999 resultados para Military fortification


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Les fortifications de la Grèce du Nord des époques archaïque, classique et hellénistique n’avaient à ce jour jamais fait l’objet d’une étude de synthèse permettant d’identifier, de décrire et de comparer l’ensemble des remparts de cette région. Mises à part les fortifications des grandes cités bien connues grâce aux fouilles archéologiques et à la bonne préservation des structures, telles Amphipolis, Philippi et Thasos, les autres murailles ou systèmes défensifs du Nord de l’Égée sont pratiquement inconnus, d’où l’intérêt d’une telle recherche. Les seuls ouvrages collectifs en lien avec les fortifications du Nord sont ceux de D. Lazaridis qui, en s’intéressant aux peraia de Thasos et Samothrace, nous laissa les plans topographiques de nombreux établissements fortifiés, sans toutefois en faire la description. Ce mémoire propose donc un catalogue raisonné de l’architecture militaire du Nord de la Grèce, complété par un commentaire exhaustif où les vestiges défensifs seront comparés de façon régionale et, lorsque possible, avec l’ensemble du monde grec. Au total, 37 établissements de plusieurs types (cité, phrourion et emporion) font l’objet de cette étude. Cependant, contrairement aux grandes études sur le sujet qui présentent de magnifiques remparts, cet ouvrage est souvent confronté à des vestiges fragmentaires qui certes, laissent place à l’interprétation et à la discussion, mais provoquent aussi une certaine frustration, puisque parfois, l’état des ruines restreint notre travail. Bien que le développement des fortifications grecques pose encore de nombreux problèmes, on constate une évolution architecturale aux périodes archaïque, classique et hellénistique, également attestée en Grèce du Nord. Mais comme le démontre notre étude, les Grecs établis dans ce territoire colonial provenaient de plusieurs régions et ils ont apporté avec eux leurs traditions et des techniques particulières qui ont largement influencées les ouvrages défensifs de leurs nouvelles cités.


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Objective: The goal of this study was to identify rates, characteristies, and predictors of mental health treatment seeking by military members with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Method: Our sample was drawn from the 2002 Canadian Community Health Survey-Canadian Forces Supplement (CCHS-CF) dataset. The CCHS-CF is the first epidemiologic survey of PTSD and other mental health conditions in the Canadian military and includes 8441 nationally representative Canadian Forces (CF) members. Of those, 549 who met the criteria for lifetime PTSD were included in our analyses. To identify treatment rates and characteristics, we examined frequency of treatment contact by professional and facility type. To identify predictors of treatment seeking, we conducted a binary logistic regression with lifetime treatment seeking as the outcome variable. Results: About two-thirds of those with PTSD consulted with a professional regarding mental health problems. The most frequently consulted professionals, during both the last year and lifetime, included social workers and counsellors, medical doctors and general practitioners, and psychiatrists. Consultations during the last year most often took place in a CF facility. Treatment seeking was predicted by cumulative lifetime trauma exposure, index traumatic event type, PTSD symptom interference, and comorbid major depressive disorder. Those with comorbid depression were 3.75 times more likely to have sought treatment than those without. Conclusions: Although a significant portion of military members with PTSD sought mental health treatment, 1 in 3 never did. Trauma-related and illness and (or) need factors predicted treatment seeking. Of all the predictors of treatment seeking, comorbid depression most increased the likelihood of seeking treatment.


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Stories of artists who were arrested and accused of spying while drawing landscape remain relatively unknown in the history of open-air drawing in the Renaissance period, when landscape raised new aesthetic issues as well as strategic and military tensions. This article focuses on Francisco de Holanda, a Portuguese artist who travelled through Italy between 1538 and 1542. Having embarked on a visual-spying mission of the peninsula's fortresses, he wrote essays on drawing and painting in which landscape representation took on a strategic dimension ans was celebrated as such. At the same time, treatises on the 'art of travelling' provided a great deal of advice on how to draw and map foreign territories 'without raising suspicion', while treatises on fortification often addressed military secret. Examining the figure of the draughtsman together with his graphic production at the service of art or war leads to a wider reflection on the development of a certain vision of landscape in the modern West.


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Civilians constitute a large share of casualties in civil wars across the world. They are targeted to create fear and punish allegiance with the enemy. This maximizes collaboration with the perpetrator and strengthens the support network necessary to consolidate control over contested regions. I develop a model of the magnitude and structure of civilian killings in civil wars involving two armed groups who Öght over territorial control. Armies secure compliance through a combination of carrots and sticks. In turn, civilians di§er from each other in their intrinsic preference towards one group. I explore the e§ect of the empowerment of one of the groups in the civilian death toll. There are two e§ects that go in opposite directions. While a direct e§ect makes the powerful group more lethal, there is an indirect e§ect by which the number of civilians who align with that group increases, leaving less enemy supporters to kill. I study the conditions under which there is one dominant e§ect and illustrate the predictions using sub-national longitudinal data for Colombiaís civil war.


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Population models are essential components of large-scale conservation and management plans for the federally endangered Golden-cheeked Warbler (Setophaga chrysoparia; hereafter GCWA). However, existing models are based on vital rate estimates calculated using relatively small data sets that are now more than a decade old. We estimated more current, precise adult and juvenile apparent survival (Φ) probabilities and their associated variances for male GCWAs. In addition to providing estimates for use in population modeling, we tested hypotheses about spatial and temporal variation in Φ. We assessed whether a linear trend in Φ or a change in the overall mean Φ corresponded to an observed increase in GCWA abundance during 1992-2000 and if Φ varied among study plots. To accomplish these objectives, we analyzed long-term GCWA capture-resight data from 1992 through 2011, collected across seven study plots on the Fort Hood Military Reservation using a Cormack-Jolly-Seber model structure within program MARK. We also estimated Φ process and sampling variances using a variance-components approach. Our results did not provide evidence of site-specific variation in adult Φ on the installation. Because of a lack of data, we could not assess whether juvenile Φ varied spatially. We did not detect a strong temporal association between GCWA abundance and Φ. Mean estimates of Φ for adult and juvenile male GCWAs for all years analyzed were 0.47 with a process variance of 0.0120 and a sampling variance of 0.0113 and 0.28 with a process variance of 0.0076 and a sampling variance of 0.0149, respectively. Although juvenile Φ did not differ greatly from previous estimates, our adult Φ estimate suggests previous GCWA population models were overly optimistic with respect to adult survival. These updated Φ probabilities and their associated variances will be incorporated into new population models to assist with GCWA conservation decision making.