827 resultados para Parent-child relationship
The "Learning together, growing with family" programme is targeted to at-risk parents and children from 6 to 11 years old, with a preventive focus on promoting positive parent-child relationships. In this study, we examined the quality of the programme implementation and its influence on the programme results in a sample of 425 parents and 138 facilitators drawn from the first trial. Mixed methods were used, consisting of: parental self-reports on parenting dimensions, professionals' records on parental attendance and appraisals on six topics of the implementation process, and focus group discussions in which facilitators reported on the initial steps of the implementation. Results showed a high quality of implementation with respect to the group facilitator and the programme organization factors, followed by the coordination with services and the support facilities offered to participants and, finally, by the factors of fidelity and prior organization steps. Results of the focus groups confirmed that the prior steps were challenging and offered the more effective strategies. Better quality in the implementation factors predicted better parenting styles and parental competencies after the programme, as well as a higher attendance rate. In sum, this study demonstrates the importance of good implementation in at-risk contexts and provides some clues as to the key elements that moderate programme effectiveness.
HIV Disclosure: Parental dilemma in informing HIV infected Children about their HIV Status in Malawi
Background Increasingly many perinatally HIV-infected children are surviving through adolescence and adulthood as a result of improvements in the management of paediatric HIV infection, particularly the increased use of combination therapy. It is usually the parents or guardians of these children who are faced with the task of informing the child living with HIV about his or her positive status. However, many parents—particularly biological parents —find this disclosure process difficult to initiate, and this study explored some of the difficulties that these parents encounter. Objective This study set out to explore potential factors that challenge parents and guardians when informing their perinatally HIV-infected child about the child’s HIV status. Design This was a qualitative narrative study that employed in-depth interviews with parents or guardians of children perinatally infected with HIV. A total of 20 parents and guardians of children who attend the outpatient HIV clinic at the Baylor College of Medicine-Abbott Fund Children’s Clinical Centre of Excellence (COE) in Lilongwe, Malawi were interviewed. Of these, 14 were biological parents and six were guardians. Results Guardians and parents expressed uneasiness and apprehension with the disclosure conversation, whether or not they had already told their child that he or she had HIV. Participants who had not told their children recounted that they had contemplated starting the conversation but could not gather enough courage to follow through with those thoughts. They cited the fear of robbing their child of the happiness of living without the knowledge of being positive, fear of making their own status known to more people, and fear of confrontation or creating enmity with their child as impediments to disclosing their child’s positive HIV status to him or her. Conclusions It is apparent that guardians—more particularly biological parents—of children perinatally infected by HIV find it difficult to inform their children about their children’s HIV status. From this disempowered position, parents dread the disclosure of a positive HIV status to a child as a psychosocial process that has the potential to disturb a family’s previously established equilibrium with threats of stigmatization, marginalization, and parent-child conflict. This calls for strategies that could support parents to make disclosure to the child less challenging.
Contexte. Depuis quelques années, plusieurs études se sont intéressées aux effets protecteurs des repas en famille sur divers aspects du développement des enfants et des adolescents. Objectif. Identifier les associations prospectives entre l'environnement des repas en famille à 6 ans et le développement bio-psycho-social à 10 ans. Méthode. Les participants sont 1 085 filles et 1 138 garçons faisant partie de l'Étude Longitudinale du Développement des Enfants du Québec (ÉLDEQ), qui a sélectionné un échantillon aléatoire et stratifié en utilisant le registre des naissances du Québec. Dans ce devis prospectif-longitudinal, les parents ont fourni une mesure sur l'environnement de leurs repas en famille à l'âge de 6 ans. Quatre années plus tard, les parents ont également fourni des mesures sur le niveau de condition physique de leur enfant ainsi que sa fréquence de consommation de boissons gazeuses; les enseignants ont mesuré la réussite en lecture et en mathématiques; les enfants ont auto-rapporté leurs niveaux d’agressivité physique globale, d’opposition, du trouble du comportement non agressif et d’agressivité réactive. Des analyses de régressions multiples ont été réalisées. Résultats. Un environnement plus sain lors des repas en famille à 6 ans a prédit les bénéfices suivants à 10 ans : une augmentation de la condition physique (β = 0,24; 95 % intervalle de confiance [IC], 0,12 à 0,36) ainsi qu'une diminution de la consommation de boissons gazeuses (β = -0,43; 95 % IC, -0,62 à -0,23), de l'agressivité physique globale (β = -0,38; 95 % IC, -0,58 à -0,18), de l'opposition (β = -0,72; 95 % IC, -1 à -0,4), du trouble du comportement non agressif (β = -0,33; 95 % IC, -0,50 à -0,17) et de l'agressivité réactive (β = -0,70; 95 % IC, -0,98 à -0,42). Contrairement à nos attentes, l'environnement des repas en famille n'était pas significativement relié au rendement scolaire. Conclusion. Les repas familiaux ont une forte influence à long terme sur le développement de l'enfant, par rapport à sa santé physique et à son ajustement social. Par conséquent, ils pourraient nourrir une campagne informative intéressante qui porterait sur la promotion de la santé mentale et physique des jeunes à travers ce rituel social.
Contexte. Depuis quelques années, plusieurs études se sont intéressées aux effets protecteurs des repas en famille sur divers aspects du développement des enfants et des adolescents. Objectif. Identifier les associations prospectives entre l'environnement des repas en famille à 6 ans et le développement bio-psycho-social à 10 ans. Méthode. Les participants sont 1 085 filles et 1 138 garçons faisant partie de l'Étude Longitudinale du Développement des Enfants du Québec (ÉLDEQ), qui a sélectionné un échantillon aléatoire et stratifié en utilisant le registre des naissances du Québec. Dans ce devis prospectif-longitudinal, les parents ont fourni une mesure sur l'environnement de leurs repas en famille à l'âge de 6 ans. Quatre années plus tard, les parents ont également fourni des mesures sur le niveau de condition physique de leur enfant ainsi que sa fréquence de consommation de boissons gazeuses; les enseignants ont mesuré la réussite en lecture et en mathématiques; les enfants ont auto-rapporté leurs niveaux d’agressivité physique globale, d’opposition, du trouble du comportement non agressif et d’agressivité réactive. Des analyses de régressions multiples ont été réalisées. Résultats. Un environnement plus sain lors des repas en famille à 6 ans a prédit les bénéfices suivants à 10 ans : une augmentation de la condition physique (β = 0,24; 95 % intervalle de confiance [IC], 0,12 à 0,36) ainsi qu'une diminution de la consommation de boissons gazeuses (β = -0,43; 95 % IC, -0,62 à -0,23), de l'agressivité physique globale (β = -0,38; 95 % IC, -0,58 à -0,18), de l'opposition (β = -0,72; 95 % IC, -1 à -0,4), du trouble du comportement non agressif (β = -0,33; 95 % IC, -0,50 à -0,17) et de l'agressivité réactive (β = -0,70; 95 % IC, -0,98 à -0,42). Contrairement à nos attentes, l'environnement des repas en famille n'était pas significativement relié au rendement scolaire. Conclusion. Les repas familiaux ont une forte influence à long terme sur le développement de l'enfant, par rapport à sa santé physique et à son ajustement social. Par conséquent, ils pourraient nourrir une campagne informative intéressante qui porterait sur la promotion de la santé mentale et physique des jeunes à travers ce rituel social.
O diagnóstico de Cancro da Mama (CM) desencadeia uma crise na doente e no seu sistema familiar, levando a mudanças no seu modo de funcionamento. O presente estudo tem como objetivos analisar as mudanças percebidas, a curto e a longo prazo, na relação mãe-filhos e na parentalidade na sequência do diagnóstico de CM materno, bem como analisar de que forma “ser mãe” influenciou o modo como as pacientes lidaram com o CM. Foram entrevistadas 17 mulheres sobreviventes de CM com filhos dependentes no momento do diagnóstico através de uma entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram analisados segundo a Grounded Theory. Os resultados demonstraram que esta experiência desencadeia mudanças, temporárias e permanentes, nos padrões de funcionamento familiar. Perante as mudanças nos comportamentos dos filhos, as mães adotam novas estratégias para promover bem-estar nos descendentes. Após a família se conseguir descentrar da doença, as mulheres conseguem refletir sobre os contributos da vivência do CM na relação mãe-filhos. Clinicamente, estes resultados permitem conhecer as necessidades destas mães e apoiar a elaboração de programas de intervenção psicológica, capazes de responder a essas necessidades, salientando a importância de uma intervenção sistémica e que potencie a expressão emocional.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir y comparar el nivel y las diferencias de las competencias emocionales de niños que asisten a ludotecas y que no asisten. Este estudio se enmarca dentro de las investigaciones cuantitativas, con diseño no experimental descriptivo-comparativo. Para este, se tomó una muestra de 540 niños colombianos, de los cuales 249 eran niños y 287 eran niñas. Se utilizó una “Guía de Instrumentación”, la cual se divide en dos rejillas de observación, una en situación natural y la otra en situación artificial. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas para el componente de expresión de emociones y empatía, pero no se encontraron diferencias significativas para el componente de autorregulación. En líneas generales, esto demostraría que efectivamente las ludotecas sí tienen un efecto sobre las competencias emocionales, más específicamente en la expresión de emociones y la empatía, esto se pude dar, debido a que estos dos componentes se pueden desarrollar por medio de las interacciones sociales tempranas y el juego social; en cambio el desarrollo de la autorregulación depende más de factores personales como el temperamento y familiares como la relación madre-hijo. Por último, se requiere más estudios que den más evidencia de la relación entre las competencias emocionales y las ludotecas, de este modo, lograr que las ludotecas y las competencias emocionales sean vistas como factores claves en el desarrollo de los niños y niñas.
Resumen Este documento hace una revisión de literatura desde un enfoque psicoanalítico sobre la relación madre – hijo durante el embarazo y la forma en que este influye en el desarrollo psíquico del bebé. Se aborda esta temática principalmente desde la visión teórica de Donald Winnicott, Wilfred Bion y Helene Deutsch para lograr un análisis más integral del vínculo madre-hijo. La elección de autores se hizo teniendo en cuenta que para cada uno de ellos este vínculo constituye una parte fundamental en el desarrollo psicoafectivo del niño, así como la importancia que le dan a la concepción y al embarazo en dicho proceso.
La ricerca parte dall’intento di indagare le relazioni che intrattenne Ellen Key con i fondatori delle scuole nuove in Europa a cavallo del Novecento e il contributo che lei offrì alla loro disseminazione. All’inizio del Novecento Ellen Key era al centro del dibattito pedagogico e femminista, non solo in Svezia ma in tutta l’Europa Centrale e anche in Italia, dove compì lunghi soggiorni (1900-1901 e 1906-1908). La pedagoga svedese fu un’intellettuale che sostenne strenuamente la libertà di espressione e di stampa, fu promotrice di una Carta dei diritti dei bambini e fautrice di politiche sociali per la protezione della maternità e della relazione madre-bambino. Al volgere del Ventesimo secolo si verificò l’emergere di una serie di esperimenti pedagogici innovativi che presero le mosse dalla Abbotsholme school fondata da Cecil Reddie, nel 1889, e si diffusero in Francia con la fondazione della Ecole des Roches da parte di Edmond Demolins, in Germania con le scuole di campagna (Landerziehungsheime di Ilseburg, Haubinda e Bieberstein) fondate da Hermann Lietz, la comunità scolastica di Wickersdorf e la Odenwaldschule di Paul Geheeb. Ellen Key si relazionò con questi importanti esperimenti pedagogici e, grazie ai suoi continui spostamenti, visitò alcune scuole nuove. Nello specifico la ricerca prende le mosse dall’analisi dei manoscritti e dei carteggi del fondo Ellen Key, presso la Biblioteca Reale di Stoccolma e la biblioteca privata di Ellen Key a Villa Strand. Dai documenti analizzati emerge come la scrittrice svedese, abbia assunto un ruolo di mediatrice per la disseminazione delle Scuole Nuove che nei primissimi anni del Novecento raggiunsero un elevato grado di diffusione.
Cognitive theories emphasise the role of dysfunctional beliefs about sleep in the development and maintenance of sleep-related problems (SRPs). The present research examines how parents' dysfunctional beliefs about children's sleep and child dysfunctional beliefs about sleep are related to each other and to children's subjective and objective sleep. Participants were 45 children aged 11 -12 years and their parents. Self-report measures of dysfunctional beliefs about sleep and child sleep were completed by children, mothers and fathers. Objective measures of child sleep were taken using actigraphy. The results showed that child dysfunctional beliefs about sleep were correlated with father (r=.43, p<.05) and mother (r=.43, p<.05) reported child SRPs, and with Sleep Onset Latency (r=.34, p<.05). Maternal dysfunctional beliefs about child sleep were related to child SRPs as reported by mothers (r=.44, p<.05), and to child dysfunctional beliefs about sleep (r=.37, p<.05). Some initial evidence was found for a mediation pathway in which child dyfunctional beliefs mediate the relationship between parent dysfunctional beliefs and child sleep. The results support the cognitive model of SRPs and contribute to the literature by providing the first evidence of familial aggregation of dysfunctional beliefs about sleep.
Research suggests that child-to-parent violence (CPV) is related to a previous history of violence within the family setting. The current study was aimed to explore the exposure to violence in different settings (school, community, home, and TV) and its relationship to some variables of the social-cognitive processing (hostile social perception, impulsivity, ability to anticipate the consequences of social behaviors and to select the appropriate means to achieve the goals of social behaviors) in a group of juveniles who assaulted their parents. It is also examined how they differ from other young offenders and non-offender adolescents. The sample included 90 adolescents from Jaén (Spain). Thirty of them were juveniles who had been reported by their parents for being violent towards them and 30 were juveniles who had committed other types of offences. The third group was made up of 30 adolescents without any criminal charge. Adolescents answered measures of exposure to violence, perception of criticism/rejection from parents, hostile social perception, and social problem- solving skills. Results revealed that juveniles who abused their parents reported higher levels of exposure to violence at home when comparing to the other groups. In addition, exposure to violence at home was significantly correlated to the hostile social perception of adolescents in CPV cases. Implications for prevention and treatment are discussed
Child sexual abuse continues to be a prevalent and complex problem in today’s society as it poses serious and pervasive mental health risks to child victims and their non-offending parents. The main objectives of this study were (a) to elucidate the psychological symptoms and support needs of parents of child sexual abuse victims as they present to group treatment, (b) to examine changes in psychological symptoms and support needs and their relationship with child functioning over the course of a parallel group treatment, and (c) to examine the impact of these factors on completion of group treatment. Participants included 104 sexually abused youth and their non-offending parent presenting to Project SAFE Group Intervention, a 12-session cognitive-behavioral group treatment for sexually abused children and their non-offending parents. This project had a unique advantage of utilizing a variety of demographic, parent-, and child-report measures, allowing for a more comprehensive examination of change in symptomatology and needs over the course of treatment. Several significant findings were noted, including the identification of four clusters of youth at pre-treatment, which were maintained at post-treatment; elevations on the CTQ Sexual Abuse scale; parents of youth sexually abused by a non-family member had significantly higher PSI-Restriction of Role subscale scores; parental expectations of a negative impact on their child were worse for older children; several parent characteristics predicted client treatment retention (e.g., older parents, lower SCL-90-R GSI scores); and an early age of onset of abuse also increased treatment retention. Future directions, recommendations, and limitations were discussed.
Abstract Background Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological condition that affects 3%–7% of the pediatric population and significantly compromises the quality of life (QoL) of these individuals. The aim of the current study was to compare child self-reports and parent proxy reports on the QoL of children with ADHD. Methods Forty-five children with ADHD, combined type, aged 8–12 years without comorbidities, were compared with 43 typically developing children. PedsQL™ 4.0 (Pediatric QoL Inventory™) Generic Core Scales (physical, emotional, social, and school functioning) were completed by families and children self-reporting their health-related QoL. Results Children with ADHD reported themselves significantly lowered their PedsQL™ scores on all dimensions in comparison to typically developing children. Statistically significant differences were observed in social functioning (p = 0.010), school functioning (p <0.001), psychosocial health (p <0.001), and total score (p = 0.002). The physical functioning and emotional functioning dimensions did not differ significantly between groups, with p = 0.841 and p = 0.070, respectively. Parents of children with ADHD also reported lower PedsQL™ scores, with statistically significant differences in all dimensions. The relationship between child self-reports and parent proxy reports indicated that there is greater agreement among children with ADHD, except for the school functioning. Conclusions This suggests that children with the disorder and their parents have a perception of the functional limitations the disorder brings. It is therefore important to undertake studies to verify the QoL in children with ADHD that aim to provide and measure the scope of the well-being of these children.
Patient satisfaction represents a significant outcome criterion in the context of systemic psychotherapeutic therapy research. This study investigated parent satisfaction with a psychosocial treatment program (comprising three components: child group therapy, parents' evenings, systemic family sessions) for pediatric primary headache (diagnosed according to IHS criteria). 10 weeks after the end of the treatment program, the parents were sent a questionnaire containing open questions and ten-point numerical rating scales. The sample comprised n=48 families. The return rate was 89%. The qualitative content analysis showed a hierarchical category system consisting of 3 major categories, 7 main groups and 69 sub-categories. The parents stated that they were satisfied with (1.) the effects of the treatment program, (2.) the specific treatment techniques and the medical and psychosocial headache-related information provided, and (3.) the therapeutic relationship. The mean satisfaction for all three therapy components on the ten-point numerical rating scale was 8.1 with a standard deviation of 2.0 (child headache group: 8.5; parents' evenings: 8.2; family sessions: 7.5). The results are discussed with reference to methodological aspects: avoidance of ceiling effects and social desirability in measuring customer satisfaction, order effects of items, weighting of the significance of satisfaction levels as an outcome criterion.
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the association between parent acculturation and parental fruit and vegetable intake, child fruit and vegetable intake, and child access and availability to fruits and vegetables. Secondary data analysis was performed on a convenience sample of low-income Hispanic-identifying parents (n = 177) and children from a baseline survey from the Sprouting Healthy Kids intervention. T tests were used to examine the association between parent acculturation status (acculturated or non-acculturated) and fruit intake, vegetable intake and combined fruit and vegetable intake of both the parent and the child. T tests were also used to determine the relationship between parent acculturation and child access and availability to fruits, vegetables, and combined fruits and vegetables. Statistical significance was set at a p level of 0.05. The mean FVI for the parents and children were 3.41 servings and 2.96 servings, respectively. Statistical significance was found for the relationships between parent acculturation and parent fruit intake and parent acculturation and child fruit access. Lower acculturation of the parent was significantly related to higher fruit intake. Counter to the hypothesis, higher acculturation was found to be associated with greater access to fruits for the child. These findings suggest the necessity for not only culturally specific nutrition interventions, but the need for interventions to target behaviors for specific levels of acculturation within a culture. ^
The death of an infant/child is one of the most devastating experiences for parents and immediately throws them into crisis. Spiritual and religious coping strategies may help parents with their loss. The purposes of this longitudinal study were to: (1) describe differences in bereaved parents' use of spiritual coping strategies across racial/ethnic and religious groups, mother/father dyads, and time—one (T1) and three (T2) months after the infant's/child's death in the neonatal (NICU) or pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), and (2) test the relationship between spiritual coping strategies and grief, mental health, and personal growth for mothers and fathers at T1 and T2. A sample of 126 Hispanic, Black/African American, and White parents of 119 deceased children completed the Spiritual Coping Strategies scale, Beck Depression Inventory-II, Impact of Events-Revised, Hogan Grief Reaction Checklist, and a demographic form at T1 and T2. Controlling for race and religion, spiritual coping was a strong predictor of lower grief, better mental health, and greater personal growth for mothers at T1 and T2 and lower grief for fathers at T1. The findings of this study will guide bereaved parents to effective strategies to help them cope with their early grief.