977 resultados para Outsorcing de RH


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Amblyomma incisum Neumann is a major tick species in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Tapir is the main host for adult ticks and a high aggressiveness of nymphs to humans has been reported. In this work data on the biology and life cycle of this tick species is presented for the first time. It was shown that horse is a suitable host for A. incisum adults and rabbit for larvae and nymphs. It was also shown that A. incisum is a big tick species (mean engorged female weight of 1.96 g) with a long life cycle which lasts 262.3 days when maintained at 27A degrees C and 85% RH. These laboratory conditions were, however, inappropriate and egg hatching rate (1.2%) was very low. Nevertheless egg hatching of ticks in a forest patch increased considerably (72.2%) indicating that this A. incisum population is highly dependent on a forest-like environment.


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Objectives: This study examined the retention of solvents within experimental HEMA/solvent primers after two conditions for solvent evaporation: from a free surface or from dentine surface. Methods: Experimental primers were prepared by mixing 35% HEMA with 65% water, methanol, ethanol or acetone (v/v). Aliquots of each primer (50 mu l) were placed on glass wells or they were applied to the surface of acid-etched dentine cubes (2 mm x 2 mm x 2 mm) (n = 5). For both conditions (i.e. from free surface or dentine cubes), change in primers mass due to solvent evaporation was gravimetrically measured for 10 min at 51% RH and 21 degrees C. The rate of solvent evaporation was calculated as a function of loss of primers mass (%) over time. Data were analysed by two-way ANOVA and Student-Newman-Keuls (p < 0.05). Results: There were significant differences between solvent retention(%) and evaporation rate (%/min) depending on the solvent present in the primer and the condition for evaporation (from free surface or dentine cubes) (p < 0.05). For both conditions, the greatest amount of retained solvent was observed for HEMA/water primer. The rate of solvent evaporation for HEMA/acetone primer was almost 2- to 10-times higher than for HEMA/water primer depending whether evaporation occurred, respectively, from a free surface or dentine cubes. The rate of solvent evaporation varied with time, being in general highest at the earliest periods. Conclusions: The rate of solvent evaporation and its retention into HEMA/solvent primers was influenced by the type of the solvent and condition allowed for their evaporation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The prevalence of neoplasia in birds is generally low; however, in some species of companion and aviary birds, the incidence is high and neoplasia is a common cause of death. Surgical excision or limb amputation has been performed as the therapeutic plan. Chemotherapy in the treatment of avian neoplasia is largely empirical and poorly documented. For example, cisplatin has been used intralesionally in macaws (Ara species) with limited clinical success. Eight sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita), under general isoflurane anesthesia, were infused intravenously with cisplatin at 6.4 or 1.0 mg/kg over 1 hour and hydrated with lactated Ringer's solution for 1 hour before and 2 hours after cisplatin infusion. Birds were euthanatized 96 hours after infusion, except for 2 birds given the low cisplatin dose, which were euthanatized on day 35 after dosing. All birds tolerated the study procedure while under anesthesia. Blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate did not change significantly. In the low-dose group, the mean cloacal temperature decreased significantly during the infusion period (P < .001) and then rose progressively to preinfusion values by 24 hours. Also in this group, the mean body weight tended to increase during the infusion period before significantly decreasing (P < .05) by 5% at 96 hours after dosing. At 24 hours after dosing, all birds were bright and eating. However, intermittent regurgitation and fecal changes (moist, dark green feces and yellow urates) occurred in 3 of 8 birds, especially those given the high dose. By 72 hours after dosing, droppings in the low-dose group were normal in appearance. One bird in the high-dose group died by 94 hours after dosing. Myelosuppression was not observed in any bird and at necropsy, no evidence of cisplatin toxicity was found except in 1 bird given the high cisplatin dose. On histology, this bird showed nephrotoxicity, and its serum uric acid levels and mean estimated white blood cell count increased significantly by 24 hours after dosing. This paper reports for the first time the effect of systemic cisplatin administration in birds and provides veterinarians data for formulating efficacious and safe protocols for platinum-containing compounds when treating neoplasia in parrots and other companion birds.


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Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the function of primitive hematopoietic stem cells (PHSC) at phases G(0) and G(1) of the cell cycle. Materials and Methods. A combination of supravital dyes rhodamine123 (Rh), Hoechst33342 (Ho), and pyronin (PY) was used to isolate the G(0) and G(1) subsets of PHSC. A competitive repopulation assay was used to evaluate their in vivo function. Results. We confirmed that the Rh(lo)Lin(-)Kit(+)Sca-1(+) PHSC were relatively quiescent when compared with the more mature Rh(hi)Lin(-)Kit(+)Sca-1 HSC and Rh(hi)Lin(-)Kit(+)Sca-1(-) progenitors. In addition, cells with Rh(lo)Lin(-)Kit(+)Sca-1(+), Rh(lo)Ho(lo)Lin(-)Sca-1(+), or Rh(lo)Ho(sp)Lin(-)Sca-1(+) phenotypes identified the same cell population. We further subfractionated the Rh(lo)Ho(lo/sp)Lin(-)Sca-1(+) PHSC using PY into PYlo and PYhi subsets. Limiting dilution analysis revealed that the frequency of long-term in vivo competitive repopulating units (CRU) of the (PYRhHolo/sp)-Rh-lo-Ho-lo PHSC was 1 in 10 cells, whereas there was at least a three-fold lower frequency in those isolated at the G(1) phase (PYhi) We found a dose-dependent PY-mediated cytotoxicity that at moderate concentration affected most of the murine hematopoietic compartment but spared the early HSC compartment. Conclusion. Our data confirm that the HSC compartment is hierarchically ordered on the basis of quiescence and further extend this concept to PY-mediated cytotoxicity. PY supravital dye can be used to reveal functional heterogeneity within the (RhHolosp)-Ho-lo PHSC population but is of limited use in dissecting the relatively more mature hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell population. (C) 2001 International Society for Experimental Hematology. Published by Elsevier Science Inc.


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The placenta must allow the passage of iodide from the maternal to the fetal circulation for synthesis of thyroxine by the fetal thyroid. The thyroid sodium iodide symporter (NIS) was cloned in 1996 and, although widely distributed among epithelial tissues, early studies failed to detect it in placenta. We demonstrated NIS mRNA in human placenta and in the human choriocarcinoma cell line, JAr. NIS protein was localized to trophoblasts, with a tendency to apical distribution, in sections of human placenta immunostained with a monoclonal antibody against hNIS. We conclude that NIS is expressed in placenta and may mediate placental iodide transport. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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A circulated heated-air treatment at 92% RH to achieve and maintain a minimum fruit core temperature of 44°C for 2 h is shown to disinfest tomatoes against Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) for market access quarantine purposes. The efficacy of the treatment exceeded 99.99%, tested at the 95% confidence level. An estimated 78 439 eggs were used for large-scale trials, as the stage of the pest most tolerant of heat at the treatment temperature.


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Measurement of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) of the elderly requires instruments with demonstrated sensitivity, reliability, and validity, particularly with the increasing proportion of older people entering the health care system. This article reports the psychometric properties of the 12-item Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL) instrument in chronically ill community-dwelling elderly people with an 18-month follow-up. Comparator instruments included the SF-36 and the OARS. Construct validity of the AQoL was strong when examined via factor analysis and convergent and divergent validity against other scales. Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve analyses and relative efficiency estimates indicated the AQoL is sensitive, responsive, and had the strongest predicative validity for nursing home entry. It was also sensitive to economic prediction over the follow-up. Given these robust psychometric properties and the brevity of the scale, AQoL appears to be a suitable instrument for epidemiologic studies where HRQoL and utility data are required from elderly populations. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Two varieties of adzuki beans (Vigna angularis), Bloodwood and Erimo, were stored at temperatures of 10, 20 or 30degreesC, and relative humidities (RH) 40 or 65%, and samples were analysed at 0, 1.5, 3 and 6 months. Storage at 30degreesC for > 1.5 months caused a significant decrease in the a(star) and b(star) colour values and darkening of the seed coat. Beans stored at 65% RH had lower L-star but higher a(star) and b(star) colour values than those stored at 40% RH. Bloodwood and Erimo samples showed similar trends in colour during storage. The best storage conditions for the preservation of the adzuki colour were 10degreesC and 65% RH. The Australian beans had lower L-star, a(star) and b(star) colour values than Japanese Erimo-shouzu beans and storage increased the difference.


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Two varieties of adzuki grown in Australia, Bloodwood and Erimo, were stored for up to 6 months at three temperatures (10, 20 and 30 degreesC), and two relative humidities (RH; 40 and 65%). The amount of cell wall material increased with time under all storage conditions. This increase was greatest at 30 degreesC and 40% RH. Storage time and conditions did not affect the total pectin levels in the cell wall. Erimo constantly exhibited a higher total pectin level than Bloodwood. The Bloodwood soluble pectin, Ca++ and Mg++ and Erimo Ca++ in the cell wall remained stable during storage, while the Erimo soluble pectin and Mg++ exhibited a slight decrease at 20 and 30 degreesC after 3 months of storage. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three different particular geometrical shapes of parallelepiped, cylinder and sphere were taken from cut green beans (length:diameter = 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1) and potatoes (aspect ratio = 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1) and peas, respectively. Their drying behaviour in a fluidised bed was studied at three different drying temperatures of 30, 40 and 50 degreesC (RH = 15%). Drying curves were constructed using non-dimensional moisture ratio (MR) and time and their behaviour was modelled using exponential (MR = exp(-kt)) and Page (MR = exp(-kt(n))) models. The effective diffusion coefficient of moisture transfer was determined by Fickian method using uni- and three-dimensional moisture movements. The diffusion coefficient was least affected by the size when the moisture movement was considered three-dimensional, whereas the drying temperature had a significative effect on diffusivity as expected. The drying constant and diffusivity coefficients were on the descending order for potato, beans and peas. The Arrhenius activation energy for the peas was also highest, indicating a strong barrier to moisture movement in peas as compared to beans and skinless cut potato pieces. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The sorption properties of yapunyah (Eucalyptus ochropholia) and yellow box (Eucalyptus melliodora) honeys (Australian unifloral honeys) were investigated in a controlled relative humidity (RH) environment at 30degreesC for 71 days. The original water activity of the honeys affected the sorption properties. These two honeys absorbed moisture at and above 67.9% RH and desorbed moisture at and below 51.4% RH. The crystallisation behaviour of tea tree (Melaleuca quinquenervia) and yapunyah honeys was studied during storage at 13 and 23 degreesC. The degree of crystallisation was monitored by measuring the absorbance at 660 and 665 nm using a spectrophotometer. The heat-treated honeys did not show any sign of crystallisation after S months, whereas a seeding with precrystallised honey induced crystallisation of the same honeys. This crystallisation was more rapid at 13 than at 23degreesC. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.


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Paolo Rodrigues, um jovem funcion??rio com experi??ncia como supervisor de equipe, acabou de ser nomeado diretor de um ??rg??o p??blico canadense, deixando para tr??s a candidatura de dois supervisores mais experientes que j?? faziam parte de sua nova equipe. Esperava-se de Paolo uma mudan??a cultural na unidade, foco de insatisfa????o do alto escal??o, sem altera????es bruscas na equipe. O jovem diretor iniciou processo de reestrutura????o da equipe, mas se deparou com resist??ncias e m??goas. Paolo aconselhou-se com o RH do ??rg??o, por??m foi tomado por questionamentos acerca do seu papel enquanto chefe. Ao final, o desafio do caso ?? posto: como usar as habilidades de dirigente para lidar com um ???funcion??rio-problema???? O caso presta-se ao ensino de temas como lideran??a, gest??o de pessoas, gest??o de conflitos e processo decis??rio


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O caso relata situa????o na qual o gerente de uma unidade colocou um de seus servidores ?? disposi????o da ??rea de RH alegando n??o ter necessidade dos seus servi??os. A ??rea de RH encaminhou o servidor para uma entrevista de avalia????o de potencial de desenvolvimento, de forma a recomendar alternativas de realoca????o. Apurou-se que o servidor havia se submetido a uma junta m??dico-pericial cujo laudo concluiu por ressalvas de sa??de no campo ps??quico, mas recomendou a sua perman??ncia no trabalho, desde que compat??vel com a sua capacidade. O servidor demonstrou disposi????o e interesse para o retorno e remanejamento interno ?? pr??pria unidade e de adapta????o a novas tarefas. Ilustra situa????o que poder?? contribuir em discuss??es sobre gest??o de pessoas e lideran??a


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O presente relat??rio visa divulgar informa????es atualizadas sobre o perfil profissional dos Dirigentes de Recursos Humanos (DRH) do SIPEC resultantes de uma pesquisa realizada pela ENAP em 2000. Trata-se do levantamento das principais caracter??sticas desse segmento estrat??gico da administra????o p??blica federal no que diz respeito ?? identifica????o do seu perfil demogr??fico, forma????oe trajet??ria profissional, principais atividades e rotina, percep????o sobre o papel atual e futuro no processo de capacita????o de servidores, expectativas de aperfei??oamento em gest??o de RH e vis??o sobre as novas tend??ncias da gest??o de RH


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O objetivo desta apresenta????o ?? analisar duas edi????es realizadas desse novo curso de forma????o e discuti-la tendo em vista os desafios contempor??neos da administra????o p??blica. Para tanto, o texto apresenta: hist??rico da carreira no Governo Federal; resumo dos cursos de forma????o realizados entre 1988 a 2004 pela ENAP; an??lise da reformula????o do programa de forma????o; propostas para a forma????o continuada para a administra????o p??blica contempor??nea e considera????es finais