first 90–120 nt of the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) and the first 90 nt of gag were simultaneously required for efficient FIV RNA packaging. These results suggest that the primary FIV packaging signal is multipartite and discontinuous, composed of two core elements separated by 150 nt of the 5 ′UTR. ^ The above studies are being used towards the development of safer FIV-based self-inactivating (SIN) vectors. These vectors are being designed to eliminate the ability of FIV transfer vector RNAs to be mobilized by primate lentiviral proteins that may be present in the target cells. Preliminary test of the first generation of these vectors has revealed that they are incapable of being propagated by feline proteins. The inability of FIV transfer vectors to express packageable vector RNA after integration should greatly increase the safety of FIV vectors for human gene therapy. ^


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El siguiente trabajo busca construir un sistema integrado de comunicación visual, aplicado al packaging y promoción de las diferentes líneas de vino de la Bodega Orgánica Pulmary.


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El proyecto busca a través del diseño de comunicación gráfica, lograr un identidad visual novedosa dentro del rubro de productos naturales envasados de la empresa Sabores. De esta manera lograr incrementar las ventas y aumentar la presencia en el mercado mendocino, apostando a una expansión de la misma y a posicionarse como empresa líder dentro del rubro, transmitiendo siempre la calidad y naturalidad de sus productos.


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El proyecto busca crear un sistema de comunicación visual, del que carece la empresa. El mismo le permitirá diferenciarse de la competencia e insertarse en el mercado nacional y posicionarse dentro del mismo. Se plantea un sistema gráfico de etiquetas para sus nuevas líneas de productos. La aplicación desarrollada abarca piezas editoriales como multimedial.


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El siguiente proyecto plantea el rediseño de la identidad corporativa de "Jerome" empresa familiar productora de cerveza artesanal, ubicada en Potrerillos, Mendoza, Argentina. S busca construir una personalidad que le permita promocionar y posicionar el producto en el mercado interno y externo. La aplicación del sistema abarca el packaging y el desarrollo de piezas editoriales como multimediales.


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El proyecto se basa en el desarrollo del rediseño de la identidad visual y la construcción de un sistema para el packaging de la línea de vinos "Fuzion" de Bodega Familia Zuccardi, ya que el diseño que presenta actualmente dicho producto no tuvo la llegada esperada al consumidor.


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El proyecto surge como respuesta a la identidad actual de la Bodega boutique "Doña Elvira" ubicada en Vista Flores, Tunuyán, Mendoza, la cual no coincide con lo que la bodega pretende comunicar. Con el diseño de su identidad y con la implementación de un sistema gráfico que unifique gráficamente sus vinos, pretende alcanzar un mayor posicionamiento con respecto a la competencia y de esta manera promocionar la bodega y sus productos para incrementar las ventas.