972 resultados para POLARIZED LIGHT
En esta investigación se han analizado morteros de cal de cronología romana en el interior de la Península Ibérica. Para ello, se seleccionó una serie de muestras procedentes de diversos yacimientos, y de estructuras de carácter industrial. Estas muestras presentan aditivos cerámicos y conglomerantes de cal, como característica principal. Desde un principio el esfuerzo debía de centrarse en los fragmentos cerámicos presentes en los morteros. Para ello se documentaron varios morteros con aditivos cerámicos, a fin de conocer sus características básicas (componentes, distribución, micro-estratigrafía, granulometría, etc.). Por ello, y una vez tomadas las muestras, ésta fueron tratadas y procesadas para desarrollar una primera fase de estudio por medio de macroscopía. Se obtuvieron buenos resultados en cuanto a la caracterización visual de los morteros, localizando y documentando los fragmentos cerámicos. Durante la observación de dichos aditivos se observó que los fragmentos cerámicos tenían unas coronas o anillos de coloración que recorrían el borde, justo al contacto con la matriz de cal. Fueron seleccionados algunos fragmentos en los que eran más visibles dichos anillos. A fin de conocer la posible relación entre algunos yacimientos cercanos y la presencia de dicho anillo cromáticos se desarrolló una microscopía óptica polarizada, realizando láminas delgadas de las muestras y sobre los fragmentos cerámicos más determinantes, en concreto de una serie de enclaves del valle del Henares. Además de caracterizar microscópicamente los morteros, se observó que los anillos no eran un defecto visual ni una alteración física, producida tal vez por la extracción, la fase del corte o por la cocción de la cerámica. Tras analizar varios ejemplares se pudo apreciar que esos anillos eran habituales en todas las muestras y que se presentaban de diferente manera, es decir, que se observaban en granos cerámicos de diferentes características físicas (cochura, tamaño, situación con respecto del conglomerante, etc.). A fin de conocer los aspectos químicos de dicha alteración se seleccionó un grupo de muestras en las que los resultados macroscópicos habían sido muy claros, y en las que la microscopía óptica polarizada había determinado en los bordes, áreas adecuadas para otros análisis. Se realizó un mapeado o mapping de elementos químicos, a fin de saber qué podía estar sucediendo en esa interfaz entre el fragmento cerámico y la matriz de cal. Gracias a los resultados obtenidos se comprobó que existía una acumulación potencial de calcio tanto en el interior de los granos cerámicos como en el exterior, justo en la zona de contacto con el conglomerante, formando manchas que recorrían longitudinalmente el borde. Estos datos fueron muy útiles para llevar a cabo la siguiente fase de estudio, que permitiría conocer puntualmente qué estaba sucediendo químicamente en esa zona de contacto. Finalmente y con el objetivo de describir química y puntualmente este efecto en las adiciones cerámicas, se volvió a seleccionar una serie de muestras, escogidas esta vez en función de los granos cerámicos que cumpliesen unas variables estadísticas. Se eligieron granos con distintos tipos de cocciones, así como granos con tamaños diversos y granos con aditivo ceniciento en la matriz de cal, pensando que podrían ser las variables más útiles de interpretar de existir algún tipo de cambio químico entre la arcilla cocida y la matriz de cal. Tales variables se adaptaron a un sistema estadístico multi-varial y geométrico, con el objetivo de sintetizar los resultados y visualizar de forma óptima los datos en conjunto, como se ha comentado en varias ocasiones en este trabajo. Una vez seleccionados los granos por variables se procedió a realizar un análisis lineal y espectral semi-cuantitativo de SEM-EDX, con el que se caracterizaba químicamente una sección lineal del grano, desde la matriz de arcilla cocida de la cerámica hasta la matriz de cal –del interior al exterior del grano- pasando por el centro de la banda de reacción. Este análisis permitió determinar que se había producido una serie de cambios químicos porcentuales en los granos de cerámica. Dichos cambios se resumen en un incremento global de los porcentajes de calcio en el interior de las bandas de reacción de la cerámica, desde el borde mismo del anillo hasta el exterior. Así también se observaron picos porcentuales en el interfaz del fragmento cerámico con la matriz de cal, lo que confirmaba los resultados obtenidos por medio del mapping. Globalmente en todas las muestras se apreció un hombro en las gráficas de calcio a su paso por la zona de afección del anillo de reacción. Los restantes porcentajes de magnesio, silicio y aluminio se mantienen normales. En esta tesis se ha confirmado que dicho incremento global de calcio se acentúa en las muestras en donde no hay cenizas en la matriz de cal. Los casos correspondientes a estos granos sufren un incremento mayor que en el resto. La segunda variable que sufre un mayor incremento de calcio es la que corresponde a granos con buena cocción de la arcilla. Por lo tanto, parece que la tercera variable, la que corresponde con el tamaño del fragmento cerámico, no es decisiva. Por lo tanto, teniendo en cuenta la prueba visual de los anillos de reacción, y atendiendo a los resultados químicos, podríamos pensar que ese incremento de calcio en la banda de reacción de los fragmentos cerámicos se debió a una absorción de calcio en el interior de la arcilla cocida en la fase inmediatamente previa al fraguado, incluso durante el apagado de la cal. Es en este punto donde estaría la clave del cambio químico que se produce en esta interfaz, el calcio sílice-aluminato del que algunos autores ya han investigado. Esta absorción de calcio en el interior del grano no vendría sola, sino que generaría una costra de cal en el interfaz exterior de la cerámica, la cual ha sido observada químicamente por mapping y mineralógicamente por medio de microscopía óptica de polarización. La consecuencia de estos resultados es, primero, la mejora de nuestro conocimiento general acerca del factor hidráulico en los morteros. Asimismo se aprecia que la incorporación de materiales orgánicos como cenizas, puede alterar los porcentajes de calcio en el interior de los aditivos cerámicos, por lo que habría que sopesar, en trabajos futuros, si este tipo de material es adecuado o no en las mezclas destinadas a la restauración, así como seguir indagando en las propiedades de los morteros con la incorporación de aditivos orgánicos. Desde el punto de vista de la catalogación de los suelos industriales hidráulicos de época romana, además de mejorar la documentación incorporando micro-estratigrafías y granulometrías, la investigación de este material histórico constructivo mejora en cuanto a que se incorporan ensayos sencillos, que facilitan incluso la peritación de un estado de conservación por medio de una lupa binocular. Arqueológicamente hablando, es muy interesante correlacionar fábricas diferentes de estructuras situadas o bien en un mismo yacimiento, o bien en una misma área regional. Los estudios de caracterización y micro-estratigrafía no sólo aportan datos nuevos de cara a la restauración de morteros, sino que crean la posibilidad de generar patrones constructivos que sirvan de fósiles-guía para datar relativamente a unas estructuras o a otras. En lo referido a los resultados obtenidos en los diferentes complejos arqueológicos se ha observado una diferencia entre los morteros destinados a piletas y cubetas con respecto a los suelos industriales de uso indeterminado. La muestra correspondiente al yacimiento de Las Arenas no dispone de ninguna micro-estratigrafía, como sí por el contrario en las muestras obtenidas en Rotonda de Mejorada, Val de la Viña y La Magdalena. En estos enclaves las estructuras presentan grandes similitudes, con diferentes niveles constructivos empleando morteros de cal con áridos y gravas en las capas interiores, y áridos con adiciones cerámicas en las exteriores. En lo relativo a la granulometría las adiciones cerámicas de las muestras de Val de la Viña y La Magdalena presentan varias coincidencias en cuanto al tamaño de los granos y la distribución. Asimismo, de las muestras tomadas en La Magdalena, existe una gran diferencia entre las muestras MG1, MG2, MG3 y MG4 con respecto a las muestras MG5 y MG6, correspondientes éstas últimas a un mortero con fragmentos cerámicos de gran tamaño. Las estructuras EMG1 y EMG2, correspondientes a una cubeta y una pileta de La Magdalena, guardan similitud en lo referido a la micro-estratigrafía y a la granulometría. Se ha determinado que su función, así como su fabricación, debieron estar vinculadas a un mismo contexto cronocultural. Química y mineralógicamente, las muestras presentan características iguales, con presencia de un conglomerante de cal con áridos y aditivos cerámicos de diferentes cochuras. Destaca la muestra de Las Arenas, con un tamaño de los fragmentos cerámicos muy superior al resto, seguido de la estructura EMG3 de La Magdalena. Las muestras restantes de éste enclave, junto con las muestras recogidas en Val de la Viña y Rotonda de Mejorada presentan condiciones similares. En conclusión, los datos revelan que existían diferentes fábricas destinadas a distintas finalidades, y que las estructuras industriales empleaban aditivos cerámicos para la manipulación de productos con líquidos, de distintas densidades pero que requerían de cierto grado de hidraulicidad. ABSTRACT Lime Roman mortars from the Iberian Peninsula has been analyzed in this reesearch. A group of samples were selected from some sites and all the samples come from industrial structures. All this samples show ceramic additives. From the start, the effort was centered in the pieces of pottery that were found in the mortars. The samples were treated and processed to develop a first phase of the research using macroscopy. With this technique, great results were achieved in the characterization of mortars, the microstratigraphy and the location of the ceramic pieces. While observing these pieces, it was seen that the fragments of pottery had a ring bordering the piece. The pieces with the bigger and more vivid rings were chosen and they were analyzed by a polarized light microscope. The mortars were characterized microscopically and it also showed that the rings were not a physical alteration or a visual defect. After some more tests, the rings were a chemical change associated with the hydraulicity of the mortar. The best samples were selected and mappings of their chemical elements were performed in order to know what could be happening in the interface between the ceramic matrix fragment and lime. With the results obtained it was found that there was a potential; both calcium accumulation within the ceramic grains and outside, just in the area of contact with the binder, forming spots longitudinally along the edge. These data were very useful for carrying out the next phase of study, which would meet promptly what was happening chemically in the area of contact. Another group of samples were taken, and this time focused on ceramic grains that met a statistical variables. Grains were chosen with two types of cooking as well as grains with different sizes and grains with ash additive in the matrix of lime, thinking that might be the most logical to be some sort of chemical change between the baked clay and lime array variables . Such variables were adapted to a multi-varial and geometric statistical system in order to synthesize the results and optimally display the data together, as mentioned several times in this work. After selecting the variables grains proceeded to perform a linear and spectral analysis SEM-EDX. This analysis led to determine that the chemical changes were graduals. These changes are summarized in an increase in the percentages of calcium inside the reaction rim of ceramics, from the edge to the outer ring. So percentage increasing is also observed at the interface of the ceramic matrix fragment with lime, confirming the results obtained by the mapping. Overall in all samples can be seen a shoulder in graphic calcium through the area of the ring reaction condition. The remaining percentages of magnesium, silicon and aluminum are usual. We have promptly confirmed that the increase of calcium is accentuated in samples where there is no ash and lime matrix. Cases for these grains suffer a greater increase than the rest. The second variable suffering more calcium is increased corresponding to good cooking grains with clay. Therefore, it appears that the variable size of the fragment is not critical. Therefore, considering the visual tests to the rings and their response to chemical results, we might think that increasing calcium inside the ceramic fragments was due to an injection of calcium inside clay in the run-up to the setting phase. It is at this point that would be the key to the chemical change that occurs at this interface, silica-calcium aluminate some authors have already investigated. This injection of calcium into the grain does not come alone, but generate a lime crust on the outside interface of ceramics, which we tested for mapping is real in our samples. The consequence of these results is the improvement of our understanding of historical hydraulic factor in building materials, such as mortar. For example, knowing that the incorporation of organic materials such as ash powder, may be detrimental to the injection of calcium inside the ceramic additives. Archaeologically speaking, it's very interesting to correlate different factories or structures located on a single site, or in the same regional area. Characterization studies and microstratigraphy not only provide new information to help restore mortars, but create the possibility of generating constructive patterns that serve as guide fossils to determinate the age of the structures. With regard to the results obtained in different archaeological sites it has seen a difference between mortars of pools or sinks with respect to industrial floors of undetermined use. The sample of the site of Las Arenas does not have any micro-stratigraphy, as if instead in the samples obtained in Rotonda de Mejorada, Val de la Viña and La Magdalena sites. In these settlements the structures are really similar, with different construction levels using lime mortars with aggregates and gravel in the inner layers, and ceramic aggregates as external additions. With regard to the grain size of the ceramic additions Val de la Viña and La Magdalena samples has several coincidences about the size of grains and distribution. Also, samples taken at La Magdalena, there is a difference between the MG1, MG2, MG3 and MG4 samples and the MG5 and MG6 samples, so the last corresponding to a mortar samples with larger ceramic fragments. The EMG1 and EMG2 structures, corresponding to a bucket and a pool of La Magdalena settlement, have similarities with regard to micro-stratigraphy and grain size. It has been determined that the function and manufacturing must be linked with a same chronocultural context.
We have investigated the dynamic behavior of cytoskeletal fine structure in the lamellipodium of nerve growth cones using a new type of polarized light microscope (the Pol-Scope). Pol-Scope images display with exquisite resolution and definition birefringent fine structures, such as filaments and membranes, without having to treat the cell with exogenous dyes or fluorescent labels. Furthermore, the measured birefringence of protein fibers in the thin lamellipodial region can be interpreted in terms of the number of filaments in the bundles. We confirmed that birefringent fibers are actin-based using conventional fluorescence-labeling methods. By recording movies of time-lapsed Pol-Scope images, we analyzed the creation and dynamic composition of radial fibers, filopodia, and intrapodia in advancing growth cones. The strictly quantitative information available in time-lapsed Pol-Scope images confirms previously deduced behavior and provides new insight into the architectural dynamics of filamentous actin.
We tested the hypothesis that the degree of anisotropic expansion of plant tissues is controlled by the degree of alignment of cortical microtubules or cellulose microfibrils. Previously, for the primary root of maize (Zea mays L.), we quantified spatial profiles of expansion rate in length, radius, and circumference and the degree of growth anisotropy separately for the stele and cortex, as roots became thinner with time from germination or in response to low water potential (B.M. Liang, A.M. Dennings, R.E. Sharp, T.I. Baskin [1997] Plant Physiol 115:101–111). Here, for the same material, we quantified microtubule alignment with indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and microfibril alignment throughout the cell wall with polarized-light microscopy and from the innermost cell wall layer with electron microscopy. Throughout much of the growth zone, mean orientations of microtubules and microfibrils were transverse, consistent with their parallel alignment specifying the direction of maximal expansion rate (i.e. elongation). However, where microtubule alignment became helical, microfibrils often made helices of opposite handedness, showing that parallelism between these elements was not required for helical orientations. Finally, contrary to the hypothesis, the degree of growth anisotropy was not correlated with the degree of alignment of either microtubules or microfibrils. The mechanisms plants use to specify radial and tangential expansion rates remain uncharacterized.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Although ocean acidification is expected to impact (bio)calcification by decreasing the seawater carbonate ion concentration, [CO3]2-, there exists evidence of non-uniform response of marine calcifying plankton to low seawater [CO3]2-. This raises questions on the role of environmental factors other than acidification and on the complex physiological responses behind calcification. Here we investigate the synergistic effect of multiple environmental parameters, including temperature, nutrient (nitrate and phosphate) availability, and seawater carbonate chemistry on the coccolith calcite mass of the cosmopolitan coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi, the most abundant species in the world ocean. We use a suite of surface (late Holocene) sediment samples from the South Atlantic and southwestern Indian Ocean taken from depths lying well above the modern lysocline. The coccolith calcite mass in our results presents a latitudinal distribution pattern that mimics the main oceanographic features, thereby pointing to the potential importance of phosphorus and temperature in determining coccolith mass by affecting primary calcification and possibly driving the E. huxleyi morphotype distribution. This evidence does not necessarily argue against the potentially important role of the rapidly changing seawater carbonate chemistry in the future, when unabated fossil fuel burning will likely perturb ocean chemistry beyond a critical point. Rather our study highlights the importance of evaluating the combined effect of several environmental stressors on calcifying organisms to project their physiological response(s) in a high CO2 world and improve interpretation of paleorecords.
Limit of resolution.--The double slit.--The Fresnel mirrors.--The Fresnel bi-prism.--The Michelson interferometer.--The visibility curves.--The prism spectrometer.--Total reflection.--The diffraction grating.--The concave grating.--Polarized light.--Rotation of the plane of polarization.--Elliptically polarized light.--The reflection of polarized light from homogeneous transparent substances.--Metallic reflection.--The spectrophotometer.--The development of optical theory.--The trend of modern optics.--Appendix.
Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams of the polar lipids Quil A, cholesterol (Chol) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) in aqueous mixtures prepared by the lipid film hydration method (where dried lipid film of phospholipids and cholesterol are hydrated by an aqueous solution of Quil A) were investigated in terms of the types of particulate structures formed therein. Negative staining transmission electron microscopy and polarized light microscopy were used to characterize the colloidal and coarse dispersed particles present in the systems. Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams were established for lipid mixtures hydrated in water and in Tris buffer (pH 7.4). The effect of equilibration time was also studied with respect to systems hydrated in water where the samples were stored for 2 months at 4degreesC. Depending on the mass ratio of Quil A, Chol and PC in the systems, various colloidal particles including ISCOM matrices, liposomes, ring-like micelles and worm-like micelles were observed. Other colloidal particles were also observed as minor structures in the presence of these predominant colloids including helices, layered structures and lamellae (hexagonal pattern of ring-like micelles). In terms of the conditions which appeared to promote the formation of ISCOM matrices, the area of the phase diagrams associated with systems containing these structures increased in the order: hydrated in water/short equilibration period < hydrated in buffer/short equilibration period < hydrated in water/prolonged equilibration period. ISCOM matrices appeared to form over time from samples, which initially contained a high concentration of ring-like micelles suggesting that these colloidal structures may be precursors to ISCOM matrix formation. Helices were also frequently found in samples containing ISCOM matrices as a minor colloidal structure. Equilibration time and presence of buffer salts also promoted the formation of liposomes in systems not containing Quil A. These parameters however, did not appear to significantly affect the occurrence and predominance of other structures present in the pseudo-binary systems containing Quil A. Pseudo-ternary phase diagrams of PC, Chol and Quil A are important to identify combinations which will produce different colloidal structures, particularly ISCOM matrices, by the method of lipid film hydration. Colloidal structures comprising these three components are readily prepared by hydration of dried lipid films and may have application in vaccine delivery where the functionality of ISCOMs has clearly been demonstrated. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report on the trapping, rotation, and in-situ growth of birefringent tetragonal lysozyme crystals in optical tweezers operating at a wavelength of 1070 nm. Variation of the pH and lysozyme concentration of the solution during growth was used to alter the length to width ratio of the crystals, and hence their orientation in the tweezers. Crystals with the optical axis skewed or perpendicular to the trapping-beam axis could be rotated by changing the orientation of linearly polarized light. We observed spontaneous spinning of some asymmetric crystals in the presence of linearly polarized light, due to radiation pressure effects. Addition of protein to the solution in the tweezers permitted real-time observation of crystal growth. (C) 2004 Optical Society of America.
Our group has developed an ovine model of deep dermal, partial-thickness burn where the fetus heals scarlessly and the lamb heals with scar. The comparison of collagen structure between these two different mechanisms of healing may elucidate the process of scarless wound healing. Picrosirius staining followed by polarized light microscopy was used to visualize collagen fibers, with digital capture and analysis. Collagen deposition increased with fetal age and the fibers became thicker, changing from green (type III collagen) to yellow/red (type I collagen). The ratio of type III collagen to type I was high in the fetus (166), whereas the lamb had a much lower ratio (0.2). After burn, the ratios of type III to type I collagen did not differ from those in control skin for either fetus or lamb. The fetal tissue maintained normal tissue architecture after burn while the lamb tissue showed irregular collagen organization. In conclusion, the type or amount of collagen does not alter significantly after injury. Tissue architecture differed between fetal and lamb tissue, suggesting that scar development is related to collagen cross-linking or arrangement. This study indicates that healing in the scarless fetal wound is representative of the normal fetal growth pattern, rather than a response to burn injury.
The aim of the present study was to prepare solid Quil A-cholesterol-phospholid formulations (as powder mixtures or compressed to pellets) by physical mixing or by freeze-drying of aqueous dispersions of these components in ratios that allow spontaneous formation of ISCOMs and other colloidal stuctures upon hydration. The effect of addition of excess cholesterol to the lipid mixtures on the release of a model antigen (PE-FITC-OVA) from the pellets was also investigated. Physical properties were evaluated by X-ray powder diffractometry (XPRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and polarized light microscopy (PLM). Characterization of aqueous colloidal dispersions was performed by negative staining transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Physically mixed powders (with or without PE-FITC-OVA) and pellets prepared from the same powders did not spontaneously form ISCOM matrices and related colloidal structures such as worm-like micelles, ring-like micelles, lipidic/layered structures and lamellae (hexagonal array of ring-like micelles) upon hydration as expected from the pseudo-temary diagram for aqueous mixtures of Quil A, cholesterol and phospholipid. In contrast, spontaneous formation of the expected colloids was demonstrated for the freeze-dried lipid mixtures. Pellets prepared by compression of freeze-dried powders released PE-FITC-OVA slower than those prepared from physically mixed powders. TEM investigations revealed that the antigen was released in the form of colloidal particles (ISCOMs) from pellets prepared by compression of freeze-dried powders. The addition of excess cholesterol slowed down the release of antigen. The findings obtained in this study are important for the formulation of solid Quil A-containing lipid articles as controlled particulate adjuvant containing antigen delivery systems. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Gonodactyloid stomatopod crustaceans possess polarization vision, which enables them to discriminate light of different e-vector angle. Their unusual apposition compound eyes are divided by an equatorial band of six rows of enlarged, structurally modified ommatidia, the mid-band (MB). The rhabdoms of the two most ventral MB rows 5 and 6 are structurally designed for polarization vision. Here we show, with electrophysiological recordings, that the photoreceptors R1-R7 within these two MB rows in Gonodactylus chiragra are highly sensitive to linear polarized light of two orthogonal directions (PS=6.1). They possess a narrow spectral sensitivity peaking at 565 nm. Unexpectedly, photoreceptors within the distal rhabdomal tier of MB row 2 also possess highly sensitive linear polarization receptors, which are in their spectral and polarization characteristics similar to the receptors of MB rows 5 and 6. Photoreceptors R1-R7 within the remainder of the MB exhibit low polarization sensitivity (PS=2.3). Outside the MB, in the two hemispheres, R1-R7 possess medium linear polarization sensitivity (PS=3.8) and a broad spectral sensitivity peaking at around 500 nm, typical for most crustaceans. Throughout the retina the most distally situated UV-sensitive R8 cells are not sensitive to linear polarized light.
Promoted ignition tests and quench tests have been conducted and analysed for 3.2 mm aluminum rods in 99.995% oxygen. Tests have been conducted in oxygen pressures varying from 538 kPa to 773 kPa. Samples that self-extinguished or were quenched were selected for further analysis. The microstructure of the selected samples were analysed by electron microscopy, using energy dispersive spectrometry and electron back-scatter techniques, to identify and visualize, respectively, the species present. The grain structures of these samples were etched, viewed and photographed under polarized light by an optical microscope. From the micrographs produced by the post-test analysis, clearly defined boundaries between the oxide and the melted and resolidified metal have been observed. In both the melted and resolidified metal and the oxide layer, significant numbers of gas bubbles, solid inclusions and several diffuse oxide bubbles have been captured during the cooling process. It is concluded that convective movement is occurring within the molten drop and that analysis of quenched samples provides more useful information on the state of the burning droplet than samples allowed to cool slowly to room temperature. Recommendations are made regarding future investigations into aluminum burning, focusing on the transport of reactants through the liquid oxide layer.
We report an in-fiber polarizer implemented using a 45° tilted FBG. Polarization extinction ratio of 28dB at 1550nm and HMFW over 80nm has been demonstrated. When the un-polarized light passes this device, 99.5% of degree of polarization can be achieved.
We report an in-fiber polarizer implemented using a 45° tilted FBG. Polarization extinction ratio of 28dB at 1550nm and HMFW over 80nm has been demonstrated. When the un-polarized light passes this device, 99.5% of degree of polarization can be achieved.