1000 resultados para Padín, Clemente


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En aquest projecte he dissenyat i implementat un marc de treball (framework) de presentació per aplicacions J2EE. Avui en dia, per desenvolupar aplicacions web, estem obligats a que segueixin una sèrie de qualitats per tal de fer-les útils. Aquestes són eficiència, extensibilitat, reutilització i portabilitat. De no ser així, el nostre programari no tindrà lloc al mercat. Per tal d' aconseguir aquestes qualitats, cal seguir les regles establertes i utilitzar frameworks.


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Objective: To assess the relationship between parental occupational exposure to organic solvents, and the risk of anencephaly in Mexico. Methods: A case-control study was conducted based on the registers of the Epidemiological Surveillance System for Neural Tube Defects in Mexico; 151 cases of anencephaly of ≥20 weeks’ gestation were included. A control, born alive and without any apparent congenital malformations at birth, was selected for each case in the same maternity service in which the case was born. Information on occupational exposures, lifestyle habits, reproductive history, use of medicines, supplementation with multivitamins and folic acid, was obtained by a general questionnaire; a food frequency questionnaire was also applied to obtain information of daily intake of folate and other B vitamins. Occupational exposure to organic solvents was based on job title as a proxy for exposure and analysed considering two critical periods around conception. Results: In logistic regression analysis, the odds of having a child with anencephaly was higher if the mother or the father was occupationally exposed to organic solvents during the periconceptional period, or when both parents or at least one of them were occupationally exposed during this period with an adjusted odds ratio of 2.97 (95% CI 1.36 to 6.52). Conclusions: The results support the hypothesis that both maternal and paternal occupational exposure to organic solvents can increase the probability of having a child with anencephaly.


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Objectives Exposure assessment to a single pesticide does not capture the complexity of the occupational exposure. Recently, pesticide use patterns analysis has emerged as an alternative to study these exposures. The aim of this study is to identify the pesticide use pattern among flower growers in Mexico participating in the study on the endocrine and reproductive effects associated with pesticide exposure. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out to gather retrospective information on pesticide use applying a questionnaire to the person in charge of the participating flower growing farms. Information about seasonal frequency of pesticide use (rainy and dry) for the years 2004 and 2005 was obtained. Principal components analysis was performed. Results Complete information was obtained for 88 farms and 23 pesticides were included in the analysis. Six principal components were selected, which explained more than 70% of the data variability. The identified pesticide use patterns during both years were: 1. fungicides benomyl, carbendazim, thiophanate and metalaxyl (both seasons), including triadimephon during the rainy season, chlorotalonyl and insecticide permethrin during the dry season; 2. insecticides oxamyl, biphenthrin and fungicide iprodione (both seasons), including insecticide methomyl during the dry season; 3. fungicide mancozeb and herbicide glyphosate (only during the rainy season); 4. insecticides metamidophos and parathion (both seasons); 5. insecticides omethoate and methomyl (only rainy season); and 6. insecticides abamectin and carbofuran (only dry season). Some pesticides do not show a clear pattern of seasonal use during the studied years. Conclusions The principal component analysis is useful to summarise a large set of exposure variables into smaller groups of exposure patterns, identifying the mixtures of pesticides in the occupational environment that may have an interactive effect on a particular health effect.


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Several epidemiological studies have related an increase of lipids in the postprandial state to an individual risk for the development of CVD, possibly due to the increased plasma levels of TAG and fatty acids (FA) through enzymes of FA metabolism. The interaction between nutrition and the human genome determines gene expression and metabolic response. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of a fat overload on the gene mRNA levels of lipogenic regulators in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from patients with the metabolic syndrome. The study included twenty-one patients with criteria for the metabolic syndrome who underwent a fat overload. Measurements were made before and after the fat overload of anthropometric and biochemical variables and also the gene mRNA levels of lipogenic factors. The main results were that the fat overload led to an increased mRNA levels of sterol regulatory element binding protein-1 (SREBP1), retinoid X receptor α (RXRα) and liver X receptor α (LXRα) in PBMC, and this increase was associated with the FA synthase (FASN) mRNA levels. We also found that TAG levels correlated with FASN mRNA levels. In addition, there was a positive correlation of SREBP1 with RXRα and of LXRα with the plasma lipoperoxide concentration. The fat overload led to an increase in regulators of lipogenesis in PBMC from patients with the metabolic syndrome.


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BACKGROUND Adipose tissue lipid storage and processing capacity can be a key factor for obesity-related metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and diabetes. Lipid uptake is the first step to adipose tissue lipid storage. The aim of this study was to analyze the gene expression of factors involved in lipid uptake and processing in subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral (VAT) adipose tissue according to body mass index (BMI) and the degree of insulin resistance (IR). METHODS AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS VLDL receptor (VLDLR), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), acylation stimulating protein (ASP), LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) and fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) gene expression was measured in VAT and SAT from 28 morbidly obese patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) or high IR, 10 morbidly obese patients with low IR, 10 obese patients with low IR and 12 lean healthy controls. LPL, FABP4, LRP1 and ASP expression in VAT was higher in lean controls. In SAT, LPL and FABP4 expression were also higher in lean controls. BMI, plasma insulin levels and HOMA-IR correlated negatively with LPL expression in both VAT and SAT as well as with FABP4 expression in VAT. FABP4 gene expression in SAT correlated inversely with BMI and HOMA-IR. However, multiple regression analysis showed that BMI was the main variable contributing to LPL and FABP4 gene expression in both VAT and SAT. CONCLUSIONS Morbidly obese patients have a lower gene expression of factors related with lipid uptake and processing in comparison with healthy lean persons.


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BACKGROUND FABP4 is predominantly expressed in adipose tissue, and its circulating levels are linked with obesity and a poor atherogenic profile. OBJECTIVE In patients with a wide BMI range, we analyze FABP4 expression in adipose and hepatic tissues in the settings of obesity and insulin resistance. Associations between FABP4 expression in adipose tissue and the FABP4 plasma level as well as the main adipogenic and lipolytic genes expressed in adipose tissue were also analyzed. METHODS The expression of several lipogenic, lipolytic, PPAR family and FABP family genes was analyzed by real time PCR. FABP4 protein expression in total adipose tissues and its fractions were determined by western blot. RESULTS In obesity FABP4 expression was down-regulated (at both mRNA and protein levels), with its levels mainly predicted by ATGL and inversely by the HOMA-IR index. The BMI appeared as the only determinant of the FABP4 variation in both adipose tissue depots. FABP4 plasma levels showed a significant progressive increase according to BMI but no association was detected between FABP4 circulating levels and SAT or VAT FABP4 gene expression. The gene expression of FABP1, FABP4 and FABP5 in hepatic tissue was significantly higher in tissue from the obese IR patients compared to the non-IR group. CONCLUSION The inverse pattern in FABP4 expression between adipose and hepatic tissue observed in morbid obese patients, regarding the IR context, suggests that both tissues may act in a balanced manner. These differences may help us to understand the discrepancies between circulating plasma levels and adipose tissue expression in obesity.


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Myxidium volitans sp. nov. (Myxozoa: Myxidiidae) parasitizing the hypertrophied green-brownish gallbladder of the teleost Dactylopterus volitans, collected in the Atlantic coast near Niterói, Brazil was described based on ultrastructural studies. The spores were fusiform, sometimes slightly crescent-shaped on average 21.7 ± 0.3 µm (mean ± standard deviation) (n = 50) long and 5.6 ± 0.4 µm (n = 30) wide. The spore wall was thin and smooth, comprising two equally-sized valves joined by a hardly visible sutural ridge. Spores containing two pyriform polar capsules (PC) (5.0 ± 0.4 × 2.3 ± 0.3 µm) (n = 30) are situated in each extremity of the spore. The PC wall was composed of hyaline layer (0.20-0.29 µm thick) and by a thin external granular layer. Each PC contains a polar filament (PF) with irregular arrangements that was projected from its apical region to the bases of PC and coiled laterally from bases to the tip of PC. Some regular striations and S-like structures in the periphery of the PFs with four-five irregular sections were observed. Based on the spore morphology, ultrastructural differences and the specificity of the host we describe this parasite as a new myxosporidian, named M. volitans sp. nov.


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This study aims to analyze the adjustment of women, victims of intimate partner violence, by applying the Prochaska and Di Clemente Stages of Change Model. An interpretative qualitative study was made in 35 domestic violence victims women detected in primary care, women who recognized their relationship as abusive (perceived maltreatment). This is a multicentric study, with participation of six health centers of Malaga city. Biographical Narration technique by audio-recorded and transcribed interview was used; about this, thematic analysis adjustment to Transtheoretic Model phases was applied. ATLAS-TI 5.0 program was used for codification. Precontemplative, maintenance and ending stages were more represented while action phases were poorly mentioned. Main phases characteristics were: "blindness" and inexplicability in precontemplative stage; pros / cons analysis in contemplative phase; making decisions difficulty in action phases; suffering and going ahead purpose in maintenance stage, and determination and analysis capacity in the ending stage. Keys for intervention according to the phase of the process were offered.


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BACKGROUND Androgen receptor (AR) gene mutations are the most frequent cause of 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSD) and are associated with a variety of phenotypes, ranging from phenotypic women [complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS)] to milder degrees of undervirilization (partial form or PAIS) or men with only infertility (mild form or MAIS). OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to characterize the contribution of the AR gene to the molecular cause of 46,XY DSD in a series of Spanish patients. SETTING We studied a series of 133 index patients with 46,XY DSD in whom gonads were differentiated as testes, with phenotypes including varying degrees of undervirilization, and in whom the AR gene was the first candidate for a molecular analysis. METHODS The AR gene was sequenced (exons 1 to 8 with intronic flanking regions) in all patients and in family members of 61% of AR-mutated gene patients. RESULTS AR gene mutations were found in 59 individuals (44.4% of index patients), of whom 46 (78%) were CAIS and 13 (22%) PAIS. Fifty-seven different mutations were found: 21.0% located in exon 1, 15.8% in exons 2 and 3, 57.9% in exons 4-8, and 5.3% intronic. Twenty-three mutations (40.4%) had been previously described and 34 (59.6%) were novel. CONCLUSIONS AR gene mutation is the most frequent cause of 46,XY DSD, with a clearly higher frequency in the complete phenotype. Mutations spread along the whole coding sequence, including exon 1. This series shows that 60% of mutations detected during the period 2002-2009 were novel.


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A new ceratomyxid parasite was examined for taxonomic identification, upon being found infecting the gall bladder of Hemiodus microlepis (Teleostei: Hemiodontidae), a freshwater teleost collected from the Amazon River, Brazil. Light and transmission electron microscopy revealed elongated crescent-shaped spores constituted by two asymmetrical shell valves united along a straight sutural line, each possessing a lateral projection. The spores body measured 5.2 ± 0.4 µm (n = 25) in length and 35.5 ± 0.9 µm (n = 25) in total thickness. The lateral projections were asymmetric, one measuring 18.1 ± 0.5 µm (n = 25) in thickness and the other measuring 17.5 ± 0.5 µm (n = 25) in thickness. Two equal-sized subspherical polar capsules measuring 2.2 ± 0.3 µm in diameter were located at the same level, each possessing a polar filament with 5-6 coils. The sporoplasm was binucleate. Considering the morphometric data analyzed from the microscopic observations, as well as the host species and its geographical location, this paper describes a new myxosporean species, herein named Ceratomyxa microlepis sp. nov.; therefore representing the first description of a freshwater ceratomyxid from the South American region.


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Vivimos tiempos inciertos. Atravesamos una gran crisis, o “la gran estafa” como algunos prefieren denominarla. Diversos factores han hecho que lleguemos a esta situación. Una Unión Europea no real, un crecimiento basado en pilares pocos sólidos, la extraordinaria desigualdad que han generado las políticas neoliberales. No es solo una crisis económica, pretenden venderla como tal pero nos encontramos ante una crisis política, antropológica, moral, ideológica, de la democracia. Para muchos nos encontramos ante una crisis sistémica donde las deudas se socializan y los beneficios se privatizan. Los gobiernos son dirigidos por los mercados y por instituciones transnacionales que no son democráticas, y los ciudadanos no eligen a sus dirigentes. Las deudas socializadas son ocasionadas por malos gestores de bancos que además se asignan sueldos altísimos e indemnizaciones multimillonarias. Se recortan derechos conseguidos en estos 40 años de democracia en nuestro país. Gobiernan partidos políticos que ganan las elecciones con programas electorales que incumplen de forma manifiesta desde el primer día, y que por tanto están deslegitimados para conducir la política para la que han sido elegidos. En este contexto los jóvenes son las principales víctimas


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Aquest treball analitza els discursos d'unes treballadores d'una biblioteca pública a la ciutat de Barcelona. El focus d'estudi principal se centra en establir la relació entre: 1) les ideologies lingüístiques; 2) la identitat, especialment la identitat catalana, castellana i espanyola; i 3) els usos que fan de la llengua catalana i castellana les treballadores.


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Este trabalho gira em torno da filosofia política de Paul Ricoeur, tendo, como foco principal, a compreensão do conceito de Paradoxo Político. Nas palavras de Paul Ricoeur, é preciso pensar conjuntamente quer a racionalidade quer a irracionalidade do político, porquanto racionalidade específica, mal específico, tal é a dupla e paradoxal originalidade do político. Neste sentido, cabe à filosofia política a tarefa de explicitar esta originalidade e elucidar o seu carácter paradoxal. Reflecte-se, igualmente, sobre o funcionamento do poder político, a sua autonomia, e questões de grande actualidade que o preocuparam, tais como, a fragilidade da democracia e o Estado de Direito, existentes na praxis actual bem como os eventuais abusos do poder. Segundo Ricoeur, o mal-estar actual das democracias deve-se essencialmente ao facto de que a soberania do Estado se tornar, no seu próprio seio, indecifrável em virtude da complexidade das esferas de pertença que governam a sociedade civil. Nesta Perspectiva, o projecto político-filosófico do pensador francês, afigura-se fundamental para iluminar a reflexão sobre o paradoxo político e a problemática do poder.


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Contient : Pièces relatives aux titres faux de Souvigny (sur ces titres, cf. M.-A. Chazaud, Étude sur la chronologie des sires de Bourbon, Moulins, 1866, in-8°, p. 33-80) : ; Notes sur les chartes de Souvigny envoyées à M. de Barville (Chazaud, op. cit., p. 47) ; Note de Mabillon sur la charte de Childebrand II (ibid., p. 44) ; Testaments d'Aimon et d'Aimar de Bourbon, prétendus originaux en parchemin ; Note, de la main de Baluze, attribuant la fabrication de ces pièces au duc d'Epernon (ibid., p. 38) ; Rapport de Mabillon et de Baluze sur les titres de Souvigny (ibid., p. 36) ; Minute, de la main de Baluze, du procès-verbal d'examen du cartulaire de Sauxillange, par Baluze, Mabillon, Ruinart et Ch. d'Hozier (19 août 1696) ; Note, de la main de Baluze, sur P. de Bar ; Procès-verbal d'examen des titres fournis par P. de Bar au duc de Bouillon, signé de Baluze, Mabillon et Ruinart ; Lettres d'érection du marquisat de Montausier en duché et pairie (août 1664) ; Mémoires sur les droits de la terre de Chevreuse du titre de duché ; Note sur l'état de la seigneurie de Vitry-sur-Seine ; Mémoires concernant les ducs d'Atrie (Atri) et princes de Melfe (Melfi) et les maisons d'Acquaviva et « Diaceto », parmi lesquels une Remonstrance à Monseigneur le chancellier par Anne et Charlotte de Melphe d'Aquin, impr. s. d. de 4 p. in-4° (f. 44), une Descendance de Messire Scipion d'Aquavive, duc d'Atrye, placard impr. s. d. (f. 48), une Lettre envoyée et présentée au Roy de la part du comte de Chasteauvillain, impr. de 12 p. in-4°, Cambrai, 1624 (f. 49), une lettre de M. de Cadenet, lieutenant d'une compagnie de M. de Montmorency, d'Aire, 20 mai 1579 (f. 60) ; Notice généalogique sur la maison d'Albert ; Contrat de mariage d'Honoré d'Albert de Luynes et d'Anne de Rodulph (6 mars 1573) ; Lettres originales, des XVIe et XVIIe siècles, relatives à la famille de Luynes, écrites par divers personnages : ; [Richelieu], évêque de Luçon, au connétable de Luynes, s. d. ; minute ; Le même au même, s. d. ; minute originale ; La reine mère [Marie de Médicis] à M. de Luynes ; minute ; La même au même, minute ; Le cardinal G[eorges] d'Armagnac à la reine (Avignon, 13 septembre 1570) ; M. de Clermont-Lodève au roi (Toulouse, 2 septembre 1570) ; Le même au duc d'Anjou (même date) ; Instructions données par le maréchal de Montmorency d'Anville à M. de Luynes (1570) ; Lettre du même au duc d'Anjou (Nîmes, 12 septembre 1570) ; Le même à la reine (même date) ; Pièces relatives au conflit de juridiction entre François, évêque de Verdun, et Jean Gillet, lieutenant-général en la justice royale de la dite ville (31 décembre 1626-13 février 1627) ; Extraits des registres du Conseil d'État (22 juin-15 juillet 1670) relatifs à l'assemblée du clergé, avec une lettre de Du Mez à Baluze lui annonçant l'envoi desdits extraits (f. 101) ; Requête adressée au roi par le comte de Coligny ; « Relation du conclave où le pape Alexandre VII a esté esleu, composée à ce qu'on croit par M. l'abbé Charrier » [1655] ; Lettres d'Alexandre VII relatives à l'insulte faite au duc de Créquy (28 août 1662) ; « Oratio habita a... Clemente IX in concilio habito ad cardinales circa nuncium pacis inter reges Christianum, et Catholicum » ; Lettre de Clément X à l'amiral d'Estrées (22 août 1672) ; Lettres d'Innocent XI adressées à Louis XIV (27 décembre 1679), à Henri [Cauchon], évêque d'Evreux, du 21 janvier 1680 (f. 146), à Joseph [de Montpezat], archevêque de Toulouse, du 2 octobre 1680 (f. 147), aux religieuses de Charonne, du 7 août 1680 et du 15 octobre 1680 (f. 148 et 149) ; Mémoire de [C.-M. Le Tellier], coadjuteur de Reims, sur les conciles provinciaux (1670) ; Mémoire sur la régale (en italien), et documents divers, en italien, sur le même sujet, à propos de l'affaire de l'évêché de Pamiers ; Mémoire de l'ambassadeur de France au collège des cardinaux (s. d.) ; Historique des événements survenus à l'occasion de la régale de Pamiers, de 1673 à 1680 ; « Lettera d'un curiale di Roma a un suo amico in Parigi » (11 novembre 1680) ; Autre lettre d'un « curiale di Roma » (s. d.) ; « Lettera di monsieur N. scritta al sig. cardinale N., a di 16 febr. 1681. »