925 resultados para Parent-child relations


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Hispanic teens are a high-risk population for initiation of early sexual activity and alcohol use which in turn has numerous social and health consequences. One strategy to address prevention of these behaviors is to implement a capacity building intervention that promotes parent child communication, encompasses their cultural values and community participation. This study describes the process evaluation of a pilot intervention program amongst Hispanic teens and their families living along the Texas-Mexico border. “Girls Lets Talk” is a small group intervention with 10-14 year old teens and their female adult family members that involves education regarding effects of alcohol use and sexual activity as well as activities for monitoring and refusal skills to prevent risky behaviors. Two waves of the program each consisting of at least seven mother daughter dyads were conducted. During the designing process, community advisory board meetings and focus groups were held to review course materials and ensure they were appropriate to the Mexican American culture. Parent and adolescent surveys were administered at the beginning and end of the intervention to assess for psychosocial outcome variables. All sessions received high mean satisfactory scores (mean of 4.00 or better on a five point scale) for both adult and adolescent participants. Qualitative feedback was obtained via debriefing sessions to evaluate experience as well as alter recruitment strategies. A Wilcoxon Sign Rank analysis of the pre and post intervention surveys was done that showed significant changes in some outcome variables such as intentions and confidence for monitoring behaviors for adults and beliefs regarding sexual activity. “Girls Lets Talk” is a promising example of how a process evaluation plan can help develop a theory based health promotion program using the community based participatory research approach. The intervention may also be effective in altering intentions and enhancing self-efficacy among parents and teens in order to decrease risky behaviors such as early sexual activity and alcohol use.^


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The purpose of this culminating experience was to investigate the relationships between healthcare utilization, insurance coverage, and socioeconomic characteristics of children with asthma along the Texas-Mexico Border. A secondary data analysis was conducted on cross-sectional data from the Texas Child Asthma Call-back Survey, a follow-up survey to the random digit dialed Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance Study (BRFSS) conducted between 2006-2009 ( n = 556 adults living in households with a child with asthma).^ The proportion of Hispanic children with asthma in Border areas of Texas was more than twice that of non-Border areas (84.8% vs. 28.8%). Parents in Border areas were less likely to have their own health insurance (OR = 0.251, 95% C.I. = 0.117-0.540) and less likely to complete the survey in English than Spanish (OR = 0.251 95% C.I. = 0.117-0.540) than parents in non-Border areas. No significant socio-economic or health care utilization differences were noted between Hispanic children living in Border areas compared to Hispanic children living in non-Border areas. Children with asthma along the Texas-Mexico Border, regardless of ethnicity and language, have insurance coverage rates, reported cost barriers to care, symptom management, and medication usage patterns similar to those in non-Border areas. When compared to English-speakers, Spanish-speaking parents in Texas as a whole are far less likely to be taught what to do during an asthma attack (50.2% vs. 78.6%).^ Language preference, rather than ethnicity or geographical residence, played a larger role on childhood asthma-related health disparities for children in Texas. Spanish-speaking parents in are less likely to receive adequate asthma self-management education. Investigating the effects of Hispanic acculturation rates and incongruent parent-child health insurance coverage may provide better insight into the health disparities of children along the Texas-Mexico Border.^


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Background. Similar to parent support in the home environment, teacher support at school may positively influence children's fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption. This study assessed the relationship between teacher support for FV consumption and the FV intake of 4th and 5th grade students in low-income elementary schools in central Texas. Methods. A secondary analysis was performed on baseline data collected from 496 parent-child dyads during the Marathon Kids study carried out by the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living at the University of Texas School of Public Health. A hierarchical linear regression analysis adjusting for key demographic variables, parent support, and home FV availability was conducted. In addition, separate linear regression models stratified by quartiles of home FV availability were conducted to assess the relationship between teacher support and FV intake by level of home FV availability. Results. Teacher support was not significantly related to students' FV intake (p = .44). However, the interaction of teacher support and home FV availability was positively associated with students' FV consumption (p < .05). For students in the lowest quartile of home FV availability, teacher support accounted for approximately 6% of the FV intake variance (p = .02). For higher levels of FV availability, teacher support and FV intake were not related. Conclusions. For lower income elementary school-aged children with low FV availability at home, greater teacher support may lead to modest increases in FV consumption.^


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In this essay I review a recent research study from Italy, “Le Radici nel Futuro – La Continuita’ della Relazione Genitoriale oltre la Crisi Familiare,” edited by Paola Dallanegra (2005). The contributors focus on “Spazio Neutro,” a multi-purpose child welfare agency in southern Italy that facilitates parent-child visiting and relationships between children placed in out-of-home care and their families. They delineate and illustrate, through comments from family members, selected principles and strategies for maintaining such continuity throughout the out-of-home placement.


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Black and Hispanic youth experience the largest burden of sexually transmitted infections, teen pregnancy, and childbirth (Hamilton, Martin, & Ventura, 2011). Minority youth are disporportionately more likely to sexually debut at every age and debut before the age of 13 compared to whites (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). However, there is little known about pre-coital sexual activity or protective parental factors in early adolscent minority youth. Parental factors such as parent-child communication and parental monitoring influence adolescent sexual behaviors and pre-coital sexual behaviors in early adolescence. Three distinct methods were used in this dissertation. Study one used qualitative methods, semi-structured, in-depth, individual interviews, to explore parent-child communication in African American mother-early adolescent son dyads. Study two used quantitative methods, secondary data analysis of a cross sectional study, to conduct a moderation analysis. For study three, I conducted a systematic review of parent-based adolescent sexual health interventions. Study one found that mothers feel comfortable talking about sex with adolescents, provide a two-prong sexual health message, and want their sons to tell their when they are thinking of having sex. Study found that parental monitoring moderates the relation between parent-child communication and pre-coital sexual behaviors. Study three found that interventions use a variety of theory, methods, and strategies and that no parent-based programs target faith-based organizations, mother-son or father-daughter dyads, or parents of LGBTQ youth. Adolescent sexual health interventions should consider addressing youth-to-parent disclosure of sexual activity or intentions to debut, addressing both parent-child sexual health communication and parental monitoring, and using a theoretical framework.^


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Quais os efeitos do diagnóstico de prematuridade no discurso das mães e suas repercussões na relação mãe-criança? Partindo desta questão, que surgiu na experiência psicanalítica em um hospital pediátrico, o presente estudo visa analisar os efeitos do diagnóstico de prematuridade no discurso materno a partir de entrevistas psicanalíticas preliminares com mães de crianças prematuras. Trata-se de uma pesquisa clínica qualitativa que propõe uma articulação entre clínica e teoria a partir da construção de quatro casos clínicos fundamentados pelo referencial teórico da psicanálise de Freud, Lacan e autores contemporâneos. Se no imaginário social a prematuridade é associada a dificuldades em diversos contextos da vida, a análise de cada caso revela que este diagnóstico pode ou não ser encadeado pelo sujeito aos significantes que o marcam de forma prevalente. Nesta via, a prematuridade se desloca do lugar determinante de algo que sempre marca e decide, para um lugar que só pode ser escutado no um a um. Para a análise dos casos, elencou-se a divisão mãe-mulher como operador conceitual central dada sua prevalência nos discursos, em um percurso teórico que parte da história do amor materno ao exame psicanalítico da maternidade a partir da sexualidade feminina. Tais considerações partem do mito do amor materno de Badinter, em direção à equivalência do filho como substituto da falta fálica em Freud, até à ênfase ao desejo da mulher na mãe em Lacan. A discussão apresenta os diferentes lugares atribuídos à prematuridade por cada sujeito feminino e a prevalência de impasses próprios à conjunção e disjunção mãe-mulher incidindo na relação mãe-criança


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Author: Charity M. Walker Title: THE IMPACT OF SHYNESS ON LONELINESS, SOCIAL ANXIETY, AND SCHOOL LIKING IN LATE CHILDHOOD Advisor: Maria T. Riva, Ph.D. Degree Date: August 2011 ABSTRACT Shyness is associated with several emotional, social, and academic problems. While there are multiple difficulties that often accompany shyness, there appear to be some factors that can moderate negative effects of shyness. Research has demonstrated that certain parenting factors affect the adjustment of shy children in early childhood, but there is minimal research illuminating the effect of parenting factors in older age groups. The first purpose of this study was to examine relationships between shyness and loneliness, social anxiety, and school liking. The second purpose was to investigate whether the quality of the relationship between a parent and a 10- to 15-year-olds child influences the amount of loneliness or social anxiety a shy child experiences or how the child feels about school. Parent-child dyads served as participants and were recruited from public and private middle schools and church youth groups in Colorado and Indiana. Child participants completed several self-report surveys regarding their relationship with a parent, shyness, loneliness, social anxiety, and their attitude toward school. Parents completed a survey about their relationship with their child and responded to questions related to their perceptions of their child's shyness. Data was analyzed with a series of correlation and regression analyses. Greater degrees of self-reported shyness were found to be associated with higher levels of loneliness and social anxiety and less positive feelings about school. Due to a problem with multicollinearity during data analysis, this study was not able to explore the effect of the parent-child relationship quality on the associations between shyness and adjustment factors. Overall, these findings imply that shyness remains an important issue as children approach adolescence. Further research is needed to continue learning about the potential importance of parent-child interactions in reducing maladjustment for shy children during late childhood.


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The social deficits of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have great impact on overall functioning and life satisfaction; however, ways of addressing these deficits to promote positive interpersonal functioning have been limited. The following paper explores the literature that highlights these social deficits, identifies skills that are proposed to target these impairments, discusses child and parent factors that are relevant to positive therapeutic change, and describes the development of a therapeutic game that incorporates variables important to treatment success of these interpersonal difficulties.


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Supreme Court precedent establishes that the government may not punish children for matters beyond their control. Same-sex marriage bans and non-recognition laws (“marriage bans”) do precisely this. The states argue that marriage is good for children, yet marriage bans categorically exclude an entire class of children – children of same-sex couples – from the legal, economic and social benefits of marriage. This amicus brief recounts a powerful body of equal protection jurisprudence that prohibits punishing children to reflect moral disapproval of parental conduct or to incentivize adult behavior. We then explain that marriage bans punish children of same-sex couples because they: 1) foreclose their central legal route to family formation; 2) categorically void their existing legal parent-child relationships incident to out-of-state marriages; 3) deny them economic rights and benefits; and 4) inflict psychological and stigmatic harm. States cannot justify marriage bans as good for children and then exclude children of same-sex couples based on moral disapproval of their same-sex parents’ relationships or to incentivize opposite-sex couples to “procreate” within the bounds of marriage. To do so, severs the connection between legal burdens and individual responsibility and creates a permanent class or caste distinction.


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Thesis (Ph.D, Psychology) -- Queen's University, 2016-05-16 14:38:20.622


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Essai présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l’obtention du doctorat en psychologie (D.Psy.)


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Enquadramento: A parentalidade é um tema de saúde com muita relevância na sociedade atual, intervindo o seu exercício na promoção da saúde e bem-estar da criança. A parentalidade envolve acontecimentos stressantes, nomeadamente em situações de problemas de saúde e necessidades básicas e de resposta ao comportamento da criança, como é o caso do choro/birra e no momento de alimentação, procurando a maioria dos cuidadores responder ao problema de forma independente enquanto outros solicitam apoio dos profissionais de saúde. Objetivo: Identificar recomendações concretas, baseadas na evidência científica, de boas práticas e recomendações a transmitir aos pais para lidarem com o choro /birras e no momento da alimentação da criança. Métodos: Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura de estudos realizados nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, publicados entre 2009 e 2014, em bases de dados internacionais CINAHL® Plus with Full-Text, Nursing & Allied Health Collection, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials; Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) e Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), MedicLatina , MEDLINE, com recurso a diversos descritores e operadores booleanos e recorrendo a dois revisores que avaliaram a qualidade dos estudos metodológicos. Resultados: Após avaliação crítica, foram excluídos 50 estudos e incluídos 7, sendo um de grau de evidência A, dois de evidência B e 4 de evidência D. Os outcomes evidenciaram que para gestão da parentalidade o aconselhamento deve feito pelo profissional de referência, que se necessário deverá acompanhar os pais através de contacto telefónico e visita domiciliária sobretudo se mães inexperientes. Os profissionais devem ampliar os seus conhecimentos sobre as dúvidas e preocupações que os pais têm sobre a educação dos seus filhos consultando os espaços de discussão online. A etnia e nacionalidade das mães tem forte impacto sobre os métodos usados para acalmar o bebé, pelo que os cuidados devem ser culturalmente congruentes. Na abordagem do choro/ birras torna-se necessário conhecer o normal desenvolvimento da criança e em que contextos surgem para minimizá-las, sendo importante que os pais dêem à criança atenção positiva, instituindo rotinas. Para melhorar o momento da alimentação os pais devem reconhecer que até aos dois anos decorre a janela de oportunidade de aprendizagem de rotinas e de novos sabores, salientando-se a importância do ambiente de atenção e reciprocidade durante as refeições. Conclusão: Os enfermeiros devem procurar orientar a sua prática com base nas evidências científicas e tendo como base o estudo efectuado, salienta-se a promoção da parentalidade positiva como central para a abordagem dos comportamentos de choro/birra e no momento da alimentação da criança. Palavras – chaves: educação parental, enfermeiro, aleitamento materno, alimentação, birra, choro, relação pais-filhos.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-05


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Community-based treatment and care of people with psychiatric disabilities has meant that they are now more likely to engage in the parenting role. This has led to the development of programs designed to enhance the parenting skills of people with psychiatric disabilities. Evaluation of these programs has been hampered by a paucity of evaluation tools. This study's aim was to develop and trial a tool that examined the parent-child interaction within a group setting, was functional and easy to use, required minimum training and equipment, and had acceptable levels of reliability and validity. The revised tool yielded a single scale with acceptable reliability. It had discriminative validity and concurrent validity with non-independent global ratings of parenting. Sensitivity to change was not investigated. The findings suggest that this method of evaluating parenting is likely to have both clinical and research utility and further investigation of the psychometric properties of the tool is warranted.


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This study investigated an Australian antidrug campaign that targeted adolescents directly and indirectly via recruiting parents into drug prevention. Eighty-six parent-child dyads completed surveys measuring campaign evaluations, discussions about drugs, and beliefs about risks to self (own child) and to the average young Australian. Adolescents were optimistic about risks, and media impact was evident only in perceptions of risk to others. Parents were less optimistic, and perceptions of campaign quality predicted perceived risk to own child and discussion about drugs. However, this was moderated by negative affect associated with the campaign. There was some evidence that discussions influenced adolescents' perceptions of personal risk. This demonstrates the importance of individual responses and communication processes in determining the impact of persuasive media messages.