402 resultados para Papillomatous Dermatitis
Este artículo pretende realizar una revisión de la literatura vigente acerca del asma ocupacional secundaria a la exposición de los factores de riesgo identificados en peluquería. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos PubMed y Cochrane de artículos de revistas indexadas con las palabras claves “Asthma occupational, hairdressers, hairdresser, work related asthma”. Aplicando los criterios de selección descritos, se revisaron 26 artículos en total donde se incluían reportes de casos, estudios de prevalencia, incidencia, corte transversa y revisiones, abarcando principalmente los temas de epidemiologia, fisiopatología, diagnóstico y prevención. Se agruparon según la metodología PRISMA para su respectiva comparación. Se concluyó que a pesar de la importancia de esta patología en el sector de peluquería, existen factores asociados como la informalidad del sector, la falta de estudios de investigación originales de cohorte o el desconocimiento de un protocolo claro de diagnóstico en este tipo de trabajadores, que limitan datos concluyentes acerca de la misma. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los autores concluye la relación entre la patología y la labor de peluquería, así falte esclarecer los mecanismos fisiopatológicos relacionados con los alérgenos identificados.
A dermatite atópica é uma patologia cutânea crónica que requer cuidados intensivos da pele e tratamento farmacológico; contudo, os tratamentos disponíveis necessitam urgentemente de ser melhorados, especialmente quando utilizados por períodos longos ou em grupos específicos (ex: crianças). A nanotecnologia tem contribuído com sistemas de veiculação inovadores e pode oferecer terapias efectivas e direcionadas. Os objectivos deste estudo centraram-se na preparação caracterização das nanopartículas de policaprolactona carregadas com acetato de hidrocortisona em termos das propriedades físico-químicas, eficiência de encapsulação, ensaios de libertação in vitro e ensaios de segurança dos excipientes utilizados em voluntários humanos. As nanopartículas produzidas apresentaram um tamanho médio de 258,4 24,5 nm e um índice de polidispersão de 0,084. O potencial zeta foi -4,39 0,62 mV e a eficiência de encapsulação foi 36,32 0,03 %. A libertação in vitro do fármaco foi controlada ao longo do tempo. Além disso, os testes de segurança indicaram que os excipientes foram bem tolerados. Este estudo demonstra que as nanopartículas de policaprolactona são sistemas estáveis para veiculação de acetato de hidrocortisona que poderão conduzir a uma libertação prolongada do fármaco, com resultados promissores ao nível da sua segurança quando aplicados na pele humana.
A dermatite atópica (DA) é um tema importante na dermatologia clínica. Na verdade, a patogénese dessa doença inflamatória crónica da pele, caracterizada principalmente por pele seca e prurido, ainda está longe de ser totalmente compreendida. A fim de saber mais acerca desta complexa doença, ratos Wistar machos e adultos (n = 10) foram utilizados como modelo animal, nos quais o tratamento com acetona (AA) foi comparado com o tratamento com água por 3 dias (AW). No dia 3, uma hora após o último tratamento, a AA mostrou maior perda transepidérmica de água (TEWL), fluxo sanguíneo capilar e reduzida hidratação quando comparada com AW. A análise comportamental mostrou que a acção de coçar foi marcadamente mais frequente no grupo AA (n = 5) quando comparado ao grupo AW (n = 5). Estes resultados justificam a implementação deste modelo animal como uma ferramenta experimental para investigação da AD.
A pele infantil apresenta diferentes características quando comparada com a dos adultos, apresenta-se mais fina, permeável e delicada devido à imaturidade das suas estruturas. Desta forma, as crianças são mais susceptíveis ao desenvolvimento de várias afecções cutâneas, as dermatoses, tais como a dermatite das fraldas, dermatite atópica, miliária, psoríase, entre outras. Actualmente existe uma grande variedade de produtos cosméticos que se destinam a serem utilizados em crianças e até mesmo em recém-nascidos, estes são desenvolvidos a pensar nas características próprias da pele infantil. Todos os produtos que entram em contacto com a pele do bebé devem ser rigorosamente seleccionados. Com este trabalho pretende-se abordar as diversas dermatoses que afectam as crianças tais com as opções cosmetológicas existentes para o tratamento das mesmas.
Initial bacterial colonization, including colonization with health-positive bacteria, such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, is necessary for the normal development of intestinal innate and adaptive immune defenses. The predominance of beneficial bacteria in the gut microflora of breast-fed infants is thought to be, at least in part, supported by the metabolism of the complex mixture of oligosaccharides present in human breast milk, and a more adult-type intestinal microbiota is found in formula-fed infants. Inadequate gut colonization, dysbiosis, may lead to an increased risk of infectious, allergic, and autoimmune disorders later in life. The addition of appropriate amounts of selected prebiotics to infant formulas can enhance the growth of bifidobacteria or lactobacilli in the colonic microbiota and, thereby, might produce beneficial effects. Among the substrates considered as prebiotics are the oligosaccharides inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, galacto-oligosaccharides, and lactulose. There are some reports that such prebiotics have beneficial effects on various markers of health. For example, primary prevention trials in infants have provided promising data on prevention of infections and atopic dermatitis. Additional well-designed prospective clinical trials and mechanistic studies are needed to advance knowledge further in this promising field. (J Pediatr 2009;155:S61-70).
The present paper summarizes the consensus views of a group of 9 European clinicians and scientists on the current state of scientific knowledge on probiotics, covering those areas where there is substantial evidence for beneficial effects and those where the evidence base is poor or inconsistent. There was general agreement that probiotic effects were species and often strain specific. The experts agreed that some probiotics were effective in reducing the incidence and duration of rotavirus diarrhoea in infants, antibiotic-associated diarrhoea in adults and, for certain probiotics, Clostridium difficile infections. Some probiotics are associated with symptomatic improvements in irritable bowel syndrome and alleviation of digestive discomfort. Probiotics can reduce the frequency and severity of necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants and have been shown to regulate intestinal immunity. Several other clinical effects of probiotics, including their role in inflammatory bowel disease, atopic dermatitis, respiratory or genito-urinary infections or H.pylori adjuvant treatment were thought promising but inconsistent.
Abstract Purpose: The pH discrepancy between healthy and atopic dermatitis skin was identified as a site specific trigger for delivering hydrocortisone from microcapsules. Methods: Using Eudragit L100, a pH-responsive polymer which dissolves at pH 6, hydrocortisone-loaded microparticles were produced by oil-in-oil microencapsulation or spray drying. Release and permeation of hydrocortisone from microparticles alone or in gels was assessed and preliminary stability data was determined. Results: Drug release from microparticles was pH-dependent though the particles produced by spray drying also gave significant non-pH dependent burst release, resulting from their porous nature or from drug enrichment on the surface of these particles. This pH-responsive release was maintained upon incorporation of the oil-in-oil microparticles into Carbopol- and HPMC-based gel formulations. In-vitro studies showed 4 to 5-fold higher drug permeation through porcine skin from the gels at pH 7 compared to pH 5. Conclusions: Permeation studies showed that the oil-in-oil generated particles deliver essentially no drug at normal (intact) skin pH (5.0 – 5.5) but that delivery can be triggered and targeted to atopic dermatitis skin where the pH is elevated. The incorporation of these microparticles into Carbopol- and HPMC-based aqueous gel formulations demonstrated good stability and pH-responsive permeation into porcine skin.
Treponema have been implicated recently in the pathogenesis of digital dermatitis (DID) and contagious ovine digital dermatitis (CODD) that are infectious diseases of bovine and ovine foot tissues, respectively. Previous analyses of treponemal 16S rDNA sequences, PCR-amplified directly from DID or CODD lesions, have suggested relatedness of animal Treponema to some human oral Treponema species isolated from periodontal tissues. In this study a range of adhesion and virulence-related properties of three animal Treponema isolates have been compared with representative human oral strains of Treponema denticola and Treponema vincentii. In adhesion assays using biotinylated treponemal cells, T denticola cells bound in consistently higher numbers to fibronectin, laminin, collagen type 1, gelatin, keratin and lactoferrin than did T. vincentii or animal Treponema isolates. However, animal DID strains adhered to fibrinogen at equivalent or greater levels than T denticola. All Treponema strains bound to the amino-terminal heparin l/fibrin I domain of fibronectin. 16S rDNA sequence analyses placed ovine strain UB1090 and bovine strain UB1467 within a cluster that was phylogenetically related to T vincentii, while ovine strain UB1466 appeared more closely related to T denticola. These observations correlated with phenotypic properties. Thus, T denticola ATCC 35405, GM-1, and Treponema UB1466 had similar outer-membrane protein profiles, produced chymotrypsin-like protease (CTLP), trypsin-like protease and high levels of proline iminopeptidase, and co-aggregated with human oral bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis and Streptococcus crista. Conversely, T vincentii ATCC 35580, D2A-2, and animal strains UB1090 and UB1467 did not express CTLP or trypsin-like protease and did not co-aggregate with P. gingivalis or S. crista. Taken collectively, these results suggest that human oral-related Treponema have broad host specificity and that similar control or preventive strategies might be developed for human and animal Treponema-associated infections.
The yeasts of the Malassezia genus are opportunistic microorganisms and can cause human and animal infections. They are commonly isolated from the skin and auricular canal of mammalians, mainly dogs and cats. The present study was aimed to isolate Malassezia spp. from the acoustic meatus of bats (Molossus molossus) in the Montenegro region, `` Rondonia ``, Brazil. From a total of 30 bats studied Malassezia spp. were isolated in 24 (80%) animals, the breakdown by species being as follows (one Malassezia sp. per bat, N=24): 15 (62.5%) M. pachydermatis, 5 (20.8%) M. furfur, 3 (12.5%) M. globosa and 1 (4.2%) M. sympodialis. This study establishes a new host and anatomic place for Malassezia spp., as it presents the first report ever of the isolation of this genus of yeasts in the acoustic meatus of bats.
In the present work, the thermal behavior of prednicarbate was studied using DSC and TG/DTG. The solid product remaining at the first decomposition step of the drug was isolated by TG, in air and N(2) atmospheres and was characterized using LC-MS/MS, NMR, and IR spectroscopy. It was found that the product at the first thermal decomposition step of prednicarbate corresponds to the elimination of the carbonate group bonding to C(17), and a consequent formation of double bond between C(17) and C(16). Structure elucidation of this degradation product by spectral data has been discussed in detail.
The ethanol extract from Xyris pteygoblephara aerial parts was evaluated against five microorganism strains, by the microdilution and agar diffusion methods. Extract fractionation led to the isolation of three compounds, whose structures were assigned by spectrometric data (113 and 2D NMR, IR, MS and UV) as (3R,4R)-(-)-6-methoxy-3,4-dihydro-3-n-pentil-4-acethoxy-1H-2-benzopyran-1-one (1), moronic acid and quercetin. The absolute configuration of I was defined by circular dichroism spectroscopy and comparison with data reported for other dihydroisocoumarins. Assay of 1 (100 mu g/disc) by the agar diffusion method against clinical isolates of the dermatophytes Epidermophyton floccosum (inhibition zone, mm +/- s.d.: 4.5 +/- 0.8), Trichophyton mentagrophytes (4.8 +/- 0.4) and Trichophyton rubrum (10.2 +/- 0.8) revealed similar inhibition zones to the positive control amphotericin B (32 mu g/disc; 5.0 +/- 0.2; 5.0 +/- 0.6 and 8.8 +/- 1.2, respectively). The result corroborates the ethnomedical use of Xyris species to treat dermatitis. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introdução: A dermatite atópica (DA) é uma doença inflamatória crônica da pele que apresenta um impacto significativo na qualidade de vida dos pacientes, em conseqüência de episódios recorrentes durante a vida. Considerando estudos recentes que descrevem a associação entre aspectos psicológicos e a dermatite atópica, acredita-se que a investigação da existência de um possível perfil comportamental destas crianças possa auxiliar o desenvolvimento de intervenções psicoterápicas específicas, assim como aumentar o conhecimento sobre a doença. Método: Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma avaliação do perfil sóciocomportamental de crianças portadoras de DA e comparando-as com crianças sem a doença. Neste estudo, do tipo caso-controle, foram incluídos dois grupos com idades entre 4 e 18 anos: o grupo estudo, com pacientes portadores de dermatite atópica que consultam no ambulatório do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) e o grupo controle, composto por crianças e adolescentes sem doença dermatológica, matriculados em escola da rede pública de Porto Alegre. O tamanho estimado da amostra foi de 25 indivíduos em cada grupo. A coleta dos dados realizou-se através do CBCL (Child Behavior Checklist), validado no Brasil com o nome de Inventário de Comportamento da Infância e Adolescência. Resultados: Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas duas dimensões globais (internalização e externalização), sendo que as crianças portadoras de dermatite atópica mostraram mais sintomas relacionados com ansiedade, depressão, alterações de pensamento e comportamento agressivo quando comparadas com crianças sem a doença. Conclusão: Os resultados indicam a necessidade de abordagens interdisciplinares no tratamento da criança com DA, valorizando não só as lesões dermatológicas, como também os aspectos emocionais dos indivíduos.
Canine Visceral Leishmania (CVL) is an important zoonotic disease that has a world wide distribution and has a large impact on public health on the American Continent, especially in Brazil, where the nature of endemic diseases in humans affects a large part of the nation. The influence of the prevalence of CVL in the increased rate of human cases in endemic areas and in the unleashing of epidemic outbreaks shows the need for a more profound understanding, that would generate significant advances in the current measures used to control the reservoirs of sickness that are practiced by the Programa Nacional de Vigilância e Controle da Leishmaniose Visceral. The present work describes and compares the clinical-laboratorial and histopathological findings of twenty-three dogs that were naturally infected by Leishmania chagasi, from endemic areas in metropolitan Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. These animals, that were selected and given physical and serological exams (IFI and ELISA rK-39), were classified according to the degree of clinical severity and had blood samples drawn (whole blood and serum) for a complete hemogram and a coagulogram to be done as well as biochemical tests for kidney and liver function. The confirmation of infection by L. chagasi was done after the euthanasia of the animals, through the direct demonstration of the parasite in the impression of the spleen and liver crowned with GIEMSA and through a cultivation by means of NNN/Schneider. According to the clinical evaluation, the animals were classified as asymptomatic (7), oligosymptomatic (7) and polysymptomatic (9). Among the animals that were chosen to be autopsied, there were 2 asymptomatic, 3 oligosymptomatic and 3 polysymptomatic, for the purpose of studying their histopathology, having collected fragments of the spleen, liver, kidneys and skin and were fixed in 10% tamponed formol. The comparison between the average parameters of the clinical-laboratory tested animals in the groups was done through the Student t test (a<0.05). The main clinical signals observed were lymphadenomegaly, alopecy, dermatitis, exfoliation, cutaneous ulcers, onicogriphosis and emaciation. The main clinical-laboratorial alterations established, mainly in the polysymptomatic group, were anemia, hyperproteinemia, hyperglobulinemia, alterations in the albumin/globulin ratio and increased ALT activity. Renal alterations were not verified (urea and creatinine levels were normal). Thrombocytopenia was observed in three clinical groups. However, the other indicators of coagulation function (TAP and TTPA) did not have abnormal variations. There were inflammatory infiltrations and leishmania amastigotes in the skin of polysymptomatic dogs, however, they were not found in the skin of asymptomatic animals. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the phagocyte mononuclear system, leishmania amastigote parasites were found in the macrophages, extramedullary hematopoiesis and degenerative alterations were detected in the spleen and liver of 8 of the animals submitted to histopathological exams. In accord with these results, it was demonstrated that the expected alterations in the hematological and biochemical parameters in function of their viscerotropic nature of CVL are mainly observed in the more advanced stages of the disease. The absence of inflammatory infiltration and parasite load in the skin suggest that infected animals without symptoms may have an importance irrelevant to the infectiousness of the vector
Foram examinados 100 bezerros da raça Nelore com 6 a 12 meses de idade, distribuídos em: grupo controle (G1; 50 bezerros sadios) e grupo fotossensibilização (G2; n= 50). As amostras de sangue foram coletadas 12 a 24 horas após o início da dermatite (M1) e 15 a 30 dias após (M2), época da cura das lesões cutâneas. O proteinograma sérico foi obtido por eletroforese em gel de acrilamida. em todos os bezerros foram identificadas 18 proteínas com pesos moleculares (PM) entre 16.000 a 189.000 dáltons (Da). em M1 e M2, as concentrações séricas das proteínas de PM 115.000Da (ceruloplasmina), 61.000Da (1-antitripsina), 45.000Da (haptoglobina) e 40.000Da (glicoproteína ácida) foram significativamente maiores em bezerros com fotossensibilização hepatógena em comparação com aquelas dos animais do grupo-controle. A determinação dos teores séricos de proteínas de fase aguda pode ser útil no monitoramento da progressão da fotossensibilização hepatógena em bovinos, inclusive orientando possíveis alterações em procedimentos terapêuticos.
This paper reports a case of spontaneous fire ant sting dermatitis in canine. The skin lesions consisted of nonfollicular, grouped pustules in the abdominal region. Several fire ants were found attached to the lesional skin. Histopathological findings included an intraepidermal neutrophilic pustule and predominantly neutrophilic interstitial dermatitis. An extensive area of collagen degeneration was also observed below the epidermal pustule. These clinical and histopathological findings are remarkable similar to those observed in fire ant stings in humans.