570 resultados para Niah Cave


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In this paper, a synopsis on the already known data, and the study of further specimens either new (*) or hither to undescribed are presented. The specimens dealt with have been collected at the Condeixa travertines; in the Tagus terraces near Carregado(*) and at Foz do Enxarrique(*); in the mousterian, about 31000 BP infilling from the Figueira Brava cave(*); and at Algar de Joao Ramos(*). Some specimens are ascribed to Elephas antiquus, the best represented form. Material from Figueira Brava cave and Algar de João Ramos is ascribed to Mammuthus primigenius, a species recognized here for the first time in Portugal.


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The phlebotomine sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis has been incriminated as a vector of American visceral leishmaniasis, caused by Leishmania chagasi. However, some evidence has been accumulated suggesting that it may exist in nature not as a single but as a species complex. Our goal was to compare four laboratory reference populations of L. longipalpis from distinct geographic regions at the molecular level by RAPD-PCR. We screened genomic DNA for polymorphic sites by PCR amplification with decamer single primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequences. One primer distinguished one population (Marajó Island, Pará State, Brazil) from the other three (Lapinha Cave, Minas Gerais State, Brazil; Melgar, Tolima Department, Colombia and Liberia, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica). The population-specific and the conserved RAPD-PCR amplified fragments were cloned and shown to differ only in number of internal repeats.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Perfil de Construção


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biology at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


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The paleontological richness of Morocco has been scientifically known since at least the early 20th century. The region of the Middle Atlas, more specifically the Boulemane area, has been however only sparsely studied since the 60’s when it supplied various vertebrate fossils from the Middle Jurassic.In the beginning of the 2000’s some fossil bones were discovered in a new fossil-site near the village of Taghrout, in the Boulemane area and in September 2013 a Moroccan-Portuguese expedition made excavations in the site with the help locals from the village of Taghrout. The site is Pleistocene in age and is located on a rare bone bearing small high-altitude sedimentary basin, non-charted in previous geological maps. The excavations yielded new bone material from large mammals. The most common findings are elephants ascribed to the genus Elephas, but artiodactyls, turtles, and in-situ hominid Acheulean tools were also collected. During the excavation campaign the Jurassic sites were revisited and new dinosaur trails and possible crocodilomorph bones were discovered. Surface collection of in a cave near Taghrout with Holocene mammal material, including the genera Canis, Capra, Bos, Panthera and Hystrix was also conducted and its fossils elements identified.


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One of the major challenges in the development of an immersive system is handling the delay between the tracking of the user’s head position and the updated projection of a 3D image or auralised sound, also called end-to-end delay. Excessive end-to-end delay can result in the general decrement of the “feeling of presence”, the occurrence of motion sickness and poor performance in perception-action tasks. These latencies must be known in order to provide insights on the technological (hardware/software optimization) or psychophysical (recalibration sessions) strategies to deal with them. Our goal was to develop a new measurement method of end-to-end delay that is both precise and easily replicated. We used a Head and Torso simulator (HATS) as an auditory signal sensor, a fast response photo-sensor to detect a visual stimulus response from a Motion Capture System, and a voltage input trigger as real-time event. The HATS was mounted in a turntable which allowed us to precisely change the 3D sound relative to the head position. When the virtual sound source was at 90º azimuth, the correspondent HRTF would set all the intensity values to zero, at the same time a trigger would register the real-time event of turning the HATS 90º azimuth. Furthermore, with the HATS turned 90º to the left, the motion capture marker visualization would fell exactly in the photo-sensor receptor. This method allowed us to precisely measure the delay from tracking to displaying. Moreover, our results show that the method of tracking, its tracking frequency, and the rendering of the sound reflections are the main predictors of end-to-end delay.


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Immersive environments (IE) are being increasingly used in order to perform psychophysical experiments. The versatility in terms of stimuli presentation and control and the less time-consuming procedures are their greatest strengths. However, to ensure that IE results can be generalized to real world scenarios we must first provide evidence that performance in IE is quantitatively indistinguishable from performance in real-world. Our goal was to perceptually validate distance perception for CAVE-like IEs. Participants performed a Frontal Matching Distance Task (Durgin & Li, 2011) in three different conditions: real-world scenario (RWS); photorealistic IE (IEPH) and non-photorealistic IE (IENPH). Underestimation of distance was found across all the conditions, with a significant difference between the three conditions (Wilks’ Lambda = .38, F(2,134)= 110.8, p<.01, significant pairwise differences with p<.01). We found a mean error of 2.3 meters for the RWS, 5 meters for the IEPH, and of 6 meters for the IENPH in a pooled data set of 5 participants. Results indicate that while having a photorealistic IE with perspective and stereoscopic depth cues might not be enough to elicit a real-world performance in distance judgment tasks, nevertheless this type of environment minimizes the discrepancy between simulation and real-world when compared with non-photorealistic IEs.


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The development of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) environments raises several challenges in terms of their evaluation. Ubicomp virtual reality prototyping tools enable users to experience the system to be developed and are of great help to face those challenges, as they support developers in assessing the consequences of a design decision in the early phases of development. Given the situated nature of ubicomp environments, a particular issue to consider is the level of realism provided by the prototypes. This work presents a case study where two ubicomp prototypes, featuring different levels of immersion (desktop-based versus CAVE-based), were developed and compared. The goal was to determine the cost/benefits relation of both solutions, which provided better user experience results, and whether or not simpler solutions provide the same user experience results as more elaborate one.


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წარმოდგენილია მონაცემები წყალტუბოს მღვიმეში რადიონის, მსუბუქი აეროიონების შემცველობისა და გამა-რადიაციული ფონის შესახებ. სხვადასხვა დარბაზში რადონის კონცენტრაცია იცვლება 307 დან 6905 ბკ/მ3-მდე, გამა-რადიაციული ფონი 45 დან 133 ნზე/სთ, ხოლო აეროიონების ჯამური შემადგენლობა 32000 დან 135000 იონი/სმ3-მდე.


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ყუმისთავის კარსტული მღვიმე შესწავლილია ძიების ელექტრომეტრული მეთოდებით – ვერტიკალური ელექტრული ზონდირება, სიმეტრიული ელექტროფილირება, ბუნებრივი ელექტრული ველის მეთოდი. გამოკვლევების შედეგები ერთმანეთს კარგად ემთხვევა. ჩატარებული კვლევების შედეგად მღვიმეში და მის გასწვრივ დღიურ ზედაპირზე გამოვლენილია ნაპრალთა სისტემები, რომლებიც ქმნიან საკმაოდ მძლავრ გათხიერებულ ზონებს და გამოყოფენ სხვადასხვა სიდიდის გავრცელების ბლოკებს. ყუმისთავის კარსტული მღვიმე ექსპლუატაციის თვალსაზრისით საკმაოდ მაღალი რისკის ობიექტს წარმოადგენს.


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ნაშრომში მოყვანილია წყალტუბოს მღვიმის ჰაერში მსუბუქი იონების, ასევე რადონისა და მისი დაშლის პროდუქტების შემადგენლობის კვლევის წინასწარი შედეგები. მოცემულია მღვიმის ზოგიერთი მიკროკლიმატური მახასიათებლები (ჰაერის ტემპერატურა, სინოტივე, ჰაერში აეროზოლებისა და ოზონის შემცველობა). დასაბათუბელია მღვიმის ტურისტულ საექსკურსიო და სამკურნალო მიზნით გამოყენების შესაძლებლობა. განკუთვნილია მეცნიერ მუშაკებისათვის, ინჟინრებისათვის, ექიმებისათვის, რომლებიც თავიანთი საქმიანობით დაკავშირებული არიან სპელოგიის, სპელეოთერაპიის, კლიმატოლოგიის, ატმოსფეროს ფიზიკის, ეკოლოგიის, რადიომეტრიის, რადიოლოგიის პრობლემებთან.


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The chromosomes of the cave millipede Pseudonannolene strinatii Mauriès, 1974 were investigated. The diploid chromosome number was found to be 2n=16, XX/XY; the C-banding technique revealed a large amount of heterochromatin while the silver staining technique (Ag-NOR) evidenced the presence of heteromorphism of the NORs in some cells.


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To identify wild hosts of Trypanosoma cruzi, surveys were conducted in the subandean valleys of Jujuy Province, Argentina, between June 1986 and March 1987. Seventy two mammals from 13 different species were examined by xenodiagnosis. Fifty two of them were mostly roedents trapped at the localities of Maimará, León and Tilcara, and the remainder had been kept in captivity at the Estación Biológica Experimental, in Jujuy. Trypanosoma cruzi infection was detected only in 2 Octodontomys gliroides (2 pos./8 exam. 25%) from all 72 examined mammals. Isolates were called Octodontomys Argentina 1 and 2 (OA1 and OA2). Both infected animals were caught at the archaelogical ruin of Pucará, at Tilcara. Repeated searches for triatomines in the ruin itself and in neighbour houses rendered negative results. Groups of mice inoculated with either OA1 or OA2 isolates became infected between 7 (OA1) to 12 days (OA2) postinoculation PI. Parasitemia peaks were observed between day 12th - 14th PI. Scarce amastigote nests were found in myocardium and skeletal muscle. Mortality was observed only for mice inoculated with OA1. Isoenzyme patterns of OA1 and OA2 were identical to one found in dogs and slightly different from that of human parasites in Argentina. Bones from Octodontomys sp., were recently found in a cave, dated 10200-8600 BC, in Pumamarca, near Tilcara, Jujuy. There are evidences that O. gliroides cohabited with man in ancient times and was associated to the domestic cycle of T. cruzi transmission, playing a role like that of domestic cavies. in Bolivia.


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Every time another corporate scandal captures media headlines, the 'bad apple vs. bad barrel' discussion starts anew. Yet this debate overlooks the influence of the broader societal context on organizational behavior. In this article, we argue that misbehaviors of organizations (the 'barrels') and their members (the 'apples') cannot be addressed properly without a clear understanding of their broader context (the 'larder'). Whereas previously, a strong societal framework dampened the practical application of the Homo economicus concept (business actors as perfectly rational and egocentric utility-maximizing agents without any moral concern), specialization, individualization and globalization led to a business world disembedded from broader societal norms. This emancipated business world promotes a literal interpretation of Homo economicus among business organizations and their members. Consequently, we argue that the first step toward 'healthier' apples and barrels is to sanitize the larder, that is, adapt the framework in which organizations and their members evolve.Chaque fois qu'un nouveau scandale fait la une des médias, la question de savoir si le problème se situe au niveau des individus (des 'pommes isolées') ou au niveau des organisations (les 'caisses de pommes') refait surface. Ce débat tend néanmoins à sous-estimer l'influence du contexte sociétal plus large sur le comportement dans les organisations. Dans cet article, nous soutenons l'idée que les scandales éthiques dans les organisations ou parmi leurs membres ne peuvent être compris correctement sans une vision plus précise de leur contexte plus large (la 'cave à pommes'). Si dans le passé un contexte sociétal fort permettait d'adoucir les applications pratiques de l'Homo economicus (qui considère l'acteur économique comme un agent parfaitement rationnel et égocentrique cherchant à maximiser son utilité sans réflexion morale), l'individualisation et la globalisation ont conduit à un monde économique désencastré et déconnecté des normes sociales plus larges. Ce monde économique autonome promouvoit une interprétation littérale de l'Homo economicus parmi les entreprises et leurs employés. Il en résulte que le premier pas vers des pommes moins pourries passe par un assainissement de la cave, c'est-à-dire l'adoption d'un cadre socio-normatif qui permet un recadrage du contexte dans lequel les organisations économiques et leurs acteurs agissent.